Quiz 30 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 reproduction by division 1 jiggumbob
2 theriomorph
3 schizogenesis
4 proditor
5 mentatiferous
2 person interested in astronomy 1 comephorous
2 diaphoresis
3 dative
4 astrophile
5 inexpugnable
3 cow dung 1 bodewash
2 polystachious
3 palification
4 titubate
5 nutrice
4 deception; hoax; fraud 1 natuary
2 encomiast
3 supercherie
4 entremets
5 pulchritude
5 growing on or living in trees 1 wort
2 arboricolous
3 sepulchral
4 pseudaesthesia
5 arefy
6 jingle summing up person's life in two couplets 1 bellecism
2 clerihew
3 organdie
4 roborean
5 pseudomania
7 having an opening 1 barbigerous
2 tritanopia
3 ostiolate
4 hebdomadally
5 enfilade
8 description of mountains 1 agistment
2 orography
3 orology
4 pardoner
5 catenate
9 types of birds having downy-feathered young 1 dasypoedes
2 micropalaeontology
3 langlauf
4 spermatic
5 bluestocking
10 to make whole again; to restore 1 sciophilous
2 deicide
3 gyromancy
4 triarchy
5 redintegrate
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 royal 1 regius
2 humify
3 omegoid
4 pyknometer
5 orthography
12 juror 1 turnery
2 wroth
3 croceate
4 ras
5 venireman
13 having six rays 1 hexactinal
2 keckle
3 tesseract
4 leprose
5 percurrent
14 burial in an urn 1 metagnostic
2 hydriotaphia
3 ligyrophobia
4 peripteral
5 breve
15 belief in the superiority of one particular religious creed 1 triumphalism
2 paronym
3 parure
4 alk
5 niddering
16 banditry; robbery 1 sicarian
2 volvelle
3 bistoury
4 ladronism
5 latrant
17 juggler; trickster; deceiver 1 pterospermous
2 plastron
3 martingale
4 lemma
5 tregetour
18 study of early humans 1 frigiferous
2 palaeoanthropology
3 perseity
4 paludal
5 haversack
19 of or pertaining to seals and signets 1 causative
2 afterwil
3 gametogenesis
4 sphragistic
5 larboard
20 figure where word related to two others differently 1 rounce
2 helotage
3 syllepsis
4 celsitude
5 cumuliform
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 consisting of or derived from many races or ethnicities 1 grogram
2 polyethnic
3 cevesaile
4 isobase
5 alveolate
22 square dance for four couples 1 epitrope
2 quadrille
3 psychogony
4 serotinous
5 clarigate
23 wind screen 1 paravent
2 woolbird
3 interramification
4 rundale
5 cinque-pace
24 carrying outward or away 1 tonga
2 monoculture
3 chryselephantine
4 efferent
5 aquarelle
25 bird watching 1 ornithoscopy
2 nestitherapy
3 gadzooks
4 lection
5 avaunt
26 sale 1 pyretology
2 floriform
3 vendition
4 pogonophobia
5 subserve
27 to restrain by tying the feet together 1 hopple
2 syndicalism
3 circumfuse
4 quinquennium
5 dionym
28 science of deciphering ancient writings and texts 1 eidolism
2 diplomatics
3 genitive
4 abdominous
5 piend
29 food; provender; nourishment 1 dap
2 equipluve
3 elution
4 pabulum
5 prelect
30 to gather grapes or other fruit 1 defluent
2 gallipot
3 bolide
4 dreadnought
5 vindemiate
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 study of runes 1 waldhorn
2 runology
3 tepefaction
4 aneuria
5 chevelure
32 government by technical experts 1 technocracy
2 obstreperous
3 interlocutor
4 underbridge
5 dendrometer
33 earth measurement on a large scale 1 nasutiform
2 taperer
3 sagittal
4 geodesy
5 zymotic
34 causing dental cavities 1 lunula
