Quiz 9 of 50 -- GRE word definitions

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1 n. Quickness of intellectual insight, or discernment; keenness of discrimination. 1 coagulant
2 defraud
3 debut
4 foppery
5 acumen
2 n. One rejected and despised, especially socially. 1 lucrative
2 captious
3 outcast
4 elasticity
5 difference
3 adj. That can not be successfully withstood or opposed. 1 pollute
2 panegyric
3 irresistible
4 contuse
5 incidence
4 n. A treatise discussing a single subject or branch of a subject. 1 heathenish
2 monograph
3 explosion
4 diplomatist
5 Catholicism
5 n. Existence antecedent to something. 1 preexistence
2 opulent
3 concussion
4 benignant
5 nevertheless
6 n. Adequate qualification or capacity. 1 competence
2 preposterous
3 obese
4 semiannual
5 cohesive
7 adj. Pertaining to punishment. 1 punitive
2 stealth
3 retrieve
4 overrun
5 boycott
8 v. To crouch down tremblingly, as through fear or shame. 1 missal
2 infusion
3 ensnare
4 salutatory
5 cower
9 v. To mediate between persons. 1 cat-o-nine-tails
2 intercede
3 rhetorician
4 tincture
5 estuary
10 v. To animate. 1 recluse
2 abscess
3 ashen
4 tripod
5 invigorate
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 n. Any living being whose actions are or appear to be involuntary or mechanical. 1 sparse
2 legalize
3 Nemesis
4 automaton
5 decamp
12 n. A Christian who denies the authority of the Pope and holds the right of special judgment. 1 venial
2 raptorial
3 irradiance
4 Protestant
5 savor
13 n. A woman who has never been married. 1 expository
2 psychic
3 abeyance
4 spinster
5 perverse
14 n. Fixed rule or set form. 1 amorous
2 formula
3 Narcissus
4 felicity
5 intelligible
15 n. A service. 1 supersede
2 hydrometer
3 ministry
4 reckless
5 insuppressible
16 adj. Peculiar. 1 possess
2 invaluable
3 patter
4 eccentric
5 junction
17 adj. Unresponsive. 1 passive
2 inspector
3 rightful
4 excellency
5 radical
18 n. The art of examing objects with the microscope. 1 invincible
2 oblong
3 readily
4 microscopy
5 profiteer
19 n. An unprincipled politician. 1 hypnosis
2 aurora
3 pacify
4 demagogue
5 incandescent
20 adj. Noteworthy. 1 aperture
2 lexicographer
3 memorable
4 vocable
5 connubial
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 v. To enter in a book, or on a list, roll, or document, by writing. 1 tranquility
2 haggard
3 jocose
4 ligament
5 inscribe
22 n. An instrument consisting of nine pieces of cord, formerly used for flogging in the army and navy. 1 masterpiece
2 cat-o-nine-tails
3 residue
4 dissertation
5 misogyny
23 adj. Opposing or opposed. 1 galore
2 illusive
3 adverse
4 obsolete
5 dignitary
24 n. The territory of a reigning prince. 1 nondescript
2 principality
3 disunion
4 redundant
5 disallow
25 adj. Appealing strongly to the reason or conscience. 1 cogent
2 tranquilize
3 thoroughbred
4 beneficiary
5 necessity
26 n. A city of the dead. 1 typographical
2 relevant
3 necropolis
4 prudential
5 luxuriance
27 v. To act in opposition to. 1 noiseless
2 qualm
3 ligature
4 counteract
5 collide
28 n. An instrument for assisting the eye in the vision of minute objects or features of objects. 1 microscope
2 arcade
3 forethought
4 counting-house
5 neophyte
29 v. To accord in sound, especially vowel sound. 1 manifesto
2 free trade
3 consort
4 descry
5 assonate
30 n. A fictitious name, especially when assumed by a writer. 1 pseudonym
2 atomizer
3 indulgence
4 introvert
5 sentinel
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 n. One who trains horses, dogs, etc. 1 antemeridian
2 octavo
3 trammel
4 breaker
5 ladle
