Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | one who utters markedly feeble witticisms |
1 gray 2 purulence 3 sinuate 4 cimex 5 witling | |
2 | study protracted late into the night |
1 consultor 2 epinikion 3 cephalophore 4 lucubration 5 upaithric | |
3 | mocking; derisive |
1 saxony 2 nekton 3 irrisory 4 thaumatolatry 5 wagtail | |
4 | show of affection or eagerness |
1 brash 2 aciniform 3 simpliste 4 empressment 5 figuration | |
5 | heavy cotton or linen cloth |
1 stack 2 grapholagnia 3 cretonne 4 Lydian 5 diprionidian | |
6 | small vein |
1 venule 2 dosiology 3 draffish 4 arrogate 5 planetology | |
7 | instrument for measuring counting rate of electronic counters |
1 aegis 2 hegumene 3 basiation 4 ratemeter 5 defluvium | |
8 | make known; disseminate |
1 escharotic 2 narquois 3 rachis 4 promulgate 5 tenderometer | |
9 | supplicating; entreating |
1 intemerate 2 phenomenalism 3 dromometer 4 suppliant 5 amidships | |
10 | cave |
1 hispid 2 lacuscular 3 gnomic 4 antre 5 bireme | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | fullness; completeness; abundance; sufficiency |
1 plenitude 2 pharmacometer 3 credence 4 waqf 5 monticolous | |
12 | aircraft propeller |
1 airscrew 2 pavis 3 mensuration 4 rigadoon 5 indoles | |
13 | a youth; young bird's plumage |
1 pediculophobia 2 bidenticulate 3 volable 4 pottle 5 juvenal | |
14 | mental association of sounds with colours |
1 halyard 2 pseudochromaesthesia 3 zapata 4 pertuse 5 perspicacious | |
15 | substance producing an odour |
1 poundage 2 susurrate 3 odorivector 4 logia 5 adipescent | |
16 | to reiterate; to redouble |
1 stelliferous 2 ingeminate 3 latescent 4 discinct 5 musal | |
17 | in favour of; for |
1 scialytic 2 foetiferous 3 washboard 4 waster 5 pro | |
18 | dog that hunts by scent |
1 rach 2 interclude 3 wormil 4 lotic 5 coadjument | |
19 | to choose; the act of choosing |
1 kettlestitch 2 acicular 3 fermi 4 wale 5 prothonotary | |
20 | bringing together |
1 calando 2 hyponychial 3 systatic 4 climacophobia 5 umbelliferous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | emptiness; starvation |
1 whiss 2 grillage 3 jalouse 4 inanition 5 smallage | |
22 | divination using dice or knucklebones |
1 astragalomancy 2 theism 3 chapbook 4 anthropolith 5 prepossess | |
23 | study of nutrition |
1 trophology 2 excalation 3 mortise 4 wallflower 5 chancel | |
24 | study of anaesthetics |
1 pentimento 2 glacis 3 retromancy 4 anaesthesiology 5 cariogenic | |
25 | willing |
1 epitimesis 2 volitient 3 discission 4 pendicle 5 verberate | |
26 | of or relating to carp |
1 acanthous 2 cyprinoid 3 verticity 4 phanic 5 malefic | |
27 | fleshy; of or like flesh |
1 doryphorus 2 carnose 3 ypsiliform 4 pyrogenous 5 nephalism | |
28 | growing near springs |
1 jongleur 2 fontinal 3 scapiform 4 deorsumversion 5 pliothermic | |
29 | to declare to be happy or blessed |
1 premove 2 macarize 3 coronoid 4 glossa 5 kriegspiel | |
30 | process causing goose-bumps |
1 gat 2 drill 3 horripilation 4 subsultus 5 anacoluthon | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | rib of a ship |
1 binnacle 2 negrophobia 3 futtock 4 nemophilist 5 degression | |
32 | moving round; revolving; rotatory |
1 calodemon 2 monticolous 3 aeolistic 4 rostel 5 peristrephic | |
33 | compound interest |
1 sard 2 hypural 3 anatocism 4 proclisis 5 frigiferous | |
34 | lament or mass for the dead |
1 zoonomy 2 lissotrichous 3 sequacious 4 requiem 5 annomination | |
35 | emaciation |
