Quiz 28 of 50 -- Barron words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 transparent; limpid(crystal clear); clear in meaning; easy to understand 1 venture
2 reprehensible
3 pellucid
4 nefarious
5 plaster
2 incurable; uncorrectable; impossible to remedy 1 falter
2 workaday
3 mint
4 shrew
5 irremediable
3 done at once without attention to details or rules (as in punishments); Ex. He was summarily dismissed. 1 summary
2 antler
3 nexus
4 beatitude
5 clipper
4 pertaining to the moon 1 sensitization
2 stentorian
3 oblivion
4 lunar
5 deify
5 arrival 1 interpolate
2 advent
3 ossify
4 gruesome
5 incipient
6 spotted 1 homely
2 felicity
3 overhaul
4 pall
5 dappled
7 freeze; coagulate 1 dote
2 callow
3 vaunted
4 physiological
5 congeal
8 view with disfavor 1 refectory
2 atypical
3 libertine
4 discountenance
5 concise
9 made up of a variety of parts 1 swelter
2 pulsate
3 defoliate
4 patio
5 miscellaneous
10 beak(bill); pen point 1 corroborate
2 nib
3 exculpate
4 license
5 supplant
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 capricious; fanciful; amusingly strange 1 acme
2 physiological
3 whimsical
4 adherent
5 militant
12 suave; refined in manner; elegant 1 brisk
2 urbane
3 conceit
4 gradation
5 solstice
13 bored with pleasure or dissipation; uninterested or bored 1 simile
2 bombardment
3 feasible
4 blas\'e
5 maneuver(maneuver)
14 hateful; spiteful; expressing malice; N. malice: desire to harm others; spite 1 carnage
2 parchment
3 epithet
4 malicious
5 mellifluous
15 crush; quash; suppress 1 facsimile
2 squash
3 glossary
4 clout
5 cataclysm
16 large vehicle drawn by a horse over snow or ice 1 sleigh
2 solemnity
3 whinny
4 mock
5 meek
17 lawyer in the lower court of law 1 motility
2 insider
3 paradox
4 repeal
5 solicitor
18 waste; spend foolishly 1 calorific
2 aegis
3 ratify
4 squander
5 repast
19 lack of harmony; absurdity; ADJ. incongruous: lacking in harmony; inappropriate 1 infirmity
2 saline
3 gibberish
4 stratified
5 incongruity
20 give a bodily form to; incorporate; include 1 pusillanimous
2 dent
3 embody
4 pastoral
5 tread
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 loiter; hang around; waste time doing nothing 1 vigilante
2 impertinent
3 conformist
4 tugboat
5 dawdle
22 suffering from a disease; destroyed 1 fawning
2 filler
3 languish
4 strive
5 blighted
23 inflammatory disorder of the lower intestinal tract 1 ineffectual
2 pine
3 dysentery
4 excise
5 veterinarian
24 plot outline; screenplay(script for a movie); opera libretto; outline of possible future events 1 beneficiary
2 scenario
3 obstetrician
4 narcosis
5 erratic
25 flat part of a knife, propeller, oar, or bat; long flat leaf of grass; 1 gawk
2 blade
3 mischance
4 undertaker
5 epistemologist
26 confused; lost in thought; preoccupied 1 coalition
2 inoculate
3 detain
4 iconoclastic
5 bemused
27 stinging; acrid; sharp in taste or smell; (of speech or writing) caustic; N. pungency 1 stoke
2 valediction
3 assay
4 disquietude
5 pungent
28 (animal, person, or plant) inhabitant or resident of a particular place; regular visitor 1 exhume
2 denizen
3 tipple
4 ventriloquist
5 credulity
29 helpful; useful; advantageous 1 enclave
2 artisan
3 nihilist
4 gangway
5 beneficial
30 fits of depression or gloom; ADJ. moody: given to changeable moods; subject to periods of depression; gloomy CF. mood: state of mind or emotion 1 moodiness
2 agronomy
3 vivify
4 quench
5 gullible
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 mixture of rock fragments or pebbles 1 gravel
2 fluctuate
3 aberration
4 holism
5 uproar
32 circle of flowers of leaves (worn round the neck for decoration or as a sign of victory); V. 1 molecule
2 garland
3 bouillon
4 pellucid
5 patois
33 unconventional (in an artistic way) 1 embark
2 germ
3 ventriloquist
4 bohemian
5 stomp
34 linear strand of DNA in the nucleus of cells 1 chromosome
2 cohesion
3 crevice
4 moodiness
5 brusque
35 study of prehistoric life or fossils; CF. paleo-: ancient or prehistoric; Ex. paleography: study of ancient written documents 1 nullify
2 rite
3 colonial
4 incongruity
5 paleontology
