Quiz 11 of 50 -- Grandiloquent Dictionary

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 The fear of tuberculosis 1 preterpluperfect
2 sophrosyne
3 stellionate
4 opsipatria
5 phthisiophobia
2 The sounds of a big parade, usually accompanied by horns and noise makers 1 bronteum
2 callithumpian
3 hypermnesia
4 cosmopoietic
5 pollarchy
3 The ruler of the world 1 demonophobia
2 zythepsary
3 onamatophobia
4 thurification
5 kosmokrator
4 Donations made to repair a castle, or to build a castle 1 burghbote
2 anacardic
3 uranomania
4 gephyrophobia
5 vigesimation
5 A powerful man in government 1 gubernator
2 aspersorium
3 stellionate
4 witzelsucht
5 malaxophobia
6 A fear of lakes 1 autodeist
2 flyndrig
3 limnophobia
4 misologist
5 basophobia
7 an obsession with one's facial wrinkles 1 rhytiscopia
2 misocapnist
3 anthropophobia
4 keraunophobia
5 manducable
8 Marriage to several men 1 stellionate
2 selenography
3 polyandry
4 frustling
5 crantara
9 The love of virgins 1 dermatopathophobia
2 pathenophillia
3 comprachico
4 neanimorphism
5 numismatist
10 Someone who knows all about a single subject and nothing else 1 monomath
2 philandrist
3 thixophobia
4 nomatophobia
5 soceraphobia
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 Describing something which is loathed 1 wlatsome
2 dystychiphobia
3 anasarkas
4 squamulose
5 assanka
12 The tip of the middle finger 1 tachydidaxy
2 dactylion
3 cultrivorous
4 cercopithecan
5 pleionosis
13 The sudden feeling of being stuffed by food, friends, or invitations 1 decubitis
2 paleozoology
3 parosmia
4 acerbophobia
5 surfeitigo
14 A tall and awkward person 1 atychiphobia
2 dringle
3 posthetomist
4 galligantus
5 borborygmus
15 A fear of mirrors 1 estiferous
2 mentimutation
3 haptodysphoria
4 enoptrophobia
5 taphephillia
16 Pertaining to business or the pursuit of wealth 1 intrapreneur
2 fumifugist
3 dermatopathophobia
4 dextrosinistral
5 chrematistic
17 To speak in a prissy manner, usually with pursed lips 1 dghaisa
2 undecillion
3 trichopathophobia
4 osphresiophobia
5 mimp
18 A person who hates everything 1 gubernatrix
2 diabolarchy
3 monogenism
4 carcinophobia
5 misomaniac
19 The fear of standing (for fear of falling) 1 emunction
2 ataxiophobia
3 stasiphobia
4 barophobia
5 plutocrat
20 Having only female offspring 1 peristerophilist
2 microlipet
3 phylactery
4 thelyotokous
5 enoptrophobia
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 Rulership by the mob 1 pollarchy
2 collieshangie
3 arachnivorous
4 sialoquent
5 philogeant
22 Having a jaw which extends past the rest of one's face 1 prognathous
2 phigerophobia
3 ximelolagnia
4 atephobia
5 selacophobia
23 See aphephobia 1 vaccinophobia
2 kosmokrator
3 haptephobia
4 opsimatria
5 opsipatria
24 See acerophobia 1 rhombicosidodecahedron
2 acerbophobia
3 hydragyophobia
4 cacestogenous
5 biometeorology
25 To make something fireproof 1 gressible
2 mechanophobia
3 pagophobia
4 dephlogisticate
5 cercopithecan
26 The act of staying up all night doing work or attending a party 1 hippanthropy
2 misodoctakleidist
3 pernoctation
4 vaccinophobia
5 naufragous
27 The fear of stars 1 thelyotokous
2 alieniloquent
3 incicurable
4 hematophagous
5 siderophobia
28 The bearing of children late in a woman's life 1 chrematistic
2 dithyramb
3 arrhenotokous
4 hirudinoid
5 opsimatria
29 A person who performs baptisms 1 numismatist
2 musophobia
3 heresyphobia
4 volower
5 vermiphobia
30 A southern term for poor anglo-saxon protestants 1 pleionosis
2 peckerwood
3 enigmatology
4 viciniphobia
5 viraginity
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 A fear of noise 1 hormephobia
2 acousticophobia
3 cenatory
4 alychiphobia
5 timbromaniac
32 A person who devours words 1 dipsophobia
2 verbivore
3 spectocloacaphobia
4 icthyophobia
5 malacodermous
33 The person who temporarily runs a household following a death in the family 1 nassology
