Quiz 1 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 instrument to measure height of horses 1 sciolism
2 hippometer
3 villiform
4 homaloidal
5 vivat
2 beneath a nail or hoof 1 subungual
2 ophiuran
3 dermographia
4 galactoid
5 lectual
3 struggle 1 wasserman
2 luctation
3 eldritch
4 zounds
5 phyllophagous
4 homespun cotton cloth 1 droguet
2 osteophyte
3 electrocardiograph
4 khaddar
5 vigneron
5 maker; repairer 1 jansky
2 wright
3 vindemiate
4 apse
5 hydropathy
6 shaped like a fern or frond 1 filiciform
2 quitclaim
3 homaloidal
4 lasting
5 nigroglobulate
7 to transport objects without material agency 1 apport
2 cenacle
3 ekistics
4 tiltmeter
5 citigrade
8 hint; trace; spark 1 seraglio
2 commorant
3 atrament
4 scintilla
5 prosodemic
9 to insert between layers 1 liturgiology
2 lysigenic
3 jardiniŠre
4 interlaminate
5 panegoism
10 full of windings and turnings; undulating 1 flexuose
2 davit
3 sacramentarianism
4 droguet
5 viaticum
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 of or pertaining to fir trees or fir sap 1 abiectic
2 sphagnology
3 rounce
4 caman
5 faldstool
12 the act of strengthening with stakes 1 palification
2 rebus
3 oxter
4 commorant
5 necrolatry
13 growing on land used for grazing; of or pertaining to pastures 1 imbrue
2 pulmonic
3 pascual
4 telega
5 mollipilose
14 root-like stalk or stem of a plant 1 abask
2 rhizome
3 pestology
4 acedia
5 frigiferous
15 high and mighty; haughty 1 dilacerate
2 toplofty
3 omophagy
4 tectonic
5 ebrious
16 net or similar covering for the head; afterbirth 1 grafology
2 ceromancy
3 cupriferous
4 acequia
5 caul
17 like an old woman 1 strapontin
2 aliphatic
3 kyrielle
4 outfling
5 anicular
18 study of gestural communication 1 ferula
2 solivagant
3 diremption
4 conglobate
5 kinesics
19 study and correction of speech defects 1 multisulcate
2 brougham
3 sarmentum
4 mirabilia
5 phoniatrics
20 shrine erected in memory of a martyr 1 chaetophorous
2 naology
3 theomancy
4 martyrium
5 facetiae
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 growing of herbs and vegetables 1 absorbefacient
2 olericulture
3 outrigger
4 leguleian
5 silage
22 ion carrying both a positive and negative charge 1 macrophobia
2 nosocomial
3 zwitterion
4 immission
5 karyokinesis
23 colour-blindness with respect to blue 1 catapedamania
2 tazza
3 pathopoeia
4 acyanopsia
5 hippomancy
24 to blister 1 vesicate
2 pyrgoidal
3 tussicular
4 dyslogia
5 elution
25 ceremony 1 rubricality
2 tufthunter
3 velocimeter
4 testamur
5 nullity
26 pertaining to serpents 1 oncostman
2 posology
3 ophic
4 yawl
5 splenial
27 Hungarian dance that increases in speed 1 distributary
2 oncometer
3 tritheism
4 filatory
5 czardas
28 defense of goodness in view of the existence of evil 1 sympatric
2 otalgia
3 numenism
4 monition
5 theodicy
29 refuse from winemaking 1 orchidaceous
2 ashlar
3 marc
4 tenebrific
5 agrypnotic
30 belief that the universe consists of small indivisible particles 1 scansorial
2 atomism
3 suffragan
4 paraphraxis
5 haslock
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 instrument for measuring alcoholic strength of wine 1 oenometer
2 theomastix
3 syllepsis
4 kenspeckle
5 perseverate
32 early cinematograph 1 odontology
2 tachyscope
3 adipsia
4 lar
5 panopticon
33 omnivorousness 1 pantophagy
