Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | judge on the Isle of Man |
1 deemster 2 diabrotic 3 zootoxin 4 foresail 5 nacarat | |
2 | pear-shaped pot used in sublimation |
1 discalced 2 variorum 3 aludel 4 whelky 5 orchidaceous | |
3 | horn-shaped; horned |
1 suscitate 2 niccolic 3 corniculate 4 selenolatry 5 silentiary | |
4 | lightweight rubberized waterproof cotton |
1 tropophilous 2 mackintosh 3 aquamanile 4 erotophobia 5 welkin | |
5 | governor of castle or fortification |
1 camber 2 helictite 3 tarantism 4 castellan 5 syllepsis | |
6 | accounting for the origin or presence of gods |
1 retinise 2 theogonic 3 dentiologist 4 delactation 5 insectivorous | |
7 | collecting of air-mail stamps |
1 pluralism 2 aerophilately 3 intrados 4 paedobaptism 5 motatory | |
8 | anything light or insubstantial; feeble person |
1 recumbent 2 bergamask 3 overmantel 4 emarcid 5 windlestraw | |
9 | a grammatical mistake; a breach of etiquette |
1 eremology 2 gremial 3 solecism 4 mazzard 5 glutition | |
10 | living in or fond of the sea |
1 splenic 2 thalassophilous 3 ornithon 4 strabotomy 5 anneal | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | inability to write |
1 phyllomancy 2 battology 3 outage 4 agraphia 5 zarf | |
12 | instrument for recording contours of deep oceans |
1 goniometer 2 victoria 3 stercomancy 4 bathymeter 5 pallid | |
13 | work containing descriptions of animals; a bestiary |
1 semper 2 phaneromania 3 delenda 4 jubbah 5 physiologus | |
14 | medieval hot spiced wine |
1 lanuginose 2 laches 3 phalacrosis 4 philematophobe 5 hippocras | |
15 | painted thickly |
1 traumatropism 2 pastose 3 odontomancy 4 cantillate 5 perequitate | |
16 | dying together |
1 ennomic 2 forefoot 3 commorient 4 jutty 5 porriginous | |
17 | like a flea |
1 hypometropia 2 dramaturgy 3 isogram 4 pulicoid 5 vivency | |
18 | rhetorical device of contrasting two parts of a whole |
1 kvass 2 merism 3 trammel 4 drapetomania 5 mystagogical | |
19 | learned man in ancient Ireland |
1 risorial 2 ollamh 3 fipple 4 risorgimento 5 concision | |
20 | any small manufactured object |
1 woubit 2 widget 3 obrogate 4 chrestomathic 5 gyrose | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | pain in the rump |
1 barodynamics 2 faviform 3 pygia 4 dentiologist 5 intumesce | |
22 | telepathy between living persons |
1 bridoon 2 breastsummer 3 teloteropathy 4 scrimure 5 thanatosis | |
23 | of or pertaining to ants |
1 windgall 2 hamulate 3 batiste 4 piscina 5 formic | |
24 | medium-sized scenting dog for hunting hares |
1 desmology 2 mirific 3 harrier 4 zygosis 5 tuberous | |
25 | abnormal optical refraction |
1 sulphorous 2 plosion 3 ametropia 4 obeliscolychny 5 chalastic | |
26 | to remove hair from |
1 terdiurnal 2 archet 3 aeneous 4 epilate 5 menisciform | |
27 | awkward in the use of both hands |
1 kraken 2 ambisinistrous 3 fructuation 4 flapdoodle 5 bodewash | |
28 | rustic manner; simplicity; rudeness |
1 rusticity 2 proximo 3 indwell 4 pyrgoidal 5 exscind | |
29 | very fervid; ardent; eager |
1 pupillarity 2 synechthry 3 perfervid 4 quersprung 5 paradromic | |
30 | swallowing food without thorough chewing |
1 dyogram 2 vermiculous 3 psomophagy 4 hyalography 5 lateen | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | to scratch or scar |
1 wincey 2 scarify 3 lexiphanic 4 ingravescent 5 equative | |
32 | acting by poison or potions or by sorcery |
1 optology 2 metagnomy 3 vexillary 4 oakus 5 venefic | |
33 | stately Polish dance of moderate tempo |
