Quiz 18 of 50 -- GRE word definitions

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 n. The act of seizing and carrying off property by superior force, as in war. 1 rapine
2 incipient
3 apparition
4 correlative
5 aqueous
2 n. An arsenal. 1 armory
2 fallible
3 intangible
4 trait
5 immense
3 adj. Plausible. 1 exhale
2 specious
3 immense
4 blazon
5 delectable
4 n. Forcible encroachment or trespass. 1 consulate
2 denunciation
3 cathode
4 inroad
5 stellar
5 n. Wide-spread occurrence of a disease in a certain region. 1 candid
2 bewilder
3 aeronautics
4 epidemic
5 panoply
6 n. Helpful result. 1 monition
2 deceitful
3 atrocious
4 benefit
5 frivolous
7 adj. Hating mankind. 1 misanthropic
2 consensus
3 radix
4 inoffensive
5 sirocco
8 adj. Merry. 1 satyr
2 jovial
3 tranquilize
4 glutinous
5 reticent
9 v. To take hold of. 1 minimize
2 liable
3 despair
4 grapple
5 reluctant
10 n. That which contains and gives shape or form to anything. 1 ambulance
2 matrix
3 transcontinental
4 flimsy
5 illiterate
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 adj. Having a dirty, mean, poverty-stricken appearance. 1 squalid
2 intrude
3 intrigue
4 dutiable
5 access
12 adj. Curving like the segment of the globe or of the surface of a circle. 1 prescience
2 convex
3 potential
4 prickle
5 disarm
13 adj. Of unequaled excellence or worth. 1 massacre
2 peerless
3 awaken
4 meander
5 forte
14 adj. Having and exercising the power to produce effects or results. 1 purloin
2 despondent
3 paternity
4 antediluvian
5 efficient
15 n. In colonial times, a member of the lower house of the legislature of Maryland or Virginia. 1 onrush
2 burgess
3 heptarchy
4 symmetry
5 remuneration
16 n. A human skull as a symbol of death. 1 litigious
2 death's-head
3 subjugate
4 fervor
5 legging
17 adj. Hanging, especially so as to swing by an attached end or part. 1 juggle
2 eliminate
3 octavo
4 misdemeanor
5 pendulous
18 v. To bring to completion. 1 mediocre
2 obesity
3 prospector
4 obvert
5 consummate
19 n. One of a class of deities of the woods and herds represented as half human, with goats feet. 1 faun
2 belittle
3 immovable
4 sheer
5 saline
20 n. A young duck. 1 coagulant
2 nomination
3 disparity
4 duckling
5 shuffle
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 n. A representative of one sovereign state at the capital or court of another. 1 diplomat
2 polyarchy
3 opponent
4 misapprehend
5 illegitimate
22 n. An officer whose duty is to maintain the peace. 1 lyre
2 revere
3 constable
4 opposite
5 temporary
23 n. Rectitude. 1 myth
2 cursory
3 underlie
4 righteousness
5 hazard
24 n. The state or condition of being a sphere. 1 martyrdom
2 Antichrist
3 octogenarian
4 sphericity
5 demeanor
25 v. To sprinkle or cover with things strewn. 1 deviltry
2 reliant
3 bestrew
4 pageant
5 melodious
26 n. Apathy. 1 latish
2 torpor
3 profiteer
4 distrain
5 incandescence
27 adj. Taking notice. 1 cognizant
2 contemptible
3 brevity
4 pamphlet
5 reclusory
28 n. Diversion. 1 ache
2 dissolve
3 avocation
4 monosyllable
5 intoxicant
29 adv. From side to side. 1 fortify
2 momentum
3 replete
4 confluent
5 athwart
30 n. An action or event considered as coming between others of greater length. 1 sense
2 interlude
3 zodiac
4 precise
5 lieu
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 n. An orderly continuous account of the successive particulars of an event. 1 narrative
2 convenience
3 augment
4 defraud
5 dissentious
32 n. The condition or process of gradually falling into disuse. 1 carrion
2 illuminate
3 obsolescence
4 instant
5 imperturbable
33 v. To trespass upon. 1 operative
2 consumption
3 centurion
4 infringe
5 tercentenary
