Quiz 1 of 50 -- Barron words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 relating to paradise; blissful 1 throb
2 elysian
3 graphite
4 noncommittal
5 obituary
2 base of a tree trunk left after the rest has been cut down; V: walk in a heavy manner; baffle; puzzle 1 hobble
2 stump
3 arcade
4 sate
5 optional
3 move with body close to the ground; move stealthily or slowly; N. 1 lexicon
2 creep
3 ancillary
4 hallucination
5 brooch
4 lazy; slow; inactive; lethargic; CF. slug: nail with no shell 1 sluggish
2 marital
3 plot
4 pilot
5 intransigence
5 roof of the mouth; sense of the taste 1 flighty
2 ruddy
3 palate
4 phobia
5 meander
6 contemptible; despicable; N: disease caused by deficiency of Vitamin C 1 mimicry
2 fetter
3 catharsis
4 stoke
5 scurvy
7 hackneyed; commonplace 1 genuflect
2 rankle
3 escapade
4 deputize
5 trite
8 defeat completely 1 vanquish
2 squander
3 apprise
4 apocalyptic
5 aromatic
9 melt (ore) for separating and removing the metal; melt or blend ores changing their chemical composition 1 innovation
2 alimentary
3 smelt
4 tawny
5 brevity
10 talk at length; speak or write in detail 1 sodden
2 steadfast
3 sluice
4 abominable
5 expatiate
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 deficient in intelligence; very stupid 1 minatory
2 olfactory
3 demise
4 deliberate
5 feebleminded
12 one who studies reptiles; CF. herpetology: branch of zoology that deals with reptiles and amphibians 1 apprehensive
2 herpetologist
3 screech
4 obdurate
5 versatile
13 (of something written or painted) still in existence 1 emollient
2 extant
3 beset
4 efficacy
5 literati
14 affirming equality for all 1 astute
2 senility
3 multilingual
4 egalitarian
5 mural
15 dried plum 1 lackadaisical
2 dissemble
3 prune
4 gossamer
5 clarion
16 pancreatic hormone; CF. diabetes 1 retrograde
2 blues
3 insulin
4 sere
5 imprecation
17 wasting away; V: weaken and lose flesh and muscle (through lack of blood or lack of use) 1 atrophy
2 satire
3 hinterlands
4 gem
5 comely
18 right or privilege granted by authority; right to vote; license to sell a product in a particular territory 1 franchise
2 conglomerate
3 retrograde
4 effrontery
5 antibody
19 fill with great surprise 1 restitution
2 botch
3 hackney
4 doctrine
5 astonish
20 monumental tomb; large stately tomb; CF. Mausolos 1 affront
2 residue
3 mausoleum
4 apocryphal
5 basin
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 long pole with a flat blade used for rowing a boat (while held in position by row-locks) 1 impermeable
2 homily
3 explicate
4 motif
5 oar
22 crafty; cunning; artful; N. wile: deceitful stratagem 1 imminent
2 recital
3 excise
4 wily
5 tussle
23 speed; rapidity 1 celerity
2 enfranchise
3 tumid
4 embryonic
5 hap
24 place side by side; CF. next 1 decline
2 invective
3 magniloquent
4 poll
5 juxtapose
25 sear; N. 1 labyrinth
2 denizen
3 scorch
4 procurement
5 pulsate
26 thriftless; not providing for the future 1 chantey
2 improvident
3 finite
4 earmark
5 ambulatory
27 marked by great changes in fortune; with many changes of fortune; CF. checked: having a pattern of squares 1 impeccable
2 checkered(chequered)
3 nullify
4 standstill
5 toxin
28 open widely; open the mouth wide; stare wonderingly with the mouth open; CF. agape 1 aureole
2 intercede
3 pitfall
4 gape
5 sanitation
29 make slight sounds like silk moving or being rubbed together 1 primate
2 rustle
3 emanate
4 malefactor
5 retribution
30 unification; process of becoming firmer or stronger; V. consolidate: merge; strengthen 1 chafe
2 liturgy
3 obsequy
4 pride
5 consolidation
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 remitting of money; amount of money remitted 1 remittance
2 uproarious
3 paroxysm
4 empathy
5 dart
32 defrock; strip a priest or minister of church authority 1 rebuttal
2 unfrock
3 sophomoric
4 gratis
5 patio
33 convincing 1 flair
