Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | consuming plasma |
1 plasmophagous 2 acciaccatura 3 nolition 4 thalassic 5 rummer | |
2 | to this place |
1 hypotaxis 2 purblind 3 notonectal 4 peatary 5 hither | |
3 | entitled to bear arms |
1 malm 2 magnetics 3 armigerous 4 rocaille 5 parasynthesis | |
4 | a wedge; salient angle of a building; cornerstone |
1 guichet 2 uletic 3 idiorhythmic 4 quoin 5 malversation | |
5 | narrow braid used for trimming |
1 discarnate 2 soutache 3 physicalism 4 cleronomy 5 autoschediasm | |
6 | softening; making supple |
1 emollient 2 demersal 3 trachelate 4 uniparous 5 soboliferous | |
7 | prayer stool or kneeling bench in a church |
1 pettifogger 2 vestiture 3 prie-dieu 4 bodewash 5 dendrology | |
8 | unit of strength of radio wave emission |
1 cellaret 2 fremescent 3 tiromancy 4 jansky 5 theriatrics | |
9 | wall that rests on top of columns |
1 scriptorium 2 hippology 3 entablature 4 acanthous 5 knur | |
10 | kind or nature |
1 rhematic 2 tabernacle 3 stercoraceous 4 aphemia 5 ilke | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | although |
1 ademption 2 longiniquity 3 howbeit 4 elution 5 ontogenesis | |
12 | figure in which relations between words are changed |
1 hypallage 2 vivandire 3 sejugate 4 hydrometeorology 5 hemacytometer | |
13 | divination using teeth |
1 coruscate 2 odontomancy 3 clinomania 4 skald 5 discobolus | |
14 | being of mental origin |
1 orchidaceous 2 ideogenous 3 cupola 4 gyniolatry 5 physiurgic | |
15 | light lustrous cotton and worsted fabric |
1 clem 2 ophiology 3 apantomancy 4 taxis 5 brilliantine | |
16 | an old French follow-the-leader dance |
1 disinure 2 bransle 3 superciliary 4 micrology 5 objurgate | |
17 | to press together |
1 ditokous 2 moslings 3 myrmecophagous 4 floriferous 5 adpress | |
18 | one whose mental processes are stimulated by words |
1 transmissometer 2 glossa 3 torsel 4 verbile 5 nullity | |
19 | to put off; to fob |
1 fub 2 kiddle 3 osmol 4 pug 5 sabretache | |
20 | indicating movement out of or away from |
1 accend 2 elative 3 brocade 4 organoleptic 5 versicle | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | leading in four directions; concerning a four-way junction |
1 quadrivial 2 credence 3 torpor 4 pedagoguery 5 irenic | |
22 | to melt; to subject to liquation |
1 abrosia 2 liquate 3 unseel 4 prestigiator 5 torus | |
23 | producing nectar |
1 otalgia 2 mon 3 stratiform 4 triptote 5 nectariferous | |
24 | swelling |
1 viperiform 2 spargosis 3 staminiferous 4 eozoic 5 catena | |
25 | one from whose memory nothing is erased |
1 candescent 2 saxigenous 3 mnemonist 4 nightpiece 5 simular | |
26 | beyond the moon; spiritual |
1 gib 2 translunary 3 cingular 4 trichotillomania 5 bonify | |
27 | to glide in |
1 eidolon 2 parataxis 3 sedulous 4 lutaceous 5 illapse | |
28 | mock sea-battle |
1 victualler 2 idolum 3 pontlevis 4 citreous 5 naumachy | |
29 | producing monsters or abnormal growth |
1 hyperpyrexia 2 passant 3 teratogenic 4 fimbriate 5 terrella | |
30 | of or relating to yesterday |
1 strigine 2 histrionic 3 dreikanter 4 vindemial 5 pridian | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | system of slavery or serfdom |
1 pastille 2 servilism 3 serriform 4 horripilation 5 manubrial | |
32 | instantly; quickly |
1 homeomerous 2 abraxas 3 swith 4 irremeable 5 intorted | |
33 | fear of heights |
1 taxaceous 2 reductionism 3 imminution 4 muricate 5 acrophobia | |
34 | excessive rent |
