Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | wedge-like stone forming part of an arch |
1 spherometer 2 milleflori 3 voussoir 4 miothermic 5 tuck | |
2 | Buddhist monastery |
1 deric 2 astrogony 3 bonzery 4 luctation 5 isostasy | |
3 | line for fastening corner of a sail to the gaff or yard |
1 earing 2 rident 3 chancel 4 aphotic 5 bardocucullus | |
4 | pertaining to the order of the alphabet; rudimentary |
1 amerce 2 tintinnabulate 3 abecedarian 4 sicarian 5 cusec | |
5 | spear-shaped |
1 hastate 2 decarchy 3 usufruct 4 adessive 5 eisel | |
6 | chief buffoon or mimic |
1 pismirism 2 scarious 3 athenaeum 4 viscid 5 archimime | |
7 | short line used to attach fish-hook to main fishing line |
1 snell 2 subintelligitur 3 zymometer 4 scissel 5 jellygraph | |
8 | name containing two parts or terms |
1 agentive 2 diagenesis 3 dionym 4 quitrent 5 justiciar | |
9 | rule by a god or gods; body of divine rulers |
1 martyrolatry 2 strigiform 3 refection 4 marah 5 thearchy | |
10 | to appear above ground (of crops) |
1 maniple 2 triboluminescence 3 floriform 4 synanthy 5 braird | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | sexual reproduction |
1 impaste 2 lipsanotheca 3 torpillage 4 indumentum 5 syngenesis | |
12 | pertaining to the pulse or heartbeat |
1 calathiform 2 sphygmic 3 tisane 4 isocracy 5 demigration | |
13 | bearing eggs |
1 jolley 2 myomancy 3 ovigerous 4 faviform 5 patroon | |
14 | growing warm |
1 pleroma 2 octroi 3 tonsorial 4 hindforemost 5 incalescent | |
15 | to bring or force into service |
1 lunette 2 kern 3 inspan 4 treillage 5 miasma | |
16 | groove or fluting |
1 palmate 2 philomath 3 pataphysics 4 autodidact 5 cannelure | |
17 | one whose hair has never been cut |
1 toparch 2 mugient 3 glomerate 4 acersecomic 5 gamophagia | |
18 | in short time; speedily |
1 deltiology 2 fardage 3 betimes 4 cephalophore 5 insouciance | |
19 | figures, words, notes or numbers that are repeated |
1 whippet 2 timeous 3 hagiarchy 4 repetend 5 inconcinnity | |
20 | irregular |
1 procursive 2 atactic 3 depays‚ 4 ethnomania 5 glyptology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | to purify or revise; to censor |
1 impedimenta 2 expurgate 3 accismus 4 foumart 5 epistolary | |
22 | rear extension of body of car |
1 plumulate 2 tonneau 3 cete 4 guimpe 5 undern | |
23 | general slope of a mountain |
1 institorial 2 isogloss 3 contemper 4 springe 5 versant | |
24 | below one's social class |
1 declass‚ 2 kinderspiel 3 armisonant 4 nidatory 5 embryoniform | |
25 | poem in which all stanzas share an identical structure |
1 afore 2 antalgic 3 tantivy 4 coul‚e 5 monostrophe | |
26 | study of beauty |
1 sonification 2 laystall 3 ballistophobia 4 kalology 5 clerihew | |
27 | mythical flying serpent |
1 glyptology 2 gatefold 3 filiform 4 suffrutescent 5 serpivolant | |
28 | attitude of avoiding involvement in outside interests |
1 privatism 2 symposiast 3 theriolatry 4 blackguard 5 lexis | |
29 | yellowish-red |
1 sederunt 2 ubique 3 fastigium 4 exuviate 5 wallflower | |
30 | science of putting people to death |
1 teinoscope 2 ktenology 3 subjoin 4 mellification 5 shawm | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | denied or deprived of physical bodily form |
1 decarnate 2 patruity 3 brevipennate 4 agapet 5 piacular | |
32 | flowing, drooping moustache |
1 lithoclast 2 pseudogyny 3 flinty 4 digitorium 5 zapata | |
33 | machine for forming or spinning threads |
1 filatory 2 corviform 3 burnet 4 theomachy 5 poral | |
