Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | everyday; commonplace |
1 quotidian 2 aesthesia 3 presbytery 4 bywoner 5 planimeter | |
2 | jaundiced; yellow |
1 instauration 2 erotomania 3 icteritious 4 dolent 5 mammiform | |
3 | crosspiece of a carriage to which harnesses attached |
1 whippletree 2 didapper 3 iconoclasm 4 nectariferous 5 intergrade | |
4 | the act of cleaning |
1 detersion 2 whang 3 introit 4 lamina 5 holystone | |
5 | part of ethics or psychology dealing with pleasure |
1 hedonics 2 ditheism 3 natricine 4 squamation 5 trysail | |
6 | to denounce as heretical |
1 crescograph 2 holderbat 3 hereticate 4 daedal 5 fourchette | |
7 | sheer meshed cloth |
1 anaglyph 2 flapdoodle 3 zimocca 4 finical 5 marquisette | |
8 | books of the New Testament not part of early Christian Bible |
1 lampadomancy 2 parousia 3 circumincession 4 antilegomena 5 arenaceous | |
9 | ball of perfumes |
1 pomander 2 tasimeter 3 jentacular 4 morbilliform 5 astheniology | |
10 | feeding on grass or cereals |
1 pipistrelle 2 graminivorous 3 audiometer 4 beele 5 paraenesis | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | glossy cotton or wool |
1 calcariform 2 tulipomania 3 squaloid 4 sateen 5 simular | |
12 | bad-tempered; cantankerous |
1 compital 2 semantology 3 catarolysis 4 agnosic 5 carnaptious | |
13 | defending oneself in argument by claiming justification |
1 dicaeology 2 calumet 3 muscology 4 anotic 5 vernition | |
14 | word from same root or having same sound as another |
1 paronym 2 unicity 3 prepense 4 locum 5 wanhope | |
15 | main member at stern of a ship extending from keel to deck |
1 saliferous 2 sternpost 3 taenia 4 ctetology 5 bruxism | |
16 | rule of wealth; plutocracy |
1 digitorium 2 patriolatry 3 chrysocracy 4 tsiology 5 doddered | |
17 | privilege of office; especially one given to younger offspring |
1 cinerary 2 platysma 3 peristerophily 4 apanage 5 assurgent | |
18 | of or pertaining to a cup or calyx |
1 gunnage 2 calycine 3 auxesis 4 columella 5 kalpis | |
19 | origin or development of living organs |
1 epanadiplosis 2 probang 3 czardas 4 assuetude 5 organogenesis | |
20 | craze for imitating Oriental porcelain |
1 bibitory 2 diptote 3 amphibology 4 potichomania 5 volet | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | conjugation |
1 endysis 2 zygosis 3 onomastic 4 worcester 5 recto | |
22 | bearing spikes |
1 spicigerous 2 lutulent 3 vulpicide 4 cabriolet 5 saxicavous | |
23 | study of precious metals |
1 kumiss 2 wedeln 3 aerolite 4 ramulus 5 chrysology | |
24 | proud person |
1 psychomancy 2 spermologer 3 cribble 4 gilderoy 5 forecastle | |
25 | brief outline; glimpse; intuitive insight |
1 serimeter 2 herbose 3 coulometer 4 apercu 5 vigneron | |
26 | barb of feather used to make artificial fishing fly |
1 harl 2 yakhdan 3 marcidity 4 holophrase 5 dasyure | |
27 | circular fort for coastal defence |
1 contraterrene 2 martello 3 jackstay 4 hagiology 5 isohel | |
28 | partly |
1 paulopast 2 parcel 3 apatetic 4 isogeny 5 reticulate | |
29 | reversion or restoration to original position |
1 pulvilliform 2 paroxysm 3 apocatastisis 4 abraid 5 discarnate | |
30 | front side of a bookleaf; on the front |
1 umbo 2 recto 3 pennaceous 4 foul‚ 5 discarnate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | looseness of the teeth |
1 murdrum 2 bullace 3 synteresis 4 gomphiasis 5 chlorometer | |
32 | instrument for recording distant thunderstorms |
1 crista 2 spermologer 3 circumlittoral 4 keraunograph 5 peregal | |
33 | to convert into soap |
1 ala 2 flysch 3 saponify 4 tachistoscope 5 syncope | |
