Quiz 4 of 50 -- Grandiloquent Dictionary

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 A fear of drinking alcohol 1 concionative
2 textophobia
3 zeitgeist
4 potophobia
5 phanerolagniast
2 A fear of sharks 1 selacophobia
2 adhocracy
3 rectirostal
4 balnearil
5 merinthophobia
3 Someone who is walking without shoes 1 nicitate
2 autotheist
3 nelipot
4 decidophobia
5 fremescence
4 A collector of keys 1 peladophobia
2 vigesimation
3 cagophilist
4 scholaptitude
5 aprosexia
5 The inside pocket on a suit or coat 1 cathartic
2 hoxter
3 uvate
4 philosophunculist
5 haptephobia
6 Fear of going bald 1 hordarian
2 endomorphic
3 bathysiderodromophobia
4 phalacrophobia
5 burladero
7 The fear of one's stepfather 1 hebesphalmology
2 kynophobia
3 vitricophobia
4 omniloquent
5 phalacrophobia
8 Having legs or arms which act like oars - especially referring to insects 1 aristophren
2 sphallolalia
3 maieusiophobia
4 gephyrophobia
5 remiped
9 A fear of fur or animal skins 1 doraphobia
2 plangonologist
3 malacissation
4 spartle
5 viraginity
10 Accident prevention 1 pyrrhonist
2 jactitate
3 scutiferous
4 tycolosis
5 mentimutation
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 A fear of epilepsy 1 hylephobia
2 terebration
3 plousiocracy
4 dysnomy
5 ataxiophobia
12 The obsession with being a voyeur 1 coprophobia
2 croodle
3 honorificabilitudinitatibus
4 parateresiomania
5 cnidosiphobia
13 One who has been born in the country 1 defecalgesiophobia
2 rurigenous
3 opsiproligery
4 snoach
5 crepitation
14 A collector of dolls 1 brachycephalic
2 mentimutation
3 physitism
4 ochlochracy
5 plangonologist
15 A bird's back end 1 curpin
2 sarculation
3 naufragous
4 heresyphobia
5 orthpraxy
16 A monogram which uses the persons full name 1 humicubate
2 tonitrous
3 gubernator
4 sarcophagic
5 kalogram
17 A fear of Greek terms or complex terminology 1 microlipet
2 infracaninophile
3 agerasia
4 Hellenologophobia
5 dendrophillia
18 Something which is useless or nonsensical 1 xenobombulate
2 callithumpian
3 parousiamania
4 brimborion
5 anoegenetic
19 One who sees omens in every event 1 osmophilia
2 autotonsorialist
3 gerasophobia
4 cacohydrophobia
5 pantomancer
20 A fear of forests 1 xeniatrophobia
2 cynocephalous
3 cheimatophobia
4 sanctiloquent
5 hylophobia
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 The fear of words 1 polyandry
2 physitism
3 remontado
4 koinoniphobia
5 verbophobia
22 The fear of standing and walking 1 ochlochracy
2 platyopic
3 nidorosity
4 griffonage
5 basistasiphobia
23 A fear of dryness or dry places 1 prosopolethy
2 anacardic
3 xerophobia
4 logastellus
5 viciniphobia
24 Resembling ashes 1 favillous
2 agerasia
3 cleptobiosis
4 catagelophobia
5 xyresic
25 An institution designed to take care of the elderly 1 gerontocomium
2 exennium
3 smellfungus
4 agenhina
5 cacohydrophobia
26 The fear of vertigo 1 homilophobia
2 fimicoloud
3 illyngophobia
4 erotographophobia
5 witzelsucht
27 Anything which promotes salivation 1 hypermnesia
2 momiology
3 partheniad
4 sialagogue
5 alektorophobia
28 A collector of beer bottles 1 rustication
2 orthophobia
3 alopecist
4 sanctiloquent
5 labeorphilist
29 The loss of hearing due to old age 1 presbycusis
2 anablepophobia
3 algerining
4 balnearii
5 gynonudomania
30 A fear of poverty 1 peniaphobia
2 theanthropism
3 erotographophobia
4 pnigophobia
5 fimicoloud
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 Referring to a creature that lays four or less eggs 1 bowdlerize
2 aulophobia
3 oligotokous
4 haruspicy
5 beaze
32 A fear of germs 1 entomophobia
2 bacillophobia
3 ceilidh
4 androphobia
5 dinmont
33 A coin collector 1 numismatist
2 preterpluperfect
3 philophobia
4 limnophobia
5 suggilated
34 To bark like a dog 1 latrate
2 platyopic
3 misodoctakleidist
4 spargefaction
5 sgriob
35 The region in which a sheriff has legal powers 1 bailiwick