1 tregetour 2 cladistics 3 baculum 4 phaneromania 5 rackrent | |
35 | varnishing |
1 lambrequin 2 physiognomy 3 vernition 4 balanism 5 lucernal | |
36 | divination by studying the moon |
1 heteroepy 2 bouluterion 3 splenitive 4 mull 5 selenomancy | |
37 | one that rules or manages |
1 minster 2 autology 3 ponent 4 minauderie 5 gerent | |
38 | worship of nobility |
1 mel 2 splanchnic 3 anadem 4 lordolatry 5 zetetic | |
39 | instrument for recording minute changes in atmospheric pressure |
1 shrouds 2 microbarograph 3 loggia 4 subulate 5 auceps | |
40 | in a similar manner |
1 facula 2 osmesis 3 arctophily 4 tinctumutation 5 similiter | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | killing insect eggs |
1 ovicide 2 coralliferous 3 judder 4 tesseratomy 5 soporiferous | |
42 | ecclesiastical self-government |
1 tiara 2 brasero 3 autocephality 4 glandiform 5 toxicogenic | |
43 | transparent |
1 ebullition 2 dioptric 3 practive 4 zounds 5 chambray | |
44 | to reduce to spray |
1 hysteresis 2 roborean 3 jess 4 nebulize 5 lanai | |
45 | surgical breaking of a bone |
1 famulus 2 osteoclasis 3 superscribe 4 temenos 5 bedaggle | |
46 | winged; feathered |
1 siccimeter 2 pennate 3 oculus 4 ventriduct 5 macrography | |
47 | pertaining to sandpipers |
1 tringoid 2 twyer 3 misericord 4 genethliacon 5 horal | |
48 | the act of spotting or staining |
1 ostrichism 2 knackish 3 physiologus 4 maculation 5 pourboire | |
49 | immediately |
1 parallelism 2 plutomania 3 fascine 4 forthwith 5 planish | |
50 | portholes on a ship |
1 solive 2 scuttles 3 suppedaneum 4 harmonograph 5 ripienist | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | of or relating to a vortex; whirling |
1 cosset 2 obsolagnium 3 tumefacient 4 vortical 5 paregoric | |
52 | like a turret |
1 psychogram 2 genouillre 3 adscititious 4 repository 5 turrical | |
53 | making something vulgar or plebeian |
1 proclivitous 2 monachism 3 plebification 4 louvre 5 handsel | |
54 | reddish glow appearing at sunrise or sunset in mountains |
1 epulotic 2 electrogenesis 3 alpenglow 4 mulciberian 5 satisfice | |
55 | an excerpt or passage read during religious services |
1 jumbal 2 hauteur 3 dactyloscopy 4 pericope 5 isopleth | |
56 | shiny closely woven silk, cotton or rayon fabric |
1 pernoctate 2 irenology 3 formate 4 faille 5 metrics | |
57 | shaped like a rod |
1 gynaecide 2 vergiform 3 nuncupative 4 chondrogenesis 5 megrim | |
58 | bearing a fork |
1 furciferous 2 pentalogy 3 fritiniency 4 lamella 5 violaceous | |
59 | cuckolded |
1 agrostography 2 cornuted 3 ultracrepidate 4 sext 5 zoogamy | |
60 | structure of cross-barred or lattice-work |
1 wey 2 frist 3 foin 4 trellis 5 pellicle | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | advocate or intercessor; the Holy Spirit acting in such a role |
1 anemology 2 tonus 3 paraclete 4 stirk 5 diorism | |
62 | name over and above the ordinary name and surname |
1 versicle 2 aspidomancy 3 jansky 4 agname 5 soffit | |
63 | recess of a door or window |
1 cymograph 2 pasquilant 3 saxatile 4 doxastic 5 embrasure | |
64 | early feminist; educated or literary woman |
1 bluestocking 2 grandiloquent 3 sporogenesis 4 attuition 5 villose | |
65 | cesspool; sewer entrance |
1 jawhole 2 broch 3 spermatogenesis 4 scride 5 bathyorographical | |
66 | light open-mesh cotton or worsted |
1 kersey 2 bilocation 3 etamine 4 calescence 5 susurrus | |
67 | church caretaker or usher |
1 monotheism 2 toxicogenic 3 beadle 4 physitheism 5 sphacelated | |
