Quiz 39 of 50 -- GRE word definitions

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 adj. Showing increase of light. 1 dissentient
2 amply
3 luminescent
4 dun
5 ought
2 v. To render indispensable. 1 necessitate
2 neural
3 motley
4 arrant
5 socialist
3 adj. Indulging, ministering, or pertaining to daintiness of appetite. 1 functionary
2 operative
3 Epicurean
4 acreage
5 demurrage
4 n. A traditional form or customary act. 1 clangor
2 meticulous
3 entomology
4 bore
5 observance
5 n. One to whom secrets are entrusted. 1 liquidate
2 extradite
3 prefatory
4 confidant
5 punctual
6 n. A charge of crime, misdemeanor, or error. 1 domicile
2 accusation
3 exclude
4 crass
5 postscript
7 n. A filter. 1 persist
2 deform
3 frizzle
4 philanthropic
5 percolator
8 adj. Urgent in character, request, or demand. 1 trenchant
2 expeditious
3 importunate
4 broach
5 fraudulent
9 adj. Perceptible. 1 amorous
2 illegitimate
3 noticeable
4 venom
5 irrepressible
10 n. The color of the sky. 1 neology
2 papacy
3 seize
4 azure
5 trio
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 v. To vary in tone, inflection, pitch or other quality of sound. 1 diphthong
2 necessary
3 eligible
4 modulate
5 blemish
12 adj. Contributing to an end. 1 conducive
2 option
3 waive
4 equity
5 obesity
13 v. To go before as introducing or ushering in. 1 forerun
2 disparity
3 adjudge
4 nectarine
5 specter
14 adj. Made with a hissing sound. 1 decimate
2 raptorial
3 contumacious
4 sibilant
5 immense
15 v. To produce by sexual generation. 1 laud
2 beget
3 polygamy
4 effuse
5 curt
16 adj. Proceeding downward. 1 gastronomy
2 referrer
3 secede
4 bedaub
5 descendent
17 n. Sorrow for something done or left undone, with desire to make things right by undoing the wrong. 1 crag
2 deplore
3 galvanize
4 repentance
5 bight
18 n. A privilege or possession into which one is born. 1 classify
2 pitiable
3 radix
4 birthright
5 facial
19 v. To write over again (something already written) 1 hackney
2 transcribe
3 ruffian
4 intestacy
5 blemish
20 n. One given to self-mention or who is constantly telling of his own views and experiences. 1 alliance
2 egotist
3 decamp
4 pall
5 embarrass
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 n. In England, a title of nobility, ranking fourth in the order of British peerage. 1 nettle
2 formula
3 conducive
4 retract
5 viscount
22 n. One who manages affairs of any kind. 1 inventive
2 zealot
3 caustic
4 administrator
5 inversion
23 n. Deification. 1 apotheosis
2 coalescence
3 alderman
4 volition
5 tannery
24 n. A greenhouse for grapes. 1 rhetorician
2 vinery
3 caret
4 parse
5 fresco
25 v. To render intelligible. 1 midwife
2 rebellious
3 heedless
4 clarify
5 promiscuous
26 adj. Inexpressible. 1 approbation
2 contradiction
3 fabulous
4 unutterable
5 observant
27 adj. Belonging to an inferior order in a classification. 1 atheism
2 octave
3 pentagram
4 subordinate
5 luminosity
28 v. To make the first attack. 1 Calvinism
2 nauseate
3 inane
4 effeminacy
5 aggress
29 v. To demand or to obtain the return or restoration of. 1 reclaim
2 dominance
3 timorous
4 palatial
5 radiance
30 adj. Contentious. 1 complement
2 trinity
3 dissentious
4 indescribable
5 suspension
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 v. To take or send away forcibly, as to a penal colony. 1 bedaub
2 Martian
3 discredit
4 deport
5 officious
32 n. The parts of a machine or engine, taken collectively. 1 drought
2 accessible
3 machinery
4 forecourt
5 disqualify
33 n. The killing of a king or sovereign. 1 persuade
2 regicide
3 sagacious
4 denude
5 alkali
34 v. To reduce or lessen, as by use, exhaustion, or waste. 1 misogyny
