Quiz 1 of 50 -- Grandiloquent Dictionary

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 Love of one's own voice 1 gyrovague
2 teleophobia
3 autovoxiphillia
4 morologist
5 presbyopia
2 A fear of religious ceremonies 1 malacodermous
2 stalko
3 teleophobia
4 viraginity
5 venustaphobia
3 To chew each piece of food at least thirty times 1 trullization
2 keedug
3 fletcherize
4 aelurophobia
5 crepitation
4 A fear of leeches 1 xeniatrophobia
2 bdellophobia
3 helminthophobia
4 anonymuncle
5 calligyniaphobia
5 One who loves men 1 philandrist
2 steatopygic
3 fysigunkus
4 trullization
5 agroof
6 An attraction to hairy men 1 botanophobia
2 hirsutophilia
3 laliophobia
4 mesocracy
5 rectirostal
7 A person who writes speeches or chronicles historical events 1 crambazzle
2 pantaphobia
3 rhypophobia
4 logographer
5 lachanophobia
8 A pompous windy bore who pretends to have inspiration 1 rhytiphobia
2 galeophobia
3 undigenous
4 aeolist
5 suoid
9 Someone who advocates free love 1 malaxophobia
2 taeniophobia
3 eleutherophillist
4 theochristic
5 numismatist
10 One who interprets dreams 1 schoenobatist
2 androlepsia
3 dghaisa
4 oneirocritic
5 porphyrophobia
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 A fear of people 1 crambazzle
2 exsufflicate
3 haingle
4 emetophobia
5 apanthropia
12 The state of looking younger than one really is 1 agathocacological
2 dikephobia
3 agerasia
4 anklyosis
5 blepharospasm
13 1. To fall asleep with your clothes on 1 snarf
2 nebulochaotic
3 divigate
4 latrinology
5 odontophobia
14 The shock felt when entering cold water 1 koniophobia
2 oikophobia
3 curglaff
4 heliolater
5 gerontocomium
15 The collective hisses of a disapproving audience 1 omniloquent
2 emunction
3 exsibilation
4 echinoproctous
5 lepidophobia
16 See sciaphobia 1 pneumatophobia
2 skiaphobia
3 acousticophobia
4 selaphobia
5 proficuous
17 The urge to stare at women who are sitting with their legs crossed 1 ximelolagnia
2 dithyramb
3 basiphobia
4 misotramontanist
5 demophobia
18 A fear of ice or frost 1 charette
2 hamartithia
3 osmophobia
4 pagophobia
5 blandiloquent
19 Someone who hates practicing the piano 1 tomecide
2 necromancy
3 keb
4 guttersnipe
5 misodoctakleidist
20 An attraction to short people 1 propinquiphobia
2 nanophilia
3 lachanophobia
4 kiyoodle
5 planomania
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 One who loves a certain kind of food, bordering on madness 1 opsomaniac
2 nephelophobia
3 isopterophobia
4 saxify
5 bruxomania
22 Showing off by using words 1 skiaphobia
2 cryophobia
3 lexiphanicism
4 malaxophobia
5 bailiwick
23 Altering one's opinions to match public trends 1 crambazzle
2 nelophobia
3 girouettism
4 deipnosophy
5 xenarthral
24 The eating of delicacies 1 urophobia
2 ouranophobia
3 opsophagy
4 terebration
5 causeuse
25 2. A fear of learning 1 keraunophobia
2 floccillation
3 bogyphobia
4 latrinalia
5 sophophobia
26 A fear of skin 1 dermatophobia
2 pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
3 crambazzle
4 partheniad
5 isopterophobia
27 Occurring at sunset 1 dwaible
2 hypegiaphobia
3 tonitrous
4 clepsammia
5 acronycal
28 See maieuticophobia 1 maieusiophobia
2 peckerwood
3 tortfeaser
4 syndyasmia
5 endomorphic
29 Having a dark rusty colour 1 tonitruphobia
2 merdurinous
3 gork
4 fuscoferuginous
5 osmophilia
30 1. A private conversation or visit 1 ceilidh
2 xylophobia
3 intrapreneur
4 guttersnipe
5 causeuse
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 A fear of responsibility 1 snead
2 phthisiophobia
3 zeitgeist
4 kalling
5 paralipophobia
32 A petty anonymous writer 1 ombrosalgia
2 cacospectamania
3 planiloquent
4 anonymuncle
5 snoach
33 A fear of being raped 1 pathenophillia
2 crambazzle
3 smatchet
4 virgivitiphobia
5 kalling
34 Any form of headache remedy 1 smatchet
2 cephalalgic
3 cleisiophobia
4 volower
5 sialoquent
