Quiz 7 of 50 -- Barron words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 not willing to accept ways of thinking different from one's own; CF. tolerant; CF. tolerate 1 carcinogenic
2 intolerant
3 termination
4 credits
5 circumlocution
2 moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol); seriousness 1 upright
2 spatula
3 lackluster
4 otter
5 sobriety
3 short-lived; fleeting 1 ephemeral
2 culprit
3 homeopathy
4 wisp
5 progeny
4 flexible; limber; pliant 1 pertinent
2 placebo
3 clairvoyant
4 supple
5 uncouth
5 explanation, especially of biblical(of the bible) passages 1 beware
2 overhear
3 exegesis
4 finite
5 diadem
6 without any attempt to deceive 1 stump
2 aboveboard
3 protagonist
4 conflate
5 lookout
7 wrinkle 1 crinkle
2 denounce
3 permeable
4 granary
5 statute
8 marked by inventive skill; clever; resourceful; N. ingenuity 1 ingenious
2 enterprising
3 bastard
4 cannibal
5 girth
9 diligent; assiduous; paying attention; N. sedulity 1 mollify
2 inamorata
3 caterpillar
4 epitaph
5 sedulous
10 slow-thinking stupid person; CF. dull 1 shirk
2 stump
3 dolt
4 vortex
5 unfaltering
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 spasmodic; intermittent; irregular 1 impunity
2 scuffle
3 quail
4 fitful
5 dissension
12 not earthly; supernatural; weird; ghostly 1 archaeology
2 adjoin
3 unearthly
4 legible
5 dissension
13 lightning accompanied by thunder 1 menagerie
2 caterpillar
3 improvise
4 slapdash
5 thunderbolt
14 connected with birth; CF. prenatal; CF. postnatal 1 reparable
2 straggle
3 ameliorate
4 natal
5 sow
15 explanatory list of symbols on a map 1 warp
2 skiff
3 license
4 minion
5 legend
16 purgative; medicine that causes the bowels to empty; ADJ. 1 substantiate
2 bristling
3 sequester
4 judiciary
5 cathartic
17 diligent 1 assiduous
2 verdigris
3 insulin
4 gambit
5 graduated
18 luxuriate; take pleasure in warmth 1 dearth
2 enlist
3 consort
4 stratified
5 bask
19 soothe an angry person 1 mollify
2 preclude
3 adjutant
4 culpable
5 anneal
20 shallow body of water or lake near a sea; lake separated from a sea by sandbars or coral reefs 1 ruddy
2 urbane
3 rogue
4 servile
5 lagoon
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 lacking interest or effort; lacking purpose or zest; lazy; halfhearted; languid 1 lackadaisical
2 conceit
3 erotic
4 tourniquet
5 impromptu
22 compulsive habitual need 1 acorn
2 apocalyptic
3 addiction
4 celestial
5 protagonist
23 servitude; condition of a slave or serf; CF. 1 sill
2 vegetate
3 bondage
4 circuit
5 psychic
24 clearly different; clearly noticed 1 encircle
2 bouillon
3 immaculate
4 distinct
5 malfeasance
25 having no previous example; novel; unparalleled 1 impropriety
2 unprecedented
3 complicity
4 predecessor
5 kinetic
26 chew 1 potion
2 masticate
3 hostage
4 harass
5 stamina
27 scold with biting harshness; censure strongly; strip the skin off 1 at_the_mercy_of
2 florid
3 excoriate
4 quaff
5 remittance
28 long pointed rod for impaling and holding food during cooking 1 precipitant
2 hierarchy
3 fluff
4 skewer
5 fluster
29 entice; attract; tempt 1 allure
2 raconteur
3 lampoon
4 stamina
5 antecedents
30 short horizontal bar suspended from two parallel ropes (used for acrobatics); CF. trapezoid 1 trapeze
2 therapeutic
3 compartment
4 skim
5 economy
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 prolong; lengthen in time; draw out 1 grandeur
2 protract
3 trilogy
4 converge
5 potential
32 great fire 1 encircle
2 lactate
3 instrumentation
4 conflagration
5 accessible
33 sharpness (of mind or senses of sight or hearing) 1 novice
2 gruesome
3 romp
4 acuity
5 artless
34 raging mad; insane; N. maniac: insane person; CF. mania: disorder of the mind; intense enthusiasm 1 lope
2 impugn
3 gruesome
4 residue
5 maniacal
35 willful; stubborn; unyielding; determined to have one's own way; CF. no 'excessive' 1 tantalize
2 equipoise
3 fade
4 offensive
5 headstrong