34 | art of using gesture to express tones |
1 schematonics 2 psychagogic 3 impacable 4 camisole 5 dithyrambic | |
35 | post for fastening cables at a ship's foremast |
1 telestich 2 forebitt 3 fantassin 4 jumar 5 skive | |
36 | armoured with plates or scales; to coat or armour protectively |
1 devall 2 velarium 3 loricate 4 landau 5 incivism | |
37 | to make a chirping or scraping sound |
1 hypotaxis 2 stridulate 3 tromometer 4 clinamen 5 drap-de-Berry | |
38 | instrument for inspecting the pharynx |
1 pharyngoscope 2 illuvium 3 doublette 4 gambroon 5 lingual | |
39 | heraldic animal shown in full face with no neck or body |
1 caboched 2 endeixis 3 monial 4 voiturier 5 ohmmeter | |
40 | displaying different colours when seen from different directions |
1 pleochroic 2 retrogress 3 contorno 4 logodaedaly 5 roseaceous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | atrophy |
1 wattmeter 2 macies 3 peregrinity 4 brumal 5 lageniform | |
42 | nothingness; a mere nothing |
1 hieroscopy 2 nihility 3 escheatment 4 euphonym 5 scuncheon | |
43 | syllogism whose conclusion forms premise of another |
1 prosyllogism 2 panegyric 3 physagogue 4 pseudophonia 5 anopsia | |
44 | sweaty |
1 asteism 2 proctal 3 logodaedaly 4 taphephobia 5 sudorous | |
45 | footprint |
1 jaseran 2 pelmatogram 3 roorback 4 turnery 5 windlestraw | |
46 | meeting of a ward or a court of a ward |
1 homeomerous 2 deism 3 hexamerous 4 thaumatography 5 wardmote | |
47 | study of diseases; epidemics |
1 usucaption 2 typology 3 tralaticious 4 epidemiology 5 aphthong | |
48 | a garrulous talker of nonsense |
1 equable 2 simplex 3 anopisthographic 4 gambroon 5 bletherskate | |
49 | a hollow vessel |
1 hydrotaxis 2 zoocytium 3 suscept 4 magisterial 5 scatophagous | |
50 | pebbly silk or worsted fabric with broken rib weave |
1 paraph 2 vinolent 3 barathea 4 semelincident 5 trysail | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | study of people at work |
1 anaglyph 2 stevedore 3 abulia 4 synoecy 5 ergonomics | |
52 | feeding on plants |
1 monology 2 syphilology 3 sulphureous 4 idiothermous 5 phytivorous | |
53 | study of systems of representing speech in writing |
1 lauds 2 immure 3 togated 4 graphemics 5 rhapsodomancy | |
54 | addition of water to sacramental wine |
1 lapidary 2 krasis 3 solmisate 4 gemelliparous 5 magnificat | |
55 | screen or partition in Eastern churches with tiers of icons |
1 obmutescent 2 lissotrichous 3 recrement 4 iconostasis 5 boning | |
56 | beatified woman |
1 seine 2 beata 3 sine 4 synoecize 5 spandrel | |
57 | overbearing wielder of petty authority |
1 gauleiter 2 paizogony 3 anogenic 4 euphonism 5 multicipital | |
58 | beyond what is proper; extravagant |
1 quotatious 2 metallogenic 3 coacervate 4 outr‚ 5 bowsprit | |
59 | payment; profit arising from employment |
1 outjet 2 joculator 3 obtest 4 toman 5 emolument | |
60 | lead poisoning |
1 sphygmometer 2 pavane 3 abele 4 saturnism 5 mulligrubs | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | bearing a puparium |
1 intergrade 2 stirk 3 pupigerous 4 heliograph 5 thermometrograph | |
62 | mountainous; mountain-dwelling |
1 paramnesia 2 afforest 3 transept 4 flammulated 5 montane | |
63 | scalloped |
1 kinescope 2 trichoschisis 3 detort 4 crenate 5 dichord | |
64 | cluster or bundle of grapes or any other thing |
1 intempestive 2 ophic 3 calciform 4 racemation 5 pentheraphobia | |
65 | instrument for measuring pressure of a liquid or gas |
1 susurrus 2 manometer 3 deric 4 micropalaeontology 5 hypometropia | |
66 | to dance as an act of worship |
