Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | divination using idols |
1 prelusive 2 idolomancy 3 neogenesis 4 saprodontia 5 perlocution | |
2 | to make less crass or boorish |
1 salariat 2 strabismus 3 decrassify 4 postjacent 5 baetyl | |
3 | the formation of leaves |
1 jeofail 2 tortious 3 frondescence 4 proxenete 5 noyade | |
4 | worship of words |
1 libidinist 2 sondage 3 micrology 4 lavra 5 epeolatry | |
5 | large single-sailed ship powered by rowers |
1 dromond 2 lignify 3 plenum 4 tumescent 5 syphilology | |
6 | indicating the predicate |
1 predicative 2 sedulous 3 filatory 4 natatorium 5 ablow | |
7 | bearing globules |
1 pluviograph 2 globuliferous 3 fatalism 4 bandolier 5 mycteric | |
8 | a wide bay; a bend or coil in a rope |
1 bight 2 oligarchy 3 exheredate 4 cynophobia 5 sinciput | |
9 | very small stone tool |
1 ktenology 2 enthetic 3 mekometer 4 microlith 5 morse | |
10 | to administer extreme unction to |
1 anele 2 unzymotic 3 multiscience 4 prefatorial 5 telos | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | means of defence; record fortifying or proving a claim |
1 agersia 2 saccadic 3 muniment 4 brougham 5 rowen | |
12 | back pain |
1 sexology 2 notalgia 3 canorous 4 gadarene 5 jawhole | |
13 | lamp, candlestick or torch |
1 lampad 2 xanthic 3 impignorate 4 rhizome 5 ponceau | |
14 | pulsating |
1 ultroneous 2 chalastic 3 whodunitry 4 stupefacient 5 sphygmodic | |
15 | adaptation to very dry conditions |
1 xerophily 2 apopemptic 3 ebrious 4 peirastic 5 krypsis | |
16 | stone mill worked by hand |
1 quern 2 gigantomachy 3 cacogenics 4 locuplete 5 tophaceous | |
17 | to construct a nest |
1 merlon 2 odorivector 3 radioscope 4 nidificate 5 decrement | |
18 | jutting forward |
1 projacient 2 metanalysis 3 champaign 4 decrassify 5 judogi | |
19 | able to whiten or be whitened |
1 hierolatry 2 speciocide 3 salinometer 4 tunicle 5 albificative | |
20 | small dish for soup or porridge |
1 ridgeling 2 margaritiferous 3 nacket 4 tabby 5 porringer | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | proper education to induce human progress |
1 pascual 2 eupsychics 3 musrol 4 venule 5 kine | |
22 | pillar |
1 bracciale 2 creatophagous 3 protoplast 4 hebetude 5 hypostyle | |
23 | cross-country skiing or running |
1 langlauf 2 fasces 3 bucentaur 4 instauration 5 heliology | |
24 | of or relating to the foreskin |
1 superfetation 2 arithmancy 3 panegoism 4 preputial 5 trindle | |
25 | to despoil |
1 belvedere 2 hippocrepian 3 octactinal 4 palaeopedology 5 untreasure | |
26 | middle of sail, fish-net or cloth when slack |
1 aberdevine 2 ogive 3 agnosy 4 pole 5 bunt | |
27 | having a muscular origin |
1 visard 2 myogenic 3 bricole 4 buncombe 5 perlocution | |
28 | tending to quote; given to quoting |
1 maliferous 2 quotatious 3 triune 4 jetavator 5 hyalography | |
29 | growing of a beard |
1 scatology 2 pogonotrophy 3 airscrew 4 morris 5 bacchanal | |
30 | opaque watercolour paint |
1 progeria 2 cyclostyle 3 pottle 4 statuary 5 gouache | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | spontaneous; voluntary |
1 ultroneous 2 sulphureous 3 signate 4 epinician 5 spectrometer | |
32 | ox with hump and dewlap |
1 vernition 2 kop 3 ratline 4 zebu 5 contesseration | |
33 | natural channel bypassing rapids or body of river |
1 retropulsion 2 zoetic 3 snye 4 rhythmometer 5 constringe | |
34 | worship of stars |
