Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | mineralogy or paleontology |
1 oryctology 2 etymology 3 gemmology 4 acarology 5 limnobiology | |
2 | study of cities |
1 cacogenics 2 stoichiology 3 orthopterology 4 ergonomics 5 urbanology | |
3 | study of kidding |
1 bryology 2 kidology 3 grammatology 4 electrostatics 5 thaumatology | |
4 | study of cockroaches |
1 floristry 2 orthopterology 3 euthenics 4 micropalaeontology 5 reflexology | |
5 | the art of preaching |
1 homiletics 2 naology 3 bionomics 4 patrology 5 docimology | |
6 | study of diseases of weakening and aging |
1 tectonics 2 astrophysics 3 carcinology 4 philately 5 astheniology | |
7 | study of ulcers |
1 protistology 2 cacogenics 3 orthopterology 4 helcology 5 optics | |
8 | study of serums |
1 osmics 2 serology 3 spongology 4 urenology 5 geratology | |
9 | study of bees |
1 melittology 2 proctology 3 bromatology 4 parasitology 5 larithmics | |
10 | study of processes of invention |
1 emmenology 2 synectics 3 phonology 4 lichenology 5 therology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | study of origins of words |
1 stratography 2 cardiology 3 etymology 4 bromatology 5 heraldry | |
12 | science of putting people to death |
1 venereology 2 phoniatrics 3 ktenology 4 theriatrics 5 vermeology | |
13 | study of fossils |
1 palaeontology 2 demology 3 heortology 4 geology 5 dactylography | |
14 | science of teaching adults |
1 andragogy 2 hippiatrics 3 kalology 4 genealogy 5 metapolitics | |
15 | study of productivity of land |
1 helcology 2 chronobiology 3 uranography 4 paidonosology 5 agronomics | |
16 | study of very small plant life |
1 cryobiology 2 thanatology 3 glyptography 4 larithmics 5 microphytology | |
17 | study of aerolites; meteorites |
1 dermatoglyphics 2 aerolithology 3 trichology 4 pharology 5 metrics | |
18 | science of elements of animal tissues |
1 stoichiology 2 bryology 3 eschatology 4 hydrometeorology 5 geography | |
19 | study of the ear |
1 criminology 2 deltiology 3 zoology 4 fluviology 5 otology | |
20 | study of hymns |
1 algedonics 2 hymnology 3 hydrokinetics 4 phillumeny 5 theriatrics | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | study of magnitude, number, and forms |
1 arctophily 2 noology 3 mathematics 4 trichology 5 cosmetology | |
22 | study of sleep; study of hypnosis |
1 hypnology 2 geomorphogeny 3 hygienics 4 endocrinology 5 catalactics | |
23 | study of nutrition |
1 trophology 2 ekistics 3 algedonics 4 hippology 5 theriatrics | |
24 | study of gravitation |
1 barology 2 hydrography 3 ecclesiology 4 areology 5 phraseology | |
25 | study of artillery |
1 genealogy 2 cambistry 3 horology 4 pyroballogy 5 gigantology | |
26 | study of the tissues of organisms |
1 oceanology 2 histology 3 horography 4 astacology 5 carpology | |
27 | art of curing and stuffing animals |
1 glaciology 2 dosiology 3 nematology 4 archaeology 5 taxidermy | |
28 | study of women's physiology |
1 metapolitics 2 lithology 3 threpsology 4 gynaecology 5 toreutics | |
29 | science of meaning |
1 uranology 2 geotechnics 3 geomorphogeny 4 significs 5 hagiology | |
30 | study of fishes |
1 piscatology 2 ichnology 3 soteriology 4 toponymics 5 trophology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | science of the origins of government |
1 gnosiology 2 archaeology 3 sphagnology 4 archology 5 splanchnology | |
32 | study and exploration of caves |
1 bacteriology 2 aceology 3 electrology 4 speleology 5 statics | |
33 | study of teddy bears |
1 arctophily 2 nostology 3 coprology 4 acology 5 periodontics | |
34 | study of future |
1 semasiology 2 futurology 3 cartophily 4 genealogy 5 autology | |
