Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | double meter Renaissance dance step |
1 col 2 vespertinal 3 temporise 4 doppio 5 vice | |
2 | shaped like a dart |
1 liquate 2 belemnoid 3 foehn 4 urimancy 5 mutative | |
3 | one employed to write from dictation |
1 ecbatic 2 mythogenesis 3 amanuensis 4 croche 5 od | |
4 | to enroll |
1 inustion 2 imbreviate 3 plerophory 4 panegoism 5 impudicity | |
5 | shaped like a top or inverted cone |
1 teichopsia 2 isomagnetic 3 sphagnology 4 ferruginous 5 turbinate | |
6 | argument forcing choice between contradictory statements |
1 acarophobia 2 polylemma 3 supercilious 4 palillogy 5 leno | |
7 | divination using frogs |
1 cruset 2 prunt 3 archididascalos 4 jack 5 batraquomancy | |
8 | having a flat; upturned nose |
1 apocope 2 omnigenous 3 simous 4 diacope 5 ophiasis | |
9 | figure of three radiating curves or legs |
1 xenophilia 2 triskelion 3 dolichopodous 4 acropathy 5 gracility | |
10 | covered walk |
1 berceau 2 pomiform 3 montero 4 objurgate 5 mow | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | worship of or devotion to demons |
1 fumatorium 2 undeify 3 banquette 4 velocimeter 5 demonolatry | |
12 | to blow a trumpet |
1 foulard 2 tubicinate 3 passement 4 cashmere 5 empressment | |
13 | to control by means of a computer |
1 papulation 2 acapnotic 3 quagga 4 cybernate 5 proleptical | |
14 | instrument for measuring purity or richness of milk |
1 graphophobia 2 lupulic 3 pallograph 4 lactoscope 5 novercal | |
15 | material ejected from a volcano |
1 ejectamenta 2 jinker 3 manubrium 4 hippiatrics 5 premotion | |
16 | abnormal thirst |
1 polydipsia 2 pollinigerous 3 limacine 4 isobath 5 mattery | |
17 | six-fold |
1 spermology 2 celluliferous 3 cypress 4 sexenary 5 gradiometer | |
18 | reddish or brownish-red |
1 tabanid 2 catastrophism 3 astrogony 4 rufous 5 anthropoglot | |
19 | worship of Christ |
1 ineunt 2 Christolatry 3 mariculture 4 scalpeliform 5 luminist | |
20 | causing dullness or numbness |
1 opalescence 2 navalism 3 technocracy 4 torporific 5 plauditory | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | promise; especially one not yet accepted |
1 counterscarp 2 pityroid 3 pollicitation 4 metagnostic 5 ochre | |
22 | of or relating to the back of the knee |
1 perissosyllabic 2 drap-de-Berry 3 popliteal 4 carboy 5 lochetic | |
23 | equilibrium; counterbalancing thing |
1 absquatulate 2 poimenic 3 tragomaschalia 4 foetiferous 5 equipoise | |
24 | flute of a column |
1 dactylioglyph 2 epos 3 cathisophobia 4 striga 5 absurdism | |
25 | flat; flattened; compressed |
1 mainour 2 luxate 3 applanate 4 metaplasm 5 thuriferous | |
26 | to rebuke |
1 spermiogenesis 2 rotundate 3 reprehend 4 wheelhouse 5 horography | |
27 | to some place; somewhere |
1 somewhither 2 frontal 3 chrismation 4 pettitoes 5 diaclastic | |
28 | of or pertaining to the wrist |
1 electrograph 2 counterblast 3 liturate 4 carpal 5 abactor | |
29 | debauched; rashly extravagant |
1 balneary 2 secund 3 garret 4 profligate 5 tocology | |
30 | the study of museums |
1 museology 2 serpivolant 3 solidary 4 calicular 5 scapigerous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | twist; turn |
1 strophosis 2 odontograph 3 buhl 4 gigot 5 gigantology | |
32 | like paper; papery |
1 papyraceous 2 disseize 3 barkentine 4 ingle 5 adit | |
33 | durable wool |
1 sempiternum 2 archaeolatry 3 stet 4 stillatory 5 mournival | |
