Quiz 19 of 50 -- Barron words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 central or vital part; core; whole seed (as of corn) 1 tine
2 kernel
3 recount
4 sanctimonious
5 choleric
2 looking back on the past; N. retrospection; V. retrospect 1 tonality
2 animosity
3 retrospective
4 shirk
5 gentle
3 quality of a musical tone produced by a musical instrument (which distinguishes it from others of the same pitch) 1 illuminate
2 indubitable
3 propinquity
4 timbre
5 superfluous
4 ghostly; N. specter: spectre; ghost; phantom 1 conduit
2 royalty
3 parched
4 gambol
5 spectral
5 ridicule; N: written attack ridiculing or satirizing a person, group, or institution 1 trappings
2 deed
3 wary
4 lampoon
5 lineage
6 bitter fluid secreted by the liver (aiding in the digestion of fats); 1 repugnance
2 bile
3 maternal
4 antedate
5 aloft
7 large city 1 syllogism
2 anthropologist
3 metropolis
4 incredulity
5 fluency
8 bitterness of speech and temper; ADJ. acerbic: bitter; acrid (in taste, manner, or tone) 1 acerbity
2 admonish
3 corrode
4 wry
5 delve
9 fluent; talkative; glib; N. volubility 1 gangway
2 chipmunk
3 nexus
4 corroborate
5 voluble
10 pay for services 1 stipend
2 claustrophobia
3 circumvent
4 sultry
5 relevant
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 (of a person) truthful 1 remiss
2 baste
3 wick
4 circumvent
5 veracious
12 related to thinking about something constantly; of an obsession; preoccupying; N. obsession: compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea; compulsive idea; V. obsess: preoccupy the mind of excessively 1 obsessive
2 advocacy
3 mellifluous
4 sprightly
5 affirmation
13 (esp. of an expression of the face) twisted; with a humorous twist (expressing displeasure) 1 obelisk
2 oracular
3 sovereign
4 wry
5 unintimating
14 furnisher of foodstuffs; caterer; V. purvey: supply (eg. food); furnish; CF. provide 1 encomiastic
2 escapade
3 disconcert
4 purveyor
5 condone
15 scatter; drive away; cause to vanish 1 dispel
2 filler
3 ballot
4 hackney
5 addiction
16 respectful; worshipful; V. revere: regard with reverence; N. reverence: profound respect 1 haggle
2 knocker
3 trough
4 placard
5 reverent
17 short quick cut with scissors; V: cut with scissors 1 eulogy
2 snip
3 lateral
4 verve
5 bucolic
18 fill (someone) with (a quality); N. infusion 1 infuse
2 discrete
3 fulcrum
4 maleficent
5 captious
19 (of a snake) shed or cast off (dead outer skin); N: outer layer that is shed 1 slough
2 choreography
3 ebb
4 continence
5 squabble
20 boorish; rude; N. churl: boor; yahoo 1 calamity
2 churlish
3 lurk
4 enact
5 indecision
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 ordinary; N: something ordinary or common; trite remark 1 linoleum
2 commonplace
3 truism
4 quorum
5 requiem
22 greatness (in size or extent); extent 1 vulpine
2 cram
3 magnitude
4 bureaucracy
5 slapdash
23 ornate; highly elaborate; richly colored; ostentatious; showy; CF. flame 1 porridge
2 quietude
3 musket
4 flamboyant
5 taut
24 oval building with tiers of seats; CF. arena 1 amphitheater
2 loft
3 fawning
4 tiller
5 terrestrial
25 make liquids murky by stirring up sediment; disturb 1 refectory
2 roil
3 waggish
4 rebuttal
5 gist
26 body of customers 1 hemorrhage
2 macabre
3 prosecute
4 amnesia
5 clientele
27 having no equal; incomparable 1 peerless
2 floe
3 immune
4 pacifist
5 promulgate
28 made in an earlier period and usu. valuable; N: object that was made in an earlier period and that is rare or valuable 1 vacillate
2 pedigree
3 antique
4 nonplus
5 pinnace
29 aversion; dislike or opposition 1 culpable
2 antipathy
3 eccentric
4 concur
5 nirvana
30 confirm; support; strengthen 1 decomposition
2 corroborate
3 disapprobation
4 takeoff
5 bleak
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 stick together 1 Shangri-la
2 cohere
3 vixen
4 litter
5 bravado
