Quiz 34 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 having scaly or rough surface; risqu‚ or obscene 1 inoperculate
2 abulia
3 scabrous
4 myrmecoid
5 retronym
2 fever 1 chiaroscuro
2 pyrexia
3 lyncean
4 octactinal
5 schadenfreude
3 very obstinate 1 galatea
2 colporteur
3 pervicacious
4 slummock
5 meatus
4 occurring in alternate years 1 hapaxanthous
2 trieteric
3 apparitor
4 mutic
5 skoptsy
5 relating to a string or cable 1 phocomelia
2 kermesse
3 aerolite
4 bibitory
5 funicular
6 dispelling shadows 1 writhled
2 furfuraceous
3 decalogist
4 alcatote
5 scialytic
7 knowledge; especially spiritual 1 chevaline
2 orleans
3 papilliform
4 gnosis
5 cordage
8 country dance 1 provand
2 caudiform
3 bergamask
4 maquis
5 scatology
9 bearing spores 1 epigon
2 mappemond
3 sporiferous
4 ditheism
5 sommelier
10 upright division between window panes 1 venule
2 mullion
3 holm
4 totemism
5 ordalian
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 of or relating to axes or hatchets 1 vigneron
2 deosculate
3 dolabrate
4 windle
5 sententia
12 book of customs, traditions and principles 1 minacious
2 urimancy
3 cachaemic
4 expiate
5 consuetudinary
13 excessive devotion to church tradition and form 1 patibulary
2 bathmism
3 cohibit
4 ecclesiolatry
5 spheromancy
14 marriage of a man to a woman of lower status 1 hypergamy
2 regardant
3 polyphyletic
4 tegmental
5 faviform
15 to push in stealthily 1 fremitus
2 subtrude
3 landau
4 writative
5 muciferous
16 mountain-dwelling 1 vitriform
2 encyclical
3 cognomen
4 monticolous
5 suaveolent
17 to swarm; to teem; to breed freely; to sprout 1 intercipient
2 bavardage
3 tegument
4 lucifugous
5 pullulate
18 to clear of forest; to disforest 1 afterguard
2 plagiary
3 disafforest
4 polypod
5 sesquipedalian
19 to engrave, to cut or carve from something 1 fucivorous
2 cadastre
3 circa
4 insculp
5 ismatic
20 relating to charity or giving alms; dependent on charity 1 eleemosynary
2 hydrotimeter
3 sere
4 epicedial
5 theody
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 government by all equally 1 epistolary
2 imago
3 pantisocracy
4 peccable
5 tachograph
22 that may be overcome 1 alomancy
2 ceraunograph
3 vincible
4 exodromy
5 intellectualism
23 search with the hand; grope 1 pyrography
2 whittle
3 polysyndeton
4 grabble
5 crinigerous
24 divided in two by a deep split 1 trousseau
2 epigone
3 oriel
4 anagalactic
5 bifid
25 mustard gas 1 ogive
2 theomania
3 scepsis
4 stereotaxis
5 yperite
26 boiled wine with honey 1 mulse
2 woodshedding
3 novity
4 cleithral
5 ochlophobia
27 porpoise 1 sudoriparous
2 fecalith
3 sideral
4 mythogenesis
5 seahog
28 numbing 1 reprography
2 eccrinology
3 mutative
4 demonology
5 torpedinous
29 carefully argued examination of a topic 1 spissitude
2 anorchous
3 outroop
4 disquisition
5 meable
30 chattering of the teeth 1 zambomba
2 teasel
3 clypeate
4 odonterism
5 monepic
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 male midwife 1 whipsaw
2 monolith
3 eldritch
4 hypsometer
5 accoucheur
32 ratification 1 brachypodous
2 brodequin
3 ratihabition
4 feak
5 acantha
33 buying or selling of ecclesiastical offices 1 mixotrophic
2 quartering
3 fictile
4 trebuchet
5 simony
34 sure; certain; firm 1 macropterous
2 micrander
3 actinometer
4 quelch
5 siccar
