Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | to splinter or split; to chip |
1 currycomb 2 spall 3 piacular 4 cyrenaic 5 madefy | |
2 | deafness to specific pitches of sound |
1 born‚ 2 metameric 3 ceromancy 4 asonia 5 perliginous | |
3 | neighboring; local |
1 zymometer 2 keratogenic 3 vicinal 4 obvert 5 deicide | |
4 | playful; impish; boyish |
1 gemmation 2 factitive 3 anteambulo 4 gaminesque 5 plegometer | |
5 | after-effect of any trauma; consequence or result |
1 furciferous 2 donative 3 tewel 4 sequela 5 epicrisis | |
6 | childlessness |
1 lucifugous 2 ateknia 3 aiu‚ 4 photic 5 expromission | |
7 | formation of a film on copper from exposure |
1 patination 2 excarnate 3 zorino 4 marah 5 anomia | |
8 | to swallow; to guzzle |
1 ingurgitate 2 ullage 3 architectonics 4 setiform 5 gynocracy | |
9 | composition of music |
1 remiform 2 compusion 3 sesquialter 4 melopoeia 5 kantar | |
10 | artist's studio or workshop |
1 lexiphanic 2 atelier 3 psephomancy 4 wight 5 depurate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | secreting milk |
1 conchiform 2 thrum 3 ingate 4 ignipotent 5 lactescent | |
12 | divination by counting |
1 nidatory 2 pyrokinesis 3 mathemancy 4 modillion 5 crural | |
13 | condition of having more than the normal number |
1 hydrography 2 provection 3 cabochon 4 pleiomery 5 rasure | |
14 | shaped like an arrowhead |
1 poculation 2 idolum 3 cacodemomania 4 dromestoners 5 sagittiform | |
15 | choking smoke or dust; fuss; commotion |
1 epitoga 2 ingression 3 cribration 4 stanniferous 5 pother | |
16 | urban |
1 muller 2 diable 3 hauberk 4 oppidan 5 evulse | |
17 | a young sow |
1 dirigism 2 irascent 3 yelt 4 champerty 5 thermoscope | |
18 | level countryside or plain |
1 quadra 2 vorticity 3 loxodromy 4 monocracy 5 champaign | |
19 | killing of a human being in a secret manner |
1 molariform 2 murdrum 3 violatic 4 jackstay 5 retorse | |
20 | staircase |
1 transvolation 2 clarigate 3 wiseacre 4 monoptote 5 escalier | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | to give or take in pledge or pawn |
1 roscid 2 pointillism 3 pignorate 4 hortensial 5 autecology | |
22 | to catch an approaching object or falling liquid |
1 algetic 2 postlude 3 thereology 4 soporose 5 kep | |
23 | slotted rotating cylinder producing primitive animation |
1 staphyline 2 pointillism 3 zoetrope 4 veloutine 5 honorificabilitudinity | |
24 | quack; charlatan |
1 nutant 2 hommock 3 medicaster 4 oersted 5 cosmocrat | |
25 | swelling with pride or with pregnancy |
1 forefoot 2 aculeiform 3 flabelliform 4 tympany 5 phonation | |
26 | worship of filth, dirt, or smut |
1 aischrolatry 2 ophiuran 3 isotropic 4 sophomoric 5 cyanometer | |
27 | nipple-shaped |
1 papilliform 2 voluptuary 3 mucedinous 4 hypnoid 5 congeries | |
28 | short timber binding together upright posts |
1 intertie 2 hearsecloth 3 lugsail 4 quotha 5 krimmer | |
29 | halting milk production |
1 phygogalactic 2 amathophobia 3 scleroid 4 bilge 5 interlucation | |
30 | thin single-twilled worsted fabric with cotton or silk |
1 surd 2 hylophagous 3 triglyph 4 pansexualism 5 coburg | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | blueprint |
1 illaudable 2 havier 3 acariasis 4 cyanotype 5 rondeau | |
32 | great-circle sailing; sailing by most direct route |
1 farandole 2 orthodromics 3 accubation 4 tonetics 5 magnanerie | |
33 | Anglo-Saxon poet and harpist |
1 boscage 2 milliad 3 bigential 4 scop 5 deliquesce | |