68 | any green crop stored for use as animal fodder |
1 trabeculated 2 silage 3 vergiform 4 lithophilous 5 acierate | |
69 | comprehensive treatise |
1 transcendentalism 2 polynia 3 summa 4 postcibal 5 sucrier | |
70 | prayer of supplication in responsive style |
1 altricial 2 alogism 3 jacobin 4 kentledge 5 litany | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | woolly |
1 curmurring 2 lanate 3 tryma 4 culicino 5 planish | |
72 | having a horn on the nose |
1 solive 2 madid 3 nasicornous 4 tentation 5 thaumaturgy | |
73 | instrument for measuring tension |
1 lygophobia 2 tensiometer 3 enthetic 4 supersensible 5 autosoterism | |
74 | a Hebrew letter |
1 diastema 2 qoph 3 psalmody 4 pliofilm 5 gromatics | |
75 | steward of a college or monastery; purveyor |
1 hypobulic 2 albion 3 manciple 4 anhelation 5 riparian | |
76 | the formation of imitative words |
1 refugium 2 botanomancy 3 echoism 4 imbroglio 5 ergasia | |
77 | group united for nefarious or traitorous ends |
1 araphorostic 2 pyrogenation 3 camorra 4 illinition 5 quilling | |
78 | repellent; repulsive |
1 distichous 2 rebarbative 3 leno 4 galeiform 5 quadrimium | |
79 | dirty old man |
1 micropsia 2 vascular 3 spetch 4 pornogenarian 5 hanap | |
80 | euphemism; word whose meaning altered to conceal evasion |
1 vesuviate 2 paranym 3 sangfroid 4 obvolute 5 vegete | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | due to an outside cause |
1 retrogress 2 misoneism 3 symphily 4 xenogenous 5 hircine | |
82 | study of fish |
1 zoography 2 ichthyology 3 pharmacopolist 4 otalgia 5 aclinic | |
83 | stone thought to grow inside a toad and have magic powers |
1 quickstep 2 toadstone 3 uraniscus 4 demisang 5 boun | |
84 | peat-bog |
1 petary 2 diptote 3 exility 4 pelerine 5 entremets | |
85 | fat; easy-going person |
1 roband 2 rutherford 3 sadogue 4 supercrescent 5 roundel | |
86 | open-woven fabric |
1 seriocomic 2 sinistrad 3 leno 4 intercolline 5 kyphosis | |
87 | differently finished edging of cloth |
1 tutiorism 2 ambry 3 styliferous 4 selvage 5 paedonymic | |
88 | slander; disparage |
1 hydrokinetics 2 asperse 3 badious 4 velamentous 5 orbific | |
89 | one with a certain feature by which descendants analyzed |
1 obturate 2 counterfoil 3 proband 4 triumphalism 5 chiffonier | |
90 | silk-screening |
1 botanomancy 2 tesseratomy 3 pantler 4 quisling 5 serigraphy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | leaf-eating |
1 fleuret 2 inglenook 3 phyllophagous 4 sarangousty 5 agraphia | |
92 | to practise sabotage against |
1 peltiferous 2 ratten 3 audile 4 aspidomancy 5 thole | |
93 | rule by two individuals |
1 punctilious 2 iatrochemistry 3 biarchy 4 terrazzo 5 exaugurate | |
94 | bright spot or halo appearing on either side of sun; parhelion |
1 helictite 2 sundog 3 bickern 4 hyetology 5 pteridology | |
95 | to wander freely; to write about in great detail |
1 arundinaceous 2 iconoplast 3 expatiate 4 succinic 5 ichthyoid | |
96 | likely to excite indignation against the performer |
1 orography 2 gomphosis 3 ontological 4 liturgician 5 invidious | |
97 | someone who guides posthorses |
1 postilion 2 prescriptivism 3 quantometer 4 tombola 5 spadiceous | |
98 | rope joining adjacent mastheads |
1 kakistocracy 2 memoriter 3 polygenous 4 scree 5 triatic | |
99 | winch used to raise a ship's anchor |
1 rabble 2 embryogenesis 3 sufflate 4 barnard 5 windlass | |
100 | study of light refraction |
1 dwile 2 dioptrics 3 gal 4 accubation 5 ventral |