32 n. Government by a single, sovereign ruler. 1 phosphorescence
2 prediction
3 rigorous
4 monarchy
5 stagy
33 n. Any alcoholic or intoxicating liquid. 1 trenchant
2 liquor
3 rescind
4 oscillate
5 deposition
34 n. Cleverness in contriving, combining, or originating. 1 leviathan
2 ingenuity
3 hesitation
4 allude
5 temporary
35 v. To encounter, as difficulties or obstacles. 1 invigorate
2 realism
3 confront
4 inaccurate
5 trepidation
36 n. An apparatus for reducing a liquid to a fine spray, as for disinfection, inhalation, etc. 1 facial
2 liking
3 atomizer
4 salacious
5 expectorate
37 n. Avarice. 1 convalescence
2 bray
3 cupidity
4 motto
5 burnish
38 adj. Binding in law or conscience. 1 frolicsome
2 sublingual
3 thoroughfare
4 guinea
5 obligatory
39 n. Surrender, as of possessions or rights. 1 stipend
2 expect
3 afresh
4 cession
5 presumption
40 adj. Courageous. 1 valorous
2 mnemonics
3 savage
4 indefinitely
5 befog
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 adj. At variance with any commonly accepted doctrine or opinion. 1 midsummer
2 heterodox
3 preponderate
4 uppermost
5 projection
42 adj. Pertaining to a hundred years or a period of a hundred years. 1 exhaustion
2 antemundane
3 centenary
4 grisly
5 landmark
43 adj. That can not be taken by assault. 1 bolster
2 bombast
3 zodiac
4 deference
5 impregnable
44 n. Pregnancy. 1 privy
2 effervescent
3 credulous
4 gestation
5 cessation
45 adj. Foolish, indiscreet, or silly. 1 hackney
2 well-to-do
3 distort
4 pharmacy
5 witless
46 v. To excrete through the pores of the skin. 1 perspire
2 discomfit
3 efficiency
4 dissonant
5 breech
47 n. Profound lethargy. 1 encyclical
2 stupor
3 guise
4 lawgiver
5 corruption
48 n. Clanking or a ringing, as of arms, chains, or bells; clamor. 1 clangor
2 antiseptic
3 contemplate
4 fixture
5 crematory
49 n. Rudeness. 1 incapacitate
2 impertinence
3 bodice
4 legitimacy
5 conclusive
50 v. To recall the knowledge of. 1 foible
2 recollect
3 magnanimous
4 vitiate
5 physics
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 v. To find fault with. 1 reprehend
2 corrosion
3 treasonable
4 decency
5 non-combatant
52 n. An act or a means of cunning deception. 1 philanthropist
2 epoch
3 disburden
4 wile
5 entail
53 v. To labor or cooperate with another or others, especially in literary or scientific pursuits. 1 rapine
2 curator
3 rectify
4 cynicism
5 collaborate
54 v. To hold back or in. 1 aliment
2 inhibit
3 patronize
4 ointment
5 pendulum
55 adj. Revengeful. 1 irreverent
2 magnitude
3 definite
4 allotment
5 vindicative
56 v. To put in order after disarrangement. 1 mordant
2 propagate
3 inveigh
4 readjust
5 transition
57 adj. Fond of tricks. 1 defray
2 acetic
3 collier
4 mischievous
5 physiography
58 n. A very small amount, portion, or particle. 1 gravity
2 motley
3 mite
4 esthetic
5 amalgamate
59 n. One who attacks. 1 assailant
2 drainage
3 forethought
4 sensitive
5 animosity
60 n. Increase of amount, size, scope, or the like. 1 hesitant
2 breech
3 expansion
4 obstreperous
5 minimize
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 adj. Capable of being stretched out or expanded in every direction. 1 lough
2 isobar
3 distensible
4 overreach
5 ecstatic
62 v. To pursue inquiries and form conjectures. 1 competence
2 speculate
3 transfusible
4 poetaster
5 monastery
63 v. To bring to ruin. 1 subvert
2 irrefrangible
3 abyss
4 sarcasm
5 heresy
64 n. A guilty person. 1 erudite
2 culprit
3 illegal
4 acquiesce
5 vocable
65 n. The captain of a flag-ship. 1 flag-officer
2 lea
3 gait
4 veneer
5 paucity
66 v. To serve as a characteristic example of. 1 typify
2 misdeed
