Quiz 14 of 50 -- Barron words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 characteristic of an entire class or species; of a genus 1 generic
2 pleat
3 foment
4 chaperon
5 critique
2 isolation; solitude; V. seclude: set apart from others; isolate 1 pawnbroker
2 nonchalance
3 osseous
4 seclusion
5 esteem
3 all-knowing 1 troupe
2 anneal
3 tan
4 omniscient
5 pageant
4 ancestor 1 magnify
2 facilitate
3 astute
4 progenitor
5 mercenary
5 fall apart into tangles; entangle; unravel or untwist 1 procrastinate
2 fresco
3 ravel
4 invocation
5 desalinize
6 make (a piece of needlework) by looping thread with a hooked needle; N. CF. crotchet 1 curb
2 graduated
3 grimace
4 decline
5 crochet
7 aimless follower of an art or a field of knowledge (not taking it seriously); amateur; dabbler; CF. delight 1 atrocity
2 antediluvian
3 noxious
4 obdurate
5 dilettante
8 banish to the country; dwell in the country 1 adherent
2 rusticate
3 herbivorous
4 chivalrous
5 proselytize
9 tolling of a bell especially to indicate a funeral, disaster, etc.; sound of the funeral bell; V. 1 jibe
2 knell
3 bolt
4 fervor
5 patronize
10 (of a boat) turn over 1 dividend
2 capsize
3 opiate
4 vertebrate
5 prattle
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 careful no to cause offence; OP. tactless 1 frenzied
2 shyster
3 flighty
4 amorphous
5 tactful
12 secret; hidden; implied; OP. overt 1 tolerable
2 obtuse
3 hackneyed
4 stifle
5 covert
13 angry; CF. ire: anger; wrath 1 impropriety
2 irate
3 reprobation
4 seclusion
5 latent
14 marriageable; of marriageable age; CF. connubial 1 optician
2 nubile
3 gradation
4 swagger
5 knowledgeable
15 refine; purify; replace (natural urges) with socially acceptable activities; change between a solid state and a gaseous state 1 wrangle
2 romance
3 philistine
4 sublimate
5 disheveled
16 throw overboard (from a ship or plane) 1 resplendent
2 servile
3 jettison
4 laxative
5 laggard
17 destroy leaves; deprive of leaves (by the use of chemicals); N. defoliant 1 ebb
2 conglomeration
3 defoliate
4 ratify
5 pharisaical
18 collection; heap; V. agglomerate: gather into a rounded mass; N. agglomerate: jumbled mass; heap 1 twirl
2 lancet
3 superannuated
4 agglomeration
5 cow
19 operatic solo; a song sung by one person in an opera or oratorio 1 wanderlust
2 aria
3 malediction
4 eddy
5 rostrum
20 restore to good condition; renew 1 cogent
2 blizzard
3 renovate
4 collusion
5 boulder
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 demanding much work or care; tedious 1 eerie
2 sheriff
3 obelisk
4 convoluted
5 laborious
22 scientific study of how the bodies work 1 physiology
2 whittle
3 lot
4 surf
5 abusive
23 trip especially one taken for pleasure by an official at public expense 1 politic
2 junket
3 unequivocal
4 fodder
5 appreciate
24 censure; rebuke; N. reproof 1 linguistic
2 reprove
3 tranquillity
4 reactionary
5 referendum
25 stir up; incite; instigate; promote the growth of (something evil or unpleasant) 1 contrivance
2 inhibited
3 incapacitate
4 foment
5 warble
26 deadlock; situation in which further action is blocked 1 fade
2 nourish
3 stalemate
4 reinstate
5 sadistic
27 negligent; (of someone) neglectful of duty; (of something) deserted by an owner; abandoned; N: abandoned property; homeless or vagrant person 1 yokel
2 jaunt
3 vagary
4 molecule
5 derelict
28 mechanism that imitates actions of humans; machine that works by itself 1 rarefied
2 calorific
3 cathartic
4 espionage
5 automaton
29 exaggerated; pompous; enlarged (with air or gas) 1 capitulate
2 deplete
3 festoon
4 inflated
5 discerning
30 endless 1 abrasive
2 interminable
3 whimsical
4 compliance
5 cumulus
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 people of royal family; payment made to a write, inventor, or proprietor 1 fusillade
2 ingrate
3 oracular
4 royalty
5 poncho
32 imitation of a real object used as a substitute; effigy 1 revelry
2 megalomania
3 perpetuate
4 dummy
5 aboveboard
33 bear fruit; produce fruit 1 disquietude
2 nag
3 theoretical