2 cogent
3 acidulous
4 lackluster
5 purgatory
34 becoming putrid; putrefying 1 putrescent
2 wisp
3 grudging
4 acoustics
5 egotistical
35 fleet of warships 1 orator
2 satyr
3 quicksilver
4 armada
5 oculist
36 mismanage; blow 1 antigen
2 discursive
3 botch
4 constraint
5 bully
37 word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing; descriptive phrase to characterize a person (often contemptuous) 1 epithet
2 hibernal
3 hoard
4 stamina
5 lookout
38 interior of a ship or airplane in which cargo is stored 1 pillage
2 relapse
3 nomadic
4 infantile
5 hold
39 producing motion; of motion 1 proliferate
2 conclave
3 kinetic
4 table
5 orb
40 threatening; of an evil omen 1 tenant
2 genealogy
3 feint
4 affected
5 ominous
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 deprived of (someone beloved through death) 1 laconic
2 vista
3 bereaved
4 dysentery
5 expedite
42 repair or make whole by using a metal alloy; N: metal alloy (usually tin and lead) used in the molten state to join metallic parts 1 conscript
2 mosaic
3 certitude
4 solder
5 modish
43 discourage 1 troupe
2 rabble
3 equestrian
4 figurehead
5 dishearten
44 pointed tool used for piercing 1 awl
2 amortize
3 peruse
4 redoubtable
5 bugaboo
45 offensive in odor or flavor 1 secrete
2 agape
3 fanfare
4 rank
5 unguent
46 diffuse mass of interstellar dust or gas; galaxy 1 nebula
2 pauper
3 nibble
4 indigence
5 furor
47 generous gift (given to people who do not have enough) 1 largess
2 criteria
3 ingrate
4 colloquy
5 hurl
48 open-mouthed 1 agape
2 fanaticism
3 granulate
4 aberration
5 blanch
49 ridicule; ADJ. derisive; CF. derisory 1 sarcasm
2 crust
3 convulsion
4 derision
5 pandemonium
50 reply; retort; comeback; V. rejoin: say in reply 1 lope
2 rejoinder
3 irreconcilable
4 filler
5 astigmatism
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 one guilty of a crime 1 gentility
2 belligerent
3 machinations
4 compliant
5 culprit
52 rebel; nonconformist (in a group) 1 happenstance
2 veterinarian
3 willful
4 maverick
5 germane
53 bend the knee as in worship 1 sovereign
2 hoary
3 tribune
4 genuflect
5 wrinkle
54 mismanage; blunder; botch; blow; spoil by clumsy behavior 1 mountainous
2 rubble
3 bungle
4 addiction
5 humanitarian
55 squander; waste foolishly; scatter 1 glean
2 dissipate
3 transpire
4 idolatry
5 testator
56 forewarning; presentiment; foreboding 1 composure
2 recluse
3 chagrin
4 florescence
5 premonition
57 word or phrase that is no longer in use; archaic word or expression 1 archaism
2 hurl
3 incommodious
4 equivocal
5 fussy
58 lizard that changes color in different situations 1 carcinogenic
2 adulation
3 chameleon
4 gourmet
5 millinery
59 person having administrative authority; one branch of government executing laws; ADJ: relating to executing 1 menagerie
2 sophomoric
3 executive
4 miscellany
5 finery
60 animal or plant cells; light thin paper 1 assuage
2 glower
3 maxim
4 tissue
5 toss
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 evolve as in prenatal growth; N. gestation: period of development from conception until birth 1 antagonism
2 gestate
3 acrophobia
4 junta
5 thunderbolt
62 driving away; disgusting; offensive; repulsive; unattractive; N. 1 repellent
2 magnitude
3 dynamic
4 scrimmage
5 reparable
63 touch (the body) lightly so as to cause laughter; please 1 cull
2 savor
3 privation
4 tickle
5 proponent
64 state of being partial; inclination; favorable bias; special fondness; preference 1 slovenly
2 declaim
3 rummage
4 partiality
5 tine
65 of fiction; fictional; not genuine; sham 1 fictive
2 noncommittal
3 evangelist
4 fanaticism
5 vain
66 delaying; tending to delay 1 troupe
2 culvert
3 dilatory
4 connoisseur
5 adjutant
67 bearing; manner; appearance 1 mien
2 conciliatory
3 wanderlust
4 actuary
5 academic
68 bodily (rather than spiritual); of a bodily form; material; tangible 1 glow