36 group of mammals including humans 1 ripple
2 ragamuffin
3 chaste
4 primate
5 succor
37 substance used in a chemical reaction 1 tolerable
2 latent
3 perpetual
4 otherworldly
5 reagent
38 impervious; not permitting passage through its substance; impossible to permeate 1 talisman
2 garret
3 curb
4 cadence
5 impermeable
39 small chamber used for sleeping or work 1 cubicle
2 bantering
3 carnivorous
4 conclave
5 revile
40 congeal; thicken; clot; N. coagulant 1 festoon
2 coagulate
3 tolerable
4 invert
5 deplete
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 evil schemes or plots; schemes or plots to achieve an evil end; V. machinate 1 farce
2 tenuous
3 machinations
4 ecosystem
5 enhance
42 band of cloth that is twisted tightly around an arm or leg to stop bleeding 1 tourniquet
2 reiterate
3 representational
4 cerebral
5 indubitable
43 like a corpse; pale 1 bawdy
2 aerate
3 clangor
4 manumit
5 cadaverous
44 cold or cheerless; frigid; unlikely to be favorable; depressing 1 rubbish
2 bleak
3 hypnosis
4 mural
5 enclave
45 moving force; momentum; force of a moving body; incentive; stimulus; impulse 1 belated
2 cabal
3 viper
4 impetus
5 chantey
46 watchful; on the alert; watchfully awake; alert to spot danger; N. vigilance 1 antithesis
2 vigilant
3 coagulate
4 complacency
5 conversant
47 a narrative poem; music for such a poem 1 impuissance
2 malapropism
3 ballad
4 regale
5 validate
48 medicine to induce sleep or deaden pain; something that relieves emotions or causes inaction; sleep-producing drug containing opium 1 loquacious
2 opiate
3 divine
4 candor
5 amalgam
49 twisting force; force producing rotation 1 gyroscope
2 stately
3 torque
4 mongrel
5 lyric
50 habitually silent; talking little 1 gruesome
2 outstrip
3 aerate
4 taciturn
5 declivity
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 taking for one's own use in violation of trust; stealing (of money placed in one's care) 1 jingoism
2 clangor
3 impregnate
4 embezzlement
5 credo
52 large volume; book 1 rostrum
2 foolhardy
3 abominate
4 tome
5 jocose
53 loud or harsh roar or screech; dazzling blaze of light 1 frolicsome
2 blare
3 melancholy
4 adept
5 glaciate
54 uncorrectable 1 promulgate
2 ego
3 flexible
4 abase
5 incorrigible
55 disentangle; solve 1 brisk
2 unravel
3 matrimony
4 irrepressible
5 subordinate
56 fastidious; finicky; easily upset 1 tusk
2 miniature
3 fussy
4 accessible
5 guy
57 addition; appendix to book; something that is added (as at the end of a speech or book) 1 addendum
2 harrowing
3 retroactive
4 judiciary
5 pushy
58 amount produced; crop; income on investment; profit obtained from an investment; V: produce; give in; surrender 1 physiological
2 putrescent
3 yield
4 fritter
5 larder
59 generous; graciously generous; showing bounty 1 inasmuch_as
2 Epicurean
3 gadget
4 bountiful
5 renegade
60 cause; produce; create 1 vestibule
2 generate
3 antediluvian
4 abut
5 centrifugal
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 nourish; feed; educate; rear; care for while it is growing or developing; foster; cultivate; N: something that nourishes; rearing 1 flounder
2 abut
3 hypothetical
4 subsidiary
5 nurture
62 pertaining to induction or proceeding from the specific to the general 1 indisputable
2 saccharine
3 indolent
4 inductive
5 auspicious
63 delayed 1 belated
2 facet
3 fete(f\^ete)
4 liaison
5 gargantuan
64 poisonous snake 1 viper
2 vixen
3 corroborate
4 rusticate
5 niggardly
65 ash-colored; deadly pale 1 skirmish
2 ashen
3 mantle
4 cannibal
5 lassitude
66 not effective; not having a desired effect; weak 1 adulterate
2 unregenerate
3 blackmail
4 hypercritical
5 ineffectual
67 untidy; careless in work habits; slipshod; N. sloven: one who is habitually untidy or careless 1 imaginary
2 gradation
3 tare
4 sheriff
5 slovenly
68 large arms; ( ) 1 munition
2 chorale
3 furrow
4 sluggish
5 acquittal
69 free; without charge; ADJ. 1 culprit
2 autocratic
3 libido
4 gratis