2 prognathous
3 quasihemidemisemiquaver
4 anginophobia
5 tropophobia
36 A proclivity for nibbling on women's earlobes 1 acerophobia
2 runcation
3 misogamist
4 oneirocritic
5 gynotikolobomassophilia
37 Grape jam or jelly 1 uvate
2 taeniophobia
3 peristerophobia
4 presbyopia
5 kainophobia
38 The symbol used in writing known as a question mark 1 pilpul
2 tath
3 enetophobia
4 gigantomachize
5 eroteme
39 A state of being hazy and confused 1 phanerolagniast
2 nebulochaotic
3 calligyniaphobia
4 omphacine
5 polyloquent
40 A fear of scotoma, (having spots before your eyes) 1 onamatophobia
2 scotomaphobia
3 chafferer
4 dactylion
5 puellaphillist
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 A fear of infinity 1 apeirophobia
2 doytin
3 porphyrophobia
4 sterculius
5 peristerophobia
42 Pertaining to someone's birthday 1 illyngophobia
2 pulicose
3 misotyrannist
4 xenarthral
5 natalitious
43 An insatiable urge to hold public office 1 cheimaphobia
2 aichmorhabdophobia
3 plutocrat
4 empleomania
5 theanthropist
44 People who steal clothing for public baths 1 charette
2 balnearii
3 cachinnation
4 necrologist
5 lestobiosis
45 Divination using a mirror or several mirrors 1 melophobia
2 catoptomancy
3 viciniphobia
4 geumaphobia
5 philodespot
46 Divination by boiling a head, usually that of a donkey 1 sarcle
2 gelophobia
3 charientism
4 parasitophobia
5 cephalomancy
47 To expel mucus when sneezing 1 peckerwood
2 hebesphalmology
3 dippoldism
4 hippophobia
5 snurt
48 A fear of childbirth 1 jarble
2 maieuticophobia
3 dermatopathophobia
4 equinophobia
5 ructation
49 Being lax in one's religious beliefs or indifferent to religion 1 balnearii
2 heresyphobia
3 trochilidist
4 Laodicean
5 sarcophagic
50 The sensation caused by tickling 1 misoxene
2 psychophobia
3 gargalesthesia
4 vigesimation
5 rupophobia
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 To badly remodel a building ignoring its character or history 1 solfeggio
2 gressible
3 prosophobia
4 zeitgeist
5 grimthorpe
52 Pertaining to public speaking 1 concionative
2 domatophobia
3 katagelophobia
4 xyresic
5 papyrophobia
53 Somebody who likes to waste time 1 dringle
2 hypophobia
3 shistaceous
4 aeolist
5 defalcation
54 Fortunetelling using the bubbles in a fountain 1 parousiamania
2 acerbophobia
3 croodle
4 vernalagnia
5 pegomancy
55 An alternate title for a barber 1 hecatompedon
2 nudiustertian
3 chirotonsor
4 saxify
5 diabolarchy
56 A mythical paradise reserved for those who are lazy 1 urticariaphobia
2 lubberland
3 labeorphilist
4 molendinaceous
5 krukolibidinous
57 The fear of sewer water 1 misosophist
2 anililagnia
3 paralipophobia
4 fruzz
5 cacohydrophobia
58 An attraction to teenagers 1 theologicophobia
2 mnemophobia
3 aspersorium
4 hamirostrate
5 neanilagnia
59 A poem which honors a virgin 1 xerophobia
2 latrinalia
3 partheniad
4 thelyotokous
5 deipnophobia
60 Having a lascivious interest in watching a women put on stockings 1 cunctipotent
2 nelipot
3 cainotophobia
4 erotographophobia
5 tibialoconcupiscent
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 A desire to stare at someone in a bathing suit 1 timmynoggy
2 lavacultophilia
3 tyrannophobia
4 theomorphic
5 whiddin
62 The fear that women will subvert men and take over the world 1 cheimaphobia
2 dextrophobia
3 erotographophobia
4 crambazzle
5 lysistrataphobia
63 The science of managing public finances 1 gubernatrix
2 cheimatophobia
3 cameralistics
4 nikhedonia
5 spanogyny
64 An unhappy fate 1 rectopathic
2 osmophilia
3 wanweird
4 tonitruphobia
5 sciamachy
65 A fear of plants 1 doraphobia
2 mimp
3 botanophobia
4 incicurable
5 passulation
66 A fear of choking 1 peristerophobia
2 brevirostrate
3 criticasters
4 fremescence
5 pnigophobia
67 Having the face or head of a dog 1 philandrist
2 deltiologist
3 cynocephalous
4 merdurinous
5 hypsiphobia