1 graminology 2 symptosis 3 stemson 4 anthropoglot 5 ampliative | |
36 | instrument for measuring distance travelled on foot |
1 camlet 2 empiecement 3 tristisonous 4 poulp 5 pedometer | |
37 | to blunt or dull; to deaden |
1 pleonectic 2 spadassin 3 planation 4 obtund 5 ixiodic | |
38 | artificial enclosure for keeping live animals |
1 draconites 2 galeiform 3 vivarium 4 zeugma 5 neuston | |
39 | proverb; adage |
1 adeniform 2 paroemia 3 threnody 4 grapholagnia 5 thymogenic | |
40 | offerings to the spirits of the dead |
1 polygoneutic 2 ecclesiolatry 3 intellectualism 4 inferiae 5 reddendum | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | fond of plants |
1 nodality 2 crambo 3 phytophilous 4 hark 5 thurifer | |
42 | line connecting points of equal land upheaval |
1 monodont 2 obrogate 3 aponia 4 isobase 5 neuropath | |
43 | fear of books |
1 gromatics 2 bibliophobia 3 eromancy 4 ichthyolatry 5 amphigory | |
44 | falling asleep; death |
1 parasynthesis 2 dormition 3 alluvion 4 col 5 simillimum | |
45 | cynical |
1 byssoid 2 causative 3 disagio 4 diogenic 5 chrematistics | |
46 | navel-gazing |
1 carnifex 2 hank 3 leprose 4 omphaloskepsis 5 chancel | |
47 | to ornament the edge of with embroidery |
1 sabbatarian 2 proclivitous 3 triarchy 4 dompteuse 5 purfle | |
48 | ship's mast above the lower mast |
1 topmast 2 tachistoscope 3 allography 4 couvade 5 avaunt | |
49 | ringing noise in head |
1 remontant 2 versus 3 acouasm 4 secundogeniture 5 oratory | |
50 | heavy clothing fabric with crosswise ribs |
1 feuilleton 2 varsovienne 3 sellate 4 zooscopy 5 ottoman | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | alleged ability to find an underground water supply |
1 abreuvoir 2 alecost 3 seahog 4 pansexualism 5 bletonism | |
52 | soreness of the eyes |
1 slurvian 2 grandisonant 3 spiritualism 4 vendition 5 lippitude | |
53 | having second set of teeth that replaces the first |
1 privatism 2 diphyodont 3 videlicet 4 wordbreak 5 implex | |
54 | consisting of eggs |
1 ovarious 2 born‚ 3 acapnotic 4 ootocous 5 litany | |
55 | study of movement in liquids |
1 eidograph 2 chrestomathic 3 hydrodynamics 4 polymath 5 melano | |
56 | to cover with forest; to convert into hunting grounds |
1 psychotaxis 2 afforest 3 philematophobe 4 neuralgiform 5 protolithic | |
57 | use of words in a sense opposite to literal |
1 pulsimeter 2 antiphrasis 3 hyperpyrexia 4 boston 5 asthenopia | |
58 | shaped like a pincer |
1 cheliform 2 amanuensis 3 outage 4 idiophone 5 caman | |
59 | factory where iron bars are manufactured |
1 bloomery 2 hieratical 3 parentelic 4 tachometer 5 prepossess | |
60 | tower at the corner of a fortification |
1 enzone 2 crachoir 3 bastion 4 ossomancy 5 acrophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | belief in the existence of God without special revelation |
1 verberate 2 ophiomancy 3 hemiplegic 4 interpunction 5 theism | |
62 | independent existence |
1 eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious 2 acoemeti 3 perseity 4 obstriction 5 sautoir | |
63 | extremely keen sight |
1 colliform 2 gavelkind 3 oxyblepsia 4 phonation 5 flammiferous | |
64 | gradual decrease; reduction in taxes |
1 metopomancy 2 pelisse 3 wuthering 4 demerge 5 degression | |
65 | divination using sounds |
1 alveromancy 2 murdrum 3 chiaroscuro 4 threnody 5 nostrification | |
66 | alchemical |
1 gorgonize 2 formate 3 infundibuliform 4 spagyric 5 rectigrade | |
67 | emotional experience brought on by religious belief |
1 greave 2 disgarnish 3 theopathy 4 accite 5 tanistry | |
