Quiz 6 of 50 -- Barron words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 immoral or dissolute person 1 benevolent
2 subsequent
3 rake
4 irate
5 sledge
2 dock; wharf; pier; landing place (for boats) 1 hurl
2 wispy
3 momentous
4 quay
5 cunning
3 set free; liberate 1 crone
2 emancipate
3 happenstance
4 ecologist
5 animosity
4 detached plant shoot used in grafting; descendant 1 scion
2 mutilate
3 boisterous
4 dissolution
5 nauseate
5 boisterous mirth(merriment; laughter); ADJ. hilarious: full of laughter 1 aegis
2 magnify
3 buffoonery
4 hilarity
5 supplicate
6 not able to be erased 1 ironic
2 indelible
3 rake
4 effeminate
5 condescend
7 small shiny metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation 1 benevolent
2 spangle
3 gadget
4 corrode
5 titanic
8 scholar who overemphasizes book learning, trivial details of learning, or technicalities 1 pedant
2 willful
3 gerontology
4 invincible
5 sly
9 held in common; public; of a group of people; of a commune 1 prate
2 communal
3 veterinarian
4 glib
5 idiosyncrasy
10 (of a part of the body) swollen; distended; bombastic; pompous 1 trappings
2 bruise
3 cohorts
4 guffaw
5 tumid
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 rudeness without any sense of shame; shameless boldness; presumptuousness; nerve; cheek 1 auxiliary
2 ewe
3 size
4 effrontery
5 sere
12 totally clear; definite; outspoken 1 explicit
2 venal
3 diffidence
4 philanthropist
5 sentinel
13 use of force to get someone to object; compelling; V. coerce 1 coercion
2 lullaby
3 balk
4 gradation
5 unwieldy
14 incomplete; favoring one side over another; having a liking for something 1 bettor
2 abridge
3 critique
4 partial
5 ruminant
15 public revelation of something discreditable 1 clipper
2 trickle
3 maladroit
4 cameo
5 expos\'e
16 heavy fall or rain 1 shove
2 downpour
3 dereliction
4 guy
5 carping
17 tranquil; of even calm temper; (of temperature) steady; uniform 1 saunter
2 amend
3 equable
4 humility
5 dally
18 reveal 1 apocalyptic
2 landslide
3 guffaw
4 impolitic
5 divulge
19 ill-humored; irritable 1 attenuate
2 heretofore
3 downcast
4 fertile
5 cantankerous
20 stamp-collector; N. philately: stamp collecting 1 philatelist
2 blues
3 platonic
4 polygamist
5 unfaltering
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 tired-looking, awkward, drooping posture or gait 1 enliven
2 vortex
3 slouch
4 prolixity
5 bat
22 pertaining to the lungs 1 material
2 augury
3 grouch
4 pulmonary
5 tribunal
23 blessedness; state of great happiness 1 monograph
2 murmur
3 slate
4 beatitude
5 nimbus
24 privilege; unquestionable right; CF. ask before 1 prerogative
2 besiege
3 suitor
4 introspective
5 solicitor
25 soothing or mild (food); agreeable; causing no trouble or offence 1 bland
2 mingle
3 fluted
4 cataract
5 interloper
26 trip and almost fall; proceed unsteadily; act falteringly; N. 1 acuity
2 tribulation
3 caustic
4 stumble
5 traduce
27 set aside (money or time) for a particular purpose 1 niche
2 sportive
3 earmark
4 curb
5 dramatize
28 comic; crazy; N: clown; comical person (given to outlandish behavior) 1 reprobation
2 integrity
3 zany
4 desperate
5 apiarist
29 inhabitant of a colony (not a member of the original population) 1 colonial
2 broach
3 choral
4 latitude
5 coop
30 switch (a railroad car) to a siding; divert from a main issue; N. CF. siding: short section of railroad track connected by switches with a main track 1 sidetrack
2 toxin
3 material
4 unregenerate
5 churlish
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 dissenting (with an opinion, a group, or a government); rebellious; N. 1 capricious
2 dissident
3 discompose
4 cession
5 clump
32 tireless; untiring; showing no sign of getting tired 1 abusive
2 indefatigable
3 hold
4 aphasia
5 pervasive