34 | pertaining to dreams |
1 somnial 2 villiform 3 forfex 4 tribade 5 bourasque | |
35 | church usher and attendant |
1 hortatory 2 acarology 3 verger 4 sudd 5 rachis | |
36 | to stretch forth; to present |
1 alow 2 porrect 3 flagellantism 4 dyschromatopic 5 juvenilia | |
37 | of or relating to metalworking |
1 voivode 2 requiem 3 mulciberian 4 entitative 5 luxate | |
38 | to join together with ducts or openings; to blend or combine |
1 cacodemomania 2 pardine 3 rhonchial 4 inosculate 5 coctile | |
39 | to free from obstruction |
1 harry 2 manrope 3 deoppilate 4 dichogamous 5 capstan | |
40 | to reduce to slag |
1 caudiform 2 breloque 3 kaneh 4 ceraunograph 5 scorify | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | government by priests or by religious law |
1 theocracy 2 apothegm 3 hederiferous 4 rya 5 whereinto | |
42 | bound or spring of a horse; fantastic movement |
1 aba 2 quartern 3 gambado 4 syncope 5 kummel | |
43 | filling; fullness; fulfilment |
1 pelma 2 triune 3 impletion 4 diaspora 5 velutinous | |
44 | destitution; poverty |
1 sympiesometer 2 onomatous 3 labiomancy 4 penury 5 jellygraph | |
45 | object which is the mirror image of another |
1 enantiomorph 2 fremitus 3 elytriferous 4 egotheism 5 troat | |
46 | experiencing a hallucinogenic stupor |
1 tessera 2 prebend 3 pornotopia 4 narcose 5 fungous | |
47 | having a frosted look; bearing whitish dust |
1 koine 2 pruinose 3 protestation 4 comate 5 prepollence | |
48 | fear of food or eating |
1 sitophobia 2 kidlet 3 glabrous 4 cevesaile 5 jural | |
49 | state of being well governed |
1 flaught 2 emissile 3 eunomia 4 protasis 5 nomographer | |
50 | number to which another number is added |
1 epanodos 2 augend 3 forficate 4 zoogenic 5 emunctory | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | defamatory falsehood published for political effect |
1 acates 2 rebarbative 3 toxicogenic 4 serment 5 roorback | |
52 | unit of capacity equal to 63 gallons |
1 meiosis 2 hogshead 3 asportation 4 synaesthesis 5 colure | |
53 | having a groove around the edge |
1 sadogue 2 kyrie 3 contorniate 4 saltern 5 hierophobia | |
54 | like mucus |
1 gastrolith 2 muculent 3 habergeon 4 abaft 5 nosophobia | |
55 | weight sufficient to weigh another down |
1 decarnate 2 carnificial 3 supersensible 4 overpoise 5 paraboliform | |
56 | emulsifier; something soothing |
1 modalism 2 wanhope 3 deric 4 anthracomancy 5 demulcent | |
57 | to blackball |
1 sadogue 2 theogamy 3 cancriform 4 hylopathism 5 nigroglobulate | |
58 | quality of holding unyieldingly to a position |
1 tumefacient 2 cama‹eu 3 ibidem 4 pertinacity 5 juvenal | |
59 | creeping |
1 exarchy 2 perficient 3 herpetic 4 largition 5 zootrophy | |
60 | left-handed; awkward |
1 pandation 2 kitthoge 3 trivirgate 4 buntline 5 osteography | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | people from whom a jury is drawn |
1 noumenalism 2 runnel 3 siffleur 4 pais 5 cincture | |
62 | instrument for measuring fluorescence |
1 zampone 2 pangram 3 sempster 4 fluorimeter 5 mesquin | |
63 | to draw together; to cause to contract or shrink |
1 constringe 2 mystacial 3 erewhile 4 vulviform 5 rubedinous | |
64 | relating to or connected with the land or farming |
1 araphorostic 2 quaeritur 3 praedial 4 ailette 5 veloutine | |
65 | to liberate; to release from walls |
1 zosteriform 2 procacity 3 carnet 4 mordacious 5 disimmure | |
66 | pertaining to hummingbirds |
1 trochiline 2 venereology 3 porcine 4 chark 5 dystectic | |