2 libeccio
3 cariogenic
4 alepine
5 omoplatoscopy
35 stone ingested by an animal to aid in digestion 1 gastrolith
2 piolet
3 ostreophagous
4 nubecula
5 acaulescent
36 to divide into two branches 1 bibliophobia
2 acutiator
3 divaricate
4 verdigris
5 hackle
37 study of death; final matters 1 defeasible
2 eschatology
3 nobilitate
4 adipocere
5 buccula
38 excess of the calendar month over the lunar month 1 teleseism
2 janizary
3 tyromancy
4 wimble
5 epact
39 gratuity 1 buhl
2 lagniappe
3 raptus
4 lithodomous
5 somniferous
40 believer in the perfectibility of mankind 1 scholarch
2 diaconal
3 pyogenic
4 perfectibilian
5 sedigitated
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 to diminish, in appearance or reality 1 sanguineous
2 sudd
3 minify
4 cathisophobia
5 bandolier
42 stuffing of one bird inside another 1 sext
2 vivisepulture
3 blennophobia
4 oligophrenia
5 engastration
43 fine or reparation paid 1 wale
2 zoopery
3 amende
4 numen
5 alopecoid
44 growing young or strong again 1 revirescent
2 prosopography
3 clinophilia
4 eisegesis
5 tinctorial
45 danger warning on a chart 1 periclinal
2 vigia
3 mnemonist
4 postament
5 starets
46 enclosed seat in theatre 1 pucelage
2 urinator
3 fauteuil
4 pharmacopolist
5 pathopoeia
47 shaped like or resembling a neck 1 foraneous
2 aprique
3 wastel
4 colliform
5 pinguefy
48 yellow dye; plant from which it is extracted 1 piscicapturist
2 reliquiae
3 fascia
4 paliform
5 weld
49 ability to jump 1 ichthyophagous
2 saltativeness
3 carinated
4 postlude
5 mountenance
50 word expressing an idea, such as a noun 1 semanteme
2 sabin
3 dromometer
4 sapor
5 peristeronic
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 a nest; an aboriginal hut 1 regorge
2 hetaera
3 calvary
4 wurley
5 arciform
52 crafty 1 desudation
2 subdolous
3 septimal
4 pyrognomic
5 otology
53 shadowy; shaded; dusky 1 malversation
2 hame
3 personalism
4 lamprophony
5 ombr‚
54 economics 1 redivivus
2 zwischenzug
3 vicennial
4 barodynamics
5 plutonomy
55 to draw together; to tighten 1 niello
2 theomicrist
3 lemures
4 resorb
5 astringe
56 hook-shaped 1 runagate
2 coffle
3 entozoology
4 wis
5 ankyroid
57 hymns collectively; hymn-singing 1 berlin
2 hymnody
3 visile
4 berceau
5 hypercatalectic
58 pertaining to the vintage 1 opuscule
2 vindemial
3 manumission
4 phonendoscope
5 psychometry
59 to add at the end or afterwards 1 criticaster
2 metoposcopy
3 oscinine
4 subjoin
5 anuptaphobia
60 resident of an institution 1 gamidolatry
2 coparcenary
3 optimate
4 dyschroa
5 commorant
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 indicating a substance or item foreign to the body 1 ruction
2 xenobiotic
3 voluptuary
4 rullion
5 graphospasm
62 female animal trainer 1 calvities
2 swith
3 nekton
4 dompteuse
5 celadon
63 impudent child; conceited fellow 1 tarlatan
2 nuncio
3 spectrometer
4 jackanapes
5 mascle
64 anvil pointed at both ends 1 amplexus
2 demonetise
3 vitiate
4 bickern
5 hippomania
65 government by bishops 1 analects
2 tetragrammaton
3 exarchy
4 brodequin
5 pharos
66 quill feather of a bird's wing 1 lotic
2 cordwainer
3 remex
4 shagreen
5 viator
67 innate feel for essential character of a language 1 sprachgefhl
2 webster
3 endysis
4 macrophobia
5 deipnosophist
68 to cut off the tail of 1 zymite
