Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | execution by drowning |
1 ultrafidian 2 steatopygous 3 ophiomancy 4 noyade 5 iconostasis | |
2 | sphere projected onto a plane; map of the heavens |
1 hygiology 2 gremial 3 snood 4 duende 5 planisphere | |
3 | physical force at work in telepathy |
1 telergy 2 genophobia 3 cathisophobia 4 sociobiology 5 laicisation | |
4 | lecherous; bawdy; lewd |
1 gyve 2 lac 3 cruciform 4 psychogenetics 5 pornerastic | |
5 | line connecting points of equal aspect of climate |
1 lobular 2 cellaret 3 isopleth 4 merino 5 antiscian | |
6 | half-yearly |
1 semestral 2 demegoric 3 sententious 4 inosculate 5 aponia | |
7 | to confirm; to agree; to ratify |
1 homologate 2 mordacious 3 proplasm 4 anguiform 5 vitiferous | |
8 | wife of a viceroy |
1 vicereine 2 senary 3 wisket 4 colliform 5 culm | |
9 | shrewlike; of or relating to shrews |
1 urticant 2 procursive 3 soricine 4 planography 5 soporific | |
10 | bringing or binding together; conjunction |
1 micropolis 2 unstercorated 3 missal 4 colligation 5 pythonism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | clothes; covering; coat |
1 sacring 2 chignon 3 elutriate 4 pantophobia 5 vestiture | |
12 | fabric with horizontal stripes in strongly contrasting colours |
1 resection 2 keelson 3 taupe 4 bayadere 5 freeboard | |
13 | identicality in substance |
1 barcarole 2 contenement 3 anthropoglot 4 meldometer 5 homoousia | |
14 | clan or tribe |
1 phratry 2 triphthong 3 cosmocrat 4 pandiculation 5 bezique | |
15 | on guard |
1 multisonant 2 estacade 3 excubant 4 avital 5 talalgia | |
16 | hand-shaped |
1 postscenium 2 agonistic 3 nankeen 4 bitts 5 palmate | |
17 | bony; bone-like |
1 acerate 2 osteoid 3 anopsia 4 foss 5 parasynesis | |
18 | of or pertaining to the wing or shoulder |
1 culver 2 alar 3 anaclastic 4 familistere 5 sarment | |
19 | resembling wax |
1 ceraceous 2 tocology 3 speculum 4 corium 5 epiphenomenalism | |
20 | occupying the same regions but not interbreeding |
1 sympatric 2 geomancy 3 gorgonize 4 sigmate 5 homonym | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | relating to unconscious logical thought |
1 hypnoetic 2 rescript 3 munificence 4 compeer 5 vinewed | |
22 | of or pertaining to gulls |
1 reticulate 2 laroid 3 organdie 4 retiform 5 phonasthenia | |
23 | lying or exaggerating to an abnormal extent |
1 deixis 2 dextroduction 3 obstriction 4 jointure 5 mythomania | |
24 | adherent of doctrine that pleasure is ultimate goal |
1 delope 2 xerodermia 3 anagalactic 4 cyrenaic 5 paradisiacal | |
25 | able to be explained |
1 arenaceous 2 torsiograph 3 exponible 4 zootrophy 5 pelology | |
26 | study of drugs |
1 peristrephic 2 pharmacology 3 woning 4 banausic 5 bodach | |
27 | secret or illegal church assembly |
1 hirsuties 2 codicil 3 conventicle 4 integument 5 clastic | |
28 | to command; to order; to prohibit by injunction |
1 potatory 2 enjoin 3 tractile 4 zooid 5 minuet | |
29 | flag pole at stern of a ship |
1 flagstaff 2 gasiform 3 epideictic 4 humectation 5 teleonomy | |
30 | shaped like a stalk |
1 stipiform 2 jobbery 3 qigong 4 aceldama 5 thermonous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | producing many or several at a birth |
1 pteric 2 falsidical 3 marquisette 4 polytocous 5 poriferous | |
32 | well-read individual; person with wide knowledge of books |
1 cyllosis 2 bibliognost 3 lateritious 4 pontifice 5 bangtail | |
33 | fine given to married women for adultery |
1 lairwite 2 papilliform 3 abask 4 marline 5 paedonymic | |
34 | attractive to the other sex |