32 temporary stay; V: stay for a time 1 odium
2 aftermath
3 sojourn
4 hereafter
5 propinquity
33 fallen fruit; unexpected lucky event 1 disquisition
2 perspicuity
3 crossbreed
4 windfall
5 nucleate
34 compiler of a dictionary; CF. lexicography: work of compiling a dictionary 1 sage
2 gamut
3 lexicographer
4 pragmatist
5 seduce
35 shorten; reduce 1 grouch
2 anomaly
3 curtail
4 incident
5 ensemble
36 greed (for wealth); CF. cupid; CF. Cupid 1 ballad
2 cupidity
3 purveyor
4 aloof
5 omniscient
37 stupid awkward person; CF. elf 1 gusty
2 spendthrift
3 frustrate
4 oaf
5 cannibal
38 remainder 1 betoken
2 shaft
3 remnant
4 converse
5 culprit
39 determination; resolution; firmness of purpose 1 forthright
2 interloper
3 knocker
4 resolve
5 brevity
40 going against; opposing; unfavorable; hostile 1 trapeze
2 cultivated
3 adverse
4 unctuous
5 bifurcated
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 childish; infant like 1 infantile
2 writhe
3 moralistic
4 hemophilia
5 arraign
42 crude cabin 1 gargoyle
2 promulgate
3 shack
4 apolitical
5 cantankerous
43 neigh like a horse; CF. neigh: make the sound which horses make 1 whinny
2 trample
3 archaeology
4 asymmetric
5 tiptoe
44 rub out; remove the surface of 1 acrid
2 pessimism
3 chassis
4 psychic
5 efface
45 chuckle with delight; N. 1 royalty
2 overt
3 chortle
4 cemetery
5 bureaucracy
46 rubbing away; tending to grind down 1 tout
2 dent
3 gentle
4 swamp
5 abrasive
47 struggle confusedly; move off in a confused hurry; N. CF. scuffling twins ? 1 meteorite
2 anarchy
3 quagmire
4 scuffle
5 mock
48 joking (often inappropriately); un-serious; humorous 1 boon
2 facetious
3 rogue
4 secular
5 pretext
49 narrow in scope or outlook; provincial; related to parishes 1 pedagogue
2 parochial
3 shrewd
4 adumbrate
5 cacophonous
50 lack of seriousness or steadiness; frivolity; lightness of manner 1 levity
2 blackmail
3 flexible
4 cursive
5 augury
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 formal; ceremonious; grand in style or size; majestic 1 stately
2 dermatologist
3 don
4 assail
5 bungle
52 flat bottom part of a shoe 1 argot
2 buccaneer
3 sole
4 garbled
5 sanitary
53 something attached to but holding an inferior position 1 disclose
2 blue
3 misogamy
4 adjunct
5 contention
54 enjoy; savor; N: enjoyment; zest 1 relish
2 impious
3 tarry
4 dissent
5 perjury
55 relating to cooking or kitchen 1 aptitude
2 culinary
3 cipher
4 slake
5 capsize
56 ability to identify with another's feelings, ideas, etc.; identification with and understanding of another's feelings; V. empathize; CF. sympathy 1 coalition
2 glide
3 ornithologist
4 patina
5 empathy
57 place for burying the dead 1 cemetery
2 premise
3 reverie
4 mauve
5 bohemian
58 contending; CF. vie 1 caper
2 mast
3 vying
4 deploy
5 visionary
59 public official who investigates any death thought to be of other than natural causes 1 coroner
2 comatose
3 rainfall
4 rabble
5 cremate
60 raised platform for speakers or other important people 1 sinewy
2 slake
3 reportorial
4 corrode
5 dais
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 partner in crime 1 accomplice
2 berserk
3 besmirch
4 stickler
5 energize
62 trickery; deception 1 lackadaisical
2 chicanery
3 tautological
4 blues
5 rug
63 violent; rough; noisy 1 inestimable
2 landslide
3 boisterous
4 chuckle
5 dart
64 sharp-cornered; having an angle; not rounded (body); bony; lean; gaunt; stiff in manner 1 seasoned
2 fetid(foetid)
3 chivalrous
4 pucker
5 angular
65 recess in a wall as for holding a statue; suitable place or job (suited to one's abilities or interests) 1 converse
2 brawl
3 niche
4 motley
5 willowy
66 highly gifted child; person with exceptional talents; marvel; wonder 1 saturate
2 fetid(foetid)
3 prodigy
4 superfluous
5 tamp
67 brilliant; splendid in appearance; dazzling; glorious 1 requiem
2 incorporate
