Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | something which requires correction |
1 corrigendum 2 micromancy 3 onyxis 4 velocimeter 5 pridian | |
2 | card game in which jack of club has highest value |
1 gradual 2 parquet 3 pam 4 similiter 5 orpiment | |
3 | governess; chaperone |
1 duenna 2 corban 3 galanty 4 guttiform 5 potamic | |
4 | addition of extra day to lunar calendar every 300 years |
1 proemptosis 2 pyrolatry 3 stratocracy 4 megaprosopous 5 ormolu | |
5 | old English letter for voiced 'th' sound |
1 frisson 2 cariniform 3 theodicy 4 osphresis 5 eth | |
6 | pearl-bearing |
1 pretermit 2 aberuncators 3 perfectionism 4 fulminate 5 margaritiferous | |
7 | feeding on decaying material |
1 telegnosis 2 quelch 3 farrow 4 porrect 5 saprophagous | |
8 | stiff durable corded fabric of cotton, rayon or silk |
1 secundogeniture 2 lactoscope 3 visiogenic 4 piqu‚ 5 boston | |
9 | slow solemn Italian or Spanish dance |
1 pseudography 2 colophon 3 euphonism 4 cervicorn 5 passacaglia | |
10 | wrestling school; gymnasium |
1 stylite 2 cannikin 3 palaestra 4 transpontine 5 inescatory | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | brush-like |
1 fuji 2 scopulate 3 heddle 4 whithersoever 5 addle | |
12 | strong-smelling sweat |
1 bromidrosis 2 dispurvey 3 transumption 4 electrocardiograph 5 invination | |
13 | of or pertaining to puberty |
1 theatromania 2 schematomancy 3 limn 4 succentor 5 hebetic | |
14 | hermaphroditic; being of or resembling both sexes |
1 gastroenterology 2 sempiternum 3 assoil 4 gynandroid 5 pornocracy | |
15 | assistant bishop |
1 calcariform 2 lacertilian 3 metallurgy 4 aneabil 5 suffragan | |
16 | of or relating to a nymph |
1 zopp 2 nymphean 3 autocephality 4 alectryomancy 5 nocuous | |
17 | sacristy for sacred vessels in Orthodox churches |
1 diaconicon 2 holobaptism 3 pythonism 4 uprist 5 tressilate | |
18 | woman affecting a fastidious over-refinement |
1 intinction 2 inquirendo 3 puberulent 4 helobious 5 pr‚cieuse | |
19 | having strong weapons; militarily potent |
1 prolation 2 extramundane 3 armipotent 4 comport 5 leucochroic | |
20 | squint |
1 strabismus 2 brachycatalectic 3 sabot 4 eupathy 5 lief | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | lower stay of rope used to sustain strain of the forestays |
1 myringa 2 taurine 3 velocimeter 4 decalvant 5 martingale | |
22 | instrument for tracing the outline of mouldings |
1 laicism 2 behoof 3 dodecafid 4 cymograph 5 enchiridion | |
23 | building stone difficult to split into layers |
1 patation 2 anglomania 3 mellisonant 4 woodmeal 5 freestone | |
24 | providing natural immunity against harmful substances |
1 literator 2 antiblastic 3 tropometer 4 pubigerous 5 queach | |
25 | bearing silver |
1 oogenesis 2 satyrism 3 argentiferous 4 berm 5 apprompt | |
26 | worship of dogs |
1 pansophy 2 venerous 3 custrel 4 orchidomania 5 cynolatry | |
27 | old name for mercury |
1 quicksilver 2 monarchy 3 adit 4 ornithophobia 5 dentiologist | |
28 | small flute or recorder with two thumb holes |
1 ecdysiast 2 scholarch 3 barbigerous 4 flageolet 5 arachnophobia | |
29 | moving quickly |
1 anglomania 2 citigrade 3 heapstead 4 pogonophobia 5 sepulchre | |
30 | lacking ears |
1 thewe 2 anotic 3 tetramerous 4 biloquist 5 saxifragous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | of or pertaining to the forehead |
1 wontless 2 rhinoscope 3 metopic 4 dendritiform 5 craniometer | |
32 | the practice of whipping oneself or another |
1 dumose 2 flagellantism 3 soricident 4 ossify 5 minnesinger | |