2 liberalism
3 deplete
4 lexicographer
5 patronize
35 n. The state or quality of being final or complete. 1 sentient
2 massive
3 jocose
4 finality
5 superannuate
36 adj. Having the nature or quality of soap. 1 ingenuous
2 inexcusable
3 saponaceous
4 logical
5 indignant
37 n. The act of furnishing with temporary quarters. 1 typography
2 lodgment
3 guinea
4 alcohol
5 prohibition
38 n. A sudden and violent outbreak. 1 exceed
2 derivation
3 delude
4 explosion
5 arbor
39 adj. Inclining or tending to one side. 1 sidelong
2 conservative
3 existence
4 diplomatist
5 campaign
40 n. The science of man in general. 1 plausible
2 anthropology
3 verdant
4 infirm
5 edible
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 adj. Having the nature or form of a question. 1 admonish
2 coddle
3 importunate
4 awry
5 interrogative
42 adj. Of or pertaining to the sea or matters connected with the sea. 1 dedication
2 impeccable
3 knavery
4 marine
5 deplore
43 n. One versed or skilled in treating diseases of the eye. 1 oculist
2 transfigure
3 obsequious
4 humane
5 pretext
44 v. To keep clear of. 1 judicious
2 paleontology
3 pledgee
4 repudiate
5 eschew
45 adj. Belonging or relating to the body as opposed to the mind. 1 paronymous
2 cholera
3 crockery
4 obviate
5 corporal
46 n. Ease. 1 impeccable
2 glutinous
3 squatter
4 regress
5 facility
47 adj. Primitive; unsophisticated. 1 epitaph
2 aboriginal
3 uproarious
4 heifer
5 avocation
48 adj. Unconstrained. 1 indicator
2 curable
3 metallurgy
4 unlimited
5 ultimatum
49 n. Control by the exercise of power or constituted authority. 1 bellicose
2 static
3 domination
4 laud
5 aqueduct
50 n. The branch of medical science that relates to improving health. 1 unsophisticated
2 hygiene
3 vegetal
4 complex
5 deterrent
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 n. A room situated before and opening into another, usually larger. 1 prudery
2 anteroom
3 prurient
4 sociable
5 masquerade
52 adj. Grief-stricken. 1 reflexible
2 impassable
3 Scriptural
4 disconsolate
5 twinge
53 n. A mark of infamy or token of disgrace attaching to a person as the result of evil-doing. 1 intromit
2 stigma
3 bowler
4 prospectus
5 deviate
54 n. One who writes or is skilled in writing. 1 scribe
2 Quixotic
3 service
4 heteromorphic
5 forepeak
55 v. To leave. 1 transfer
2 delineate
3 vacate
4 frightful
5 conformance
56 v. To endanger. 1 imperil
2 commotion
3 tactics
4 ridiculous
5 conspire
57 adj. That may be measured, counted, or weighed. 1 intercession
2 fungible
3 modish
4 peevish
5 convoy
58 adj. Harsh or disagreeable in sound. 1 dissonant
2 siege
3 petrify
4 repel
5 extemporaneous
59 n. The act of laying hold of or grasping. 1 convex
2 prehension
3 cabalism
4 stipend
5 crematory
60 n. A volatile, inflammable, colorless liquid of a penetrating odor and burning taste. 1 Milky Way
2 prolong
3 Calvary
4 alcohol
5 irresponsible
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 adj. Capable of sinning. 1 refinery
2 peccable
3 competent
4 skepticism
5 migrant
62 n. Rashness. 1 extensive
2 ingenuous
3 impetuosity
4 corrosive
5 excusable
63 n. A bunk or bed in a vessel, sleeping-car, etc. 1 berth
2 consignor
3 shriek
4 baton
5 trestle
64 n. Abundance. 1 botanical
2 abridgment
3 warlike
4 proviso
5 plenitude
65 adj. Chivalrous or romantic to a ridiculous or extravagant degree. 1 Quixotic
2 proficiency
3 arbiter
4 effect
5 pillage
66 n. The state of being positively uncomfortable. 1 winsome
2 protuberance
3 moccasin
4 isobar
5 discomfort
67 n. Benevolence to others on subordination to self-interest. 1 depreciation
2 constable
