Quiz 23 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 of or relating to the adolescent period; young 1 cuspidor
2 micropodal
3 neanic
4 psittacism
5 palaeobiology
2 resembling a hatchet or cleaver 1 neophobia
2 indite
3 phonautograph
4 ecardinate
5 dolabriform
3 bright; clear; convincing 1 cymograph
2 numenism
3 exogenous
4 turdiform
5 luculent
4 the noise of insects 1 fritiniency
2 diffractometer
3 mouchard
4 psychometry
5 psalmodist
5 seaweed; kelp 1 hodden
2 micropolis
3 pandation
4 dragoman
5 varec
6 something, such as a drink, capable of making one forget suffering 1 medicament
2 whodunitry
3 nepenthe
4 zampogna
5 trangam
7 speaking four languages 1 pomaceous
2 tessaraglot
3 amphibology
4 micrograph
5 fabaceous
8 number consisting of two or more identical integers 1 repunit
2 pharisaic
3 hypertrichologist
4 discommodious
5 fumage
9 hoisting mechanism using a boom and a central post 1 unsinew
2 stellion
3 tragedian
4 derrick
5 chock
10 a confused sound of voices 1 zoopery
2 quatrayle
3 babeldom
4 hypocaust
5 fabulist
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 locking of the barn after the cows have been let out 1 anzactile
2 afterwil
3 zapateado
4 aphemia
5 kingpost
12 soothing; lessening pain 1 cordate
2 equilibrist
3 mendiloquence
4 diatessaron
5 paregoric
13 anything taken to aid wakefulness 1 agrypnotic
2 janker
3 aciniform
4 cotquean
5 phylactic
14 science of quantity or dosage 1 sphacelate
2 posology
3 tazza
4 senectuous
5 palabra
15 possible in coexistence with something else 1 comiphorous
2 scatology
3 compossible
4 prolation
5 ritornel
16 simplistic; na‹ve 1 simpliste
2 suppliant
3 abigail
4 phonation
5 punctilious
17 pertaining to posteriors 1 filatory
2 brigantine
3 cleithral
4 rhyton
5 opisthosomal
18 belief that a group has a special kinship with an object or animal 1 totemism
2 polygenous
3 paroemiology
4 sagittary
5 prosit
19 laxative 1 espiŠgle
2 balmorality
3 phenetic
4 syndetic
5 diachoretic
20 release of drops of moisture 1 guttation
2 periodontics
3 scarp
4 micromancy
5 obvention
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 bright or purplish red 1 davit
2 geoid
3 clinquant
4 puniceous
5 proprioception
22 of or pertaining to a cup; cup-shaped 1 afterwil
2 alphonsin
3 cupulate
4 splat
5 louchettes
23 implant in by persistent urging 1 mandylion
2 gradualism
3 runagate
4 belemnoid
5 inculcate
24 ground clay mixed with water 1 mainpernor
2 pelmatogram
3 dysphagia
4 pug
5 strophosis
25 to ravish; to violate; to rape 1 whipstaff
2 anthropobiology
3 nodated
4 stuprate
5 aerophilately
26 refuse; excrement 1 mazarine
2 speluncar
3 intaglio
4 rejectamenta
5 halation
27 female singer 1 silesia
2 geochemistry
3 lative
4 dirigent
5 cantatrice
28 wood laid in hold to keep cargo dry and safe 1 fetlock
2 incanous
3 eclogue
4 ferriferous
5 dunnage
29 lacking muscle 1 virgate
2 correption
3 loess
4 amyous
5 atresia
30 relating to or like a gland 1 adenoid
2 hypsography
3 interferometer
4 pottle
5 emmew
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 church land granted to clergyman 1 trochomancy
2 retrocede
3 suburbicarian
4 glebe
5 glissade
32 oblique side or face of a cut gem 1 premorse
2 bezel
3 iterum
4 contriturate
5 brochette
33 pertaining to an early local bishop 1 aerophore