1 graphology 2 noumenon 3 bonasus 4 astrolatry 5 animastic | |
35 | restraining; preventative |
1 colytic 2 genarch 3 plumbeous 4 radicated 5 coram | |
36 | having teeth like a shrew's |
1 crash 2 soricident 3 catechectics 4 hippophobe 5 optimate | |
37 | laundromat or launderette |
1 washeteria 2 inculcate 3 pilule 4 cariole 5 olecranon | |
38 | circular wax catcher that fits over a candle |
1 transmissometer 2 multisonant 3 jug 4 bobeche 5 extispicy | |
39 | pulley system for raising topgallant masts |
1 turnery 2 carfax 3 evaginate 4 jack-block 5 zoogeography | |
40 | lifting up; raising |
1 coadjutor 2 procathedral 3 hircismus 4 attollent 5 patibulate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | counting using the fingers and toes |
1 wardroom 2 dactylonomy 3 bathophobia 4 pornocracy 5 accinge | |
42 | divination using horses |
1 trismus 2 eviternal 3 transude 4 hippomancy 5 niramiai | |
43 | divination using shells |
1 forfex 2 diptych 3 conchomancy 4 abecedarian 5 morro | |
44 | representation of Virgin Mary with dead Christ across her knees |
1 consenescence 2 stridor 3 epithesis 4 pieta 5 gadroon | |
45 | tree having the whole crown cut off |
1 vocicultural 2 secque 3 gimbals 4 pollard 5 handsel | |
46 | denial of Christ's divinity |
1 tetrapolis 2 gamogenesis 3 psilanthropism 4 calvities 5 rifacimento | |
47 | instrument for measuring amount of salt in a solution |
1 raddle 2 rimose 3 salinometer 4 camisole 5 squinch | |
48 | instrument for detecting earthquakes |
1 semanteme 2 meconology 3 earing 4 seismoscope 5 silviculture | |
49 | slug |
1 quinsy 2 minimuscular 3 limax 4 sophism 5 anhelation | |
50 | instrument for measuring speed of rhythms |
1 rhythmometer 2 strabometer 3 interpunction 4 enow 5 funipendulous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | shading or lines showing a slope on a map |
1 tosticated 2 hachure 3 ophiophilist 4 commatic 5 mussitate | |
52 | the office of a general |
1 decantate 2 iconostasis 3 tantivy 4 dolichopodous 5 generalate | |
53 | a letter of the alphabet |
1 embayment 2 grapheme 3 gramineous 4 spoliative 5 slug | |
54 | gaping |
1 punctiform 2 fructiferous 3 crista 4 ringent 5 predacious | |
55 | against; in contrast to |
1 oneiromancy 2 parataxis 3 versus 4 tricephalous 5 cancrine | |
56 | veil worn by Greek women |
1 kalyptra 2 pannychis 3 apical 4 motte 5 isothere | |
57 | defence |
1 theorbo 2 hogshead 3 propugnation 4 mammogenic 5 anneal | |
58 | full of kernels |
1 Momus 2 ankus 3 heterophemy 4 trivirgate 5 acinaceous | |
59 | lacking a brain |
1 glareous 2 stithy 3 phlegmatic 4 anencephalic 5 syneidesis | |
60 | in open air |
1 aquifer 2 labile 3 sphingal 4 subaerial 5 sharkskin | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | study of soils |
1 coccineous 2 jasperated 3 metonymy 4 watchet 5 pedology | |
62 | of a blue or purple colour |
1 metastasis 2 hyacinthine 3 pertussis 4 omphalopsychite 5 ladronism | |
63 | pastoral staff or crook held by bishop or abbot |
1 obvolvent 2 keister 3 ctetology 4 agrypnotic 5 crosier | |
64 | fear of virgins |
1 proclivitous 2 hamate 3 parthophobia 4 naissant 5 buhl | |
65 | founder of a colony |
1 macaronic 2 helminthiasis 3 minuet 4 resorb 5 oecist | |
66 | having many functions |
1 prevision 2 thanatophobia 3 wanze 4 whitherward 5 polyergic | |
67 | manlike or heroic woman |
1 superfetation 2 virago 3 nimiety 4 catalactics 5 litotes | |
68 | figure with minimum number of vertices |
