Quiz 33 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 light two-wheeled carriage with seats back-to-back 1 terpsichorean
2 nodose
3 byssine
4 imbrue
5 dogcart
2 payment to feudal lord upon death of tenant farmer 1 dragoon
2 squamiform
3 heriot
4 velamentous
5 prelibation
3 metal frame on which meat is dried and/or roasted 1 fumatorium
2 patroclinous
3 buccan
4 mulm
5 resofincular
4 killing of a prophet 1 coehorn
2 demurrage
3 uranomancy
4 leprose
5 vaticide
5 pointed piece on a horseshoe to prevent slipping 1 meropia
2 phylactic
3 calk
4 scutiger
5 postexilic
6 divination using a donkey or ass 1 hogmanay
2 omophagy
3 onomancy
4 hydropathy
5 theophagy
7 pale blue 1 daw
2 watchet
3 roorback
4 helicoid
5 advert
8 shaped like a book 1 isometric
2 fermi
3 vaccary
4 opeidoscope
5 libriform
9 transposition of sounds or letters of a word 1 chain
2 incommode
3 dodoism
4 metathesis
5 diasyrm
10 shaped like a crescent 1 menisciform
2 bedaggle
3 chasuble
4 nubecula
5 supersolid
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 of or related to the hair 1 juggins
2 crinal
3 optative
4 rostelliform
5 aurantiaceous
12 theory of the origin of stars 1 catholicon
2 resipiscence
3 witeless
4 papule
5 astrogony
13 relating to the organization of atoms in a molecule 1 steric
2 ord
3 somniferous
4 monodont
5 dromond
14 renunciation of former beliefs 1 metopomancy
2 ophiolatry
3 antitypy
4 exsufflate
5 apostasy
15 bearing or having hair; hairy 1 eremite
2 comephorous
3 sapsago
4 leonine
5 lickerish
16 disposed, adorned, clothed 1 jussive
2 hypophrenia
3 tetramorph
4 crystalomancy
5 dight
17 stone in the lung 1 intumesce
2 pneumatolith
3 calando
4 velour
5 thaumatolatry
18 extremely loud 1 xeransis
2 stentorian
3 phrenic
4 acersecomic
5 sounder
19 abuse; rejection 1 aigrette
2 laniferous
3 distichous
4 vituperation
5 potamology
20 experiment; attempt 1 ampere
2 tentamen
3 seriocomic
4 limnophilous
5 merogenesis
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 depression; the blues 1 oviferous
2 maturescent
3 jug
4 caricology
5 cafard
22 shaped like a grain of rice 1 pastose
2 veracious
3 malacoid
4 geromorphism
5 riziform
23 first born 1 naturalism
2 noosphere
3 eigne
4 effusiometer
5 calorimeter
24 total body covering of hair, fur or feathers 1 commonalty
2 bahadur
3 marcidity
4 pyogenic
5 indumentum
25 having inherited paternal characteristics 1 patroclinous
2 basiation
3 delenda
4 noils
5 ictus
26 to milk or drain out 1 catenarian
2 synergism
3 tetralemma
4 emulge
5 capnomancy
27 like or relating to figs 1 hierophant
2 sonance
3 molluscicide
4 absinthism
5 caricous
28 fear of France or the French 1 abraxas
2 gallophobia
3 stylography
4 gyroidal
5 frazil
29 tomb covered with stone slabs 1 atresia
2 renitent
3 kistvaen
4 loimic
5 formic
30 pertaining to or like frogs 1 malmsey
2 ranine
3 Sapphism
4 monophysitism
5 capitation
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 indicating likeness or identity 1 equative
2 aquifer
3 desultory
4 muscicide
5 herpetoid
32 three-horned; three-cornered 1 jocko
2 maquette
3 elide
4 tricorn
5 pneumatics
33 the study of fingerprints 1 dactylography
2 reniform
3 methysis
4 hippology
5 paralipsis
34 derivation of words using hyphenated compounds 1 floriferous