34 n. A narrow street, garden path, walk, or the like. 1 alley
2 illusion
3 immortalize
4 convex
5 encyclopedia
35 n. A person or thing that aids the principal agent. 1 averse
2 accessory
3 proscription
4 reprieve
5 rotary
36 n. Friendly counsel given by way of warning and implying caution or reproof. 1 convalescence
2 penchant
3 misnomer
4 monition
5 creak
37 v. To exercise an arrogant condescension toward. 1 dissentient
2 pervert
3 kernel
4 toleration
5 patronize
38 adj. Effective. 1 deformity
2 solder
3 seminary
4 incompatible
5 efficacious
39 adj. Belonging or relating to or descriptive of the middle ages. 1 ultimatum
2 medieval
3 lingual
4 inconstant
5 contradictory
40 adj. Burning with passion. 1 ardent
2 confront
3 catastrophe
4 stupor
5 bolster
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 n. Fitness to meet the requirements of a particular case. 1 manifesto
2 linear
3 finale
4 expediency
5 chagrin
42 adj. Ultimate. 1 havoc
2 sapience
3 corporeal
4 matrix
5 eventual
43 n. Mercy. 1 decimate
2 impulsive
3 anatomy
4 replica
5 clemency
44 adj. Pertaining to the having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or command. 1 possessive
2 omnivorous
3 vegetarian
4 tapestry
5 absence
45 adj. Pertaining or peculiar to common speech as distinguished from literary. 1 purl
2 inborn
3 assiduous
4 colloquial
5 treatise
46 n. Any assemblage of pupils for real research in some specific study under a teacher. 1 underling
2 interrogate
3 mischievous
4 seminar
5 unwieldy
47 n. Time between acts or periods. 1 second-rate
2 exterior
3 interim
4 ribald
5 lustrous
48 adj. Of a pale or wan appearance. 1 neocracy
2 antagonism
3 colloquy
4 pallid
5 susceptible
49 v. To cause to turn aside or downward. 1 innumerable
2 forecourt
3 latency
4 prejudice
5 deflect
50 n. A balloon or other apparatus floating in or sustained by the air. 1 authenticity
2 aerostat
3 apposition
4 periodicity
5 datum
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 n. A word directly opposed to another in meaning. 1 assonance
2 gradation
3 advertiser
4 ravenous
5 antonym
52 v. To calm the violence or reduce the intensity of; mitigate. 1 arbiter
2 vegetarian
3 allay
4 variegate
5 enfranchise
53 adj. Lazy. 1 mantel
2 infinite
3 typical
4 slothful
5 photoelectric
54 v. To make an effort to vomit. 1 corrosive
2 retch
3 versatile
4 preclude
5 fez
55 adv. At a subsequent time. 1 confident
2 later
3 death's-head
4 untoward
5 liberate
56 n. An articulation, joint, or seam. 1 juncture
2 caricature
3 jocular
4 peerless
5 impertinence
57 adv. Besides. 1 denude
2 proscribe
3 forby
4 plummet
5 extenuate
58 v. To engage to marry. 1 gradation
2 commemorate
3 betroth
4 piecemeal
5 philosophy
59 n. The act of observing and analyzing one's own thoughts and feelings. 1 illegal
2 aide-de-camp
3 introspection
4 inverse
5 planisphere
60 n. The state of being triple or threefold. 1 relevant
2 expressive
3 homologous
4 executor
5 triplicity
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 adj. Grand or majestic in appearance, quality, or action. 1 bombardier
2 liberate
3 maudlin
4 magnificent
5 protector
62 v. To disenchant. 1 disillusion
2 forepeak
3 grievous
4 arrangement
5 literal
63 v. To tear rudely or raggedly. 1 primeval
2 lacerate
3 drachma
4 logical
5 retrench
64 n. An angel of high rank. 1 archangel
2 commitment
3 sensation
4 lethargy
5 pseudonym
65 n. The offspring of a white person and a black person. 1 reactionary
2 comprehensive
3 mulatto
4 luminosity
5 demeanor
66 n. A condition of mind resulting from spiritual or inherent feeling. 1 eatable
2 sensation
3 irony
4 dilate
5 effect