34 | distinctive feature or characteristic |
1 quich 2 lineament 3 octamerous 4 contabescent 5 epithesis | |
35 | Neolithic flint chisel |
1 dodger 2 tranchet 3 plectrum 4 absonant 5 spicigerous | |
36 | to sink; to decline |
1 labrose 2 devall 3 strahl 4 alt 5 phylogenesis | |
37 | to erupt; to burst with heat |
1 rhopalic 2 flagitate 3 bottine 4 oleraceous 5 vesuviate | |
38 | indicating indirect object of a verb |
1 suscept 2 scholarch 3 metopomancy 4 corposant 5 dative | |
39 | divine impulse determining the will |
1 dioptometer 2 premotion 3 escharotic 4 evince 5 vivarium | |
40 | divergence from normal time sequence |
1 triforium 2 unwithdrawing 3 squamate 4 heterochrony 5 bocking | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | fashionable; stylish |
1 lapideous 2 expeditate 3 tubulate 4 modish 5 graphology | |
42 | perforated or punctured like a sieve |
1 dendrolatry 2 cribrous 3 teleseism 4 oppilate 5 emmenagogue | |
43 | colourless |
1 telespectroscope 2 lissotrichous 3 achroous 4 seismoscope 5 staysail | |
44 | device used to allow deaf to hear sounds through the cranium |
1 velvetine 2 persiennes 3 chesil 4 osteophone 5 amanuensis | |
45 | eating humans |
1 mussitate 2 flibbertigibbet 3 osteoclasis 4 taxis 5 homnivorous | |
46 | instrument for demonstrating sound waves by lines of light |
1 textuary 2 architectonics 3 dioecious 4 trivet 5 kaleidophone | |
47 | a bully; a swaggerer |
1 intitule 2 sputum 3 killcow 4 latten 5 apiculture | |
48 | study of kidding |
1 alembicated 2 omegoid 3 kidology 4 zarzuela 5 acipenser | |
49 | application of chemistry to medical theory |
1 iatrochemistry 2 solacious 3 unipara 4 arbalest 5 syneidesis | |
50 | strait |
1 solarise 2 leno 3 alforge 4 venesect 5 fretum | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | looking or moving towards the apex |
1 moucharaby 2 consecution 3 illiquation 4 acroscopic 5 alforge | |
52 | small quantity |
1 varec 2 anglophobia 3 quantulum 4 stratiform 5 carnaptious | |
53 | massage |
1 bodkin 2 monopode 3 cucumiform 4 interjacent 5 chirapsia | |
54 | able to withstand drought |
1 xerophytic 2 colposcope 3 noesis 4 panaceist 5 archelogy | |
55 | relating or pertaining to beer |
1 cervisial 2 epidiascope 3 lethiferous 4 addax 5 bilocation | |
56 | lullaby |
1 castophrenia 2 indoles 3 megaprosopous 4 waftage 5 berceuse | |
57 | excessive flow of words; uncontrollable garrulity |
1 wonderwork 2 jaculation 3 logorrhea 4 tonant 5 trochal | |
58 | study of the inheritance of acquired characteristics |
1 metromania 2 intussusception 3 ctetology 4 ontogenesis 5 epizoic | |
59 | paper attached to commercial bill requiring signatures |
1 vindemiate 2 allonge 3 picaresque 4 tautonym 5 lar | |
60 | star-like; having star-like spots |
1 stadiometer 2 tomograph 3 appersonation 4 stellular 5 anguine | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | obese |
1 terminism 2 mucago 3 polysarcous 4 solarism 5 fermi | |
62 | fine sheer plain-woven cotton or linen |
1 vernalize 2 lawn 3 naumachy 4 plutocracy 5 areometer | |
63 | leather armour with metal scales |
1 topophobia 2 palinode 3 anencephalic 4 brigandine 5 xiphophyllous | |
64 | instrument for measuring and recording fluorescence spectra |
1 romal 2 vapulate 3 sack 4 rasure 5 spectrofluorimeter | |
65 | sweetened and often medicated drink |
1 oscillograph 2 bathophobia 3 idolomancy 4 julep 5 irrision | |
66 | device which amplifies small sounds |