2 ciconene
3 autocoprophagy
4 chorepiscopal
5 provenance
34 treatise or description of feathers 1 pterography
2 agynary
3 electrodynamometer
4 dealate
5 astragalomancy
35 coined money 1 mensal
2 opsonium
3 turnverein
4 specie
5 gummosity
36 lack or loss of sense of smell 1 irriguous
2 gibbet
3 anosmia
4 burrole
5 mesochroic
37 whorled 1 cupuliferous
2 verticillated
3 morsure
4 rachiometer
5 eloign
38 desire to eat strange foods 1 joculator
2 nosography
3 fortalice
4 theophobia
5 parorexia
39 mass of rock solidified under earth's surface 1 pluton
2 tercel
3 idiochromatic
4 outrigger
5 placitum
40 narrow heraldic bar 1 agriology
2 barrulet
3 trahison
4 hagiolatry
5 epergne
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 blackish coal-tar colour dye 1 perruquier
2 caul
3 supernal
4 nigrosine
5 humoral
42 blackness; dark colouring or pigmentation 1 nigrescence
2 coctile
3 abattoir
4 dammar
5 biramous
43 worship of spirits dwelling in all forms of nature 1 cerated
2 vaginate
3 pandemonism
4 chanticleer
5 lockstep
44 greenness; freshness 1 recaption
2 collyrium
3 ontal
4 thanatosis
5 viridity
45 freshwater duck 1 geotechnics
2 barratry
3 widgeon
4 rigescent
5 celeste
46 pier produced by thickening wall at one end 1 anta
2 triumphalism
3 palanquin
4 tabor
5 abattoir
47 tissue dying due to lack of blood flow 1 torcula
2 fossulate
3 reremouse
4 turnspit
5 infarction
48 flat box for protecting documents 1 alforge
2 skippet
3 cnemis
4 cusec
5 admanuensis
49 imaginary or false vision; hallucination 1 postconnubial
2 pseudoblepsis
3 trophology
4 trigonometer
5 credo
50 taking food; feeding 1 raticide
2 cibation
3 prorogue
4 dobbin
5 oestrogenic
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 instrument for measuring length 1 ablactation
2 knackish
3 superfuse
4 cyclosis
5 mecometer
52 tiny 1 stagmometer
2 hamble
3 hydromania
4 ovicide
5 minimuscular
53 in truth; indeed 1 forsooth
2 dendrology
3 nobilitate
4 kenophobia
5 plumigerous
54 small two-wheeled carriage 1 farinose
2 rhizic
3 jacent
4 brouette
5 odontoid
55 low platform or dais 1 poiesis
2 hebdomadally
3 chouse
4 estrade
5 m‚tier
56 shield against rain or spray on a ship's bridge 1 aggry
2 polysemant
3 dodger
4 treillage
5 dentiologist
57 pathological feeble-mindedness 1 flexion
2 stanchion
3 morosis
4 helicograph
5 topsail
58 beam supporting boards of a floor or laths of a ceiling 1 swarf
2 whoreson
3 joist
4 bisociation
5 paradoxology
59 glassware made of coloured rods embedded in clear glass 1 milleflori
2 myomancy
3 discountenance
4 astichous
5 lyceum
60 one who bears a taper during a religious procession 1 taperer
2 trilaminar
3 pro
4 dedans
5 tragus
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 an inhabitant of the extreme north 1 ostrichism
2 lygophobia
3 puberulent
4 probouleutic
5 hyperborean
62 attacking of established beliefs 1 nanocephalous
2 iconoclasm
3 aporia
4 seisin
5 regnal
63 killing of a woman 1 femicide
2 paralogise
3 sautoir
4 retrocognition
5 logogram
64 having many stars 1 vespacide
2 stelliferous
3 calcar
4 patation
5 steatopygous
65 stud or metal plate in sole of a shoe to prevent wear 1 seg
2 cabas
3 zoiatrics
4 yardarm
5 pericentral
66 unseasonable; untimely; inopportune 1 ceriferous
2 solacious
3 cumbent
4 olivet
