Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | relating to a barber or a barber's work |
1 odeum 2 contraterrene 3 tonsorial 4 ramiferous 5 cirrate | |
2 | mass of floating weed blocking the Nile River |
1 colonnade 2 sudd 3 geoponics 4 broch 5 volitive | |
3 | rope used on ships to steady the bowsprit |
1 membral 2 incult 3 bobstay 4 wormcast 5 ephectic | |
4 | worship of machines |
1 hummock 2 truckle 3 mechanolatry 4 whift 5 flounce | |
5 | to take a precognition of |
1 momentaneous 2 commination 3 maidan 4 theatromania 5 precognosce | |
6 | back door or gate; small private door |
1 postern 2 theomania 3 drollery 4 polyonym 5 ziti | |
7 | a defiant pronouncement or denunciation |
1 fretum 2 skewbald 3 inhumation 4 slickenside 5 counterblast | |
8 | gluttony; greed |
1 swallet 2 altitonant 3 gulosity 4 genetrix 5 obelus | |
9 | type of aquatic mammal, including whales and dolphins |
1 pignorate 2 premotion 3 cetacean 4 inunction 5 bomb‚ | |
10 | wasp's nest |
1 vespiary 2 diplomatics 3 ruthful 4 aquarelle 5 viperiform | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | not thought of; unexpected |
1 olivet 2 secretaire 3 inopinate 4 zibeline 5 poculation | |
12 | feeble; helpless; futile; ineffectual |
1 consistory 2 sophiology 3 ferulaceous 4 marquisette 5 feckless | |
13 | an unresponsiveness to pleasure |
1 birl 2 amicicide 3 solive 4 protean 5 anhedonia | |
14 | musical instrument similar to a harp |
1 bossa-nova 2 precisian 3 asitia 4 kora 5 commorient | |
15 | space through which animal track passes |
1 meuse 2 heliosis 3 disponge 4 telary 5 caecity | |
16 | rod, staff or scepter of power |
1 myringa 2 dit 3 sphygmology 4 baculus 5 hypotaxis | |
17 | bearing flowers |
1 macarism 2 floriferous 3 gregal 4 whereinsoever 5 washboard | |
18 | bedbug |
1 cimex 2 aseity 3 washball 4 topgallant 5 coburg | |
19 | a gradual decrease in quantity or quality |
1 wiseling 2 hamulus 3 nim 4 galeiform 5 decrement | |
20 | labyrinth; bewilderment |
1 antelucan 2 mizmaze 3 fluvialist 4 entelechy 5 mulct | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | constant use of the word ¿hellÀ |
1 hadeharia 2 herpetology 3 xylopyrography 4 pallograph 5 ulosis | |
22 | resembling or shaped like a sieve |
1 belemnoid 2 sponsion 3 hyperacusis 4 coliform 5 kettlestitch | |
23 | blacksmith's forge or anvil |
1 stithy 2 ephemeron 3 hircosity 4 dubitative 5 vetanda | |
24 | lying flat; sluggish |
1 skiamachy 2 consilience 3 aludel 4 jacent 5 billingsgate | |
25 | instrument for measuring revolutions of a wheel |
1 monopsychism 2 xystus 3 viameter 4 cervine 5 climacophobia | |
26 | quality or property of something; abstract virtue or quality |
1 simplex 2 vair 3 quale 4 encaustic 5 palpebral | |
27 | having six lines or rows |
1 gridelin 2 hexastichal 3 angelus 4 esemplastic 5 manicate | |
28 | word from same root as another |
1 paronym 2 circumlittoral 3 ped 4 caudiform 5 hebephrenia | |
29 | instrument for measuring inclination to the horizontal of an axis |
1 passalorynchite 2 armillary 3 anapnea 4 proleptics 5 inclinometer | |
30 | divination using demons |
1 pintle 2 micromania 3 emonomancy 4 calligram 5 sempiternal | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | study of garbage |
1 diasyrm 2 garbology 3 souteneur 4 liberticide 5 aquarelle | |
32 | having a definite shape |
1 eikonology 2 chyliferous 3 arundinaceous 4 effigurate 5 oniomania | |
33 | fear of one's stepmother |
1 sphygmometer 2 blague 3 intitule 4 vatic 5 novercaphobia | |
34 | blistering |