1 limacology 2 phonendoscope 3 dacryops 4 subternatural 5 tisane | |
67 | land tenure dependent on will of the lord of the manor |
1 copyhold 2 incoronate 3 waqf 4 aesthesia 5 cremaillere | |
68 | having blunt extremities |
1 zoogenic 2 bantling 3 vitellary 4 seismotic 5 tornote | |
69 | joint above the hock of a horse |
1 ichthyic 2 stifle 3 pushful 4 enceinte 5 slype | |
70 | pertaining to the bladder |
1 quartziferous 2 anomia 3 vesical 4 koan 5 montre | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | thorniness |
1 liquifacient 2 chorepiscopal 3 beaver 4 spinosity 5 thuriferous | |
72 | medicine of four ingredients |
1 boggart 2 spermatic 3 pollex 4 diatessaron 5 pseudepigraphy | |
73 | the stocks |
1 ovine 2 putois 3 gymnasiast 4 rhabdoid 5 cippus | |
74 | surveying underground |
1 homochiral 2 perse 3 hypogeiody 4 cymophanous 5 foumart | |
75 | artificial dwarfing |
1 quotition 2 libriform 3 gules 4 nanization 5 papillose | |
76 | judge or magistrate in ancient Ireland |
1 quaestuary 2 brehon 3 tyriasis 4 skean 5 prevernal | |
77 | removal from one place to another |
1 selenomancy 2 metaphrase 3 lairwite 4 metastasis 5 thrum | |
78 | sculpture of a man carrying a ram |
1 criophore 2 trimacular 3 obstetrics 4 kistvaen 5 procellous | |
79 | gesticulation or mime |
1 tuille 2 chironomy 3 baldaquin 4 alb 5 ancress | |
80 | fish life of an area |
1 tachograph 2 xenogamy 3 cliometrics 4 absolutive 5 piscifauna | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | feeble or worthless person or animal |
1 frankalmoign 2 aethrioscope 3 wallydrag 4 vociferate 5 fougade | |
82 | like a cane or reed |
1 brougham 2 ferulaceous 3 phon 4 profectitious 5 flambeau | |
83 | bristled; streaked |
1 tesla 2 trangam 3 quadrimium 4 stillatory 5 strigate | |
84 | Eastern Orthodox spiritual advisor |
1 faveolate 2 quisguillous 3 rufous 4 piliferous 5 starets | |
85 | gang of slaves tied together |
1 coffle 2 dowlas 3 angiology 4 capillaceous 5 anglophobia | |
86 | coin counterfeiter |
1 timbrology 2 coniaker 3 rillmark 4 podalic 5 diaphanometer | |
87 | angle between eyelids at the corner of the eye |
1 holophrase 2 canthus 3 hylogenesis 4 krasis 5 deuterogamy | |
88 | shaped like a herring |
1 harengiform 2 hapax 3 monoxylon 4 deflocculate 5 bezel | |
89 | recurring every eight days |
1 incivism 2 metasthenic 3 lamella 4 ratemeter 5 octan | |
90 | horse meat |
1 habiliment 2 physiurgic 3 brochette 4 eximious 5 chevaline | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | toll paid on bridges; tax for repairing bridges |
1 parasynesis 2 phyllophagous 3 fictile 4 monopsony 5 pontage | |
92 | fear of corpses |
1 locellus 2 necrophobia 3 confabulate 4 fulmineous 5 somewhither | |
93 | having an extremely small head |
1 nanocephalous 2 hypotyposis 3 slumberous 4 chthonophagia 5 quint | |
94 | blood-letting |
1 gallet 2 scutellation 3 phlebotomy 4 photoglyph 5 hamble | |
95 | like or shaped like a nerve |
1 glenoid 2 gibus 3 almoner 4 neuralgiform 5 gullery | |
96 | microscopic orifice |
1 lampyridine 2 anoesis 3 ferule 4 tercel 5 micropyle | |
97 | purulent |
1 hysteresis 2 tinction 3 theomastix 4 mattery 5 stonk | |
98 | poem whose initial letters reproduce its first verse |
1 annodated 2 snood 3 paracrostic 4 aesopian 5 aegis | |
99 | thing of little or no value |
1 aphagia 2 trucage 3 stiver 4 maundy 5 cenote | |
100 | causing terror; uncanny |
1 chark 2 lexigraphy 3 chauffer 4 pokerish 5 enation |