2 hamartithia
3 ostraconophobia
4 necroponent
5 wlatsome
34 Like a leech 1 misomaniac
2 mellisugent
3 hirudinoid
4 ponerologist
5 cacophonophilist
35 Blond haired and blue eyed person with fair white skin 1 tachyphagia
2 xanthochroid
3 anemophobia
4 perissopedics
5 aptronym
36 The act of changing one's mind 1 mentimutation
2 demonophobia
3 sociophobia
4 demophobia
5 misarchist
37 A fear of atomic energy or nuclear weapons 1 hylephobia
2 nucleomitophobia
3 hypegiaphobia
4 remplissage
5 rhinophonia
38 Loud or hysterical laughter 1 oxyesthesia
2 zythepsary
3 deltiologist
4 cachinnation
5 numismatist
39 A collector of dictionaries and word books 1 neoteinic
2 lexiconophilist
3 hermeneutics
4 venustaphobia
5 grinagog
40 A feebly attempt at humor 1 collieshangie
2 sociophobia
3 phthisiophobia
4 witzelsucht
5 pulicose
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 A monk who begs and sponges off of other monks 1 pyrexiophobia
2 cleptophobia
3 gyrovague
4 bogyphobia
5 ecclesiophobia
42 Someone whose life revolves around other people 1 cymophobia
2 logomachize
3 enigmatology
4 coimetrophobia
5 alterocentric
43 The fear of one's eyeglasses falling in the sewer 1 spectocloacaphobia
2 misogamist
3 dysesthesia
4 undigenous
5 snollygosters
44 A fear of garlic 1 conchologist
2 crurophilous
3 alliumphobia
4 osmophilia
5 kurveyor
45 Egg eating 1 ovivorous
2 pathenophobia
3 bromidrosiphobia
4 gymnophoria
5 cacophonophilist
46 Pertaining to something poorly designed or disgusting in design 1 felinophobia
2 dysepulotic
3 incunabula
4 platyopic
5 bletcherous
47 Something which is used to clean one's bowels 1 pygalgia
2 cathartic
3 wlatsome
4 physitism
5 tychopotamic
48 To snap one's fingers 1 squamulose
2 fashimite
3 paleography
4 lirp
5 fumifugist
49 Having been divorced numerous times 1 polyapopemptic
2 vitricophobia
3 kathisophobia
4 kinesipathy
5 opsimathiphobia
50 A fear of chickens 1 koinoniphobia
2 polyphage
3 hemeraphonia
4 alektorophobia
5 scoleciphobia
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 The fear of being touched by a pointed object 1 harpaxophobia
2 aichurophobia
3 theodemocracy
4 atelophobia
5 oculoplania
52 The fear of travelling 1 turistaphobia
2 latrocination
3 eremophobia
4 theodemocracy
5 qasida
53 The urge to rip off a woman 's clothing 1 molysomophobia
2 xenarthral
3 wanweird
4 hamartithia
5 gynonudomania
54 A medieval trial in which the accused had to swallow consecrated bread 1 angelocracy
2 tremophobia
3 corsned
4 raith
5 Laodicean
55 The winged seed pod of maple trees 1 mimp
2 tegestologist
3 schizocarp
4 atelophobia
5 brevirostrate
56 To flow with a gurgling sound from a small aperture 1 isopterophobia
2 blodder
3 snead
4 theomorphic
5 fettler
57 To heap up into a pile 1 hippophobia
2 misopedist
3 noematachograph
4 cancatervate
5 arachnivorous
58 See haruspication 1 nucamentaceous
2 grimthorpe
3 necromimesis
4 criticasters
5 haruspicy
59 The use of foul or abusive language to relieve stress or ease pain 1 osmophobia
2 stratephrenia
3 lalochezia
4 porphyrophobia
5 theomorphic
60 A fear of flutes 1 ipsedixitism
2 dysnomy
3 aulophobia
4 shistaceous
5 misodoctakleidist
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 Fear of gravity 1 pysmatic
2 metutials
3 barophobia
4 rurigenous
5 ampherotokous
62 Someone who is a slave to fashion 1 misoscopist
2 philocalist
3 osmophilia
4 nelipot
5 fashimite
63 the fear of crossing bridges . 1 Pickelhaube
2 atephobia
3 remplissage
4 gephyrophobia
5 cheiloproclitic
64 The habit of biting one's fingernails 1 onychophagy
2 misopedist
3 selenocentric
4 microlipet
5 charientism
65 resembling a cucumber or a squash 1 psaphonic
2 doraphobia
3 lyssophobia
4 achluophobia
5 cucurbitaceous
66 A fear of parasites 1 chromophobia
2 parasitophobia
3 neanilagnia
4 diplasiasmus
5 amychophobia