35 vine-grower 1 habilitate
2 prefatorial
3 welk
4 vigneron
5 misopaedia
36 tending to use long or cumbersome words 1 ras
2 gemmeous
3 redhibition
4 scutage
5 sesquipedalian
37 anticipating and refuting objections to an argument 1 illuvium
2 girandole
3 col
4 hypobole
5 parallax
38 horseman's loose cloak 1 lecanomancy
2 cadge
3 smalt
4 chlamys
5 plurinominal
39 surface described by rotation of conic section about a line 1 tore
2 vug
3 consenescence
4 papyrology
5 raptorial
40 study of the entrails or viscera 1 hexamerous
2 collyrium
3 carpophagous
4 idiomorphic
5 splanchnology
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 perfect realization of ultimate goal or reason for existence 1 malar
2 entelechy
3 suppositious
4 mysophobia
5 amphipneust
42 threadbare; withered 1 sere
2 shabrack
3 ophidian
4 yardang
5 ensilage
43 finger exercise machine for pianists 1 lagostoma
2 cardophagus
3 ecclesiarchy
4 chirogymnast
5 ulatrophy
44 picture puzzle representing a word 1 aurulent
2 hansom
3 rebus
4 scoptophobia
5 olivetta
45 professional jester or minstrel 1 pluviose
2 ridibund
3 tourbillon
4 joculator
5 vespoid
46 altar boy who bears censer 1 comity
2 anaphia
3 chronograph
4 keckle
5 thurifer
47 to grumble; to drivel; to mutter 1 dactyliomancy
2 octonocular
3 maunder
4 croche
5 topophilia
48 lacking interest or significance; dull or insipid; dry; empty 1 ceticide
2 varec
3 jejune
4 rectalgia
5 sublunary
49 pastime 1 eleutheromania
2 pastance
3 gamophobia
4 aerobe
5 prestriction
50 bifurcate 1 micturition
2 porphyrous
3 eirenics
4 twiforked
5 soutache
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 fear of or distaste for food 1 fathometer
2 amnicolist
3 cinerious
4 cibophobia
5 agalactia
52 bathing in cold water 1 psychrolusia
2 replevin
3 munify
4 demisang
5 quadroon
53 false or abnormal physical form 1 accend
2 encraty
3 psychofugal
4 pseudomorph
5 twain
54 having eight rays or points 1 apodictic
2 eutropic
3 madescent
4 octactinal
5 tardiloquous
55 talking in one's sleep 1 pyrrhic
2 pyrrhous
3 homophobia
4 cholelithiasis
5 somniloquence
56 thin silk satin or imitation thereof 1 sacciform
2 chaplet
3 satinet
4 baroscope
5 wanchancy
57 perhaps; possibly 1 glutinous
2 maenadic
3 torpillage
4 glottogonic
5 peradventure
58 writer of proverbs 1 forfex
2 tablature
3 purser
4 hexamerous
5 paroemiographer
59 to denounce or place under a curse 1 expiate
2 aularian
3 impecunious
4 execrate
5 derrick
60 wild plum 1 bullace
2 singultous
3 bonzery
4 ziganka
5 gleet
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 iron bar used to support the end of a log in a fire 1 flammulated
2 expeditate
3 bathysmal
4 andiron
5 ingluvies
62 resembling a jellyfish 1 oxyacaesthesia
2 medusiform
3 purulence
4 purloin
5 scattery
63 covered with layers 1 helcology
2 tunicate
3 adnascent
4 peatary
5 vibronic
64 petrifaction 1 multeity
2 lapifidication
3 superinduce
4 tanti
5 schadenfreude
65 variation of poker where blank card can have any value 1 praxis
2 gaff
3 mistigris
4 tabinet
5 speculum
66 change of abode 1 demigration
2 scrotiform
3 emmew
4 coticular
5 volens
67 full of meaning; aphoristic; tending to moralize 1 seine
2 pluriparous
3 nacre
4 sententious
5 panegyry
68 suffering from frequent and severe earthquakes 1 superincumbent
