Quiz 5 of 50 -- Barron words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 read (proof) to find errors and mark corrections 1 masticate
2 isthmus
3 topsoil
4 trigger
5 proofread
2 sleeping; temporarily inactive; lethargic; latent 1 mingle
2 blush
3 expository
4 assiduous
5 dormant
3 difficult situation; tricky or dangerous situation; dilemma 1 rafter
2 lunar
3 predicament
4 consensus
5 sportive
4 disparage; depreciate 1 artifice
2 parasite
3 contingent
4 belittle
5 uncouth
5 crowd; swarm 1 seduce
2 multiform
3 perspicuity
4 horde
5 indissoluble
6 eat very quickly 1 sash
2 gloss
3 feasible
4 gobble
5 advocacy
7 pertaining to speculative philosophy; of metaphysics; N. metaphysics: branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality 1 metaphysical
2 expound
3 distinct
4 dossier
5 dissimulate
8 person dissatisfied with existing state of affairs; discontented person; ADJ: discontented 1 weary
2 accede
3 overhaul
4 malcontent
5 humus
9 moo; make the sound of a cow 1 ciliated
2 culture
3 franchise
4 hackneyed
5 low
10 Peeping Tom; person who derives sexual gratification from observing the sexual acts of others 1 clime
2 scowl
3 suitcase
4 voyeur
5 beset
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 government run by religious leaders 1 interstice
2 brevity
3 quorum
4 bigot
5 theocracy
12 reprove severely; rebuke; N. 1 convert
2 spar
3 parish
4 reprimand
5 jaunt
13 turn upside down or inside out; reverse the position or condition of 1 founder
2 indissoluble
3 extrinsic
4 invert
5 refute
14 windy 1 proviso
2 inevitable
3 saunter
4 miasma
5 gusty
15 mixture of writings on various subjects; collection of various items 1 domineer
2 denounce
3 ballad
4 integrity
5 miscellany
16 limited in space; OP. commodious 1 catalyst
2 pad
3 cramped
4 exclaim
5 grotesque
17 anger; fury 1 soothsayer
2 referendum
3 omnivorous
4 sledge
5 wrath
18 stubborn and disobedient; resisting authority (esp. disobedient to an order made by a court) 1 buxom
2 contumacious
3 circuit
4 aghast
5 masticate
19 walk with a heavy dull sound; ; N: clustered mass; heavy dull sound; 1 gulp
2 clump
3 dynamo
4 hale
5 anemia
20 beginning; in an early stage 1 vaporize
2 incipient
3 unaccountable
4 wade
5 autocratic
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 irreverence; lack of respect for God or piety 1 denizen
2 suckle
3 credence
4 magnify
5 impiety
22 trifle with; toy with; treat without the necessary seriousness; procrastinate; waste time 1 dally
2 embezzlement
3 poise
4 righteous
5 congruent
23 tending toward the center 1 venal
2 canine
3 opaque
4 centripetal
5 warranty
24 opposite; ADJ. 1 prerogative
2 otherworldly
3 pucker
4 converse
5 rife
25 having the odor of stale or decomposing fat; rank 1 psychic
2 rancid
3 sprightly
4 jollity
5 frame
26 undeveloped; rudimentary; N. embryo: organism in the early stage of development 1 bullion
2 perceptive
3 embryonic
4 parable
5 counterpart
27 boast 1 haughtiness
2 opiate
3 quorum
4 brag
5 pilot
28 state of being stupefied; state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness 1 stupor
2 spendthrift
3 axle
4 foliage
5 cherry
29 lose animation or strength 1 execrable
2 languish
3 hypocritical
4 irrefutable
5 peccadillo
30 cut or knock down (a tree or a person); bring down (with a missile) 1 fell
2 chameleon
3 suffragist
4 relapse
5 hapless
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 strong; vigorous 1 juncture
2 robust
3 largess
4 supererogatory
5 affiliation
32 male sheep 1 entreat
2 dissertation
3 forsake
4 ram
5 inadvertently
33 handle used to move boat's rudder (to steer) 1 inestimable
2 tourniquet
3 pithy
4 maxim
5 tiller
34 eyesight; foresight; mental image produced by the imagination; experience of seeing the supernatural 1 demented
2 ashen
3 maxim
4 breed
5 vision