33 | bringing inwards |
1 parisyllabic 2 acroamatic 3 soilure 4 advehent 5 remanent | |
34 | government by holy men |
1 mignon 2 diffarreation 3 douceur 4 eke 5 hagiocracy | |
35 | woman's fur cape |
1 escalade 2 pelerine 3 gypsiferous 4 troika 5 pleochroic | |
36 | shaped like a mouth |
1 tigerism 2 oriform 3 archimime 4 hoplology 5 gynocracy | |
37 | feather-shaped |
1 penniform 2 entomology 3 aggrate 4 hydroscopist 5 reprography | |
38 | study of venereal disease |
1 papaverous 2 keloid 3 venereology 4 cartiliginous 5 antinomy | |
39 | one who climbs buildings for sport |
1 panegyry 2 stegophilist 3 koine 4 incubus 5 duenna | |
40 | obsession with writing |
1 enfilade 2 bouillotte 3 allogamy 4 extrospection 5 graphomania | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | bolt or pin on which something turns, as a hinge |
1 stipiform 2 laciniate 3 pintle 4 immiseration 5 whistler | |
42 | government or rule by God |
1 wame 2 harmoniphone 3 xylogenous 4 cataclasm 5 theonomy | |
43 | pertaining to a dean or deacon |
1 bacchanal 2 antre 3 habilitate 4 dunnage 5 decanal | |
44 | fear of being tickled by feathers |
1 electroscope 2 pteronophobia 3 entozoology 4 maculomancy 5 heliosciophyte | |
45 | inability or hardship in pronouncing letters 'g' and 'k' |
1 compellation 2 tegmental 3 gammicism 4 nephelometer 5 pessimum | |
46 | brittle, bluish-white metallic element |
1 unreeve 2 antimony 3 cillosis 4 anadem 5 fibula | |
47 | rotting |
1 putrefaction 2 anthelminthic 3 blunge 4 multiflorous 5 pixilated | |
48 | mounting, setting or frame |
1 purfle 2 purulence 3 monture 4 zygomorphic 5 catalectic | |
49 | ornamental choir-screen |
1 tabescent 2 niccolic 3 jube 4 nictate 5 dysphemism | |
50 | to hamper or restrain |
1 vainglory 2 vulcanology 3 trammel 4 versicular 5 lunulate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | of the form or shape of velvet |
1 saccharimeter 2 nephrolith 3 villiform 4 deflexure 5 anteprandial | |
52 | an old crone, past the age of sexual attractiveness |
1 ligulate 2 stellular 3 ribibe 4 kumiss 5 rutilant | |
53 | instrument for recording torsional vibrations on an object |
1 paludose 2 mumpsimus 3 ginnel 4 torsiograph 5 gnathonic | |
54 | window |
1 mockado 2 weedicide 3 agname 4 ventana 5 chaplet | |
55 | lemon-coloured; lemony |
1 spermology 2 sanatory 3 trivirgate 4 citreous 5 morgue | |
56 | macerated and softened; like porridge; pulpy |
1 scribable 2 pultaceous 3 paraclete 4 siderography 5 anaglyptics | |
57 | cooked animal entrails |
1 intercalary 2 ginnery 3 lavaliere 4 haslot 5 alannah | |
58 | to hear a confession from and give absolution |
1 sealine 2 shrive 3 dreikanter 4 muscariform 5 remora | |
59 | having four leaves |
1 clupeoid 2 quark 3 quadrifoliate 4 rameal 5 mycosis | |
60 | forestry |
1 periclitate 2 cinque-pace 3 sylviculture 4 entablature 5 allotheism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | raised ornament on top of upright end of seats in churches |
1 breccia 2 pyrophobia 3 poppyhead 4 obsequent 5 fantassin | |
62 | hay season |
1 erotetic 2 micrology 3 haysel 4 sempster 5 transmarine | |
63 | study or discussion of trivialities |
1 hippoid 2 tufa 3 monochord 4 sorrel 5 micrology | |
64 | to feel or express discontent or dejection |
1 naiant 2 criophore 3 quenelle 4 gazar 5 repine | |
65 | of or pertaining to butter |
1 petrophilous 2 efferent 3 coaptation 4 monochord 5 butyric | |
66 | a worker for a local politician or political party |
1 heeler 2 diorism 3 pudor 4 semantology 5 omniferous | |
