Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | flautist |
1 stereotaxis 2 hieromancy 3 aulete 4 zoograft 5 oculiform | |
2 | roughly trilled |
1 sorites 2 hirrient 3 introspectionism 4 pomiform 5 antilogism | |
3 | short post on a wharf or ship to which ropes are tied |
1 tenendum 2 swissing 3 bollard 4 xylography 5 oast | |
4 | food picked up by swine in woods; right to pasture swine |
1 prelation 2 factitious 3 nankeen 4 pannage 5 caboched | |
5 | viral infection of sheep |
1 orf 2 phaeism 3 vigia 4 monochromasy 5 potamic | |
6 | giving of an excuse for not appearing in court |
1 essoin 2 accipitrine 3 ichthyomorphic 4 ornithoscopy 5 pallograph | |
7 | cross-piece in a scaffolding |
1 serous 2 radicated 3 meconomancy 4 baldachin 5 putlock | |
8 | disease |
1 ounce 2 balneology 3 novity 4 unguiform 5 morbus | |
9 | instrument for measuring liquid evaporation |
1 pulverulent 2 arachibutyrophobia 3 bouillotte 4 siccimeter 5 gossypine | |
10 | having a yolk |
1 polemology 2 kinetoscope 3 medicament 4 lecithal 5 eidolon | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | excessive desire to stay in bed |
1 hydropathy 2 litotes 3 Panglossian 4 clinomania 5 bodement | |
12 | a hare in its first year; a mistress |
1 trefoil 2 usitative 3 kef 4 susurrus 5 leveret | |
13 | strong twilled worsted |
1 serge 2 monism 3 agynary 4 paludose 5 quince | |
14 | short pieces of fibre separated from longer ones by combing |
1 sudd 2 rotograph 3 gymnasiarch 4 noils 5 brodequin | |
15 | of or relating to the shore of a body of water |
1 tetrakishexahedron 2 mythogenesis 3 littoral 4 staminiferous 5 rhytidectomy | |
16 | trembling; quivering |
1 graminology 2 tremulous 3 recherch‚ 4 pseudosmia 5 aguardiente | |
17 | origin and development of a single individual organism |
1 sanguinolent 2 ontogenesis 3 seisin 4 teratism 5 nocent | |
18 | the eucharist; the act of taking the eucharist |
1 sanative 2 undeify 3 aigrette 4 succise 5 housel | |
19 | petty politician |
1 heresiology 2 politicaster 3 puture 4 monoecious 5 acropathy | |
20 | elbow |
1 abecedarian 2 hypocaust 3 exsert 4 triarchy 5 ancon | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | clergyman temporarily replacing regular priest |
1 uriniferous 2 erythema 3 thermogenesis 4 parthenogenesis 5 locum | |
22 | broken spear; broken or cut piece |
1 truncheon 2 selenomancy 3 hederaceous 4 windcheater 5 alkanet | |
23 | toast to good health |
1 phalacrosis 2 hydrobiology 3 thewe 4 hippology 5 prosit | |
24 | communication trench |
1 emulge 2 whippy 3 excursive 4 boyau 5 nocuous | |
25 | detailed organization; settlement |
1 gewgaw 2 hypothecary 3 bandobast 4 millocracy 5 chorology | |
26 | instrument for measuring strength of alkalines |
1 veridical 2 gynaecide 3 thymogenic 4 ptilosis 5 alkalimeter | |
27 | having a blistered or puckered appearance |
1 bullate 2 hauberk 3 hyperdulia 4 liard 5 tympaniform | |
28 | study of life under cold conditions |
1 palladian 2 sindonology 3 silesia 4 hypalgesia 5 cryobiology | |
29 | in four similar or equal parts |
1 monergism 2 quadrigeminal 3 lagniappe 4 galimatias 5 quiddity | |
30 | chaffy; like or resembling chaff |
1 nomothetical 2 paleaceous 3 biduous 4 anaclastic 5 autophobia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | relating to or obtained from milk |
1 trivet 2 mulm 3 sedent 4 galactic 5 paleaceous | |
32 | light four-wheeled carriage with fixed top and open sides |
1 aggry 2 timbromania 3 rockaway 4 czardas 5 galeiform | |
33 | shaped like a saddle |