35 A preacher who delivers a fiery sermon 1 oxyesthesia
2 kakidrosiphobia
3 scaldabanco
4 joola
5 tachophobia
36 The marks used in dictionaries to symbolize pronounciation 1 steatopygic
2 latrinology
3 osphresiophobia
4 diacritics
5 apiophobia
37 Medicine which is administered by licking it 1 feriation
2 penotherapy
3 ecdysiophile
4 lohock
5 pygalgia
38 One who will eat as much as possible of anything 1 tonitrous
2 alieniloquent
3 apeirophobia
4 ablutophobia
5 grandgousier
39 Someone who eats at the expense of others, especially relatives 1 necropoliphobia
2 philoneist
3 psellismophobia
4 empleomania
5 cosherer
40 A fear of dinner conversation 1 spartle
2 deipnophobia
3 scholaptitude
4 shaconian
5 lygerastia
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 A fear of going insane because of a disease 1 cerebropathophobia
2 hoxter
3 hormephobia
4 tomophobia
5 aeolist
42 The fear of women 1 gynephobia
2 eroteme
3 cynocephalous
4 dysnomy
5 tomecide
43 Divine inspiration, especially one that enables someone to reveal divine truths 1 ephemeromorph
2 proficuous
3 theopneusty
4 trullization
5 wapperjawed
44 A victory song or anthem 1 opsomaniac
2 guttersnipe
3 epincion
4 ornithoscelidaphobia
5 pyrrhonist
45 A meak man who dotes on his wife, or is henpecked 1 eisoptrophobia
2 gubernator
3 cunctipotent
4 meacock
5 hippophobia
46 A fear of high prices 1 gymnophoria
2 lilapsophobia
3 somnifugous
4 hypselotimophobia
5 tolutiloquent
47 More than perfect 1 tolutiloquent
2 septemplicate
3 conchologist
4 preterpluperfect
5 blepharospasm
48 A fear of progress 1 nosomaniaphobia
2 prosophobia
3 opsimatria
4 pilpul
5 ochlochracy
49 A beggar whose parents were beggars 1 helminthophobia
2 clapperdudgeon
3 epincion
4 pathenophobia
5 nostophobia
50 Able to tell artful or skilled lies 1 Hellenologophobia
2 mendaciloquent
3 crambazzle
4 selenophobia
5 enoptrophobia
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 The inability to look someone in the eye while speaking 1 cheimaphobia
2 stalko
3 kakidrosiphobia
4 misandronist
5 opsablepsia
52 The clucking noise made by turkeys 1 drintling
2 paleozoology
3 nexum
4 cheimatophobia
5 hirci
53 A fear of sin or of sinning 1 sarcophagic
2 chrematistic
3 peccatiphobia
4 clapperdudgeon
5 gambrinous
54 Misappropriation of funds by the person or group entrusted with them 1 tortfeaser
2 katagelophobia
3 defalcation
4 hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian
5 dextrophobia
55 A fear of rain 1 pluviophobia
2 entheate
3 gynotikolobomassophilia
4 dextrophobia
5 pegomancy
56 A member of the lowest class in society or a street person 1 paxophobia
2 gargalesthesia
3 guttersnipe
4 gynephobia
5 trypanophobia
57 A fear of pain 1 odynophobia
2 pilpul
3 ponerologist
4 dratchell
5 preantepenultimate
58 A fear of glaring lights or being in the spot light 1 selaphobia
2 neanilagnia
3 arrhenophobia
4 photoaugiaphobia
5 apikoros
59 Being likely to make a mistake 1 ochlochracy
2 alterocentric
3 hamartithia
4 circumlocution
5 spindrift
60 The state of being ruled by force (literally by a strong hand) 1 defalcation
2 chirocracy
3 polylogize
4 ataxiophobia
5 psithurism
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 See nyctophobia 1 noctiphobia
2 demophobia
3 altophobia
4 piobalreachd
5 acousticophobia
62 1. Carrying a shield or armor 1 shurocracy
2 scutiferous
3 urophobia
4 gerasophobia
5 exsufflicate
63 A person who rides and guides a camel 1 lestobiosis
2 ornithoscelidaphobia
3 ectomorphic
4 sarwan
5 droud
64 A person who loves both God and mankind 1 logastellus
2 theophilanthropist
3 schoenobatist
4 psellismophobia
5 snead
65 A lack of faith in the medical system 1 cryophobia
2 nullipara
3 comprachico
4 rehibition
5 iatrapistia
66 The incorrect or excessive use of the letter M 1 momiology
2 phillumenist
3 misapodysis
4 rhypophobia
5 mytacism