67 adj. That can not be refuted or disproved. 1 modish
2 atheism
3 dissolution
4 debut
5 irrefragable
68 n. One who is fond of women. 1 narrative
2 philogynist
3 retrieve
4 insensible
5 classify
69 adj. Appalling. 1 agitate
2 ruminate
3 corrode
4 gyroscope
5 hideous
70 adj. Having sufficient funds to pay all debts. 1 corrosive
2 votive
3 procrastination
4 solvent
5 neocracy
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 n. A person to whom a donation is made. 1 incapacitate
2 infernal
3 donee
4 trepidation
5 annunciation
72 adj. Assumed by law to exist. 1 sebaceous
2 juridical
3 rookery
4 dearth
5 fetus
73 n. An utterance intended to cast censure, or reproach. 1 canon
2 invective
3 excavate
4 normalcy
5 intercession
74 n. A general name for all kinds of weapons and their appliances used in war. 1 ordnance
2 disinterested
3 midsummer
4 exposition
5 massacre
75 n. Urgency. 1 spheroid
2 insistence
3 dyne
4 iconoclast
5 seminar
76 v. To make quiet. 1 erroneous
2 becalm
3 neology
4 encompass
5 derive
77 n. A metallic copy of any surface, as a coin. 1 rebuff
2 electrotype
3 manor
4 elegy
5 exhume
78 adj. Fraudulent. 1 heretic
2 maidenhood
3 deceitful
4 cantata
5 bevel
79 n. An instrument for measuring curvature or radii of spherical surfaces. 1 infidelity
2 midsummer
3 consensus
4 pious
5 spherometer
80 v. To issue or be party to the issue of a policy of insurance. 1 buoyancy
2 claimant
3 underwrite
4 unavoidable
5 obsequies
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 adj. Of a bright but delicate yellow. 1 leeward
2 autopsy
3 canary
4 lexicography
5 impartial
82 n. A field or stream of ice. 1 transition
2 hypocrisy
3 handwriting
4 glacier
5 nefarious
83 v. To estimate the money value of. 1 lunatic
2 appraise
3 retroactive
4 deceitful
5 agitate
84 n. An instrument for measuring the force or velocity of wind. 1 Occident
2 contemporary
3 inextensible
4 anemometer
5 remonstrate
85 v. To burn or sear as with a heated iron. 1 indignity
2 wield
3 bowler
4 mania
5 cauterize
86 adj. Capable of being appealed to. 1 appellate
2 dilute
3 proselyte
4 obstetrician
5 suspension
87 adj. Moved or managed with difficulty, as from great size or awkward shape. 1 privilege
2 unwieldy
3 lyric
4 superintendence
5 jovial
88 adj. Afraid to express facts or opinions plainly. 1 motley
2 dispossess
3 mealy-mouthed
4 juncture
5 intolerant
89 adj. Propelling. 1 propellant
2 physics
3 expend
4 reiterate
5 martyrdom
90 v. To burn slightly or superficially. 1 hypnotize
2 fervid
3 singe
4 lifelong
5 repugnant
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 adj. Inevitable. 1 prostrate
2 inoffensive
3 consignor
4 muster
5 unavoidable
92 adj. Lewd. 1 insomnia
2 dissolute
3 faction
4 imitation
5 prescience
93 n. A preacher who goes from place to place holding services. 1 avalanche
2 characterize
3 negligee
4 evangelist
5 vortex
94 adj. Having the nature of systematic training or subjection to authority. 1 hydroelectric
2 naphtha
3 lacerate
4 typography
5 disciplinary
95 v. To name one by one. 1 intestate
2 tenacious
3 enumerate
4 spurious
5 anachronism
96 adj. Conquerable. 1 irate
2 queue
3 vincible
4 acknowledge
5 solicitude
97 v. To stop while in progress. 1 incompetence
2 sacrificial
3 interrupt
4 distrainor
5 gendarme
98 adj. Touching or joining at the edge or boundary. 1 tannery
2 relish
3 deference
4 contiguous
5 lithesome
99 v. To change into acid. 1 dissolve
2 deportment
3 stealth
4 acidify
5 avert
100 n. A standard by which to determine the correctness of a judgment or conclusion. 1 criterion
2 halcyon
3 airy
4 proficient
5 molt
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