1 glottogonic 2 exarate 3 tanti 4 naupathia 5 selliform | |
34 | a scheming or corrupt politician |
1 deprehend 2 xenomorphic 3 frugivorous 4 rigescent 5 highbinder | |
35 | belief that the methods of science are universally applicable |
1 scientism 2 temenos 3 somnolence 4 jebel 5 cleithral | |
36 | magic lantern used for opaque and translucent objects |
1 dispone 2 epidiascope 3 somnorific 4 eyas 5 sumpsimus | |
37 | study of bodies and forces in equilibrium |
1 sord 2 statics 3 topophobia 4 zootoxin 5 stuprate | |
38 | to light or light up again |
1 eth 2 knag 3 terry 4 relume 5 cienega | |
39 | duel or fight between two people |
1 duomachy 2 counterscarp 3 kohlrabi 4 hagiarchy 5 phaeic | |
40 | belligerent; cruel; pugnacious; defiant; aggressive |
1 noctidiurnal 2 chatoyant 3 dromond 4 laniferous 5 truculent | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | formation of minerals as a joined mass |
1 minauderie 2 paragenesis 3 burke 4 haysel 5 limnophilous | |
42 | school of philosophical instruction |
1 lyceum 2 tarlatan 3 ligulate 4 renitent 5 quint | |
43 | shaped like a leather bottle or flask |
1 bibitory 2 thropple 3 festilogy 4 cleronomy 5 utriform | |
44 | in spiral form |
1 saltigrade 2 voluted 3 zeze 4 hydrography 5 tyriasis | |
45 | ancient double-reed wind instrument |
1 alb 2 gruine 3 phalacrosis 4 spodogenous 5 krummhorn | |
46 | materialism |
1 counterblast 2 somatism 3 sporiferous 4 hotchpot 5 gerascophobia | |
47 | denial that the soul exists in space |
1 historiology 2 nullibilism 3 anteambulo 4 solatium 5 gullery | |
48 | ancestral |
1 trichosis 2 avital 3 leguleian 4 grough 5 imbricate | |
49 | goatlike |
1 phonometer 2 kamik 3 viridigenous 4 capriform 5 palter | |
50 | image-worship |
1 iconolatry 2 deprehend 3 anandrious 4 formication 5 ana | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | fine chain mail jacket |
1 noumenon 2 thermantidote 3 protoplast 4 amidships 5 jaseran | |
52 | capable of or relating to thought |
1 dianoetic 2 adiapneustia 3 balatron 4 obtest 5 hygrometry | |
53 | to hunt birds; to pursue prey with vigilance |
1 aucupate 2 epigamic 3 cholic 4 undinism 5 trochilic | |
54 | contradiction |
1 dittology 2 volant 3 demagogue 4 spancel 5 antilogy | |
55 | having several broods in one season |
1 workerist 2 cruset 3 galactoid 4 langlauf 5 multivoltine | |
56 | seed-bearing |
1 seminiferous 2 apsidal 3 dicaeology 4 hatchment 5 polystomatous | |
57 | flowing out; gushing |
1 emolument 2 amorce 3 parr 4 nervine 5 scaturient | |
58 | impotent |
1 gauffer 2 annulet 3 ectobatic 4 parakinesis 5 anandrious | |
59 | property necessary to maintain one's station |
1 cyclosis 2 archididascalos 3 tumefacient 4 pseudogyny 5 contenement | |
60 | curved furniture leg ending in a ball; exuberant dance or caper |
1 evulgate 2 cabriole 3 worksome 4 loranthaceous 5 lemures | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | veterinary surgery |
1 pruinose 2 zoiatrics 3 quadrivial 4 wagonette 5 discission | |
62 | three-toed sloth |
1 sennit 2 forcipiform 3 phonation 4 plumassier 5 ai | |
63 | impermeability to radiant energy |
1 adiathermancy 2 enantiosis 3 tyromancy 4 contemn 5 nacket | |
64 | sprinkled |
1 sprent 2 arrogate 3 menisciform 4 logia 5 plebeian | |
65 | to whitewash |
1 incubus 2 obtenebrate 3 calathiform 4 calcimine 5 ovuliferous | |
66 | expression used to attract attention |
1 dit 2 tentiginous 3 hist 4 ripienist 5 azimuth | |
67 | science of housekeeping |
1 oikology 2 pourboire 3 orchidomania 4 symbolaeography 5 stiction | |