1 epigamic 2 attainder 3 lethe 4 nidifugous 5 alluvion | |
35 | first or direct experience |
1 nebbich 2 supernal 3 tonometer 4 stretcher 5 protopathy | |
36 | riffraff; proletarian; the mob; rabble |
1 coacervate 2 monoculus 3 limner 4 canaille 5 cavernicolous | |
37 | line connecting points of equal subterranean temperature |
1 mammose 2 lexigram 3 capstan 4 burnet 5 isogeotherm | |
38 | of or having a hard shell; brick-red |
1 decantate 2 lanuginose 3 downhaul 4 gault 5 testaceous | |
39 | lackey; person employed to do various jobs |
1 cenote 2 factotum 3 thermograph 4 celadon 5 resorb | |
40 | silk and wool watered fabric |
1 paysage 2 collogue 3 malaguena 4 tabinet 5 insculp | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | means of ending legislative debate |
1 pandemonism 2 cloture 3 frangible 4 estaminet 5 ectogenesis | |
42 | instrument for solving triangles |
1 proceleusmatic 2 phonendoscope 3 trigonometer 4 spider 5 pinacotheca | |
43 | to blend together; to adapt |
1 mammiform 2 grapholagnia 3 contemper 4 mountenance 5 tranchet | |
44 | having the quality of binding or uniting firmly |
1 preconcert 2 insculp 3 Momus 4 kinetics 5 cementatory | |
45 | restrictive influence of the past on the present |
1 ell 2 bausond 3 exenterate 4 mortmain 5 fossick | |
46 | instrument for measuring evaporating capacity of air |
1 algedonics 2 preseminal 3 counterscarp 4 atmometer 5 badinage | |
47 | government by mobs or crowds |
1 tegmental 2 vulpicide 3 scoria 4 heteroecious 5 mobocracy | |
48 | mine used to destroy underground enemy emplacement |
1 trigonometer 2 synoeciosis 3 valorise 4 camouflet 5 pyretology | |
49 | condition of legal nullification |
1 supra 2 jibboom 3 diriment 4 zalambdodont 5 helminthiasis | |
50 | opening in a skirt or shirt for a pocket |
1 refugium 2 whipstall 3 kinetheodolite 4 candescent 5 placket | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | doctrine that there is only one kind of existence |
1 volable 2 jannock 3 mazarine 4 henism 5 hepatoscopy | |
52 | fighting while heavily armoured |
1 hogget 2 opisometer 3 hoplomachy 4 trismus 5 treenail | |
53 | readily flowing away |
1 saprophyte 2 fimetic 3 diffluent 4 syntexis 5 ollamh | |
54 | deep gully in peat moor area |
1 xeric 2 grough 3 lacertiform 4 sublineation 5 crepehanger | |
55 | softening a painting using a dry brush |
1 myrmecology 2 fanion 3 sylviculture 4 scumble 5 yarborough | |
56 | between stars |
1 intersidereal 2 remora 3 entitative 4 castellar 5 lachrymatory | |
57 | stupidity |
1 microclimatology 2 hebetude 3 ebeneous 4 chirospasm 5 colubriform | |
58 | mollusks including snails; slugs; whelks |
1 lauds 2 gastropod 3 responsory 4 hyperdulia 5 equipluve | |
59 | origin and evolution as if branching from common ancestor |
1 erethism 2 aphicide 3 cladogenesis 4 highbinder 5 tempore | |
60 | producing or produced in urine |
1 hauberk 2 somnipathy 3 tonish 4 urogenous 5 lardaceous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | additional name; surname; nickname |
1 chaussures 2 verbigeration 3 propadeuctic 4 succorrhoea 5 agnomen | |
62 | swimming upstream |
1 mechanolatry 2 torpillage 3 contranatant 4 tragomaschalia 5 nulliparous | |
63 | mountain climber |
1 panjandrum 2 juratory 3 foremast 4 alpenstocker 5 exstrophy | |
64 | abatement of heat; coolness; decrease of fever |
1 poundal 2 sideroscope 3 defervescence 4 gomphiasis 5 stereoscope | |
65 | primordial; primitive |
1 videlicet 2 doryphorus 3 cella 4 protomorphic 5 piscivorous | |
66 | anything forked |
1 fourchette 2 largition 3 mournival 4 peck 5 gratulatory | |