1 vesicant 2 chasmophile 3 ecclesiolatry 4 hesternal 5 pacificate | |
35 | process of growth in individual not common in its species |
1 hyacinthine 2 genethliacon 3 messianism 4 qintar 5 caenogenesis | |
36 | antidote |
1 vestiture 2 narquois 3 bracteate 4 alexipharmic 5 peccadillo | |
37 | headlong; precipitate |
1 oxytone 2 astragalomancy 3 criticaster 4 putrefaction 5 gadarene | |
38 | salty; brackish; growing in salty soil |
1 symbology 2 salsuginous 3 agalactia 4 Mariolatry 5 osphresis | |
39 | lock of tangled hair |
1 notonectal 2 elflock 3 gynaecocracy 4 clepsydra 5 odontist | |
40 | closely woven lightweight cloth |
1 percale 2 retorse 3 quadragesimal 4 criant 5 inboard | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | feasting |
1 apprompt 2 pandemic 3 hist 4 decennoval 5 epulation | |
42 | belief that gods are only deified men |
1 eonism 2 oakus 3 anthropotheism 4 quasquicentennial 5 subjacent | |
43 | instrument for studying structure of crystals with polarised light |
1 jink 2 cleromancy 3 stauroscope 4 equable 5 zosteriform | |
44 | of or relating to the embryonic period of development |
1 catachthonian 2 nepionic 3 broch 4 exoteric 5 eigne | |
45 | to oscillate; to be poised |
1 rostelliform 2 monkery 3 librate 4 nomothetical 5 plutonic | |
46 | government by mill owners |
1 perscrutation 2 dal 3 bˆtise 4 millocracy 5 taphephobia | |
47 | strife |
1 saponaceous 2 arundinaceous 3 zoophyte 4 conteck 5 ergotise | |
48 | dagger |
1 hopsack 2 skean 3 colligation 4 ampulla 5 nodus | |
49 | instrument used to write on a very small scale |
1 girasol 2 magistral 3 lustration 4 solum 5 micrograph | |
50 | mind-measurement |
1 evanition 2 malacology 3 noometry 4 ophthalmophobia 5 gudgeon | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | constriction |
1 coarctation 2 stylometer 3 osteophone 4 baragouin 5 welkin | |
52 | like or belonging to a red deer |
1 caducity 2 noetics 3 vociferant 4 elaphine 5 lucre | |
53 | worship of trees |
1 dendrolatry 2 douanier 3 kinderspiel 4 electuary 5 nosology | |
54 | honey-making |
1 mellification 2 kymatology 3 affricate 4 salacious 5 slickenside | |
55 | worship of the cross or crucifix |
1 metanomen 2 endoscope 3 quadrigeminal 4 staurolatry 5 subitize | |
56 | that may be annulled |
1 pseudandry 2 demegoric 3 debellate 4 phaeism 5 defeasible | |
57 | one who speaks with closed teeth |
1 dentiologist 2 synorthographic 3 chambray 4 atmatertera 5 inveigle | |
58 | pale yellow |
1 promptuary 2 preconize 3 camelopard 4 primrose 5 crubeen | |
59 | anything undesirable or worthless |
1 wether 2 acosmism 3 bridgewater 4 interferometer 5 singult | |
60 | of or belonging to the camp |
1 iridology 2 monitory 3 diptote 4 castral 5 psychopathology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | study of senility |
1 nostology 2 dimissory 3 peck 4 scotopia 5 epeolatry | |
62 | marriage to only one man at a time |
1 hymnology 2 tremulous 3 monandry 4 puberulent 5 quatint | |
63 | lifeless; spiritless; depressed |
1 exanimate 2 orthotropism 3 bˆtise 4 infuscate 5 aboideau | |
64 | mournful-sounding |
1 borzoi 2 unciform 3 tristisonous 4 octastich 5 misoneism | |
65 | abnormally powerful sex drive |
1 exopathic 2 strigine 3 psychrometer 4 erotomania 5 redhibition | |
66 | bellowing; braying |
1 mugient 2 allative 3 poodle 4 hamartia 5 monophylletic | |
67 | having shiny smooth scales |
1 hackle 2 waits 3 balanoid 4 potamology 5 ganoid | |
68 | love of both God and humanity |
1 comity 2 psychopathology 3 gules 4 urology 5 theophilanthropism | |