2 swingometer
3 justiciar
4 overslaugh
5 knarred
34 ascending; rising; curving upward 1 daedalist
2 assurgent
3 roband
4 stoup
5 holosteric
35 study of link between mental and physical processes 1 hearsecloth
2 vagitus
3 theomancy
4 psychophysics
5 scapulomancy
36 shrill; keen; shrewd 1 bletherskate
2 tourbillon
3 batiste
4 erythrophobia
5 argute
37 goldsmith's crucible 1 volvelle
2 cruset
3 umbriferous
4 zither
5 hyponychial
38 theodolite used in tracking missiles and satellites 1 scorify
2 kinetheodolite
3 ansate
4 sept
5 chicanery
39 divination by strewing meal over sacrifices 1 zootheism
2 kurgan
3 kerygmatic
4 prosilient
5 crithomancy
40 creative spirit or entity 1 florilegium
2 fistula
3 sleech
4 gabble
5 demiurge
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 granary; store of anything 1 garner
2 adactylous
3 fimbriate
4 placoid
5 galactophagist
42 censer 1 chintz
2 thurible
3 bocking
4 broch
5 monotroch
43 light helmet with nose and cheek protection 1 burganet
2 siccative
3 terrazzo
4 sederunt
5 vibrometer
44 shining out; radiant 1 profulgent
2 stridor
3 shandry
4 cecity
5 flammeous
45 general study or theory of life 1 judogi
2 simpliste
3 biognosy
4 holland
5 electrocardiograph
46 child-rearing 1 depays‚
2 puericulture
3 desideratum
4 avulse
5 brachiotomy
47 intercalary; inserted between others 1 fiacre
2 inkhorn
3 lubricious
4 redound
5 epagomenal
48 to worsen; to depreciate 1 pejorate
2 fermi
3 gremial
4 tetramerous
5 alvine
49 a large, boisterous woman; a mannish woman; a lesbian 1 spintherism
2 zooculture
3 vulviform
4 rounceval
5 secundogeniture
50 of or pertaining to commands or leadership 1 mandative
2 rhyton
3 antimony
4 skiagram
5 ruridecanal
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 melancholy 1 maturescent
2 vicinage
3 odontogeny
4 athymia
5 hide
52 curler's broom 1 materialism
2 besom
3 reremouse
4 stagnicolous
5 pekin
53 a straight bundle of straw used for thatching 1 yelm
2 gnomology
3 fringilliform
4 scaberulous
5 agonic
54 carriage for one passenger 1 adenoid
2 thooid
3 chromatoptometer
4 plantocracy
5 d‚sobligeante
55 landscape 1 oxygeusia
2 arrestant
3 zooculture
4 paysage
5 loricate
56 study of snakes 1 acescence
2 ophiology
3 plexure
4 lienal
5 siliciferous
57 a social or literary circle 1 hypolimnion
2 rosarian
3 coterie
4 keyline
5 solfatara
58 a latch 1 regrate
2 oleaginous
3 zollverein
4 moulinet
5 clicket
59 drip; eavesdrop 1 apricate
2 berge
3 ancistroid
4 stillicide
5 bunt
60 joining together of timber 1 lichenology
2 contignation
3 revanche
4 osmol
5 solarimeter
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 covered walkway for exercises 1 xystus
2 encomium
3 pseudology
4 statuary
5 sabbatarian
62 orange-coloured, pear-shaped fruit 1 polyphiloprogenitive
2 accipitrine
3 quince
4 bruxism
5 gegenschein
63 brightly polished or varnished 1 entozoology
2 katharometer
3 outrigger
4 vernicose
5 decoct
64 reproduction of sound 1 universalism
2 astriction
3 yerk
4 idolum
5 stereophony
65 of or pertaining to pools 1 mozzetta
2 ultramicroscope
3 lacuscular
4 guidon
5 costellate
66 chaffy scale on plants 1 ramentum
2 numenism
3 aponia
4 irruption
5 comose
67 enormous pudding out of which acrobats leap 1 allemain
2 renal
3 undinism
4 lacertilian