2 zymogenic
3 bathyorographical
4 pejorism
5 parasynthesis
35 diamond-shaped plate or scale 1 twiforked
2 mascle
3 pluriparous
4 proairesis
5 satyrism
36 of or at the apex 1 grassing
2 messianism
3 rivulation
4 lygophobia
5 apical
37 coming into renewed life or vitality 1 renascent
2 synarchy
3 nappe
4 incoronate
5 pulvilliform
38 instrument for counting blood cells 1 cteniform
2 ambry
3 ductia
4 hemacytometer
5 webster
39 without fault; blameless 1 vigneron
2 witeless
3 hindforemost
4 metoposcopy
5 jalousie
40 abnormal desire for strange foods 1 stalactiform
2 flagitious
3 opsonium
4 maggotorium
5 cittosis
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 suggestive of a loud overbearing woman 1 sloyd
2 parvipotent
3 disembogue
4 zenana
5 viraginous
42 hibernating or sleeping during daylight 1 factious
2 minuet
3 diurnation
4 ecphonensis
5 annulet
43 marked with streaks or spots 1 ontocyclic
2 detritus
3 brindled
4 ret
5 auriphrygia
44 dangerous 1 omphaloid
2 periculous
3 synechiology
4 saltation
5 branchiform
45 silver gravy dish 1 lygophilia
2 argyll
3 armisonant
4 zootheism
5 bosket
46 narrow strait 1 viduity
2 paresis
3 vivat
4 photopia
5 kyle
47 eardrum 1 cymometer
2 wapenshaw
3 myringa
4 flaughter
5 xylocarp
48 lion-like appearance symptomatic of leprosy 1 lionism
2 specious
3 medius
4 manometer
5 hyrax
49 wedding present 1 camsteary
2 hednon
3 stagnicolous
4 mandorla
5 narcohypnia
50 having white spots on the forehead 1 mechanolatry
2 stichomythia
3 madescent
4 cholelithiasis
5 bausond
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 shaped like a pear 1 pyriform
2 impletion
3 cachinnate
4 napiform
5 graphospasm
52 imbecilic; senile; like a very old woman 1 anile
2 pyogenic
3 gravid
4 bistre
5 ectobatic
53 anarchy; government by none 1 plutology
2 paromoeon
3 sagittary
4 rhipidate
5 acracy
54 pearl-like 1 hyponym
2 voluted
3 luciform
4 margaric
5 monolith
55 jewel supposedly found inside a dragon's head 1 calamus
2 abraid
3 urticant
4 goliardy
5 draconites
56 of or pertaining to blood 1 karyokinesis
2 limnology
3 floatant
4 hodometry
5 haemal
57 in the form of an almost complete ring 1 cloaca
2 cimier
3 penannular
4 scission
5 achor
58 vigorous stamping dance 1 perron
2 ductia
3 limacine
4 tendentious
5 eclosion
59 like a chalice or cup 1 burrel
2 comprecation
3 calicular
4 odograph
5 laicism
60 ignorant preacher 1 incrassate
2 antanaclasis
3 creant
4 proctal
5 martext
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 pertaining or relating to rogues or roguish behaviour 1 trochlear
2 filaceous
3 quasi
4 picaresque
5 dripstone
62 bristle or bristle-like organ 1 phaeton
2 fodient
3 seta
4 redoubtable
5 epulation
63 capable of being written upon 1 ixiodic
2 retronym
3 scribable
4 gomphosis
5 synecdochial
64 giver of alms; social worker in a hospital 1 demonomancy
2 almoner
3 rupicoline
4 tautophony
5 synarchy
65 having arrow-like prickles 1 thermantidote
2 souterrain
3 outage
4 jaculiferous
5 radiogoniometer
66 wateriness of the eyes 1 rachidian
2 titaniferous
3 geniculate
4 dacryops
5 pseudosmia
67 paltry person; little dog 1 merdivorous
2 emulge
3 whiffet
4 brachiation
5 quadrigenarious
68 like, growing in or consisting of sand 1 twizzle
2 arenaceous
3 durometer
4 bicorn