69 | exemption from local regulations |
1 mewling 2 accipiter 3 exterritority 4 phototachometer 5 psychobiology | |
70 | expression of sorrow or lamentation; alas |
1 primrose 2 logodaedalus 3 adduce 4 wellaway 5 gynocracy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | instrument for recording mechanical forces |
1 dynamograph 2 elenctic 3 austromancy 4 snaffle 5 fluxional | |
72 | branch of river that flows away from the main stream |
1 cymograph 2 bombosity 3 distributary 4 dragonism 5 undight | |
73 | gully |
1 erotology 2 theodolite 3 havier 4 filiopietistic 5 couloir | |
74 | scratching surface of pottery to reveal different colour |
1 radicated 2 marl 3 procoelous 4 silicicolous 5 sgraffito | |
75 | of or relating to lamps |
1 recondite 2 lucernal 3 spirulate 4 tornote 5 organicism | |
76 | partition to control ventilation in a mine |
1 agastopia 2 riem 3 bretasche 4 ablaut 5 silesia | |
77 | to beat with a stick or baton, especially on the feet |
1 surdimutism 2 puce 3 thyestean 4 bastinade 5 absinthism | |
78 | to deny; to contradict; to resolve a contradiction |
1 barrulet 2 thanatousia 3 hyetology 4 sublate 5 forcipiform | |
79 | to attract and stick to the surface |
1 acierate 2 microclimatology 3 stereobate 4 adsorb 5 cephalopod | |
80 | stuffed jacket worn under mail |
1 haqueton 2 mirific 3 filiferous 4 caricous 5 croceate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | instrument for measuring tilting of earth's surface |
1 maugre 2 tiltmeter 3 zygosis 4 gargarize 5 premonish | |
82 | lamp burning oil mixed with air in a spray |
1 kava 2 loxodromy 3 perstringe 4 lucigen 5 chrestomathic | |
83 | artistic preference of the everyday to the legendary |
1 sepulchre 2 verism 3 archelogy 4 severalty 5 uranomancy | |
84 | bugle with keys |
1 historiography 2 triptote 3 sitology 4 keybugle 5 sustentacular | |
85 | delay of vessel's departure or loading with cargo |
1 psychomorphism 2 demurrage 3 saltant 4 gaposis 5 vellicate | |
86 | doctrine that mental processes are epiphenomena of brain activity |
1 reguerdon 2 hematology 3 bulbiferous 4 ferrule 5 epiphenomenalism | |
87 | understatement of size or importance for rhetorical effect |
1 kinderspiel 2 dimerous 3 meiosis 4 pluriliteral 5 desideratum | |
88 | of or relating to warthogs |
1 jalousie 2 tubicornous 3 morbilli 4 compossible 5 phacochoerine | |
89 | morbid craving for poisons |
1 toxicomania 2 vair 3 profectitious 4 tunicate 5 scatomancy | |
90 | hurtful; guilty; harmful |
1 nocent 2 wadmal 3 beatus 4 thelytoky 5 ansate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | general equality |
1 endarchy 2 abirritate 3 omniparity 4 laver 5 truculent | |
92 | counterfeit; feigned |
1 simular 2 corbeil 3 satisfice 4 ignicolist 5 pavane | |
93 | period between sunset and full night; dusk |
1 neophobia 2 pandemian 3 carboniferous 4 metheglin 5 gloaming | |
94 | to coax or deceive by trickery |
1 velocimeter 2 cozen 3 demerge 4 conticent 5 spraints | |
95 | tubular opening |
1 defiliation 2 iconolatry 3 beldam 4 tubulure 5 neurism | |
96 | debauchery |
1 libertinage 2 halitus 3 khor 4 quelch 5 sapsago | |
97 | theory that all nature has a psychic side |
1 parasynthesis 2 panpsychism 3 ahull 4 ypsiliform 5 barodynamics | |
98 | eleven-sided figure |
1 sgraffito 2 pliss‚ 3 depotentiate 4 hendecagon 5 gimbals | |
99 | the buttocks |
1 nates 2 damoiseau 3 horology 4 paidonosology 5 impugn | |
100 | pessimist |
1 exsert 2 washland 3 mecometer 4 sarcophilous 5 crapehanger |