3 posterior
4 finale
5 altruism
68 n. Confinement. 1 durance
2 taxation
3 equity
4 triad
5 predicate
69 n. The act of entering. 1 streamlet
2 liable
3 diversity
4 entree
5 diabolic
70 adj. Saintly. 1 theological
2 inadvertent
3 Milky Way
4 myriad
5 angelic
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 v. To drive or urge forward. 1 henchman
2 clarify
3 chasm
4 accessible
5 propel
72 n. The quality of frankness or outspokenness. 1 pitiless
2 candor
3 excellency
4 circumference
5 insufficient
73 n. Estrangement. 1 bodily
2 alienation
3 deceive
4 beneficial
5 impolitic
74 v. To combine into one body or system. 1 well-to-do
2 impassable
3 consolidate
4 indispensable
5 demonstrate
75 v. To happen again or repeatedly, especially at regular intervals. 1 permeate
2 recur
3 seismograph
4 transferee
5 obesity
76 adj. Cross-bred. 1 polyarchy
2 actuality
3 verity
4 dogmatic
5 hybrid
77 n. The quality of a tone, as distinguished from intensity and pitch. 1 underexposed
2 timbre
3 decimate
4 afoot
5 employee
78 v. To exceed in influence or power. 1 negligence
2 preponderate
3 underwrite
4 encyclical
5 signification
79 n. Something added to a letter after the writer's signature. 1 postscript
2 enact
3 corrode
4 malevolence
5 trestle
80 v. To render uniform. 1 equalize
2 catastrophe
3 exhaustive
4 expansion
5 ascribe
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 n. Gradual destruction, as by burning, eating, etc., or by using up, wearing out, etc. 1 vernacular
2 excitable
3 alleviate
4 consumption
5 opportune
82 n. Accordance with recognized usage, custom, or principles. 1 propriety
2 extremist
3 reconstruct
4 operator
5 adjudge
83 n. Universal prevalence or acceptance. 1 divest
2 infest
3 catholicity
4 statecraft
5 magnificent
84 adj. Not plausible. 1 discolor
2 disrupt
3 recluse
4 implausible
5 descendent
85 v. To arouse, as emotion, interest, or the like. 1 iconoclast
2 meddlesome
3 immersion
4 endurance
5 awaken
86 n. Entrance. 1 introgression
2 inlet
3 eureka
4 severance
5 hexangular
87 n. A bundle, as of letters. 1 prima
2 treachery
3 concur
4 packet
5 impromptu
88 adj. Cone-bearing trees. 1 pedagogy
2 coniferous
3 morphology
4 nuance
5 external
89 adj. Pertaining to typography or printing. 1 typographical
2 chivalry
3 effusion
4 fortitude
5 literacy
90 adj. Untiring. 1 contort
2 botanical
3 tireless
4 accompaniment
5 courser
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 v. To unite. 1 affect
2 bacterium
3 chagrin
4 conjoin
5 soluble
92 v. To add or attach, as something accessory, subordinate, or supplementary. 1 corpse
2 impetuosity
3 append
4 privateer
5 inglorious
93 adj. Untrue. 1 packet
2 abrupt
3 nevertheless
4 mendacious
5 sonata
94 v. To quietly terminate: said of time. 1 elapse
2 oculist
3 facsimile
4 effective
5 nonpareil
95 n. Stubborn adherence to opinion, arising from conceit or the desire to have one's own way. 1 conformation
2 culpable
3 indiscriminate
4 cynical
5 obstinacy
96 v. To place in the earth, as a dead body. 1 introversion
2 casual
3 permissible
4 outburst
5 inhume
97 n. The group of buildings which collectively form the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns. 1 solar
2 harass
3 mislay
4 abbey
5 fervid
98 v. To use, control, or manage, as a weapon, or instrument, especially with full command. 1 drought
2 bitterness
3 intracellular
4 conciliate
5 wield
99 n. One who advocates or practices altruism. 1 altruist
2 disrepute
3 perfidy
4 facetious
5 entail
100 v. To get as one's own. 1 formula
2 militate
3 laureate
4 acquire
5 coalition
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