35 | study of fruit |
1 phenomenology 2 gyrostatics 3 proxemics 4 hierology 5 carpology | |
36 | study of history |
1 gigantology 2 hydropathy 3 historiology 4 cosmetology 5 seismology | |
37 | study of devil |
1 melittology 2 aerophilately 3 thanatology 4 satanology 5 urology | |
38 | the science of the ultimate nature of values |
1 axiology 2 historiology 3 micropalaeontology 4 metallography 5 pyrography | |
39 | the study of mosses |
1 chrysology 2 gerocomy 3 garbology 4 muscology 5 genesiology | |
40 | study of protists |
1 protistology 2 loimology 3 characterology 4 diplomatics 5 heortology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | study of agricultural soils |
1 hygrology 2 agrology 3 trichology 4 xylology 5 aphnology | |
42 | study of crime and punishment |
1 otorhinolaryngology 2 penology 3 biometrics 4 aretaics 5 obstetrics | |
43 | ecology |
1 mesology 2 angelology 3 neurology 4 parasitology 5 biology | |
44 | the science of the laws; especially of the mind |
1 zoophytology 2 nomology 3 symptomatology 4 entozoology 5 hematology | |
45 | study of sight |
1 thermology 2 optology 3 ideogeny 4 horography 5 victimology | |
46 | the art of designing a camp |
1 labeorphily 2 geology 3 selenology 4 castramentation 5 orthopterology | |
47 | study of seals and signets |
1 sphragistics 2 glyptography 3 ophiology 4 psychognosy 5 reflexology | |
48 | study of motion of heat |
1 thermokinematics 2 leprology 3 endemiology 4 melittology 5 synectics | |
49 | study of principles of nature and thought |
1 chirocosmetics 2 meconology 3 histology 4 bionomics 5 metaphysics | |
50 | science of the support and mechanics of bridges |
1 hematology 2 barodynamics 3 heortology 4 dactylology 5 aceology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | study of urine; urinary tract |
1 arthrology 2 ctetology 3 urology 4 astrogeology 5 genealogy | |
52 | study of plagues and epidemics |
1 loimology 2 hyetology 3 threpsology 4 gerontology 5 bibliotics | |
53 | study of relation between brain and behaviour |
1 pterylology 2 neuropsychology 3 astrology 4 archelogy 5 physics | |
54 | branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling |
1 zymurgy 2 pelology 3 hypsography 4 balneology 5 theriatrics | |
55 | art of constructing sundials or clocks |
1 horography 2 morphology 3 aerophilately 4 autology 5 spongology | |
56 | study of parasites |
1 palaeolimnology 2 parasitology 3 anaesthesiology 4 criminology 5 idiomology | |
57 | study of mentality, personality or character |
1 ethonomics 2 zoonomy 3 criminology 4 psychognosy 5 loxodromy | |
58 | study of weather |
1 meteorology 2 urology 3 catechectics 4 ethnogeny 5 graphology | |
59 | study of angels |
1 diabology 2 angelology 3 oenology 4 cambistry 5 aerolithology | |
60 | the science of aqueous vapour |
1 nomology 2 palaeolimnology 3 onomastics 4 orthography 5 atmology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | study of handwriting |
1 microphytology 2 geochronology 3 biology 4 nostology 5 graphology | |
62 | study of places and their natural features |
1 malacology 2 mesology 3 musicology 4 topology 5 oneirology | |
63 | study of crime; criminals |
1 pomology 2 sigillography 3 criminology 4 parapsychology 5 phycology | |
64 | study of birds |
1 ornithology 2 entozoology 3 caliology 4 cetology 5 hepatology | |
65 | collection and study of beer bottle labels |
1 pelology 2 alethiology 3 ecology 4 dermatoglyphics 5 labeorphily | |
66 | science of pests |
1 pestology 2 ophiology 3 aerobiology 4 phycology 5 dysgenics | |
67 | collecting of air-mail stamps |