67 See nephophobia 1 carnophobia
2 trochilidist
3 concilliabule
4 nephelophobia
5 cagophilist
68 Being attracted to hairy men 1 snead
2 kainophobia
3 cheimaphobia
4 hirsutophilia
5 undecillion
69 Extreme form of constipation 1 scatophobia
2 hemophobia
3 chionophobia
4 obstipation
5 snurt
70 An attraction to older women 1 fritinancy
2 anililagnia
3 domatophobia
4 apeirophobia
5 theophilanthropist
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 Having a spiny or prickly rump (like a pocupine) 1 crurophilous
2 oneirocritic
3 noctiphobia
4 echinoproctous
5 snurl
72 The fear of stooping 1 kyphophobia
2 paedocracy
3 polyphloisboian
4 tyrannophobia
5 noematachograph
73 A pencil which uses lead 1 hygrophobia
2 keelivine
3 crurophilous
4 ostraconophobia
5 tanquam
74 A fear of insects 1 hasenpfeffer
2 mechanophobia
3 coprostasiphobia
4 emunction
5 entomophobia
75 The shaking and showing of feathers by birds, or the strutting around of someone with fancy clothing 1 opsablepsia
2 frustling
3 scelerophobia
4 papyrophobia
5 mariticide
76 To amble along in a feeble and listless manner 1 haingle
2 tibialoconcupiscent
3 dorsodynia
4 osmidrosiphobia
5 vitricophobia
77 A fear of motion or movement 1 humuhumunukunukuapuaa
2 rectiphobia
3 lygerastia
4 kinesophobia
5 haruspicy
78 Pertaining to one who likes legs 1 nebulochaotic
2 plenilune
3 crurophilous
4 haptephobia
5 echinoproctous
79 The study of mummies 1 utlesse
2 quiddler
3 momiology
4 philogynist
5 perendinate
80 See geumaphobia 1 hamartiologist
2 enigmatology
3 spargefaction
4 geumatophobia
5 breviloquent
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 covered with very small scales, as in snakes 1 skiaphobia
2 squamulose
3 misosophist
4 oenophlygia
5 ponophobia
82 The death of God or of gods 1 pyrexiophobia
2 epistaxiophobia
3 cathartic
4 suriphobia
5 theoktony
83 Having the sound of rolling waves 1 fluctisonant
2 pedotrophy
3 spargefaction
4 spatulamancy
5 exsufflicate
84 To decorate with ivy 1 apanthropia
2 merdurinous
3 hederate
4 eremophobia
5 keedug
85 A fear of laughter 1 peccatiphobia
2 apanthropia
3 hyalophobia
4 cypripareuniaphile
5 gelophobia
86 The twinkling of stars or small bursts of light 1 doraphobia
2 stigmeology
3 lohock
4 utlesse
5 scintillation
87 A keeper of dogs or manager of a kennel 1 pharmacophobia
2 dementophobia
3 fewterer
4 humicubate
5 zob
88 One who supports or defends the underdog 1 veriloquent
2 infracaninophile
3 glossophobia
4 abderian
5 buffarilla
89 Speaking pompously or in a high flown manner 1 plangonologist
2 balnearii
3 aeolist
4 altiloquent
5 ecclesiophobia
90 To talk excessively 1 remplissage
2 polylogize
3 phthiriophobia
4 dolorifuge
5 paleozoology
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 A person who lives near the sea 1 undigenous
2 exsufflicate
3 pilosism
4 paralian
5 rampasture
92 A fear of being scratched 1 deipnosophy
2 rupophobia
3 amychophobia
4 breviloquent
5 mechanophobia
93 A fear of other people's opinions 1 nicitate
2 allodoxaphobia
3 clithrophobia
4 opsimathiphobia
5 limnophobia
94 Living in a dung heap 1 harpactophage
2 fimicoloud
3 uxorodespotic
4 estiferous
5 xerophilous
95 To close and open the eyelids rapidly, as in a blink 1 tachydidactic
2 philiater
3 hominist
4 carcinomatophobia
5 nicitate
96 Pertaining to something which lives in fresh water 1 tychopotamic
2 pleionosis
3 biometeorology
4 collieshangie
5 cholangiocholecystocholedochectomy
97 To sharpen to a point 1 burghbote
2 terebration
3 bathysiderodromophobia
4 spiculate
5 latrinalia
98 Speaking in one's sleep 1 somniloquent
2 dishabillophobia
3 cloffin
4 lepidophobia
5 misomath
99 The eating of snakes 1 conchologist
2 osmophobia
3 curglaff
4 molysomophobia
5 ophiophagy
100 A fussy person 1 botanophobia
2 gephyrophobia
3 epincion
4 bdellophobia
5 fudgeon
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