5 ichthyology
68 evergreen; coniferous 1 cinque-pace
2 orthotonic
3 adeciduate
4 cretaceous
5 melanochroic
69 favourable to or promoting well-being 1 barodynamics
2 miothermic
3 orotund
4 numenism
5 salubrious
70 older nun in charge of disciplining younger nuns 1 atlantes
2 pipe
3 zelatriks
4 scission
5 punk
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 person who turns a roasting spit 1 playa
2 turnspit
3 cenobite
4 reef
5 vraisemblance
72 fixed tower of wood on a castle wall 1 acoria
2 eccrinology
3 canophilist
4 splat
5 brattice
73 study of worms 1 vermeology
2 polydemic
3 exaugurate
4 scride
5 montant
74 divination using salt 1 isonomy
2 inconscient
3 halomancy
4 avital
5 anta
75 old term for a person of one-quarter black ancestry 1 phraseology
2 menticide
3 gigot
4 poromeric
5 quadroon
76 mental disorder 1 neoterism
2 brasero
3 echoism
4 thymopathy
5 ophism
77 shining about or around 1 slatternly
2 kriegspiel
3 circumfulgent
4 incommutable
5 curvet
78 study of geographic distribution of animals 1 unctuous
2 tetraptych
3 zoogeography
4 qiviut
5 doulocracy
79 afterbirth 1 secundine
2 plauditory
3 tonsorial
4 metasthenic
5 tristichous
80 longingly; earnestly 1 haptic
2 ochre
3 wistly
4 oleraceous
5 pultaceous
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 wristband; small strap worn around the wrist 1 witenagemot
2 contrail
3 anadem
4 adevism
5 wristlet
82 remote; secret; hidden 1 avizandum
2 chersonese
3 abditive
4 hypogeum
5 unguligrade
83 pertaining to lay people rather than clergy 1 cortinate
2 jabot
3 laic
4 minster
5 orchidomania
84 to aid in distress 1 bistre
2 pipe
3 quadrifid
4 succour
5 salvific
85 bathing beach; open-air swimming pool 1 caparison
2 lido
3 taw
4 lithomancy
5 agalactia
86 morsel of bread to be eaten with soup 1 quartodeciman
2 sundog
3 lumen
4 tropophyte
5 sippet
87 raised turret or lantern on the top of a house 1 padronism
2 handsel
3 juncaceous
4 belvedere
5 amphigean
88 burrowing 1 theophany
2 macrobiote
3 effodient
4 psychophysics
5 strappado
89 one who is equal in rank; a companion 1 knissomancy
2 stiction
3 compeer
4 agyiophobia
5 scarpetti
90 parasitic 1 galatea
2 traumatropism
3 millesimal
4 nidology
5 supercrescent
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 overseer of a wood 1 woodreeve
2 metromania
3 bummel
4 panivorous
5 podobromhydrosis
92 belief that what ever is to happen is already fixed 1 fulgid
2 saprophagous
3 necrographer
4 paristhimion
5 predestinarianism
93 to remove the bark, husk or peel of 1 photophile
2 onyxis
3 nobiliary
4 decorticate
5 loganamnosis
94 duster or dishcloth; coarse lace or paper 1 isogeny
2 amyous
3 subniveal
4 entryism
5 torchon
95 thin sheet-like vestment 1 pannicle
2 tiltmeter
3 ceraunograph
4 jetavator
5 totemism
96 of or relating to grass; grassy 1 chondrogenesis
2 gu‚ridon
3 leguleian
4 gramineous
5 terramara
97 plain glossy silk 1 vibrograph
2 lutestring
3 prelibation
4 corrody
5 biretta
98 pincers 1 tenaculum
2 morris
3 chiaroscuro
4 parclose
5 cosmism
99 fermentation 1 stithy
2 parastatal
3 pandemonism
4 genophobia
5 zymosis
100 pathological belief that one is inhabited by an evil spirit 1 cacodemomania
2 gamophobia
3 neoterism
4 lighterage
5 monomachy
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