36 wise saying; proverb 1 alimony
2 duplicity
3 overhaul
4 unfledged
5 adage
37 sharp projection from fishhook, arrow, or other object; openly cutting remark 1 quip
2 perigee
3 barb
4 potentate
5 headlong
38 destroy or wear away gradually by chemical action (over a long period) 1 corrode
2 handbill
3 galleon
4 august
5 calibrate
39 of real matter; relevant; significant; important; having a connection 1 ordinance
2 material
3 intermediary
4 forthright
5 hatchet
40 felt in one's inner organs; N. viscera: internal body organs; CF. eviscerate 1 comatose
2 prosperity
3 visceral
4 audit
5 sophistry
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 gold and silver in the form of bars 1 insensate
2 well-bred
3 kudos
4 generic
5 bullion
42 separated; alienated; V. estrange: alienate (people in a family); N. estrangement 1 interjection
2 sole
3 inventory
4 estranged
5 vivisection
43 explain 1 expound
2 conception
3 catcall
4 faculty
5 exodus
44 occupying a lower rank; inferior; submissive; N. V: put in a lower rank or class 1 fertile
2 tension
3 gloss_over
4 subordinate
5 debutante
45 parliamentary procedure by which debate is ended and an immediate vote is taken; CF. closure 1 elliptical
2 estranged
3 cloture
4 feign
5 acidulous
46 lure; persuade to do (something wrong); attract; tempt 1 entice
2 canal
3 sledge
4 disparage
5 worldly
47 outer part of the skin 1 bile
2 repellent
3 epidermis
4 menagerie
5 orb
48 dull; impassive; showing little emotion when strong feelings are expected 1 stolid
2 objective
3 chorus
4 sacrilegious
5 emaciated
49 oversimplified 1 gratuity
2 tanker
3 serendipity
4 leave-taking
5 simplistic
50 flattened narrow fold in cloth; (, ) ; V. 1 apprise
2 petrify
3 snicker
4 pleat
5 foist
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life; hardship; want; CF. deprive 1 titter
2 drama
3 matin\'ee(matinee)
4 epistle
5 privation
52 headland 1 schematic
2 ludicrous
3 purchase
4 orientation
5 promontory
53 trial sheet of printed material; trial photographic print 1 cure
2 compulsion
3 agape
4 kernel
5 proof
54 exhibiting little interest or enthusiasm 1 adage
2 simile
3 halfhearted
4 novice
5 evict
55 thoroughly soaked; dull or stupid as if from drink 1 sodden
2 ingest
3 caulk
4 abeyance
5 vista
56 hairpiece worn to cover a bald spot; CF. transformation: 1 polarize
2 misgivings
3 heckler
4 fumble
5 toupee
57 shine brightly without a flame (as of eyes or metals); show redness and heat (in the face) after hard work or because of strong feelings; N: light produced by a heated body; brilliance of a color 1 discount
2 detrimental
3 glow
4 satire
5 carol
58 hypnotic state; ecstatic state; detachment from one's physical surrounding (as in contemplation or daydreaming); CF. transition 1 indite
2 declivity
3 iris
4 trance
5 pecuniary
59 shorten 1 lullaby
2 suffragist
3 abbreviate
4 intermittent
5 decadence
60 cause to become sick; fill with disgust; fill nausea 1 demographic
2 emancipate
3 heedless
4 cosmic
5 nauseate
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 careful in choosing; having an effect only on certain things; not general; Ex. eclectic weed killer 1 bruise
2 unlettered
3 epistemologist
4 selective
5 cede
62 examine and compare in order to verify authenticity; arrange in order (the sheets of a book before they are bound) 1 asunder
2 traumatic
3 collate
4 prefatory
5 simian
63 person who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy so that the other side will do what the enemy demands 1 oath
2 hostage
3 scaffold
4 brocade
5 reactionary
64 minor objection or complaint; V: raise minor objections; carp; cavil 1 quibble
2 hypothetical
3 refute
4 hew
5 engulf
65 something (or medicine) that increases health, strength, or confidence; first note; key note; ADJ. 1 career
2 ichthyology
3 potentate
4 supplicant
5 tonic
66 show clearly 1 blizzard
2 evince
3 grotto
4 dexterous
5 prop
67 pertaining to cultivation of gardens; N. horticulture: science or art of cultivating fruits, vegetables, or ornamental plants; CF. agriculture: science or art of farming or growing crops 1 sportive