5 intempestive
67 vigorous English dance performed by costumed men 1 bulliform
2 cataphract
3 pavis
4 orobathymetric
5 morris
68 of one colour 1 thixotropy
2 monochroic
3 ribibe
4 ahull
5 lative
69 divination using numbers 1 cotquean
2 fumosity
3 autarchy
4 vituperation
5 arithmancy
70 science of nutrition 1 stentorian
2 agomphosis
3 kenophobia
4 homograph
5 threpsology
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 system of Chinese meditational exercises 1 foudroyant
2 qigong
3 bisulcate
4 fabiform
5 cervisial
72 with what 1 delope
2 syndicalism
3 hymeneal
4 wherewith
5 stylobate
73 type of solid plastic 1 prepense
2 garner
3 medianic
4 bakelite
5 chalcotriptics
74 elephantiasis 1 bellarmine
2 trigonal
3 tyriasis
4 phrenesis
5 goldenrod
75 of or relating to the lungs 1 lemma
2 pulmonic
3 indiscerptible
4 internecine
5 metempsychosis
76 opposition or resistance 1 discission
2 phraseology
3 hamulus
4 deracinate
5 antiperistasis
77 to dry up 1 mortise
2 noctiflorous
3 septimal
4 exsiccate
5 osmometer
78 fraudulent 1 bloomery
2 nychthemeron
3 stegnosis
4 laryngoscope
5 covinous
79 study of hair and its disorders 1 fodient
2 trichology
3 vilipend
4 aeropleustic
5 bombosity
80 birthday ode 1 burke
2 woolbird
3 potation
4 genethliacon
5 bordereau
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 to cause or affect with gangrene or mortification 1 warble
2 indite
3 sphacelate
4 janker
5 tonus
82 conducive to health or well-being 1 salutiferous
2 condign
3 microbarograph
4 xiphophyllous
5 posigrade
83 intense desire to run away from home 1 iconolagny
2 quilling
3 drapetomania
4 didact
5 mucroniform
84 tending to produce laughter 1 eleemosynary
2 gelogenic
3 yuke
4 clupeoid
5 potatory
85 medicated cloth used to treat fever 1 stupe
2 effluvium
3 inferiae
4 versal
5 domett
86 to mutilate a dog by cutting of the balls of its feet 1 punctatim
2 overslaugh
3 museology
4 apprompt
5 hamble
87 experimentation on animals 1 sphenoid
2 gasconade
3 tectrix
4 saburration
5 zoopery
88 tailless 1 kalyptra
2 stillion
3 circumvolution
4 ecaudate
5 prolicide
89 spiked; spikelike 1 spicate
2 querulous
3 muleteer
4 palfrey
5 fourchette
90 series of lines all rhyming together 1 tachistoscope
2 juvenescent
3 retinoid
4 parse
5 monorhyme
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 sense of smell 1 dromomania
2 carpology
3 firkin
4 domett
5 osphresis
92 divination by watching cats' movements 1 hoplite
2 prodrome
3 ailuromancy
4 fistuliform
5 boggart
93 promoting growth of the body 1 struthious
2 isorithm
3 somatotrophic
4 speculum
5 cheverel
94 the chin 1 lunette
2 pav‚
3 pabouche
4 mentum
5 charivari
95 of a blackish colour 1 philematology
2 nigricant
3 tapotement
4 credence
5 triturate
96 recovery of one's breath; restoration of breath 1 rolly
2 anapnea
3 aeriform
4 bathymeter
5 calefacient
97 brain disease transmitted by cannibalism 1 lincrusta
2 kuru
3 currycomb
4 papulation
5 bodge
98 to a high degree; exceedingly; at full speed 1 amain
2 redivivus
3 primatology
4 philotherianism
5 psychogram
99 potent in a very high degree 1 batrachophobia
2 poecilonym
3 deliration
4 prepotent
5 hodometry
100 pile or ridge of ice 1 deglutition
2 casuistry
3 hummock
4 brigandine
5 mull
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