67 | irrational propensity for spending money wastefully |
1 squandermania 2 imsonic 3 haurient 4 zooid 5 aggry | |
68 | irregularity of the teeth |
1 microtome 2 hyperhidrosis 3 vindemial 4 odontoloxia 5 didymous | |
69 | capable of being sold |
1 vendible 2 hobbledehoy 3 whin 4 abulia 5 fuliginous | |
70 | of or relating to the moon |
1 selenic 2 noctilucent 3 palmary 4 transfluent 5 vermiculous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | ignorance |
1 postliminy 2 ferroniŠre 3 hawkshaw 4 agnosy 5 larvicide | |
72 | fugitive |
1 severalty 2 kex 3 lamister 4 duumvirate 5 verglas | |
73 | full; entire; complete; absolute; unqualified |
1 roturier 2 plenary 3 seine 4 scissile 5 sialogogue | |
74 | a rock formation containing water |
1 postdiluvian 2 koniscope 3 aquifer 4 urbicolous 5 spectrology | |
75 | to neigh; to bleat |
1 whicker 2 scalariform 3 juncaceous 4 circumaviate 5 rundle | |
76 | U-shaped fastener with pin used to close the open end |
1 anlace 2 amadelphous 3 chancery 4 banderol 5 clevis | |
77 | description of sacred things |
1 obmutescent 2 geratology 3 cassideous 4 hierography 5 dispiteous | |
78 | excess |
1 aegrotat 2 scintillometer 3 nimiety 4 clysmian 5 malvaceous | |
79 | utterance |
1 ancoral 2 yowie 3 prolation 4 subduplicate 5 pyrokinesis | |
80 | to cut plates out of many books to illustrate one |
1 grangerize 2 pullulate 3 lampadomancy 4 gramary 5 otalgia | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | edible pastry sculpture served between main courses |
1 cambium 2 oroide 3 lipothymy 4 madescent 5 entremets | |
82 | art of producing and staging dramatic works |
1 calumet 2 dramaturgy 3 geoponics 4 laeotropic 5 culmiferous | |
83 | bearing a disc or discus |
1 geocentrism 2 geromorphism 3 discigerous 4 opificer 5 rackrent | |
84 | marking the beginning or formation |
1 whitecoat 2 leiotrichous 3 circumpose 4 inceptive 5 reddendum | |
85 | killing or slaughter of a sacrificial victim |
1 proclisis 2 mactation 3 skive 4 egoism 5 woodwose | |
86 | instrument for recording fluid pressure |
1 isogeotherm 2 eolation 3 motte 4 reprography 5 kymograph | |
87 | killing of trypanosomes |
1 libertinage 2 excogitate 3 fascine 4 fanal 5 trypanocide | |
88 | divination using small objects |
1 moriform 2 asseveration 3 dichogamous 4 attrahent 5 micromancy | |
89 | of an animal's coloration or markings |
1 frigolabile 2 apatetic 3 drumlin 4 chiromancy 5 prevision | |
90 | acting in place of another; having delegated authority |
1 hierography 2 omoplatoscopy 3 prescind 4 vicegerent 5 cowcat | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | bearing leaves; leaf-like |
1 syndyasmian 2 bdellotomy 3 mussitation 4 cosmetology 5 foliaceous | |
92 | bringing out latent thoughts; socratic |
1 castramentation 2 gu‚ridon 3 maieutic 4 hebephrenia 5 decimestrial | |
93 | helmsman |
1 consilience 2 octad 3 timoneer 4 alluvion 5 cantatrice | |
94 | obsession with flowers |
1 pathopoeia 2 ligniform 3 adoral 4 anthomania 5 obsequies | |
95 | insincere or glib assent |
1 ufology 2 ramuliferous 3 podalic 4 assentation 5 catamite | |
96 | pessimist; gloomy person |
1 bema 2 crepehanger 3 catoptric 4 mutchkin 5 succorrhoea | |
97 | letter for letter |
1 literatim 2 intercostal 3 victoria 4 radix 5 haplography | |
98 | to pour or diffuse through or over |
1 prorrhesis 2 forfaiting 3 perfuse 4 mnemotechny 5 toman | |
99 | marked with winding and haphazard lines |
1 rivulose 2 batrachophobia 3 pantograph 4 smalto 5 architrave | |
100 | pertaining to holidays |
1 barograph 2 silviculture 3 ferial 4 excresence 5 hotchpot |