5 postexilic
69 urgency 1 boning
2 forficate
3 clamancy
4 monergism
5 patagium
70 small square block used as a space in printing 1 insolate
2 quadrat
3 antiblastic
4 wristlet
5 vaticinate
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 to assign or allot 1 accolade
2 tinchel
3 stole
4 velitation
5 aret
72 relating to the interpretation of passages 1 lanate
2 mussitate
3 epagoge
4 hermeneutic
5 topology
73 chemical property of structural handedness 1 chirality
2 anon
3 gradualism
4 coign
5 unguinous
74 apparently dead; deathly; deadly 1 philematophobe
2 thanatoid
3 accourage
4 cerements
5 oogenesis
75 poem consisting of five tercets and a quatrain 1 bursiculate
2 villanelle
3 chirology
4 ataraxia
5 globuliferous
76 furious; bacchanalian 1 mordacious
2 maenadic
3 trellis
4 variegated
5 metaphysis
77 three-faced pebble worn by wind 1 setigerous
2 dreikanter
3 rowen
4 siderate
5 mystacial
78 plant that grows on rock 1 lithophyte
2 aborticide
3 drupaceous
4 eutony
5 formant
79 wrought iron work 1 gradgrind
2 cantabank
3 serrurerie
4 sordor
5 marocain
80 squadron of aircraft; flotilla 1 escadrille
2 ordo
3 fantigue
4 reptation
5 symposiarch
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 carnation-coloured; blood-red 1 telega
2 dehisce
3 forestay
4 incarnadine
5 katathermometer
82 extinct African wild ass like the zebra 1 fungiform
2 hourd
3 syndetic
4 congener
5 quagga
83 instrument for measuring the growth of plants 1 factitious
2 crescograph
3 angary
4 dimissory
5 merino
84 bundle of brushwood used to fill ditches 1 fascine
2 carucate
3 chiliad
4 accinge
5 catalactic
85 belief that the perception of truth is by intuition 1 putcher
2 intuitionism
3 sapiential
4 cassideous
5 veneniferous
86 diagnosis of pregnancy by applying sharp force to abdomen 1 labeorphily
2 toponymics
3 nepheloid
4 ballottement
5 schematomancy
87 pertaining or relating to the earth 1 saltativeness
2 plumbeous
3 ritornel
4 requiescat
5 geal
88 doctrine of life and afterlife 1 eschatology
2 parotic
3 candent
4 diaphanous
5 puriform
89 innovation; newness 1 hallux
2 anzactile
3 novity
4 misbeseem
5 sepiment
90 to be in a state of turmoil or chaos 1 carronade
2 exprobate
3 farinaceous
4 endeictic
5 welter
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 charge for keeping stray cattle 1 peroral
2 kebbie
3 dodecafid
4 poundage
5 criophore
92 able to float; able to be sailed 1 natable
2 inconscient
3 zootaxy
4 satinet
5 phocomelia
93 military engine for throwing great stones 1 gnotobiology
2 onager
3 gurgitate
4 acronym
5 torpedinous
94 study of types of things 1 ruche
2 metallogenic
3 obstreperous
4 theriomorph
5 typology
95 continuity or union of all things 1 delaminate
2 synechiology
3 potatory
4 yerk
5 bocking
96 divination by sounds from the belly 1 prescind
2 lupicide
3 sinistration
4 omphalomancy
5 gastromancy
97 resembling wheat or other grain 1 algid
2 brontophobia
3 stirps
4 frumentaceous
5 athetosis
98 explanatory, especially of Scripture 1 rackrent
2 hemitery
3 discobolus
4 chanticleer
5 exegetic
99 anonymous works 1 adespota
2 sanatory
3 chrismation
4 ere
5 merism
100 fear of Russia or Russians 1 Russophobia
2 geminate
3 calix
4 crithomancy
5 predella
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