68 | downright; unmitigated |
1 syllepsis 2 arrant 3 uriniferous 4 hector 5 metameric | |
69 | instrument for measuring amount of oil in a substance |
1 drugget 2 heortology 3 ammophilous 4 oleometer 5 polydemic | |
70 | pertaining to formation or development |
1 spheromancy 2 cercus 3 morphotic 4 trellis 5 chiasmus | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | to coat metal with oxides to protect from corrosion |
1 passivate 2 algology 3 ampliative 4 ageotropic 5 squadrism | |
72 | deafness |
1 applanate 2 cophosis 3 zymotic 4 enosis 5 viscometer | |
73 | inflammation of the hair follicles or beard |
1 discigerous 2 balanoid 3 spongology 4 lockstep 5 sycosis | |
74 | serene; blissful; angelic |
1 bovicide 2 seraphic 3 wroth 4 applanate 5 ostreophagous | |
75 | a person who serves as a foil to another |
1 nutation 2 pietism 3 pilaster 4 deuteragonist 5 barbate | |
76 | of a wood or grove |
1 nemoral 2 piacular 3 dexiotropic 4 acouasm 5 filiciform | |
77 | return to life after apparent death |
1 anabiosis 2 gynotikolobomassophile 3 trichoic 4 recidivism 5 characterology | |
78 | early cinematograph using series of moving drawings |
1 pyrrhotism 2 nephelometry 3 praxinoscope 4 pertuse 5 onomastics | |
79 | term for pig's feet as food |
1 mistetch 2 coniaker 3 crubeen 4 exspuition 5 dysteleology | |
80 | pertaining to a deity; suffused with religious awe |
1 indiscerptible 2 aposiopesis 3 phemic 4 numinous 5 telega | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | divination using dice |
1 brayer 2 laquearia 3 citrine 4 cleromancy 5 watchet | |
82 | general name for boots and shoes; footwear |
1 volage 2 procrypsis 3 neogenesis 4 bradyseism 5 chaussures | |
83 | having tubers; knobbed |
1 arithmomania 2 scelotyrbe 3 tuberous 4 currycomb 5 correption | |
84 | snare with noose and spring |
1 mooncalf 2 springe 3 eutechnics 4 embrangle 5 obsolagnium | |
85 | eternal |
1 aitchbone 2 engouement 3 cupuliferous 4 zelophobia 5 eviternal | |
86 | stabilizing movement of exchange |
1 balbriggan 2 anaphia 3 synaesthesia 4 scapular 5 exodromy | |
87 | instrument for measuring volume of a solid |
1 wassail 2 hibernal 3 volumenometer 4 salariat 5 decimestrial | |
88 | of or relating to crypts |
1 shrieval 2 ergomania 3 contignation 4 siderose 5 cryptous | |
89 | rocking-stone |
1 limbate 2 uxorious 3 logan 4 salpinx 5 hypostasis | |
90 | release or discharge of pus |
1 mesial 2 diapyesis 3 nisus 4 m‚salliance 5 pannikin | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | song with a refrain |
1 roundelay 2 obnubilate 3 thelitis 4 taximeter 5 redolent | |
92 | marsh or swamp |
1 monergism 2 bullary 3 cienega 4 halfpace 5 adscript | |
93 | in vertical ranks |
1 telesis 2 pagophagia 3 secundum 4 equiparent 5 rectiserial | |
94 | deed relinquishing a claim, such as a mining title |
1 fiduciary 2 agacerie 3 poaceous 4 hagioscope 5 quitclaim | |
95 | truly; certainly; confidently |
1 acatamathesia 2 eccaleobion 3 verily 4 ectogenesis 5 lubricious | |
96 | surging |
1 plutonic 2 conspecies 3 gurgitation 4 taeniacide 5 postilion | |
97 | brown; tawny; dingy |
1 wack 2 psychogenetics 3 demagogue 4 ennomic 5 fuscous | |
98 | fear of pins and needles |
1 microcalorimeter 2 rubefaction 3 quipu 4 belonephobia 5 tempestive | |
99 | like or resembling a caterpillar |
1 coadjument 2 cystoscope 3 paragram 4 idempotent 5 eruciform | |
100 | colour-blind |
1 mineralogy 2 hephaestic 3 gastroscope 4 superjacent 5 dyschromatopic |