4 adore
5 fructify
34 heavy cloth on which colored threads are woven 1 agitate
2 demise
3 tapestry
4 cloister
5 abscond
35 person designated to execute the terms of a will; 1 unprecedented
2 statuary
3 forebears(forbears)
4 executor
5 petulant
36 state of being immovable 1 progeny
2 immobility
3 hortatory
4 mucus
5 aver
37 give life to; animate; make more lively 1 vivify
2 scurvy
3 pass\'e
4 satyr
5 royalty
38 pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state 1 palliate
2 renegade
3 connubial
4 glutinous
5 impassioned
39 organ that produces a secretion for use elsewhere in the body 1 scrappy
2 sunder
3 gland
4 contusion
5 roil
40 repeated refrain of a song; group of people who sing together; piece of music sung by such a group; body of vocalists and dancers who support the leading performer 1 poll
2 holism
3 indite
4 ravine
5 chorus
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 walk steadily and rhythmically 1 preposterous
2 squabble
3 apothecary
4 march
5 labyrinth
42 force into less space; squeeze; contract; put into fewer words; N: thick mass of cloth pressed to part of the body to stop bleeding or swelling, reduce fever, etc. 1 supernumerary
2 spar
3 bluster
4 disillusioned
5 compress
43 warning or caution 1 codicil
2 checkered(chequered)
3 arboretum
4 caveat
5 harrowing
44 indirect or roundabout expression (by using an unnecessarily large number of words esp. when trying to avoid answering a difficult question directly) 1 circumlocution
2 noose
3 queue
4 tenacity
5 defame
45 shake slightly (because of cold or fear); break into fragments or splinters; N. 1 rife
2 grunt
3 crescendo
4 d\'ecollet\'e
5 shiver
46 make shiny by rubbing; polish 1 decorous
2 ape
3 burnish
4 hedge
5 frond
47 frown angrily; N: angry frown 1 meddlesome
2 scowl
3 reminiscence
4 forte
5 timbre
48 violent scoundrel; bully 1 sacrosanct
2 pomposity
3 whelp
4 rebuke
5 ruffian
49 curative; N. therapy 1 cataclysm
2 statuary
3 therapeutic
4 lechery
5 seminary
50 changeable (in affections or friendship); faithless 1 leave-taking
2 execrable
3 mountebank
4 pliant
5 fickle
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 approve formally; confirm; verify 1 insurrection
2 rabies
3 pedagogy
4 verve
5 ratify
52 overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm; flamboyance; lavishness; ADJ. exuberant: high-spirited and lively; growing abundantly and strongly 1 deterrent
2 decorous
3 holster
4 mutilate
5 exuberance
53 ornament a metal surface by indenting; follow rapidly to catch 1 extirpate
2 amiable
3 chase
4 actuate
5 indolent
54 flexible; easily influenced 1 foil
2 pliant
3 obituary
4 fulcrum
5 endemic
55 celebrity (in a specific field); dignitary; object that gives light (as a celestial body) 1 tempo
2 luminary
3 contend
4 vitreous
5 malady
56 begin to grow; give off shoots or buds; N: new growth on a plant; shoot 1 falter
2 indigent
3 sprout
4 canal
5 bleak
57 lawyer using questionable methods; unscrupulous practitioner 1 arbitrate
2 antedate
3 shyster
4 recurrent
5 disconcert
58 brave and successful act; deed or action, particularly a brave deed; CF. crossing the Atlantic ocean 1 podiatrist
2 ciliated
3 exploit
4 efface
5 hoard
59 scarcity 1 mace
2 dearth
3 slough
4 ramp
5 muddle
60 lively; spirited 1 animated
2 bleak
3 inflated
4 anomalous
5 impermeable
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 pirate or plunderer who makes war in order to grow rich 1 dominant
2 proscenium
3 freebooter
4 vitreous
5 novice
62 shade of slight difference in meaning or color; subtle distinction 1 don
2 levee
3 midget
4 fresco
5 nuance
63 making up for; repaying 1 innocuous
2 compensatory
3 requisite
4 prim
5 excerpt
64 case for a sword blade; sheath 1 jocular
2 schism
3 festive
4 clump
5 scabbard
65 combining of two or more tunes (establishing a harmonic relationship); contrasting but parallel element or theme 1 elixir
2 insider
3 clique
4 indulgent
5 counterpoint
66 meteor that has landed on the Earth 1 acclivity
2 paternalism