5 annul
70 feasible 1 sophomoric
2 practicable
3 sustenance
4 turncoat
5 cull
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 indecent; obscene; about sex in a rude funny way; CF. bawd 1 iodine
2 concord
3 bawdy
4 bluff
5 depreciate
72 private secret meeting 1 secession
2 tangential
3 conclave
4 demerit
5 discombobulated
73 unsatisfied; not soothed 1 waggish
2 ewe
3 unassuaged
4 proscenium
5 comprise
74 Scandinavian myth; any legend; long heroic narrative 1 prong
2 saga
3 frock
4 libido
5 complicity
75 similarity; parallelism; comparing two similar things 1 porcelain
2 rotunda
3 dribble
4 analogy
5 surveillance
76 powerful movement of or like a wave; V. 1 reprobation
2 misanthrope
3 oscillate
4 surge
5 stammer
77 retort; quick clever reply; return to former status 1 comeback
2 lagoon
3 adjourn
4 adjuration
5 temper
78 unexplicable; impossible to account for; unreasonable or mysterious 1 alimentary
2 spendthrift
3 unaccountable
4 rebuttal
5 salvage
79 entirely acceptable; not offering any basis for criticism 1 minuscule
2 antiseptic
3 carousal
4 unexceptionable
5 agility
80 entire range 1 tiller
2 brindled
3 malapropism
4 reprobate
5 gamut
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 hard chalklike substance that forms on the teeth; 1 credence
2 tartar
3 disgorge
4 killjoy
5 gesticulation
82 (cause to) join the armed forces; obtain (help, sympathy, or support) 1 strangle
2 disaffected
3 gadfly
4 enlist
5 bigot
83 skillful; skill in using hands or mind; N. dexterity 1 dexterous
2 essence
3 bestial
4 tusk
5 mortician
84 vertebrate animal whose female suckles its young 1 humus
2 vulture
3 abjure
4 mammal
5 turbulence
85 minor quarrel; bickering; V: engage in a minor quarrel; Ex. squabbling children 1 dossier
2 thespian
3 squabble
4 bearing
5 finish
86 narrate or tell (a story); count over again 1 hurdle
2 controvert
3 recount
4 parchment
5 surreptitious
87 nearness (in space or relationship); proximity; kinship 1 propinquity
2 declaim
3 cemetery
4 gusto
5 sere
88 walk in an awkward manner, shuffling the feet 1 solitude
2 fete(f\^ete)
3 substantial
4 belabor
5 shamble
89 produce young; rear; bring up; produce (an undesirable condition); N: kind or sort of animal or plant 1 breed
2 anvil
3 foolproof
4 panther
5 glossary
90 essential quality; V: ascribe; explain 1 maternal
2 attribute
3 underlying
4 ductile
5 exceptionable
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 lacking rhythm or regularity; N. arrhythmia 1 posture
2 badinage
3 brisk
4 arrhythmic
5 dehumanize
92 substance that dissolves another; ADJ: capable of dissolving another substance 1 solvent
2 porous
3 tranquillity
4 trenchant
5 hardy
93 opponent; enemy 1 beset
2 intrigue
3 effervescence
4 tonic
5 adversary
94 pertaining to the brain or intellect; intellectual rather than emotional; CF. cerebrum 1 impuissance
2 predilection
3 impassioned
4 cerebral
5 chorus
95 drawback; handicap; debts; obligation; responsibility; condition of being liable; ADJ. liable: likely; responsible (for paying) 1 d\'ecollet\'e
2 incongruity
3 hatchet
4 provender
5 liability
96 corporation made up of several different companies in diversified fields; mass of various material gathered together; rock consisting of small stones held together by clay; V. 1 abysmal
2 heed
3 squash
4 conglomerate
5 checkered(chequered)
97 trouble or worry over trifles; make nervous; pay too much attention to; N: needless concern or worry (about a trivial thing); anxious nervous condition; display of attention; Ex. make a fuss over the baby 1 cabal
2 puny
3 mangy
4 retrospective
5 fuss:
98 collarbone 1 slaughter
2 cunning
3 homeostasis
4 clavicle
5 deranged
99 habitually intoxicated; drunk; N. inebriety 1 infirmity
2 neigh
3 aloft
4 inebriated
5 emanate
100 bizarre; peculiar; unconventional 1 outlandish
2 ominous
3 veracity
4 testator
5 immure
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