1 kantikoy 2 yird 3 liber 4 viduage 5 sciatic | |
67 | study of rheumatism |
1 macerate 2 cacotopia 3 rheumatology 4 sheading 5 ultramarine | |
68 | wreckage or goods at the bottom of the sea |
1 lagan 2 habanera 3 taenia 4 lateen 5 crosstrees | |
69 | fear of high places |
1 viaggiatory 2 symmetrophobia 3 hypsophobia 4 hypothecary 5 feretory | |
70 | the study of skin patterns and fingerprints |
1 distaff 2 rondeau 3 alkalimeter 4 dermatoglyphics 5 culicino | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | divination in general |
1 ventifact 2 pace 3 acuminate 4 pyrography 5 ariolation | |
72 | pointed; conical |
1 tormentum 2 logogogue 3 sondage 4 fastigiate 5 tazza | |
73 | annuity scheme where benefits increase as members die |
1 cinerious 2 tontine 3 acervate 4 guignol 5 viduous | |
74 | delay; procrastination |
1 glaireous 2 adenalgia 3 udometer 4 procacity 5 cunctation | |
75 | shaped like a finger |
1 rebatement 2 gar 3 digitiform 4 kyphorrhinos 5 anagraphy | |
76 | by, in or relating to writing |
1 remigate 2 tucket 3 nebulize 4 scriptory 5 tremallose | |
77 | to strip the bark off of |
1 armigerous 2 vernissage 3 exstrophy 4 excorticate 5 enantiopathy | |
78 | word with one form for all cases; indeclinable noun |
1 senectuous 2 monoptote 3 dactylomancy 4 coccineous 5 pogrom | |
79 | beauty |
1 tachism 2 hyperphagia 3 pulchritude 4 ophelimity 5 aeromancy | |
80 | divination by observing urine |
1 poitrel 2 dammar 3 viduity 4 urimancy 5 nacarat | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | rampart; wall of earth thrown up from a ditch |
1 gastrolatry 2 palaeophile 3 grobianism 4 vallum 5 emesis | |
82 | like a scar |
1 abessive 2 futurition 3 cervicorn 4 venose 5 uloid | |
83 | artificial mound upon which a castle is built |
1 adscititious 2 motte 3 cercus 4 variorum 5 quercetum | |
84 | instrument for measuring cloudiness |
1 nephelometer 2 vesuvian 3 lunate 4 venation 5 osmology | |
85 | bad choice of words or faulty pronunciation |
1 fornicate 2 remigate 3 bullock 4 cacology 5 bracteate | |
86 | one who seeks knowledge |
1 tilbury 2 halolimnic 3 eoan 4 philonoist 5 dispone | |
87 | like or resembling ebony |
1 foresail 2 typography 3 ebeneous 4 diffrangible 5 drupaceous | |
88 | relating to or suffering from jaundice |
1 tufa 2 proreption 3 icterical 4 anemometer 5 soricine | |
89 | seeming change of object position due to observer moving |
1 scutiger 2 fuji 3 parallax 4 olivetta 5 physitheism | |
90 | shaped like a spider |
1 muleteer 2 rota 3 araneiform 4 engastrimyth 5 pyromancy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | fine sheer fabric |
1 paratonic 2 isonym 3 zelatriks 4 mousseline 5 subjectivism | |
92 | to stir; to move |
1 gemma 2 quich 3 katabasis 4 substruct 5 autarkic | |
93 | fencer |
1 allision 2 triglyph 3 bibliognost 4 foremast 5 scrimure | |
94 | like or resembling parchment |
1 pergameneous 2 aneuria 3 pilaster 4 isodose 5 guidon | |
95 | dance closely resembling the jitterbug |
1 dichogamous 2 chancel 3 notalgia 4 parastatic 5 lindy | |
96 | leader of a conference |
1 celliferous 2 symposiarch 3 estoppage 4 preterition 5 absquatulate | |
97 | iron bow of a plough; heavy fishhook |
1 genoa 2 pentad 3 genesic 4 drail 5 barognosis | |
98 | loose material thrown on furnace hearth for protection |
1 dyogram 2 tumescent 3 fettling 4 thermograph 5 somatognosis | |
99 | study of freeing oneself from constraints |
1 personalia 2 fontinal 3 facia 4 escapology 5 plenitude | |
100 | smoked salted mutton |
1 macon 2 technocracy 3 armomancy 4 zooscopy 5 scaphion |