34 | crafty; wily |
1 toreutics 2 versute 3 dossil 4 scotoscope 5 cashmere | |
35 | of or pertaining to rope walking |
1 emptysis 2 exogenous 3 cortinate 4 palilalia 5 schoenabatic | |
36 | a pin or pivot on which something can be rotated |
1 threnodic 2 scioptic 3 passible 4 trunnion 5 vesuvian | |
37 | hard-skinned |
1 alternatim 2 bassinet 3 sclerodermous 4 saturnalian 5 pervicacious | |
38 | arranged in vertical rows |
1 ethmoid 2 purloin 3 barbate 4 orthostichous 5 achroous | |
39 | of or relating to the stars |
1 neoteric 2 osteoclasis 3 diaphone 4 sidereal 5 retromorphosis | |
40 | ventilating pipe or passage |
1 ustulation 2 ventiduct 3 coadjument 4 coffle 5 kerf | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | easily penetrable |
1 ferroniŠre 2 meable 3 repunit 4 octastich 5 fumiduct | |
42 | art of carving in bas-relief |
1 anaglyptics 2 ziganka 3 escritoire 4 elflock 5 ras | |
43 | tipped with a small hook |
1 similitive 2 faille 3 smaragdine 4 bengaline 5 hamulate | |
44 | trick or practical joke |
1 bivious 2 rep 3 carriwitchet 4 gaud 5 epinician | |
45 | instrument for measuring blueness of the sky or ocean |
1 adiabatic 2 cyanometer 3 parabiosis 4 beatster 5 centuple | |
46 | a retreat for times of ill humour |
1 viscometer 2 growlery 3 typhogenic 4 autarchy 5 mastoid | |
47 | four branches of mathematics in medieval education |
1 curtal 2 flowmeter 3 quadrivium 4 biens‚ance 5 enantiosis | |
48 | not capable of holding or retaining |
1 whosoever 2 intenible 3 glandiform 4 vittate 5 rheometer | |
49 | instrument for measuring height of cloud ceiling above earth |
1 pruritus 2 malagma 3 cordwainer 4 pessimum 5 ceilometer | |
50 | theory concerning rappings by spirits or ghosts |
1 typtology 2 oligarchy 3 seminiferous 4 apodictic 5 lucre | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | a person given to lecturing or moralizing |
1 arrect 2 halieutics 3 rebatement 4 frumentaceous 5 didact | |
52 | fishlike |
1 stoichiology 2 ninon 3 jaconet 4 apiculture 5 ichthyoid | |
53 | of the nature of or expressing a wish or recommendation |
1 roseaceous 2 precatory 3 stemson 4 terrigenous 5 conglobate | |
54 | wormy |
1 perioeci 2 essorant 3 sheol 4 bailivate 5 vermiculous | |
55 | mouth of a river or strait |
1 toxicophagous 2 idiocrasis 3 vivat 4 Russophobia 5 debouchure | |
56 | government by slaves |
1 neoblastic 2 exodontia 3 nidifugous 4 doulocracy 5 metemptosis | |
57 | concentration of dense mass beneath the moon's surface |
1 satanophany 2 agalactia 3 exsuccous 4 polypharmacy 5 mascon | |
58 | unit of radioactive decay and intensity |
1 curie 2 anesis 3 myasthenia 4 intercolline 5 outr‚ | |
59 | worship of marriage |
1 cucurbit 2 sortation 3 inescatory 4 refection 5 gamidolatry | |
60 | divination using ashes |
1 ceneromancy 2 sconce 3 taupe 4 hydrometeorology 5 timenoguy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | nutrition |
1 jumboism 2 vorant 3 conflate 4 trophism 5 darraign | |
62 | jewel held on the forehead by a chain |
1 samara 2 primiparous 3 leptosome 4 ferroniŠre 5 wristlet | |
63 | excessively fond of one's wife |
1 strepent 2 zelatriks 3 prolocutor 4 zimocca 5 uxorious | |
64 | to retch; to feel disgust |
1 paravant 2 cathedra 3 syndetic 4 velamentous 5 keck | |
65 | alone |
1 sacciform 2 zounds 3 solus 4 prestriction 5 grillage | |
66 | religious ritual; a cult |