1 polonaise 2 nephelometer 3 cruet 4 antidisestablishmentarianism 5 obtundent | |
34 | instrument using microwaves to measure distance |
1 peduncle 2 pyknic 3 stenometer 4 tellurometer 5 mitogenic | |
35 | aim; purpose; ultimate end |
1 argosy 2 telos 3 balneology 4 reprehend 5 psalligraphy | |
36 | producing two at a birth or in a clutch |
1 ditokous 2 isogram 3 somatotrophic 4 innoxious 5 contradistinguish | |
37 | foreign |
1 barcarole 2 pheon 3 exallotriote 4 eponym 5 anuresis | |
38 | to oversew a hem or fabric edge to prevent fraying |
1 vestiary 2 overlock 3 qigong 4 narial 5 agomphosis | |
39 | knobby |
1 bosselated 2 keckle 3 tabacosis 4 frondose 5 miticide | |
40 | one who shoes horses or cares for horses |
1 femicide 2 farrier 3 dation 4 sartorial 5 mentation | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | instrument for recording rainfall |
1 lingual 2 pulchritude 3 hyetometrograph 4 sisyphean 5 subalary | |
42 | crossing; ferry; transference |
1 lageniform 2 traject 3 osnaburg 4 pollyanna 5 praedial | |
43 | sacred or hieroglyphic symbol |
1 neurogenesis 2 bullary 3 epagomenal 4 hierogram 5 trabeate | |
44 | pearl-grey or blue-grey; grizzled |
1 griseous 2 palpebration 3 olfactible 4 litotes 5 taseometer | |
45 | fear of physical deformities |
1 vice 2 dysmorphophobia 3 spermophile 4 shimmy 5 scutiger | |
46 | of or relating to house-flies |
1 parthophobia 2 electuary 3 muscid 4 micrander 5 electromyograph | |
47 | bearing small spots or dots |
1 neurypnology 2 misosophy 3 punctulate 4 dipsetic 5 nuciform | |
48 | control surface for deflecting rocket exhaust |
1 jetavator 2 reboant 3 contriturate 4 oxytocic 5 subitaneous | |
49 | completely clear; transparent |
1 peduncle 2 pellucid 3 consuetudinary 4 kalyptra 5 psilanthropism | |
50 | study of children's diseases; pediatrics |
1 paidonosology 2 yelt 3 antipudic 4 spanker 5 onomatous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | to flatter |
1 viperiform 2 versicular 3 sawder 4 monoschemic 5 dolabrate | |
52 | shaped like an apse |
1 obstreperous 2 cachinnate 3 apsidal 4 mutualism 5 eolation | |
53 | expressing purpose; purposive; signifying intention |
1 lucent 2 rectigrade 3 telic 4 pangram 5 nodosity | |
54 | circular painting or relief carving |
1 tondo 2 parvanimity 3 micturition 4 obturate 5 premotion | |
55 | unimportant; trifling; trivial |
1 qua 2 bellarmine 3 nugacious 4 tresayle 5 qat | |
56 | mine worker paid by the day |
1 whichsoever 2 perissosyllabic 3 oncostman 4 anemology 5 volution | |
57 | belief that pleasure is the highest good |
1 hedonism 2 aguardiente 3 decussate 4 homiliary 5 facinorous | |
58 | inedible |
1 coulometer 2 anthropolatry 3 inesculent 4 scorpioid 5 photodromy | |
59 | small toothlike structure |
1 minify 2 denticle 3 morion 4 schottische 5 philonoist | |
60 | hard and compact rock |
1 sprachgefhl 2 ecarlate 3 chymiferous 4 whinstone 5 azuline | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | instrument for measuring the skull |
1 papyrology 2 anicular 3 chabouk 4 viripotent 5 craniometer | |
62 | curved handle or shaft of a scythe |
1 thanatology 2 tyriasis 3 snath 4 voltameter 5 cystoscope | |
63 | introduced from outside the body |
1 calk 2 atrichia 3 croquinole 4 enthetic 5 irenic | |
64 | disorder characterized by rapid repetition of words |
1 flaughter 2 sylvestral 3 embale 4 illuminism 5 palilalia | |
65 | lock of hair |
1 simony 2 decrudescence 3 sobriquet 4 moir‚ 5 feak | |
66 | sneering |