33 (of a position, esp. in an argument) indefensible; not able to be maintained 1 wrangle
2 inestimable
3 brat
4 untenable
5 incinerate
34 sheet of paper used to make a secret vote; secret voting; ; V. CF. ball 1 spiritual
2 ballot
3 offensive
4 onus
5 beleaguer
35 extinct flying reptile; CF. wing+finger 1 mountebank
2 proponent
3 lush
4 defoliate
5 pterodactyl
36 children; offspring; descendants 1 progeny
2 pulmonary
3 foist
4 leonine
5 nonentity
37 bravery; courage; strength of mind 1 fortitude
2 archaic
3 miscellaneous
4 dilemma
5 canvas
38 turn into a god; make a god of; idolize; Ex. Kings were deified; CF. deity 1 deify
2 bluff
3 renovate
4 arrears
5 misapprehension
39 supplicatory prayer; prayer in which the priest calls out and the people replies in the same words 1 litany
2 snuffle
3 impassioned
4 paradigm
5 mercenary
40 board on which painter mixes pigments(coloring matters) 1 untenable
2 elysian
3 illimitable
4 ego
5 palette
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 drive or force onward; drive to take action; urge to action 1 entourage
2 impel
3 divulge
4 frugality
5 whimsical
42 swindle; cheat 1 bilk
2 garret
3 schism
4 mediocre
5 orator
43 chanty; song sung by sailors 1 perquisite(perk)
2 prolong
3 millennium
4 chantey
5 obfuscate
44 pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores; N. metallurgy: science that deals with extracting metals from ores 1 specious
2 metallurgical
3 windfall
4 belfry
5 dowry
45 skillful (in using mind or hand) 1 gullible
2 adroit
3 bestow
4 capitulate
5 callus
46 cheater 1 nullify
2 effrontery
3 swindler
4 psyche
5 demeanor
47 lash; whip (formerly used for punishment); source of severe punishment; V: whip; afflict 1 wrinkle
2 babble
3 heckler
4 scourge
5 inviolate
48 counselor-at-law or lawyer in the higher court of law; CF. bar 1 barrister
2 county
3 lottery
4 obeisance
5 maternal
49 rectangular and flat piece of luggage 1 latent
2 inherent
3 vulture
4 detonation
5 suitcase
50 present falsely; represent falsely to be 1 carnivorous
2 pass_off
3 centripetal
4 ubiquitous
5 chisel
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 minimal number of members necessary to conduct a meeting 1 die
2 recumbent
3 ductile
4 quorum
5 belittle
52 detailed plan of action 1 wisp
2 septic
3 terminus
4 blueprint
5 espionage
53 foul smelling; very unpleasant; unwholesome 1 fritter
2 noisome
3 indiscriminate
4 glutinous
5 besmirch
54 clumsy; not skillful; awkward; bungling 1 ford
2 maladroit
3 aboriginal
4 uninhibited
5 pass_off
55 reflection; thought; V. meditate 1 dumbfound(dumbfound)
2 meditation
3 spawn
4 impalpable
5 unimpeachable
56 situation that requires a choice between equally unfavorable options; problem; choice of two unsatisfactory alternatives 1 dilemma
2 conscript
3 disengage
4 knack
5 sill
57 quibble; make frivolous objections; find fault unnecessarily 1 rite
2 cavil
3 bemused
4 ratify
5 natal
58 seriousness; ADJ. grave 1 forgo(forego)
2 diadem
3 gravity
4 reparable
5 archipelago
59 (unpleasantly) swollen or puffed as with water or air 1 seemly
2 solace
3 commandeer
4 bloated
5 ironic
60 cowardly 1 prosody
2 craven
3 pauper
4 charm
5 marsupial
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 male sheep; V. strike or drive against with a heavy impact 1 uxorious
2 ram
3 junta
4 collected
5 mercenary
62 neat; skillful 1 bombardment
2 component
3 deft
4 disclose
5 potentate
63 tooth projecting from a wheel 1 spatula
2 assimilate
3 cog
4 braggadocio
5 tare
64 speak with involuntarily pauses or repetitions 1 muse
2 diorama
3 intercede
4 petulant
5 stammer
65 quarrel noisily; obtain through arguing; herd cattle; N. 1 infallible
2 bully
3 wrangle
4 ford
5 imperceptible