67 A fear of the moon 1 pollarchy
2 snollygosters
3 oikomania
4 selenophobia
5 vaniloquent
68 To stray, as in the opposite of navigate 1 chronophobia
2 spanogyny
3 jactancy
4 angelocracy
5 divigate
69 The fear of thunderbolts (lightning or thunder and lightning) 1 numismatist
2 hemaphobia
3 keraunophobia
4 labeorphilist
5 nephelophobia
70 A collector of flags 1 scapulimancy
2 cymophobia
3 byrthynsak
4 vexillologist
5 lapidicolous
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 The love of the elderly 1 septimanarian
2 gerontophillia
3 philoxenist
4 nycterent
5 nelophobia
72 See teniophobia 1 dactylion
2 bonnyclabber
3 aelurophobia
4 fruzz
5 taeniophobia
73 See lalophobia 1 sternutatory
2 misocapnist
3 aspersorium
4 laliophobia
5 heautontimorumenos
74 One who can talk about any and all subjects 1 hamartiologist
2 chalcenterous
3 zythepsary
4 omniloquent
5 cerebropathophobia
75 A hater of math or science 1 timmynoggy
2 orthpraxy
3 tomecide
4 misomath
5 pediophobia
76 The loss of the ability to recognize shapes by touch 1 tonitrous
2 astereognosis
3 infracaninophile
4 crose
5 autodeist
77 A person who is hired to mourn 1 logocracy
2 stratephrenia
3 saulie
4 gynephobia
5 enoptrophobia
78 An oafish woman 1 opsimathiphobia
2 droud
3 stratephrenia
4 vastation
5 pegomancy
79 A fear of being too close 1 lirp
2 propinquiphobia
3 nosocomephrenia
4 xertz
5 mastigophobia
80 A burnt piece of wood dipped in blood and taken from clan to clan as a signal 1 aristophren
2 prosopolethy
3 crantara
4 tyg
5 hibernicism
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 An excessive desire for material wealth 1 winx
2 kerdomeletia
3 stygiophobia
4 quisquilian
5 papaphobia
82 The burning of incense 1 cultrivorous
2 thurification
3 sermocination
4 misoneist
5 philiater
83 Government formed from the middle class 1 misapodysis
2 placophobia
3 domatophobia
4 Laodicean
5 mesocracy
84 The stiffness of immobility of a joint 1 anklyosis
2 theriomancy
3 cruciverbalist
4 lexiphanicism
5 euonym
85 To walk about stupidly 1 gigantomachize
2 dommerer
3 verbigerate
4 doytin
5 ochophobia
86 A fear of dancing 1 parisologist
2 chorophobia
3 satrapess
4 lepidophobia
5 pegomancy
87 A fear of meteors 1 peniaphobia
2 steatopygic
3 anadipsia
4 astrophobia
5 meteorophobia
88 Divination involving a shoulder blade which has been charred or cracked from a fire 1 bataphobia
2 quadrigamist
3 xenonosocomiophobia
4 nexum
5 scapulimancy
89 A worn out old man 1 taphephillia
2 nostophobia
3 crambazzle
4 misomath
5 glossophobia
90 A fear of not being afraid 1 ethnomethodology
2 tanquam
3 heautontimorumenos
4 hypophobia
5 diophysitic
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 The fear of thunder 1 latrate
2 dephlogisticate
3 lalophobia
4 tonitruphobia
5 sarcle
92 A place with few or no women 1 snup
2 spanogyny
3 timbromaniac
4 feazings
5 papaphobia
93 One who drinks blood 1 hematophagous
2 anxiolytic
3 philosophunculist
4 opsimatria
5 hierofastidia
94 A left handed person who is trained to use their right hand 1 droud
2 phasmophobia
3 dextrosinistral
4 sorocide
5 philosophobia
95 Being extremely sensitive to touch 1 somnifugous
2 papyrophobia
3 scarpology
4 witzchoura
5 oxyesthesia
96 A seller of fruits, vegetables, and other food, especially from a street cart 1 chorophobia
2 gymnophoria
3 siderophobia
4 costermonger
5 cultrivorous
97 One who eats frogs 1 xerophobia
2 batrachophagous
3 epincion
4 isopterophobia
5 misoscopist
98 The false support of the idea that a government should not support the church 1 coprophagan
2 odynophobia
3 ombrosalgia
4 pseudoantidisestablishmentarianism
5 bruxomania
99 Like a cockroach 1 blattoid
2 misodoctakleidist
3 rampasture
4 peniaphobia
5 brachycephalic
100 The fear of speaking 1 cynocephalous
2 quiddler
3 morologist
4 lalophobia
5 explaterate
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