1 chemistry 2 hydrodynamics 3 ekistics 4 immunogenetics 5 aerophilately | |
68 | study of skin |
1 palynology 2 numismatics 3 enzymology 4 dermatology 5 nephology | |
69 | the science of causes; especially of disease |
1 hypsography 2 etiology 3 iridology 4 ctetology 5 uranography | |
70 | study of the atmosphere |
1 aerology 2 heraldry 3 momilogy 4 mesology 5 oneirology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | study of grounds of knowledge |
1 geochemistry 2 histology 3 epistemology 4 electrostatics 5 alethiology | |
72 | study of death and its customs |
1 horography 2 gyrostatics 3 thanatology 4 myrmecology 5 ergology | |
73 | study of earthquakes |
1 thalassography 2 psychognosy 3 horography 4 seismology 5 statics | |
74 | the study of peace |
1 horography 2 mesology 3 irenology 4 lucubration 5 meteoritics | |
75 | the science of electronic devices for aircraft |
1 algedonics 2 avionics 3 sindonology 4 thremmatology 5 cosmology | |
76 | study of nestling birds |
1 papyrology 2 neossology 3 osmics 4 bioecology 5 orthography | |
77 | study of wounds and their effects |
1 ichnology 2 traumatology 3 odontology 4 cosmetology 5 ethnology | |
78 | study of beauty |
1 hydrokinetics 2 phillumeny 3 kalology 4 sindonology 5 oology | |
79 | science of the sea |
1 psychophysics 2 thalassography 3 anthropobiology 4 autology 5 symptomatology | |
80 | study of symbols |
1 obstetrics 2 symbology 3 pyretology 4 kidology 5 geratology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | study of bird's nests |
1 ciselure 2 hygiology 3 entomology 4 alethiology 5 caliology | |
82 | science of housekeeping |
1 timbrology 2 oikology 3 typology 4 gigantology 5 ethology | |
83 | study of airborne organisms |
1 autecology 2 aerobiology 3 ctetology 4 arachnology 5 electrology | |
84 | the art of assaying |
1 hydrometeorology 2 docimology 3 vinology 4 gerontology 5 significs | |
85 | study of liver |
1 philately 2 silvics 3 oneirology 4 hepatology 5 laryngology | |
86 | study of correct pronunciation |
1 orthoepy 2 gromatics 3 trichology 4 anthropobiology 5 docimology | |
87 | study of the throat |
1 etymology 2 nephology 3 rheology 4 pharyngology 5 numismatics | |
88 | art of drawing ground plans |
1 demology 2 proctology 3 ichnography 4 semantology 5 satanology | |
89 | study of sedges |
1 axiology 2 phoniatrics 3 micropalaeontology 4 symbology 5 caricology | |
90 | study of fruit-growing |
1 dactyliology 2 paedotrophy 3 threpsology 4 pomology 5 chirocosmetics | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | study of surface of the earth and its inhabitants |
1 geography 2 graminology 3 osteology 4 dramaturgy 5 psychopathology | |
92 | science or study of grasses |
1 leprology 2 lexicology 3 agrostology 4 hydrobiology 5 gnomonics | |
93 | scientific study of oneself |
1 hygrology 2 immunopathology 3 uranology 4 palaeontology 5 autology | |
94 | study of blood flow and lymphatic system |
1 penology 2 pathology 3 meteoritics 4 odontology 5 angiology | |
95 | study of hearing |
1 aerology 2 audiology 3 geoponics 4 aerobiology 5 cosmetology | |
96 | studying literature by means of statistical analysis |
1 fluviology 2 hygrometry 3 stylometry 4 nasology 5 astrometeorology | |
97 | collection of bond and share certificates |
1 diplomatology 2 cytology 3 thremmatology 4 scripophily 5 teleology | |
98 | study of the mouth |
1 phenomenology 2 genesiology 3 carcinology 4 stomatology 5 palaeobiology | |
99 | study of place-names |
1 archology 2 toponymics 3 theriatrics 4 heortology 5 angelology | |
100 | study of proper names |
1 paedotrophy 2 nematology 3 onomastics 4 futurology 5 phonology |