66 small protuberant plant structure containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower; 1 bud
2 felicitous
3 deride
4 wares
5 shrew
67 full of initiative; showing enterprise 1 topsoil
2 fluff
3 sleet
4 glow
5 enterprising
68 without deceit 1 guileless
2 indicative
3 vitreous
4 heyday
5 aloof
69 enclose; place in something; fix firmly in a surrounding mass (wrong:imbed) 1 revoke
2 embellish
3 spasmodic
4 embed
5 vestibule
70 esp. round the joints 1 nepotism
2 resentment
3 blotch
4 limber
5 cartilage
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 connected line of mountains 1 basin
2 treasure
3 range
4 credits
5 mortise
72 stray or fall behind (a main group); spread out in a scattered group; Ex. straggling marathon racer; Ex. straggling branch 1 vertigo
2 winnow
3 ashen
4 besmirch
5 straggle
73 walk with long steps; N. 1 stride
2 philology
3 sift
4 curmudgeon
5 aberration
74 speak equivocally about an issue; N. 1 waffle
2 uxorious
3 bazaar
4 posture
5 surmise
75 suitable for drinking; drinkable 1 elaborate
2 terminus
3 desiccate
4 potable
5 uproar
76 pithy, compact saying 1 traumatic
2 dais
3 hostility
4 bump
5 apothegm(apophthegm)
77 navigation tool used to determine a ship's latitude and longitude (by measuring the altitudes of stars) 1 sextant
2 pageant
3 checkered(chequered)
4 hesitate
5 converge
78 relating to the highest point; N. climax; CF. climatic 1 irate
2 meager
3 compatible
4 beget
5 climactic
79 shine intensely and blindingly; stare fixedly and angrily; N. 1 abyss
2 pedigree
3 claustrophobia
4 luster
5 glare
80 precious stone 1 jewel
2 prodigy
3 laxative
4 psychosis
5 pivotal
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 breeder or dealer of animals; one who has a special interest, as for raising specific plant or animal 1 vivify
2 variegated
3 compulsory
4 rubble
5 fancier
82 cause; produce; give rise to 1 engender
2 impermeable
3 numismatist
4 prosaic
5 hemophilia
83 having many languages; fluent in several languages 1 unwieldy
2 chivalrous
3 red_herring
4 solecism
5 multilingual
84 brief, comprehensive summary; ADJ. compendious 1 chimerical
2 evince
3 amnesty
4 brawl
5 compendium
85 draftee; person forced into military service; V. 1 craven
2 growl
3 conscript
4 memorial
5 spin
86 generosity; ADJ. magnanimous: generous 1 corpulent
2 mischance
3 amazon
4 disgorge
5 magnanimity
87 disconcert; dismay; embarrass 1 breed
2 instrumental
3 analgesic
4 dissent
5 faze
88 pierce; put a hole through 1 methodical
2 niggardly
3 perforate
4 infernal
5 alliteration
89 supporting shaft on which a wheel revolves; 1 aerate
2 deluge
3 invincible
4 transitory
5 axle
90 loathe; hate 1 abominate
2 secular
3 imbibe
4 blas\'e
5 ornithologist
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 boxer; CF. pugilism: boxing 1 pugilist
2 vat
3 falsify
4 canter
5 rousing
92 expand; swell out 1 crust
2 blunder
3 distend
4 invert
5 representational
93 piece of metal (as an honor for bravery or skill) 1 choral
2 rapture
3 barb
4 medal
5 avantgarde
94 person competent to act as a judge of art, etc. (whose judgments are respected); a lover of an art 1 connoisseur
2 aureole
3 actuarial
4 noncommittal
5 vigilante
95 tendency to disbelief 1 curtail
2 incredulity
3 check
4 migratory
5 credo
96 stinginess; excessive frugality; ADJ. parsimonious 1 faculty
2 glib
3 whittle
4 parsimony
5 ramble
97 wine merchant; winemaker; seller of wine 1 venture
2 anatomy
3 vintner
4 horticultural
5 sedulous
98 grain-eating; CF. herbivore 1 herbivorous
2 blizzard
3 gambit
4 verbalize
5 graphic
99 in a state of rage; Ex. run amok 1 alloy
2 stickler
3 amok, amuck
4 shaft
5 meager
100 suggestive; implying; serving to indicate 1 auricle
2 sultry
3 bloated
4 indicative
5 libido
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