2 malloseismic
3 vineatic
4 pavid
5 lysis
69 study of election results and voting trends 1 momentaneous
2 highbinder
3 incompossible
4 archididascalian
5 psephology
70 to grow together 1 lactogenic
2 pyrolatry
3 concrew
4 dysgenics
5 schw„rmerei
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 measurement of speed 1 sheading
2 aliped
3 gaposis
4 disgregation
5 tachymetry
72 wishing to please others; obliging 1 improvident
2 torsive
3 risorgimento
4 pareunia
5 complaisant
73 substructure; foundation; basement 1 zona
2 whiffler
3 stereobate
4 megrim
5 accessit
74 a spittoon 1 oryctomancy
2 placentiform
3 musal
4 cuspidor
5 forcipate
75 inherent disposition 1 ruderal
2 martlet
3 coleopterology
4 indoles
5 myrmecoid
76 soft fleshy tumour in horses 1 anbury
2 belling
3 xenomancy
4 photic
5 rhysimeter
77 squint due to weakness in the eye muscles 1 sagene
2 utraquist
3 diogenic
4 cyclophoria
5 olivetta
78 cloth for wiping away sweat 1 sudarium
2 zonule
3 astrionics
4 undecennial
5 refulgent
79 ironic expression of idea by refuting its contrary 1 hyrax
2 enantiosis
3 apologetics
4 pandemian
5 cincture
80 threadlike; having a threadlike end 1 squirage
2 vulgus
3 nithing
4 filose
5 ursal
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 destroyer of myths 1 antimony
2 mythoclast
3 subrident
4 timoneer
5 traduce
82 measurement of proportions of chemical reactions 1 nickeliferous
2 lugubrious
3 gallinaceous
4 stoichiometry
5 genoa
83 unit of permeability of rock to various substances 1 needlecord
2 zootomy
3 execrate
4 darcy
5 talaric
84 touching 1 sundog
2 attingent
3 brachet
4 prorrhesis
5 effete
85 highly polished convex gem 1 gemmate
2 adespota
3 relucent
4 cabochon
5 cocarde
86 spontaneous generation of living matter 1 siliciferous
2 anacrisis
3 solander
4 diplomatics
5 abiogenesis
87 of or pertaining to the gums 1 hydrotimeter
2 cauliform
3 bluepeter
4 limpid
5 uletic
88 blossoming or foliating early 1 gomphiasis
2 rifacimento
3 protoplast
4 natatorium
5 prevernal
89 a piddling grammarian 1 pipkin
2 escadrille
3 agrapha
4 fossick
5 grammaticaster
90 early wind instrument resembling the trombone 1 oomancy
2 singillatim
3 sackbut
4 postilion
5 xerotripsis
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 archbishop holding authority over other bishops 1 metropolitan
2 peregrination
3 inessive
4 solferino
5 chronosynchronicity
92 individual opposed to vivisection 1 transverberate
2 explement
3 profulgent
4 bestiarian
5 malvaceous
93 shaped like a beak 1 coronoid
2 quasi
3 ochroleucous
4 immanent
5 suborn
94 to take the strength from 1 cotyliform
2 cento
3 spadix
4 unsinew
5 papilionaceous
95 prayer service held just before bedtime 1 bodge
2 formicide
3 whang
4 radioscope
5 compline
96 soft light cotton fabric resembling silk 1 neophobia
2 silkaline
3 sciomancy
4 tomograph
5 witenagemot
97 dimensions of a cross-section of timber; a small amount 1 acre-breadth
2 scantling
3 colliform
4 breve
5 lapactic
98 the act of stretching and yawning 1 euchology
2 pandiculation
3 sulphorous
4 secretum
5 rodenticide
99 reserving clause in a lease 1 masseter
2 reddendum
3 hylozoism
4 alviducous
5 cepivorous
100 lying in speech or writing 1 alcahest
2 planipennate
3 euhemerism
4 moucharaby
5 pseudologia
  by Mosh   Suggestions?