3 resplendent
4 lethargic
5 circuitous
68 having absolute unchecked power; dictatorial; N. autocrat, autocracy 1 brat
2 mortise
3 refectory
4 autocratic
5 torso
69 pertaining to farewell; N: farewell address (esp. at graduation exercises) 1 unregenerate
2 exigency
3 ambidextrous
4 determinate
5 valedictory
70 move hastily; hurry; move briskly 1 scurry
2 glossy
3 restraint
4 languid
5 potential
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality; N: taste or smell; distinctive quality 1 astute
2 manumit
3 savor
4 adumbrate
5 sip
72 stingy; mean 1 miserly
2 stifle
3 botch
4 squabble
5 obsequy
73 low, guttural, menacing sound (as of a dog) 1 elicit
2 falter
3 growl
4 clangor
5 thrifty
74 take possession of (often for public use and without payment) 1 spatula
2 band
3 expropriate
4 paternalism
5 liquidate
75 hag; ugly old woman 1 crone
2 grotesque
3 trudge
4 objective
5 imaginary
76 letter (esp. a long and important one) 1 tong
2 caulk
3 reprimand
4 encumber
5 epistle
77 letter; written statement; CF. sent 1 skim
2 frugality
3 missive
4 desperado
5 caste
78 clergyman attached to a chapel 1 brewery
2 convulsion
3 diffuse
4 frame
5 chaplain
79 include (as a member of a group); encompass 1 spoof
2 subsume
3 perspicacious
4 crinkle
5 supple
80 one who writes in defense of a cause or institution; N. apologia 1 disinclination
2 apologist
3 table
4 shirk
5 alleviate
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 of the same kind; uniform in composition throughout 1 homogeneous
2 succor
3 trapeze
4 confound
5 luscious
82 time of greatest success or power; prime 1 duration
2 fatalism
3 expos\'e
4 rebate
5 heyday
83 subside or moderate 1 melee
2 abate
3 toga
4 salvage
5 efface
84 lacking in seriousness; flippant; self-indulgently carefree; unworthy of serious attention; relatively unimportant; trivial 1 despise
2 indentation
3 arrears
4 frivolous
5 analogous
85 cure-all; remedy for all diseases 1 expiate
2 sententious
3 stalemate
4 panacea
5 gregarious
86 period following a bad event; consequence of a disaster or misfortune 1 arroyo
2 aftermath
3 pundit
4 don
5 taut
87 separate religious body; faction; group of people with common beliefs within a larger group 1 syllogism
2 acme
3 sect
4 patrician
5 prevaricate
88 poise; composure in difficult situations; assurance; self-confidence 1 stanza
2 aplomb
3 recount
4 carapace
5 artifice
89 insignificant; unimportant 1 hesitate
2 inconsequential
3 snicker
4 flotsam
5 appreciate
90 return to a former state (esp. after improvement); N. 1 intransigence
2 zephyr
3 penitent
4 relapse
5 ductile
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 passage between two rows of rooms; narrow tract of land, esp. through another country 1 despondent
2 tribune
3 corridor
4 suture
5 screech
92 belief in one God 1 monotheism
2 flotsam
3 momentous
4 earmark
5 hubbub
93 pompous walk; V: walk in a self-important manner 1 canal
2 strut
3 waylay
4 resign
5 psyche
94 bell tower (in a church) 1 hobble
2 apothegm(apophthegm)
3 belfry
4 simian
5 rectify
95 flexible; supple; pliable; V. 1 arboreal
2 potpourri
3 hoard
4 oath
5 limber
96 language used by special group; technical terminology; gibberish; nonsensical or incoherent talk 1 yoke
2 thunderbolt
3 compliance
4 jargon
5 temporal
97 act of reciting publicly; detailed account; performance of music or dance (by a solo performer) 1 pigment
2 recital
3 avuncular
4 natation
5 conflagration
98 lie; hide the truth (by equivocating) 1 prevaricate
2 genus
3 pyre
4 jingoism
5 tumid
99 stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys; criterion; standard 1 asunder
2 leniency
3 mortician
4 touchstone
5 mosaic
100 based on theory; not practical or applied; hypothetical 1 selective
2 theoretical
3 prelude
4 baffle
5 overblown
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