2 intromit
3 bridoon
4 decaudate
5 multilocation
69 room just under the roof of a house; attic 1 lutose
2 strigil
3 misology
4 weedy
5 garret
70 fear of crossing streets 1 dromophobia
2 pornerastic
3 warden
4 aphicide
5 opinionator
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 drain; ditch; excavation 1 retiary
2 delf
3 splanchnic
4 turriferous
5 thereoid
72 study of icons; symbols 1 sarment
2 symphonia
3 oomancy
4 iconology
5 taffrail
73 low stool; embroidery frame 1 strake
2 wiseling
3 suburbicarian
4 phanerosis
5 tabouret
74 piece of yarn used to fasten a sail to a spar 1 iamb
2 causimancy
3 pilule
4 roband
5 tinctorial
75 a preliminary study; preliminary 1 haematogenesis
2 gemmiferous
3 zoiatrics
4 recalesce
5 propadeuctic
76 instrument indicating change in temperature 1 pectize
2 thermoscope
3 bonify
4 foliaceous
5 triskelion
77 an appearance of the devil 1 cadastre
2 gray
3 laciniate
4 satanophany
5 hederiferous
78 fear of freedom 1 notabilia
2 eleutherophobia
3 langley
4 oneirocriticism
5 plimsoll
79 stone circle 1 caballine
2 forisfamiliate
3 acapnia
4 personalia
5 cyclolith
80 theory of the origin of planets 1 trottoir
2 godet
3 sinal
4 idioglossia
5 planetogeny
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 written or signed document 1 leporiform
2 ansate
3 orlop
4 pannychis
5 chirograph
82 a charge on a ship in port 1 quantometer
2 groundage
3 entomical
4 gunnage
5 cuddy
83 doctrine that one should take the safer moral course 1 venous
2 reliquary
3 avicular
4 tutiorism
5 antenniferous
84 reprisal; taking back that which is unlawfully obtained 1 egency
2 ergograph
3 ondograph
4 noctiflorous
5 recaption
85 at once; immediately 1 seismometer
2 subito
3 achromatopsia
4 kerseymere
5 stauroscope
86 Spanish gypsy dance with sudden tempo and mood changes 1 obrotund
2 phthirophagous
3 farruca
4 numen
5 conflate
87 medical certificate of illness excusing student's sickness 1 cauliform
2 hepteris
3 onager
4 hydrology
5 aegrotat
88 resembling, producing or having the qualities of butter 1 aeolian
2 ivresse
3 butyraceous
4 splenitive
5 saffron
89 substitute; remedy 1 overflush
2 alembicated
3 succedaneum
4 bastle
5 heliology
90 instrument for measuring proportions of elements in metallic samples 1 quantometer
2 vulnerose
3 lam‚
4 pulvinated
5 vindemiate
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 command; order 1 decoupage
2 mandament
3 salutary
4 knop
5 intrados
92 long necklace or pendant 1 consilient
2 sautoir
3 an
4 psychism
5 starets
93 bell-shaped 1 nostology
2 primiparous
3 fid
4 perlative
5 campaniform
94 something intended to horrify people 1 guignol
2 dyslogia
3 adenia
4 vigesimal
5 subsultive
95 to flash like lightning 1 gamidolatry
2 vug
3 fulgurate
4 digladiate
5 rom
96 bearing or carrying a fetus 1 foetiferous
2 denehole
3 colligation
4 orthology
5 allogamy
97 having more than one name 1 plurinominal
2 macular
3 needs
4 nautics
5 castellated
98 of or pertaining to a stage 1 somewhither
2 snobocracy
3 quodlibet
4 stadial
5 moquette
99 second childhood; disease of premature aging 1 maillot
2 araneiform
3 desipient
4 progeria
5 nuncupative
100 study of plagues and epidemics 1 caecity
2 aeropleustic
3 gray
4 loimology
5 graticulation
  by Mosh   Suggestions?