Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | leafy; bearing or having leaves |
1 myrmidon 2 silvics 3 peripteral 4 pudor 5 phyllophorous | |
2 | the removal of materials from the body |
1 oakus 2 egestion 3 reclinate 4 postcibal 5 lawn | |
3 | whiteness of the hair |
1 cerebration 2 braxy 3 canities 4 padella 5 cabriolet | |
4 | network of lines used in star photographs |
1 lallation 2 r‚seau 3 mandamus 4 hamshackle 5 argentiferous | |
5 | bass tuba |
1 casualism 2 nicotian 3 montane 4 helicon 5 syrinx | |
6 | interment |
1 sepultre 2 vicinal 3 naze 4 triune 5 toplofty | |
7 | study of spelling |
1 kohlrabi 2 hank 3 orthography 4 pyrogenation 5 typhlophile | |
8 | detached work with two embankments |
1 shambles 2 ravelin 3 cockshy 4 algophobia 5 retable | |
9 | science of classifying animals |
1 zootaxy 2 compossible 3 eisegesis 4 whipcat 5 magianism | |
10 | lacking horns or antennae |
1 acerous 2 cassimere 3 theorbo 4 cabriole 5 onomastic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | animal form in art |
1 curette 2 spermatorrhoea 3 ceraunomancy 4 theriomorph 5 flagelliform | |
12 | wedge-shaped |
1 melomania 2 criant 3 primiparous 4 sphenoid 5 potamic | |
13 | velvety; having a downy covering |
1 gastrolatry 2 lobular 3 flageolet 4 heapstead 5 velutinous | |
14 | study of bumps on the head |
1 armamentarium 2 stiction 3 phalacrosis 4 heddle 5 phrenology | |
15 | death-bringing; fatal |
1 gerrymander 2 rachis 3 mortiferous 4 velamentous 5 rochet | |
16 | study of the elderly; aging |
1 specular 2 taxaceous 3 gerontology 4 storiate 5 stercoricolous | |
17 | a monastery sitting room |
1 plangent 2 emotivism 3 hippiatric 4 incarnadine 5 calefactory | |
18 | fond of flesh |
1 onomasticon 2 jink 3 sarcophilous 4 exosculate 5 orchesis | |
19 | like sawdust |
1 cordage 2 yawl 3 scobiform 4 morganatic 5 sideration | |
20 | shore; bank |
1 truculent 2 agriology 3 thereology 4 rivage 5 meteorism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | pertaining to or made of rock |
1 isocracy 2 bursal 3 wynd 4 eolith 5 petrean | |
22 | tenet or belief on which a theological system is indifferent |
1 phrenesis 2 potomania 3 cyclometer 4 distributary 5 adiaphoron | |
23 | irrational predilection for lying |
1 hierocracy 2 marigenous 3 pseudomania 4 machairodont 5 whicker | |
24 | worship of miracles or wonders |
1 thaumatolatry 2 abatis 3 synoecy 4 commination 5 angstrom | |
25 | growing on the ground |
1 demonetise 2 geogenous 3 organon 4 percoct 5 thremmatology | |
26 | having a saddle |
1 allotheism 2 vermifugal 3 sellate 4 acclinate 5 thoracoscope | |
27 | hundred-fold |
1 schadenfreude 2 centuple 3 gnosticism 4 neophobe 5 quinquefarious | |
28 | scientific collection of plants |
1 atrous 2 whang 3 sertule 4 disciform 5 fucoid | |
29 | tuft of hair on the top of the head |
1 krobylos 2 frugiferous 3 fulsome 4 ama 5 keelhaul | |
30 | substance encouraging growth of scar tissue |
1 nyctanthous 2 demagogue 3 bathymeter 4 sociocracy 5 epulotic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | rulership over the seas |
1 crewel 2 navarchy 3 psammite 4 arrant 5 slurvian | |
32 | offering for sale |
1 foliate 2 consecution 3 fascine 4 venditation 5 adeem | |
33 | shaped like a worm |
1 burgee 2 vermiform 3 labiomancy 4 nephalism 5 maculomancy | |
34 | producing or creating delirium |
1 pulchritude 2 cavernicolous 3 delirifacient 4 geoponic 5 obsequent | |