68 Something which causes sneezing 1 incunabula
2 incicurable
3 sternutatory
4 sgriob
5 hypselotimophobia
69 The sound of wind in trees or rustling leaves 1 psithurism
2 geumaphobia
3 rustication
4 myxophobia
5 helminthophobia
70 One who worships themselves 1 autotheist
2 estivation
3 kyphophobia
4 keelivine
5 kakidrosiphobia
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 To howl and whine like a wounded dog 1 ergasophobia
2 alieniloquent
3 philodespot
4 foof
5 phthiriophobia
72 Happening in the evening 1 diacritics
2 comestion
3 nicitate
4 vespertine
5 atephobia
73 A person who is worshipped as a god 1 septophobia
2 theanthropos
3 phylactery
4 domatologist
5 floccillation
74 Infested with intestinal worms 1 helminthous
2 basistasiphobia
3 aichurophobia
4 chavish
5 cucurbitaceous
75 Excessive hairiness 1 pilosism
2 smellfungus
3 defecalgesiophobia
4 haruspicy
5 dysteleogist
76 The creation of flawed laws which cause more problems 1 dysnomy
2 onamatophobia
3 incicurable
4 pulicose
5 nassology
77 The act of killing every twentieth person 1 entheate
2 vigesimation
3 pedantrocracy
4 obesophobia
5 logomaniac
78 The act of taking back defective products 1 timbromaniac
2 calligyniaphobia
3 acrocephalic
4 rehibition
5 thixophobia
79 A fear of demons 1 morologist
2 demonophobia
3 squamulose
4 icthyophobia
5 comiconomenclaturist
80 With honorableness (a nonsense word from medieval literature) 1 hedonophobia
2 honorificabilitudinitatibus
3 quasihemidemisemiquaver
4 musophobia
5 phylactery
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 See floccillation 1 scoleciphobia
2 ochophobia
3 carphologia
4 concilliabule
5 chafferer
82 The act of removing obstructions from or cleaning bodily passages (such as picking ones nose) 1 emunction
2 anacardic
3 philemaphobia
4 mytacism
5 spectocloacaphobia
83 slate colored or livid, especially pertaining to skin 1 kinesipathy
2 dippoldism
3 shistaceous
4 philopolemicist
5 philematophobia
84 A fear of cats 1 ombrosalgia
2 galeophobia
3 toggy
4 multisonous
5 penotherapy
85 Letting one's eyes wander while assessing someone's charm 1 hominist
2 sophrosyne
3 oculoplania
4 psithurism
5 bataphobia
86 A fear of dust 1 gynecocracy
2 parthenolagnia
3 wapperjawed
4 malophile
5 koniophobia
87 A fear of philosophy or philosophers 1 philosophobia
2 dinophobia
3 parateresiomania
4 pantaphobia
5 tropophobia
88 A fear of bathing 1 tapinophobia
2 philemaphobia
3 philopolemicist
4 ablutophobia
5 friendorphobia
89 A fat, clumsy, lazy, filthy slob 1 kathisophobia
2 simphobia
3 tanquam
4 fustilug
5 megamalophile
90 A devouring by fire 1 assanka
2 misoscopist
3 comestion
4 dysepulotic
5 ambiguphobia
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 See koimetrophobia 1 coimetrophobia
2 eunomy
3 heresyphobia
4 gargalesthesia
5 gephyrophobia
92 A person who loves words 1 mytacism
2 defalcation
3 logophile
4 feriation
5 saprophilous
93 See urticariaphobia 1 uredophobia
2 mackabroin
3 onychophagy
4 melissophobia
5 xenonosocomiophobia
94 A person who is crazy about words 1 lubberland
2 arctophilist
3 lepidophobia
4 gynophobia
5 logomaniac
95 A shirt made of seal guts 1 tegestologist
2 trullization
3 scutiferous
4 kamalayka
5 quadrel
96 A fear of memories 1 aichmorhabdophobia
2 pseudoantidisestablishmentarianism
3 vespertillian
4 oligotokous
5 mnemophobia
97 One who is educated in all subjects, or who possesses universal knowledge 1 omnierudite
2 honorificabilitudinitatibus
3 geumaphobia
4 oikophobia
5 peniaphobia
98 A fear of flashing lights or strobe lights 1 selaphobia
2 philemaphobia
3 pnigophobia
4 rhombicosidodecahedron
5 oligophrenic
99 Weeding using a rake 1 flexiloquent
2 chronophobia
3 hypegiaphobia
4 ophiophobia
5 sarculation
100 A small Hawaiian fish 1 opsablepsia
2 metapneustic
3 procrescophobia
4 humuhumunukunukuapuaa
5 coprostasiphobia
  by Mosh   Suggestions?