67 | listlessness; weariness |
1 fleuret 2 stactometer 3 xenogenous 4 languor 5 maugre | |
68 | spotted |
1 maculose 2 antanaclasis 3 theomancy 4 canities 5 eleemosynary | |
69 | place where something originates or develops; nest |
1 lackaday 2 punk 3 nidus 4 stummel 5 procathedral | |
70 | short hymn |
1 sticheron 2 attuition 3 agnomen 4 recrudescence 5 pintle | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | having or bearing gills |
1 branchiferous 2 therewith 3 lovat 4 frisson 5 humoral | |
72 | lover of truth |
1 philalethist 2 nisus 3 ostiolate 4 cruciferous 5 caponier | |
73 | school rules regarding inter-gender contact |
1 fumatorium 2 lorgnon 3 parietals 4 costellate 5 exsert | |
74 | vessel for sprinkling holy water |
1 sinter 2 doramania 3 psychograph 4 aspergillum 5 variegated | |
75 | musical instrument that imitates sound of thunder |
1 ravelin 2 zoetrope 3 tonitruone 4 montero 5 mutative | |
76 | crested |
1 jumboism 2 inaurate 3 tappit 4 osphresis 5 balletomania | |
77 | of or relating to the socratic method |
1 avicular 2 marrano 3 hebamic 4 cribble 5 anesis | |
78 | origin or induction of mutation |
1 damnification 2 heptamerous 3 mutagenesis 4 generalate 5 bardolatry | |
79 | vertical shaft having chambers at the base |
1 rhumb 2 denehole 3 albion 4 stipe 5 romage | |
80 | one with a club-foot |
1 knosp 2 taliped 3 implumous 4 antidisestablishmentarianism 5 scatomancy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | gas or oil lamp |
1 argand 2 boustrophedon 3 farouche 4 bovicide 5 chaology | |
82 | spasmodic; occasional; irregular |
1 clonic 2 micromancy 3 zomotherapy 4 ponderation 5 cyllosis | |
83 | works of one's youth; early works of an artist or author |
1 punctate 2 juvenilia 3 ruridecanal 4 kylin 5 nonage | |
84 | roofed gate of a churchyard |
1 bellipotent 2 lychgate 3 subtend 4 fardel 5 chaton | |
85 | knowledge of fixed stars |
1 escapology 2 charpie 3 marivaudage 4 poitrel 5 astrognosy | |
86 | heavy clay used for bricks |
1 gault 2 megascope 3 stupulose 4 casemate 5 cynolatry | |
87 | kind of ointment |
1 illocution 2 supercargo 3 fabiform 4 basilicon 5 arcate | |
88 | cow-shaped |
1 stentorian 2 superfuse 3 boviform 4 wyn 5 thermometrograph | |
89 | in the first place |
1 onomatophobia 2 pastose 3 primo 4 kitthoge 5 decadist | |
90 | relating to agricultural or rustic affairs; rural; agrarian |
1 paliform 2 georgic 3 bordure 4 siemens 5 fastigium | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | second view or meaning; second sight |
1 paragoge 2 bore 3 silvicolous 4 retroject 5 deuteroscopy | |
92 | painful swelling of a gland |
1 stadiometer 2 adenalgia 3 perstringe 4 poltroon 5 supernatant | |
93 | writer of miscellanies |
1 matrass 2 hieratical 3 miscellanarian 4 tribade 5 hypometropia | |
94 | having short or stubby fingers |
1 liquifaction 2 brachydactylous 3 ablegate 4 acquest 5 photopia | |
95 | valve for regulating water flow |
1 turncock 2 imperseverant 3 jocko 4 secund 5 retrograde | |
96 | not able to be attacked or captured |
1 heterochrony 2 inexpugnable 3 meteorism 4 wallfish 5 codicology | |
97 | study of biological rhythms |
1 unberufen 2 dowlas 3 averruncator 4 chronobiology 5 tinnitus | |
98 | of or resembling chalk |
1 chronostichon 2 burse 3 cretaceous 4 pontifice 5 fossor | |
99 | any incidental occurrence or advantage |
1 sinal 2 typology 3 cipolin 4 obvention 5 splat | |
100 | shaped like a stake |
1 hydrognosy 2 gantry 3 sudiform 4 testudinal 5 ostium |