67 | high-sounding |
1 diesis 2 geminiform 3 somniloquence 4 hypnagogic 5 altisonant | |
68 | art of engraving on steel |
1 siderography 2 bardocucullus 3 encomium 4 lustrate 5 byssine | |
69 | to decorate with historical designs |
1 storiate 2 luculent 3 periclinal 4 substruct 5 monopsony | |
70 | invisible emanation; offensive exhalation or smell |
1 plastron 2 latifundia 3 papyraceous 4 effluvium 5 marquisette | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | predacious; of or relating to a bird of prey |
1 lobate 2 raptorial 3 cornuted 4 radular 5 mora | |
72 | to encourage |
1 hypocaust 2 amanous 3 callisteia 4 nubecula 5 accourage | |
73 | deaf; senseless |
1 stegmonth 2 hark 3 fecalith 4 jive 5 surd | |
74 | a figure engraved into a gem or another substance |
1 hakenkreuz 2 senescent 3 intaglio 4 urethroscope 5 hydromancy | |
75 | small depression or pit |
1 tallage 2 hippomancy 3 scrobiculus 4 nivellate 5 evirate | |
76 | shaped like a saucer or kneecap |
1 torpillage 2 patelliform 3 tinchel 4 kelt 5 troat | |
77 | clay box in which pottery is packed for baking |
1 superessive 2 epithalamion 3 bobstay 4 pardine 5 saggar | |
78 | one capable of speaking with two distinct voices |
1 hadeharia 2 kerygma 3 biloquist 4 pomology 5 bdellism | |
79 | coitus |
1 pietism 2 chawdron 3 pareunia 4 trap 5 chaton | |
80 | bear-baiting using dogs |
1 unleal 2 bullionism 3 stummel 4 cynartomachy 5 mattoid | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | at or toward the rear |
1 assizer 2 transvolation 3 retral 4 tribade 5 rhaebosis | |
82 | shaped like a heap |
1 cittosis 2 funebral 3 cumuliform 4 mercurial 5 disseize | |
83 | arrangement, distribution or disorder of hair |
1 trichosis 2 sacculiform 3 yarpha 4 perorate 5 lorette | |
84 | to doubt; to hesitate |
1 pliofilm 2 zither 3 zoogamy 4 perissology 5 dubitate | |
85 | futile, futile repetition in speech or writing |
1 cleidomancy 2 bursal 3 battology 4 pteronophobia 5 lythcoop | |
86 | obituary writer |
1 herdic 2 thelytoky 3 misotheism 4 hoplomachy 5 necrographer | |
87 | somewhat |
1 kyle 2 somedeal 3 mellification 4 curmurring 5 accend | |
88 | belief in the dual nature of Christ |
1 xenophobia 2 archelogy 3 diphysitism 4 nothous 5 eidolon | |
89 | many-handed |
1 scissure 2 fremitus 3 briarean 4 nymphean 5 phratry | |
90 | to absolve; to acquit |
1 typtology 2 introspectionism 3 delate 4 retromancy 5 assoil | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | to gratify or please |
1 psychogony 2 cremaillere 3 subungual 4 aggrate 5 dicerous | |
92 | large moulding along base of a pedestal |
1 tussicular 2 crotaline 3 solidum 4 patroon 5 interim | |
93 | wedge-shaped piece of metal that holds another in place |
1 gib 2 chanticleer 3 stuprate 4 ostensory 5 montre | |
94 | goal-directed or purposive behaviour |
1 nuncio 2 theopathy 3 heterophemy 4 monopode 5 horme | |
95 | small triangular ventilation window in a car |
1 pileum 2 antibasilican 3 decomplex 4 festinate 5 quarterlight | |
96 | indicating causation |
1 gestatorial 2 factive 3 antistrophe 4 forebitt 5 epistrophe | |
97 | shaped like an S or a sigma |
1 eventration 2 sigmate 3 volitorial 4 vestiary 5 aggiornamento | |
98 | large green bottle encased in wicker |
1 ignicolist 2 maculose 3 divulsion 4 xenodochium 5 carboy | |
99 | paragraph-mark |
1 mouldwarp 2 antithalian 3 pilcrow 4 nullifidian 5 whitecoat | |
100 | spokesman; speaker of the House of Lords |
1 doucet 2 semasiology 3 prolocutor 4 lanai 5 topophilia |