35 gland near the stomach supplying digestive fluid and secreting insulin; 1 tarry
2 imbalance
3 retrench
4 pancreas
5 recluse
36 heat-producing; N. calorie 1 orb
2 calorific
3 nausea
4 abate
5 subside
37 disagreeably aggressive 1 purse
2 fanfare
3 well-bred
4 impotent
5 pushy
38 defensive mound of earth 1 bohemian
2 rampart
3 consolidation
4 kudos
5 fuss:
39 systematic; N. method: systematic method of procedure 1 methodical
2 shamble
3 fickle
4 cascade
5 madrigal
40 hostility; active opposition; V. antagonize: cause to become an enemy; N. antagonist: person who is opposed to another; opponent; adversary; principal character in opposition to the protagonist 1 antagonism
2 buffoonery
3 inculcate
4 solidarity
5 nutrition
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 wise; shrewd; keen; seeing quickly something that is to one's advantage 1 astute
2 heed
3 monumental
4 anticlimax
5 traverse
42 cancel out; nullify; cause to have no effect; deny; N. negation 1 negate
2 slake
3 acquiesce
4 stupefy
5 magnitude
43 doing evil; N. maleficence 1 maleficent
2 distend
3 shard
4 stanza
5 sluice
44 harmonized hymn to be sung in a church; () 1 chorale
2 larder
3 inebriated
4 ambrosia
5 retribution
45 annoying; tedious; V. irk: annoy 1 truncate
2 prance
3 exude
4 irksome
5 sash
46 instrument used to measure thickness and distances 1 nullify
2 spontaneity
3 termination
4 calipers
5 limber
47 right and power to apply the law; authority 1 jurisdiction
2 tussle
3 astral
4 replenish
5 scraps
48 bow (to show respect and obedience) 1 cannibal
2 plenitude
3 assuage
4 analogous
5 obeisance
49 uniformly gray rain cloud; radiant light in the form of a halo over the head in a representation as of a saint 1 efface
2 hesitate
3 nimbus
4 knoll
5 inestimable
50 ambush; lie in wait for and attack 1 legislature
2 waylay
3 patrician
4 warmonger
5 pious
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 petty criticism; fault-finding; fretful complaining; quibble 1 armada
2 artistry
3 lofty
4 carping
5 facsimile
52 lack of proper respect or reverence; ADJ. irreverent 1 stalemate
2 invalidate
3 tassel
4 irreverence
5 ranger
53 (of speech) filled with passion; fervent 1 nutritious
2 navigable
3 timorous
4 impassioned
5 insignia
54 person who helps a priest to perform religious ceremonies; devoted follower 1 acknowledge
2 invocation
3 benison
4 acolyte
5 venerable
55 location; place (of a crime, trial, gathering, etc.); CF. come 1 incoherent
2 hackney
3 incursion
4 magnitude
5 venue
56 crystal clear 1 typhoon
2 limpid
3 critique
4 enhance
5 acme
57 sealed by fusion so as to be airtight; airtight 1 baste
2 hermetic
3 eulogistic
4 bat
5 conducive
58 projection; conjecture; V. extrapolate: infer (unknown information) from known information 1 extrapolation
2 centrifugal
3 freebooter
4 navigable
5 garner
59 harass, annoy, torment (by repeated attacks); raid 1 taxonomist
2 harry
3 lackluster
4 vitriolic
5 chimerical
60 witty thought or saying, usually short 1 pedestal
2 epigram
3 ablution
4 headstrong
5 rotund
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 make less severe; ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger) 1 abstruse
2 eccentricity
3 assuage
4 bespeak
5 pulpit
62 slow gallop; V. CF. trot 1 sip
2 retrench
3 decorum
4 plutocracy
5 canter
63 struggle hard; make a great effort to gain something; Ex. He strove for recognition as an artist. 1 venerate
2 snare
3 insolence
4 strive
5 metropolis
64 attach 1 monumental
2 impiety
3 betroth
4 append
5 jug
65 idealistic but impractical; CF. Don Quixote 1 gravity
2 Occident
3 alacrity
4 quixotic
5 overtake
66 (of a place) dilapidated; in a bad condition; (of a person) weak or exhausted 1 illicit
2 mountainous
3 run-down
4 fawning
5 advert
67 change (esp. from good to bad); change of fortune; CF. the last emperor of China 1 epilogue
2 impinge
3 dawdle
4 vicissitude