2 horticultural
3 chronic
4 platonic
5 exhale
68 be excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline 1 rabble
2 motley
3 potion
4 disillusion
5 dote
69 pure; thin and transparent; very steep 1 genesis
2 heedless
3 blowhard
4 sheer
5 axle
70 sizeable; fairly large 1 cull
2 sizable
3 rickety
4 scowl
5 pudding
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 exhibiting art or skill; deceitful; cunning; CF. artifice 1 aegis
2 fancied
3 graphic
4 expository
5 artful
72 someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another person or thing (without moving lips or jaws); N. ventriloquism, ventriloquy 1 enervate
2 cogitate
3 adjunct
4 ventriloquist
5 paroxysm
73 soft and mild (of air); fragrant 1 foil
2 tawny
3 willful
4 balmy
5 potential
74 one who feigns illness to escape duty; V. malinger: feign illness to avoid work 1 convoluted
2 malingerer
3 severity
4 insurgent
5 dearth
75 quick sharp reply; V. 1 retort
2 jingoist
3 atypical
4 unlettered
5 clapper
76 missile; fired or thrown object (such as stone or bullet) 1 sunder
2 intrepid
3 projectile
4 comprise
5 pathogen
77 hesitate; weaken in purpose or action; walk or move unsteadily through weakness; N. 1 tiptoe
2 falter
3 grumble
4 incumbent
5 asylum
78 (of people or animals) sturdy; robust; (of plants) able to stand inclement(stormy) weather 1 accord
2 specious
3 agape
4 surly
5 hardy
79 causing nausea; feeling nausea 1 mammoth
2 obsolete
3 nauseous
4 limp
5 levee
80 soft material used to fill, give shape, or protect against injury 1 equanimity
2 pad
3 masochist
4 brochure
5 inflated
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 ornamental horizontal band on a wall 1 surge
2 frieze
3 ecologist
4 lurk
5 transitory
82 having many forms 1 multiform
2 execrate
3 silo
4 nutrition
5 disingenuous
83 outmoded; no longer used 1 jug
2 obsolete
3 pulse
4 canter
5 trigger
84 short simple story teaching a moral 1 prefigure
2 gruel
3 raspy
4 slate
5 parable
85 clearly different from others of the same kind 1 distinctive
2 engaging
3 emulate
4 impious
5 limber
86 one who studies the skin and its diseases 1 floe
2 dermatologist
3 ablution
4 imperceptible
5 resolution
87 make greater in size or effect; cause to appear greater; exaggerate 1 behoove(behove)
2 boggle
3 monumental
4 magnify
5 distend
88 drink in 1 conundrum
2 sequel
3 imbibe
4 aerie, aery, eyrie, eyry
5 consort
89 excessively enthusiastic expression of feeling; musical composition of irregular form (as if made up as one plays it) 1 allocate
2 colon
3 archaeology
4 endemic
5 rhapsody
90 devoutness; reverence for God; ADJ. pious 1 odious
2 crave
3 candor
4 piety
5 anarchy
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 talkative; N. loquacity 1 decipher
2 artifacts
3 loquacious
4 deranged
5 abstract
92 engaging; V. arrest: catch and fix (someone's attention); Ex. The bright lights arrested the baby's attention. 1 sublime
2 indulgent
3 indigence
4 arresting
5 gallows
93 narrow-mindedness; isolation; ADJ. insular: of an island; isolated; narrow-minded; CF. peninsula 1 girder
2 wily
3 auspicious
4 sophisticated
5 insularity
94 conspicuously wicked, bad, or offensive; blatant; outrageous 1 flagrant
2 natation
3 prominent
4 accommodate
5 mantle
95 cross-bar that forms the steps of a ladder 1 pride
2 frivolous
3 rung
4 impede
5 contraband
96 funeral song; slow mournful piece of music (sung over a dead person) 1 determinate
2 dirge
3 infallible
4 airy
5 metallurgical
97 adorn; ornament; enhance as a story (by adding fictitious details) 1 caustic
2 bereft
3 inductive
4 embellish
5 carillon
98 member of the working class; blue collar guy; N. proletariat: working class (who have to work for wages) 1 prate
2 proletarian
3 spoilsport
4 foresight
5 apostate
99 infringe; encroach; influence; touch; collide with; Ex. The effects are impinging on every aspect of our lives. 1 mortician
2 impinge
3 advert
4 inestimable
5 whimsical
100 sailing vessel built for great speed 1 catalyst
2 wily
3 premonitory
4 clipper
5 phlegmatic
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