2 indigent
3 analogy
4 corporeal
5 sidetrack
69 beautiful clothes for a special occasion 1 finery
2 fecundity
3 ingenue
4 tertiary
5 emboss
70 tease; excite by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach; torture with disappointment; CF. Tantalus: Greek mythological figure 1 tantalize
2 maroon
3 declaim
4 ravine
5 jamb
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 study of prison management and criminal rehabilitation 1 noxious
2 luminary
3 aegis
4 penology
5 commonwealth
72 quick and active; marked by liveliness and vigor 1 indite
2 revile
3 pithy
4 swamp
5 brisk
73 lengthen; extend; draw out 1 prolong
2 herpetologist
3 acquittal
4 gregarious
5 boorish
74 that can be permeated; penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to pass through; V. permeate: spread or flow throughout; charge 1 permeable
2 ignite
3 flourish
4 pungent
5 enlist
75 policy of governing people in a fatherly manner by satisfying their needs but without giving them any freedom or responsibility; ADJ. paternal 1 deliberate
2 crochet
3 plaque
4 hindmost
5 paternalism
76 cut off part of body; prune (a limb) 1 execute
2 unwarranted
3 irresolute
4 perfidious
5 amputate
77 work at in a non-serious fashion; splash around; move noisily in a liquid 1 static
2 digression
3 abstain
4 cavalier
5 dabble
78 not able to be traveled or crossed 1 isthmus
2 impassable
3 unlettered
4 transition
5 frame
79 state of violent agitation; ADJ. turbulent: violently agitated or disturbed 1 denomination
2 liability
3 canard
4 turbulence
5 archaic
80 revere; treat with great respect 1 antecede
2 elaborate
3 florid
4 complementary
5 venerate
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 bad-tempered complaint; person who keeps complaining; V: complain; grumble 1 natal
2 stupor
3 grouch
4 silversmith
5 censorious
82 dig up; unearth; OP. inter 1 leaflet
2 besmirch
3 agitate
4 disinter
5 centrifugal
83 pompous array of words; too many unnecessary words; wordiness 1 septic
2 secrete
3 variegate
4 abut
5 verbiage
84 window projecting upright from roof; CF. sleeping room 1 mutability
2 breed
3 dormer
4 gnarl
5 legato
85 parish priest; representative 1 antipathy
2 dinghy
3 figurehead
4 vicar
5 obsidian
86 daily domestic task (such as cleaning, cooking, and shopping); unpleasant task 1 retort
2 smelt
3 hindrance
4 compliant
5 chore
87 enclosure for birds; large cage 1 inclined
2 aviary
3 factotum
4 abstinence
5 ramify
88 dramatic or musical performance given in the afternoon 1 orifice
2 presentiment
3 obese
4 lunar
5 matin\'ee(matinee)
89 building (of imposing size) 1 edifice
2 homely
3 fuse
4 wax
5 den
90 reproduce; duplicate 1 replicate
2 veracious
3 monolithic
4 nautical
5 cult
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 pollute 1 contaminate
2 turbulence
3 somnolent
4 injurious
5 preposterous
92 burden; responsibility 1 blue
2 isotope
3 girth
4 onus
5 sterile
93 sky blue 1 hoodwink
2 azure
3 overdose
4 terminus
5 surveillance
94 doctor who treats mental diseases 1 natation
2 galley
3 emboss
4 latent
5 psychiatrist
95 profane; violate the sanctity of 1 betroth
2 desecrate
3 jocund
4 importunate
5 rubbish
96 hybridize; N: hybrid; CF. interbreed; CF. inbreed 1 pacify
2 tourniquet
3 recondite
4 don
5 crossbreed
97 detestation; quality of being odious; hatefulness; disrepute (resulting from hateful conduct) 1 hiatus
2 bemoan
3 indentation
4 acquiesce
5 odium
98 moderation or self-control; controlling force; restriction 1 astral
2 restraint
3 spontaneity
4 ragamuffin
5 putrefy
99 adapt (a literary book) for dramatic representation; present in a dramatic or melodramatic way 1 jab
2 range
3 tarnish
4 dramatize
5 antediluvian
100 tough outer covering of fruits, esp. of the melon and lemon 1 parochial
2 evasive
3 foresight
4 hut
5 rind
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