68 | to grind cereal coarsely |
1 adamantine 2 albugineous 3 trigamy 4 maculomancy 5 kibble | |
69 | relating to wisdom or learning |
1 scud 2 batrachian 3 macrography 4 grandisonant 5 palladian | |
70 | writing in signs rather than letters |
1 chrysopoetics 2 hobnail 3 epilate 4 sematography 5 biramous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | pitchfork; dungfork |
1 embayment 2 ablegate 3 graip 4 rookery 5 trover | |
72 | divination by means of spirits |
1 gramercy 2 expiate 3 psychomancy 4 disomus 5 reglet | |
73 | young fowl |
1 emporeutic 2 poult 3 rufescent 4 depascent 5 primogenous | |
74 | waterproof stucco |
1 Mariology 2 synaeresis 3 sarangousty 4 cloaca 5 porrect | |
75 | of or relating to building; structural |
1 raptus 2 biduous 3 laxism 4 tectonic 5 brackish | |
76 | after marriage |
1 alepine 2 gastromancy 3 postconnubial 4 euphobia 5 tritical | |
77 | fine lustrous fabric with flat patterns and a satin weave |
1 proband 2 zakuska 3 damask 4 bisociation 5 ochre | |
78 | wooden frame with holes for head and hands used as punishment |
1 aval 2 atticism 3 pillory 4 compunction 5 antependium | |
79 | able to sail close to the wind with little leeway |
1 weatherly 2 ratheripe 3 ravelin 4 scyphiform 5 hymeneal | |
80 | to crow or triumph over |
1 starveling 2 gnosiology 3 overcrow 4 somatology 5 chock | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | puppet ruler; do-nothing; idle person |
1 masterate 2 syzygy 3 fain‚ant 4 mascaron 5 bradyseism | |
82 | killing or killer of a tyrant |
1 tyrannicide 2 valuta 3 lachrymogenic 4 geitonogamy 5 tetrachotomous | |
83 | numbering of individuals; head tax |
1 capitation 2 marivaudage 3 acceptilation 4 hodoscope 5 derrick | |
84 | anti-abortion term for an abortion clinic |
1 expiate 2 fingent 3 rataplan 4 anele 5 abortuary | |
85 | bearing little cells |
1 celluliferous 2 ultimo 3 paramatta 4 imburse 5 preconize | |
86 | multiple vision |
1 pellucid 2 upher 3 philosophaster 4 polyopia 5 patible | |
87 | state of great leanness |
1 retromorphosis 2 marcidity 3 dippydro 4 chevisance 5 mixotrophic | |
88 | fitful plucking at the bedclothes |
1 floccilation 2 chirotony 3 definiens 4 agrapha 5 jesuitical | |
89 | excessive devotion to martyrs |
1 cathetometer 2 gyrus 3 martyrolatry 4 astraphobia 5 cryoscope | |
90 | pipette with hollow bulb for counting drops |
1 hithermost 2 stactometer 3 fringilliform 4 steganograph 5 alameda | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | to engage in irreverent wit |
1 ekphrasis 2 witwanton 3 maculose 4 arctophile 5 triptych | |
92 | objector |
1 gerendum 2 ecclesiology 3 subtrist 4 objicient 5 zopp | |
93 | effectual; actually achieving a result |
1 syringadenous 2 hircine 3 precisian 4 perficient 5 simity | |
94 | having extremely small feet |
1 pleonexia 2 heterochrony 3 vervelle 4 defiliation 5 micropodal | |
95 | private language developed between children |
1 paizogony 2 interim 3 abutment 4 acutiator 5 idioglossia | |
96 | watered appearance on cloth or metal |
1 gnotobiology 2 bibliomancy 3 pseudolalia 4 virgule 5 moir‚ | |
97 | pertaining to protective mimicry of animals |
1 parastatic 2 lupanarian 3 panurgic 4 logia 5 tiffany | |
98 | unit of data transmission speed of one bit per second |
1 nymphean 2 jaconet 3 baud 4 tautological 5 plegometer | |
99 | woman's work basket or handbag |
1 kistvaen 2 cabas 3 keelson 4 fustigate 5 tontine | |
100 | instrument for measuring magnetic declination |
1 besom 2 acratia 3 variometer 4 circumvolution 5 ombrophobia |