35 | study of ice ages and glaciation |
1 phenology 2 glaciology 3 chary 4 pluviometer 5 scatomancy | |
36 | inlet for molten metal in founding |
1 dolichocephalic 2 jabot 3 ingate 4 apport 5 fringillaceous | |
37 | kinship |
1 morris 2 trinacriform 3 vaticide 4 agnation 5 agonic | |
38 | pertaining to the joint effect of the sun and earth |
1 phelloid 2 pluriparous 3 soliterraneous 4 obolary 5 nihility | |
39 | gift made to a guest or ambassador; any compulsory gift |
1 penduline 2 imminution 3 xenium 4 pentarchy 5 nomographer | |
40 | producing yolk |
1 mobocracy 2 vitelligenous 3 mullet 4 anamnesis 5 abatis | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | living or thriving in running water |
1 numinous 2 rheophile 3 topiary 4 aspidomancy 5 scriptorium | |
42 | peddler of religious tracts and books |
1 colporteur 2 cyanotype 3 hygrostat 4 multeity 5 pediluvium | |
43 | recitation with musical accompaniment |
1 limnobiology 2 suffisance 3 culvertage 4 attrist 5 melologue | |
44 | Anglo-Saxon prince or nobleman |
1 coleopterology 2 nocuous 3 atheling 4 sciolism 5 corrody | |
45 | four-wheeled hooded carriage |
1 barouche 2 witchknot 3 biognosy 4 photism 5 emption | |
46 | preparedness |
1 snath 2 accolent 3 mastigophorous 4 naology 5 procinct | |
47 | pertaining to good digestion; cheerful |
1 octapla 2 critomancy 3 misbeseem 4 eupeptic 5 crosstrees | |
48 | of high authority |
1 mouldwarp 2 gallipot 3 lacunar 4 curule 5 passim | |
49 | eating too much |
1 lagniappe 2 hyperphagia 3 ecclesiarchy 4 paradoxology 5 passepied | |
50 | treachery; treason |
1 dolent 2 xylotomous 3 trahison 4 umbilical 5 oligopsony | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | Roman military cloak |
1 allotheism 2 abolla 3 rheumatology 4 auriferous 5 docimology | |
52 | dweller on the exact opposite side of the world |
1 trenchant 2 plenilunar 3 pall 4 improvident 5 antiscian | |
53 | cure-all; panacea |
1 risorgimento 2 tecnology 3 catholicon 4 upas 5 asteism | |
54 | art of shading |
1 stenosis 2 sciagraphy 3 umbelliferous 4 climacteric 5 adipocere | |
55 | lasting four years; occurring once every four years |
1 geochemistry 2 premundane 3 cobaltiferous 4 quadrennial 5 cecity | |
56 | extreme hunger |
1 xebec 2 tombola 3 xylopyrography 4 mucroniform 5 bulimy | |
57 | of a type that may be bribed |
1 venal 2 skeg 3 pauciloquent 4 clew 5 eructate | |
58 | study of the heavens; astronomy |
1 uranology 2 cuneate 3 natron 4 krypsis 5 triarchy | |
59 | instrument for detecting polarized light |
1 dichord 2 lectrice 3 lygophilia 4 carnose 5 polariscope | |
60 | in spite of |
1 maugre 2 syndetic 3 signary 4 noogenesis 5 evaginate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | short piece of line for fastening fishing nets and hooks |
1 norsel 2 hymnology 3 torr 4 cacidrosis 5 wisent | |
62 | of or pertaining to clay |
1 limitrophe 2 hiemal 3 fusee 4 waterage 5 bolar | |
63 | something bitter, galling, or grievous |
1 lairwite 2 stridulous 3 cockloft 4 heteronym 5 wormwood | |
64 | number from which another is to be subtracted |
1 sinciput 2 minuend 3 landocracy 4 latitudinarianism 5 canorous | |
65 | caused or formed by water |
1 gnotobiology 2 hinnable 3 marigenous 4 hydrogenic 5 symphonia | |
66 | private seal |
1 metemptosis 2 secretum 3 hirsuties 4 cambistry 5 paragnosia | |
67 | inferior wit; half-wit |