5 enact
68 abolish 1 proliferate
2 swindler
3 abrogate
4 rusticate
5 alcove
69 notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking 1 commonwealth
2 broach
3 quack
4 essence
5 egregious
70 pompous; using inflated language 1 gloss_over
2 bombastic
3 table
4 neologism
5 stomp
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 one opposed to force; anti-militarist; ADJ. N. pacifism: opposition to war as a means of resolving disputes 1 pacifist
2 crust
3 assiduous
4 defoliate
5 ledger
72 humorous short poem with five lines 1 noncommittal
2 proselytize
3 smudge
4 jubilation
5 limerick
73 faithless lover; flirt 1 incontinent
2 penury
3 deign
4 philanderer
5 lookout
74 having many mountains; massive; huge 1 mountainous
2 disembark
3 caprice
4 adorn
5 transitory
75 utter (complaining words) indistinctly in low tones 1 ensemble
2 mutter
3 disquisition
4 discursive
5 addendum
76 acute pain; extreme suffering 1 cloture
2 swear
3 anguish
4 wanderlust
5 plot
77 insightful; showing a good ability at perceiving and understanding; aware; wise; of perception 1 denizen
2 captious
3 cache
4 perceptive
5 adversity
78 pertaining to the body; bodily; physical 1 gingerly
2 brood
3 surveillance
4 casualty
5 somatic
79 dissimilar; mixed; not homogeneous; consisting of dissimilar elements or plants 1 relevant
2 jaunt
3 pathetic
4 obeisance
5 heterogeneous
80 penitent; repentant; N. contrition 1 amphitheater
2 hemorrhage
3 contrite
4 disinclination
5 recapitulate
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 expressing a low opinion; disparaging; V. derogate: detract; disparage 1 tenacious
2 censorious
3 derogatory
4 pedagogue
5 empathy
82 quality of pleasing; amulet; action or formula thought to have magical power; spell; V: attract; cast a spell on; bewitch 1 assuage
2 neigh
3 inebriate
4 charm
5 indifferent
83 unsuited; inappropriate; lacking skill; incompetent; CF. inapt: (of statements or ideas) inappropriate 1 audacious
2 blanch
3 beguile
4 inept
5 fluted
84 (of a fault or sin) forgivable; trivial 1 prop
2 censorious
3 gracious
4 appreciate
5 venial
85 items of business at a meeting 1 attire
2 domineer
3 cartilage
4 agenda
5 approbation
86 causing the bowels to empty easily; ; N. CF. lax: 1 philanderer
2 favoritism
3 meteorite
4 ethnology
5 laxative
87 young woman making formal entrance into society 1 warren
2 impeccable
3 collation
4 debutante
5 chore
88 restrain; handcuff; N. 1 complacency
2 manacle
3 gruff
4 soothsayer
5 distinct
89 long shallow trench made by a plow; deep wrinkle in the skin; V. 1 deleterious
2 onerous
3 furrow
4 vigilant
5 capricious
90 surround with a solid protecting edge; 1 vain
2 inadvertently
3 promontory
4 frame
5 spatula
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 stare foolishly; look in open-mouthed awe 1 progenitor
2 junket
3 gawk
4 vanquish
5 rite
92 exploit; document that is an official record of an agreement (esp. an agreement concerning ownership of property) 1 potential
2 deed
3 hypothetical
4 metaphysical
5 dividend
93 cowardly; lacking courage; fainthearted 1 pusillanimous
2 exasperate
3 pedantic
4 limpid
5 camp
94 infallibly; ADJ. unerring: making no mistakes 1 heterodox
2 unerringly
3 irrelevant
4 foolhardy
5 bizarre
95 assent; agree passively; comply without protest 1 seminary
2 spin
3 cringe
4 corroborate
5 acquiesce
96 ancestors 1 cleaver
2 forebears(forbears)
3 gastronomy
4 rou\'e
5 propriety
97 merry 1 incontrovertible
2 amnesty
3 sonic
4 wistful
5 jocund
98 outrun; surpass; outdo 1 outstrip
2 scrimmage
3 herpetologist
4 medal
5 irreverence
99 accidental; by chance; N. fortuity 1 taxing
2 crease
3 fortuitous
4 belfry
5 exasperate
100 trying to please; obliging; willing to please others 1 retrench
2 coroner
3 complaisant
4 philanthropist
5 untenable
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