1 mycterism 2 merogenesis 3 paragoge 4 swipple 5 plutology | |
67 | false worship |
1 impropriate 2 inguinal 3 pseudolatry 4 revolute 5 victualler | |
68 | instrument for measuring low temperatures |
1 palliate 2 gregatim 3 roturier 4 cryometer 5 baryphonic | |
69 | fear of lice |
1 damnification 2 cerebration 3 subserve 4 antenniferous 5 pediculophobia | |
70 | error in dating |
1 zootherapy 2 cognomen 3 cambist 4 requiescat 5 pseudochronism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | in truth; certainly |
1 psychrophobia 2 certes 3 agelast 4 karyotype 5 peduncle | |
72 | rulership by two people |
1 diarchy 2 laticiferous 3 lygophobia 4 voiturier 5 fenestella | |
73 | scraping |
1 arundinaceous 2 strigilation 3 percurrent 4 nervine 5 eschaton | |
74 | oar-shaped |
1 plantocracy 2 librate 3 remiform 4 mizzenmast 5 chyme | |
75 | soft tissue found in trees |
1 lientery 2 crystallomancy 3 encraty 4 cambium 5 rachiometer | |
76 | of or pertaining to a deacon |
1 boucl‚ 2 diaconal 3 bogan 4 anastasic 5 abscind | |
77 | beverage made from ale, spices, and dried bread |
1 oxygeusia 2 gomphiasis 3 oecodomic 4 exsanguinous 5 aleberry | |
78 | acorn-bearing |
1 rangiferine 2 omnism 3 viperiform 4 balaniferous 5 washery | |
79 | near the frontier or border |
1 fructivorous 2 ichthyomorphic 3 tristichous 4 limitrophe 5 reptant | |
80 | longitudinal membrane of an airplane |
1 facinorous 2 longeron 3 argol 4 clarence 5 homoiousia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | outgrowth; extension |
1 tussock 2 natheless 3 grillage 4 enation 5 scotopia | |
82 | ring that can be divided into two or three rings |
1 martlet 2 idolothyte 3 shuftiscope 4 gimmal 5 wort | |
83 | lunar month; interval between successive new moons |
1 elydoric 2 alamort 3 hagiarchy 4 parviscient 5 lunation | |
84 | view stubbornly held even when shown to be wrong |
1 chirality 2 tabinet 3 provand 4 mumpsimus 5 lambert | |
85 | to stop or cease |
1 poiesis 2 diplogenesis 3 staffage 4 surcease 5 stagnicolous | |
86 | lustful; foolish |
1 goatish 2 bonasus 3 miothermic 4 fagin 5 schorl | |
87 | instrument for viewing the interior of the eye |
1 ophthalmoscope 2 osmology 3 marabout 4 strickle 5 pogrom | |
88 | to set among the stars |
1 stellify 2 facundity 3 erythema 4 biggin 5 anhedonia | |
89 | pet-name; diminutive or abbreviated name |
1 allonym 2 chirography 3 hypocorism 4 faience 5 planchet | |
90 | gluttony; excessive love of food |
1 gastrolatry 2 geal 3 beneficiate 4 blepharal 5 crepon | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | eating animals |
1 stellate 2 emollient 3 fourgon 4 secodont 5 zoophagy | |
92 | stem of grass or sedge |
1 kex 2 judogi 3 baedeker 4 genesiology 5 culm | |
93 | precious jade |
1 ceratoid 2 lamiaceous 3 yu 4 cadrans 5 monopteron | |
94 | urinating rearwards |
1 missal 2 anthelminthic 3 nubilate 4 retromingent 5 quixotic | |
95 | leaching |
1 haversack 2 stigmatiferous 3 lixiviation 4 marrano 5 horme | |
96 | easily moved to laughter |
1 dendriform 2 kerseymere 3 poniard 4 integument 5 ridibund | |
97 | government by an ethnic group or race |
1 predacious 2 ethnocracy 3 powellisation 4 sonorescent 5 irredentism | |
98 | onomatopoetic |
1 imsonic 2 metagnostic 3 maniple 4 mansionary 5 dendrochronology | |
99 | the science of the laws; especially of the mind |
1 zoiatrics 2 nomology 3 latten 4 sagene 5 ceromancy | |
100 | horse's attempt to throw its rider |
1 hypermetropia 2 foliaceous 3 estrapade 4 dichroscope 5 paginal |