1 gerocomy 2 ichthyology 3 underwit 4 abiogenesis 5 isogram | |
68 | piece of low-lying reclaimed land |
1 logotype 2 urenology 3 venose 4 tegula 5 polder | |
69 | abnormal bony outgrowth |
1 comminute 2 osteophyte 3 disinure 4 dreamery 5 absorptiometer | |
70 | having six parts |
1 obi 2 nephelometry 3 effulge 4 hexamerous 5 clangor | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | space in ship between decks used for storage |
1 tutelary 2 lazaret 3 eutony 4 nictate 5 provection | |
72 | wonder-working; marvellous |
1 icteritious 2 jugate 3 voluted 4 microlith 5 mirific | |
73 | of, relating to or resembling deer |
1 megalith 2 jolterhead 3 cervine 4 pushful 5 reast | |
74 | to draw tight; to bind |
1 meteorism 2 radicolous 3 dyslogistic 4 yerk 5 prunt | |
75 | heathendom |
1 annulet 2 claque 3 coehorn 4 oinomancy 5 paynimry | |
76 | least favourable |
1 gibbet 2 colporteur 3 manuduction 4 padella 5 pessimal | |
77 | an orifice; a dieresis |
1 oundy 2 capuchin 3 therblig 4 trema 5 trinoctial | |
78 | moulding; shaping |
1 quodlibet 2 fingent 3 ilke 4 fatidical 5 necyomancy | |
79 | heraldic representation of a bird without feet |
1 impleach 2 laudanum 3 martlet 4 hydrognosy 5 glenoid | |
80 | person who turns the bottles in wine-making |
1 luciferous 2 ancistroid 3 oxytone 4 naumachy 5 remueur | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | instrument for recording small or distant earthquakes |
1 expiate 2 microseismograph 3 acultomancy 4 gaur 5 depurate | |
82 | marked by oblique lines |
1 scoliograptic 2 eviternal 3 renverse 4 adelphogamy 5 vastidity | |
83 | murmuring; whisper; rustling |
1 cowcat 2 bitheism 3 susurrus 4 conspue 5 warrener | |
84 | huntsman; hunter |
1 satanology 2 abreuvoir 3 vernicle 4 spinigerous 5 venator | |
85 | eating vegetables |
1 surbate 2 vegetivorous 3 effleurage 4 sacerdotal 5 flexuose | |
86 | winged |
1 aligerous 2 turbary 3 paroemiographer 4 hamulus 5 quint | |
87 | constriction; compression |
1 thlipsis 2 fabiform 3 disorbed 4 volation 5 diogenic | |
88 | making or becoming tepid |
1 tepefaction 2 jesserant 3 hetairism 4 pyrheliometer 5 incult | |
89 | marble or iron slab on which molten glass is rolled |
1 acrologic 2 ultroneous 3 marver 4 trochlear 5 acharn‚ | |
90 | boy kept for homosexual purposes |
1 gabbro 2 plangent 3 catamite 4 drumlin 5 oblation | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | side altar in Catholic church |
1 repository 2 hamulus 3 anodontia 4 urosthenic 5 tecnology | |
92 | having three angles |
1 catacoustics 2 cognomen 3 beadle 4 trigonal 5 diacope | |
93 | concerning a rural dean and his jurisdiction |
1 coriaceous 2 detinue 3 ruridecanal 4 pastiche 5 freeboard | |
94 | imitative; of or relating to mimicry |
1 shuftiscope 2 swansdown 3 helotage 4 solferino 5 mimetic | |
95 | science of weights and measures |
1 rondeau 2 metrology 3 brasero 4 greaves 5 saccular | |
96 | hunchbacked condition |
1 osteophone 2 tensimeter 3 zoetic 4 neuroid 5 kyphosis | |
97 | exclamation to avert ill luck following boasting |
1 decretal 2 unberufen 3 panspermatism 4 gerendum 5 cymograph | |
98 | first or earliest formed or produced |
1 primigenial 2 popliteal 3 cymograph 4 syngenesis 5 pantopragmatic | |
99 | unorthodox person |
1 varietist 2 swape 3 knubble 4 shallop 5 crosstrees | |
100 | of or relating to childbirth |
1 demonetise 2 d‚menti 3 oersted 4 ophiology 5 puerperal |