3 ichthyic
4 pyrotechnic
5 ingratiate
67 n. A yawning hollow, as in the earth's surface. 1 frantic
2 soluble
3 outlive
4 chasm
5 contemporaneous
68 n. A bibliographical sketch or notice. 1 vegetate
2 slothful
3 submerge
4 illegitimate
5 biograph
69 adj. Persevering in effort or endeavor. 1 elasticity
2 ecstatic
3 summary
4 sedulous
5 artful
70 v. To move or incite to action. 1 actuate
2 granule
3 maharaja
4 embark
5 papacy
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 n. Unblushing impudence. 1 effrontery
2 condolence
3 cardiac
4 doublet
5 powerless
72 n. One who or that which is expected to remain permanently in its position. 1 consanguineous
2 compulsory
3 studious
4 avidity
5 fixture
73 n. One who lives by robbery and plunder. 1 financier
2 brigand
3 heptarchy
4 fiasco
5 cranium
74 adj. Still existing and known. 1 abbey
2 extant
3 convivial
4 electrotype
5 crass
75 n. Truth. 1 grief
2 piece
3 flamboyant
4 verity
5 transfusion
76 adj. Ornamented to a marked degree. 1 invidious
2 rendition
3 conducive
4 ornate
5 palate
77 v. To turn from the accustomed course or a line of action already established. 1 divert
2 recede
3 feint
4 metropolitan
5 perennial
78 n. The recovery of what is mortgaged or pledged, by paying the debt. 1 inundate
2 whereabouts
3 redemption
4 homogeneity
5 abridgment
79 n. Virginity. 1 course
2 machinist
3 precedent
4 maidenhood
5 impulsion
80 adj. Sumptuously elegant. 1 epicycle
2 foresight
3 hexagon
4 misadventure
5 superb
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 adj. Showing enthusiasm or exhilaration of feeling. 1 sedate
2 successful
3 emaciate
4 ebullient
5 disbeliever
82 n. One who claims to have supernatural insight or foresight. 1 soothsayer
2 maharaja
3 liking
4 sinecure
5 phonogram
83 adj. Having many shapes, or appearances. 1 multiform
2 bigamy
3 inevitable
4 overeat
5 migrate
84 adj. Perceivable. 1 quarantine
2 ready
3 overleap
4 vestment
5 discernible
85 n. Something added, or to be added. 1 addendum
2 erroneous
3 ministry
4 mileage
5 denomination
86 adj. Having a warm appreciation of the beautiful or of the refinements of luxury. 1 satiric
2 sensuous
3 fledgling
4 imbibe
5 rapine
87 n. Largeness. 1 singe
2 sepulcher
3 coalition
4 amplitude
5 perjury
88 n. That which moves to action, or serves as an incentive or stimulus. 1 galvanism
2 dolesome
3 matter of fact
4 incitement
5 recognize
89 n. Food. 1 carrion
2 naphtha
3 sustenance
4 loch
5 invoke
90 adj. Disposed to pity and forgive. 1 potentate
2 culpable
3 merciful
4 Newtonian
5 executor
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 adj. Wealthy. 1 likelihood
2 opulent
3 trite
4 effluvium
5 declarative
92 adj. Obedient. 1 rebellious
2 dutiful
3 saline
4 interdict
5 fanciless
93 adj. Remotely situated. 1 out-of-the-way
2 forcible
3 delicacy
4 crematory
5 misanthropic
94 v. To set or implant deeply and firmly. 1 masquerade
2 ingraft
3 Newtonian
4 convalescence
5 convolution
95 v. To extend opposite to. 1 impure
2 donor
3 truism
4 subtend
5 endurable
96 n. Frequent irregular change back and forth from one state or degree to another. 1 fluctuation
2 subacid
3 archangel
4 primitive
5 lactation
97 v. To excite a slight degree of anger in. 1 pique
2 emporium
3 inborn
4 perforate
5 subtle
98 adj. Directed toward the side. 1 lateral
2 effeminate
3 grotesque
4 solace
5 dissonance
99 n. A seceder. 1 antiseptic
2 mallet
3 enervate
4 occurrence
5 separatist
100 adj. Pertaining to horses or horsemanship. 1 languor
2 antemundane
3 equestrian
4 profile
5 mausoleum
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