1 gromatic 2 glumiferous 3 simplex 4 paradromic 5 skippet | |
69 | canopy over a bed, pulpit or altar |
1 separatrix 2 ferroniŠre 3 interscribe 4 dolorific 5 tester | |
70 | female castle owner, manager or caretaker |
1 solacious 2 chatelaine 3 reglet 4 encephaloid 5 beneficiate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | bad breath |
1 woolbird 2 ozostomia 3 cervisial 4 molossus 5 lucent | |
72 | to any place whatsoever |
1 hexactinal 2 viaggiatory 3 sumpsimus 4 whithersoever 5 pentapolis | |
73 | science of pests |
1 pestology 2 agoraphobia 3 agatewear 4 arthroscope 5 pluriliteral | |
74 | dense twilled wool or worsted fabric |
1 broadcloth 2 prelapsarian 3 albion 4 traumatropism 5 heteroscian | |
75 | one who receives and writes spirit messages |
1 chionablepsia 2 intromit 3 pneumatographer 4 lochetic 5 benthic | |
76 | either of the sides of the upper deck of a ship |
1 lampyridine 2 gangway 3 xerarch 4 spanker 5 aitchbone | |
77 | correct speller |
1 genethliacon 2 rubiginous 3 additament 4 stylography 5 orthographer | |
78 | hospital maternity ward |
1 rhytidectomy 2 torulose 3 isocryme 4 abditive 5 natuary | |
79 | to overshadow |
1 whin 2 obumbrate 3 subluxation 4 sexton 5 infaust | |
80 | unhappy marriage |
1 cagamosis 2 lambrequin 3 ailurophobia 4 cricoid 5 armigerous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | to sprinkle |
1 lionism 2 stylobate 3 exigible 4 mutative 5 asperge | |
82 | worthless rock in which valuable metals occur |
1 barrulet 2 esemplastic 3 vivisepulture 4 latitudinous 5 gangue | |
83 | of or pertaining to ticks |
1 anencephalic 2 preagonal 3 argyll 4 ixiodic 5 stanhope | |
84 | joining or fitting together |
1 paedonymic 2 chorographer 3 choreutic 4 coaptation 5 psychogram | |
85 | pertaining to the palm or the sole; pertaining to flight |
1 fragor 2 volar 3 necrolatry 4 epithesis 5 chymiferous | |
86 | to immerse; to plunge |
1 encyclical 2 iconomachy 3 demerge 4 tanistry 5 roric | |
87 | neglect of duty as a citizen |
1 pedate 2 aguardiente 3 postil 4 incivism 5 hebamic | |
88 | treatise or text on medical topics |
1 iatrology 2 instrumental 3 gabble 4 killcrop 5 dioptre | |
89 | beginning or introduction to a composition |
1 papeterie 2 chalcotriptics 3 spider 4 exordium 5 tussicular | |
90 | attachment to guide projectile through bore of firearm |
1 heliotaxis 2 trap 3 acclivity 4 sabot 5 coronach | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | difference between cost of minting coin and its value |
1 brassage 2 oneiric 3 syngraph 4 divisim 5 sabulous | |
92 | of or relating to the number nine |
1 pedicle 2 whereof 3 madefy 4 zopp 5 novenary | |
93 | fine tropical rain falling from cloudless night sky |
1 scacchic 2 alphitomancy 3 serein 4 dysphoria 5 applanate | |
94 | eating insects |
1 insectivorous 2 panhygrous 3 tachymetry 4 forefoot 5 sphygmophone | |
95 | drawing back |
1 pedipulate 2 cunabula 3 potshop 4 soothly 5 retrahent | |
96 | study of fevers |
1 revalescent 2 athanasy 3 kleptocracy 4 biotope 5 pyretology | |
97 | priestly; bound by religious convention |
1 spagyric 2 subnascent 3 agist 4 hieratical 5 refrangible | |
98 | the science of crayfish |
1 epiclesis 2 lacuna 3 astacology 4 percheron 5 ostensory | |
99 | X-shaped cross |
1 clevis 2 gyle 3 saltire 4 odonterism 5 xylocarp | |
100 | of or pertaining to the law |
1 jural 2 undeify 3 poriferous 4 aleberry 5 aileron |