1 zonoid 2 cultus 3 stative 4 cotehardie 5 fardage | |
67 | light two-wheeled carriage |
1 palaeoclimatology 2 assurgent 3 phratry 4 disimmure 5 tonga | |
68 | alternate name for the element astatine |
1 labrose 2 whipstall 3 trilemma 4 metoposcopy 5 alabamine | |
69 | flashing |
1 holystone 2 fulgorous 3 paranomasia 4 rigadoon 5 acantha | |
70 | of or resembling a skink |
1 intercipient 2 sounder 3 retrogress 4 scincoid 5 ichthyomorphic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | science of generative organs |
1 aedoeology 2 unwithdrawing 3 ostraceous 4 warrantise 5 ontography | |
72 | metal in thin plates |
1 latten 2 mitogenic 3 policlinic 4 quadrilocular 5 pilliwinks | |
73 | unit of weight equivalent to 1000 pounds |
1 thiasus 2 imburse 3 macon 4 kip 5 retrogress | |
74 | study of excretion |
1 syndyasmian 2 eccrinology 3 iracundulous 4 reglet 5 coetaneous | |
75 | captain of a ship; coxswain of a longboat |
1 causerie 2 patroon 3 commove 4 anhedonia 5 panary | |
76 | increase power or rank of; make greater |
1 aggrandize 2 manciple 3 ergograph 4 schizotrichia 5 catabaptism | |
77 | sword-shaped |
1 castellan 2 vitelligenous 3 medusiform 4 xiphoid 5 bagnio | |
78 | study of hearing |
1 organon 2 carucate 3 audiology 4 mournival 5 pekin | |
79 | to reverse; to upset |
1 preseminal 2 renverse 3 tiromancy 4 xenomancy 5 spiraculate | |
80 | response of an organism to gravity |
1 retinoscope 2 geotaxis 3 maenadic 4 hirsute 5 eolith | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | cuckolder |
1 repunit 2 nosocomium 3 cornuto 4 compeer 5 myrmidon | |
82 | study of angels |
1 limous 2 countermand 3 lanigerous 4 angelology 5 fideism | |
83 | gnawing; chewing; corroding |
1 arrosive 2 ranarian 3 uncial 4 adrogation 5 galactoid | |
84 | of or relating to the morning |
1 dag 2 pineal 3 mutagenesis 4 matinal 5 troilism | |
85 | belief that matter is the only extant substance |
1 prestigiator 2 perruquier 3 haemal 4 materialism 5 misosophy | |
86 | unit measuring electrical capacitance |
1 farad 2 rampant 3 sloyd 4 lincrusta 5 alow | |
87 | pickled; preserved |
1 muriated 2 catamount 3 sept 4 taxaceous 5 ure | |
88 | fear of dogs |
1 brassage 2 cynophobia 3 zoetrope 4 lunation 5 pruritus | |
89 | perhaps |
1 plebification 2 fucoid 3 prosateur 4 Mariolatry 5 mayhap | |
90 | talkative; garrulous |
1 allonge 2 apositia 3 gastropod 4 longe 5 multiloquent | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | corrosive |
1 barnard 2 transcalent 3 vulpine 4 diabrotic 5 mouldwarp | |
92 | froggy |
1 mousseline 2 pinniped 3 catechumen 4 pathophobia 5 ranarian | |
93 | period of intermission in a fever |
1 binnacle 2 terrigenous 3 neoteric 4 apyrexy 5 monostrophe | |
94 | production of speech sounds |
1 dioptometer 2 neomorphic 3 paedology 4 torose 5 phonesis | |
95 | small beak or similar outgrowth |
1 atheling 2 rostel 3 hygiology 4 flambeau 5 cornuto | |
96 | instrument measuring scintillation of star |
1 dobbin 2 corban 3 treenail 4 scintillometer 5 ruction | |
97 | brief saying; proverb; epigram |
1 simular 2 megascopic 3 pedipulate 4 cupuliferous 5 apophthegm | |
98 | book containing daily church service |
1 breviary 2 bionomics 3 saltigrade 4 monology 5 philately | |
99 | science of growth |
1 credo 2 pharmacopolist 3 sidelight 4 magneton 5 auxology | |
100 | oily; fatty |
1 iconology 2 aorist 3 domal 4 reast 5 unguinous |