3 sinkhole
4 meteorite
5 mar
67 massive; impressively large; built as a monument 1 foreboding
2 hoof
3 pilot
4 lucrative
5 monumental
68 swindle or cheat; N: wedge like tool for cutting 1 panoramic
2 demographic
3 infallible
4 pulchritude
5 chisel
69 satisfy (thirst); quench; sate 1 ratify
2 brag
3 slake
4 levitate
5 sophomoric
70 fond word or act; expression of affection 1 suavity
2 endearment
3 rumple
4 hemorrhage
5 ooze
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; excuse 1 slovenly
2 throb
3 notch
4 condone
5 rectitude
72 holding fast (as to a belief); persistent 1 palatable
2 critique
3 inopportune
4 denigrate
5 tenacious
73 concerning alchemy or magic; obscure and mysterious; occult 1 hermetic
2 mingle
3 vie
4 egress
5 cloture
74 gaiety; cheerfulness; ADJ. jolly: merry; gay 1 dissertation
2 jollity
3 replenish
4 clangor
5 accomplice
75 illness 1 wardrobe
2 supposition
3 log
4 malady
5 exuberance
76 sheer; very light; like cobwebs; N: soft and sheer fabric; cobweb 1 marrow
2 gossamer
3 corpulent
4 humanitarian
5 hedonist
77 stormy; unkind; unmerciful; CF. clement 1 opulence
2 apprehensive
3 inclement
4 bicker
5 unanimity
78 effusively sentimental 1 secrete
2 maudlin
3 compulsory
4 fodder
5 waddle
79 very thin piece, usually of wood (cut from a surface with a sharp blade) 1 pedigree
2 shaving
3 loll
4 regale
5 provincial
80 returning something (lost or stolen) to the rightful owner; reparation; indemnification; compensation for loss, damage, or injury 1 restitution
2 tempo
3 belated
4 padre
5 wastrel
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 disloyal; lacking loyalty; V. disaffect: cause to lose affection or loyalty 1 stench
2 trepidation
3 insomnia
4 filler
5 disaffected
82 ward off a blow; deflect; Ex. He parried the unwelcome question very skillfully; N. CF. 1 parry
2 adjunct
3 vulpine
4 belittle
5 sobriety
83 invigorate; give energy to; make forceful and active 1 asunder
2 satellite
3 energize
4 tribune
5 inverse
84 court; open space surrounded by walls; 1 vagrant
2 seethe
3 remiss
4 courtyard
5 festive
85 hit quickly with the flat part of the hand; N. CF. smack 1 throng
2 dilemma
3 slap
4 dirge
5 uproar
86 group of complementary parts that make a whole; coordinated outfit; small group of musicians who play together 1 plenitude
2 exigency
3 ensemble
4 toll
5 plead
87 hammer like tool; mallet(wooden hammer) used by a presiding officer or an auctioneer; V. 1 gavel
2 discriminating
3 engulf
4 dismantle
5 condescend
88 brief and compact 1 bauble
2 fluent
3 stun
4 concise
5 girth
89 divine gift; great popular charm or appeal; magnetism 1 hoodwink
2 charisma
3 retort
4 amnesty
5 perjury
90 extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress; ( ) ; V. 1 menace
2 violet
3 cordon
4 corridor
5 padre
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 irreverent 1 halfhearted
2 impious
3 levitate
4 primp
5 grotesque
92 short pole with a flat blade (not held in position) 1 paddle
2 artisan
3 svelte
4 foment
5 murmur
93 metal block used for shaping metal or plastic; device for stamping or impressing; mold; CF. dice 1 die
2 animus
3 exacerbate
4 blurt
5 baton
94 follower of any great teacher 1 perforate
2 juridical
3 disciple
4 shoot
5 frieze
95 rude; insensitive 1 coma
2 disabuse
3 impiety
4 boorish
5 misogynist
96 dispute or contradict (often in an insulting way); attack as false or questionable; challenge; gainsay; CF. fight 1 conciliatory
2 inanimate
3 impugn
4 debilitate
5 eavesdrop
97 gift for finding valuable things by accident; accidental good fortune or luck; CF. The Three Princes of Serendip 1 cognitive
2 blackball
3 dynamo
4 serendipity
5 rebate
98 confuse thoroughly 1 generate
2 orientation
3 befuddle
4 severity
5 protuberance
99 introduce as a subject; moot; open up 1 chasten
2 rung
3 broach
4 dote
5 dissension
100 solemn urging; V. adjure: entreat earnestly; enjoin solemnly 1 geyser
2 ludicrous
3 vanguard
4 inquisitive
5 adjuration
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