Quiz 35 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 frictional force occurring when surfaces set together 1 imperscriptible
2 stiction
3 mammogenic
4 jumelle
5 inumbrate
2 study of effects of work on humans 1 whiskerando
2 brank
3 pervicacious
4 hypotaxis
5 ergology
3 making of books 1 orogenesis
2 unreeve
3 bibliopoesy
4 gymnosophy
5 cocciferous
4 resembling or filled with water; insipid or diluted 1 eutony
2 younker
3 waterish
4 outage
5 snath
5 centaur; archer 1 Parnassian
2 predacious
3 sagittary
4 arboricolous
5 saltant
6 ensign with streamers hung from a horizontal bar 1 aubade
2 bellonion
3 fouter
4 gonfalon
5 ferriferous
7 sharp; shooting pain 1 enthalpy
2 lancination
3 solacious
4 scholion
5 caparison
8 prayer service held in early evening 1 vespers
2 triage
3 cataplasm
4 leno
5 plantocracy
9 emission of light caused by friction 1 meliphagous
2 triboluminescence
3 funest
4 ethnomania
5 britska
10 area that has retained earlier geographic conditions 1 larboard
2 refugium
3 matutolypea
4 gatefold
5 askefise
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 theory that actions are determined by prior history; fatalism 1 necessarianism
2 aeonian
3 countermand
4 espalier
5 philhippic
12 tripod for a pot; metal plate to raise food from heat 1 pancratic
2 verst
3 trivet
4 synallagmatic
5 palladian
13 threatening 1 cosmorama
2 teg
3 minatory
4 gastromancy
5 oculate
14 wrinkled; shriveled 1 geotechnics
2 writhled
3 killcrop
4 fougade
5 weasand
15 moving or turning away from the earth 1 carious
2 ageotropic
3 pseudomania
4 phototelegraph
5 hippophobe
16 one who hates the clergy 1 atactic
2 mollycoddle
3 primo
4 misoclere
5 hypercathexis
17 burning of a heretic 1 covinous
2 oscillograph
3 circumforaneous
4 auto-da-fe
5 paletot
18 belief that the mind possesses inborn thoughts 1 nativism
2 cordwainer
3 acidimeter
4 siderate
5 equivorous
19 relating to stipends issued by a church 1 psephitic
2 prebendal
3 furacious
4 cavicorn
5 versicular
20 instrument for measuring growth of plants 1 cinerious
2 turnery
3 pulpitum
4 historicism
5 auxanometer
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 to crackle; to snap; to rattle 1 enantiosis
2 pedipulate
3 adpress
4 crepitate
5 orpiment
22 recasting of a literary or musical work 1 declinometer
2 synaposematism
3 mumpsimus
4 rifacimento
5 hieromancy
23 to let out of the proper vessels; to flow out 1 anisothenic
2 extravasate
3 plurinominal
4 glochidiate
5 physiologus
24 free interbreeding 1 muller
2 tach
3 factitious
4 poikilitic
5 syngamy
25 an opium preparation 1 cypress
2 keratometer
3 laudanum
4 dextrogyratory
5 lenify
26 waiting in ambush 1 lochetic
2 alforge
3 thaumaturgy
4 causimancy
5 tachyscope
27 production of crystals 1 devall
2 bretasche
3 crystallogenesis
4 picine
5 pedicular
28 rising spirally and turning from right to left 1 bordure
2 cariogenic
3 xanthareel
4 uresis
5 sinistrorse
29 prehistoric 1 gorget
2 selenic
3 intervallum
4 proleptical
5 theriomorph
30 old name for decomposed basalt 1 araphorostic
2 lollop
3 simony
4 verjuice
5 wack
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 stormy 1 alannah
2 procellous
3 grattoir
4 retrorse
5 farad
32 stake; pole 1 hygrometry
2 absterge
3 stang
4 bicollateral
5 conurbation
33 contour or outline 1 contorno
2 flamen
3 orarian
4 setiform
5 noesis
34 mark left on a tablecloth by a wet glass 1 pertinacity
2 hypural
3 ferriferous
4 culicino
5 assoil
35 study of mammals 1 syphilology
2 mastology
3 flaught
4 geal
5 pardie
36 case of only one buyer for products of several sellers 1 inscenation
2 amanous
3 monopsony
4 strigiform
5 arrant
37 instrument for measuring speed 1 troat
2 dromometer
3 flounce
4 somnial
5 agraphia
38 fine soft woollen fabric 1 egoism
2 saxony
3 triplopia
4 tocophobia
5 vestiture
39 calcareous loam used in making brick 1 jurymast
2 malm
3 titrimetry
4 vesta
5 antibromic
40 instrument for detecting objects in darkness 1 attenuate
2 sematic
3 scotoscope
4 affreux
5 hederiferous
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 standard-bearer; pertaining to regimental colours or flags 1 cicisbeo
2 geniophobia
3 vexillary
4 courante
5 counterphobic
42 line connecting points of equal density 1 weftage
2 isopycnic
3 iracundulous
4 magnetometer
5 electrodynamometer
43 study of paper 1 maudlin
2 jobation
3 papyrology
4 sublate
5 trierarchy
44 marked by extravagant and coarse satire 1 vastate
2 seminiferous
3 pantagruelian
4 contumulation
5 prevenancy
45 to redistill 1 sustentacular
2 bavian
3 cohobate
4 allicient
5 pavior
46 legal expert 1 psychophysics
2 jurisconsult
3 womby
4 vernicose
5 Christolatry
47 of, resembling or relating to fish 1 ichthyic
2 prototrophic
3 exodontia
4 cockshy
5 acroamatic
48 hanging by a rope or cord 1 arctophily
2 funipendulous
3 snift
4 tichorrhine
5 ecthlipsis
49 regeneration in a changed form 1 morphallaxis
2 theorbo
3 dittology
4 senicide
5 morphology
50 of or relating to tobacco 1 disport
2 telergy
3 interdine
4 nicotian
5 aporia
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 worship of human beings 1 teratogenic
2 catenarian
3 olfactology
4 anthropolatry
5 fiacre
52 small flute used to train songbirds 1 cabriolet
2 casemate
3 zufolo
4 skelic
5 warray
53 eating snakes 1 tentamen
2 ophiophagous
3 keffel
4 cytometer
5 depurate
54 final sound of a word or syllable 1 wergild
2 pseudologue
3 quaternity
4 oikology
5 auslaut
55 going beyond faith 1 delate
2 ultrafidian
3 onychoophagist
4 davenport
5 seersucker
56 Chinese mythical animal 1 armamentarium
2 cancrizans
3 georgic
4 pogrom
5 kylin
57 like or containing iron 1 timbal
2 siderose
3 serotinous
4 consilient
5 outmantle
58 located in the area between the eyes and the nose or snout 1 acarophobia
2 siccative
3 terraceous
4 tellurometer
5 loreal
59 extravagantly and romantically chivalrous; idealistic 1 quixotic
2 inhumist
3 carboy
4 absolutory
5 habiliment
60 turning pale 1 runology
2 accubation
3 pallescent
4 pantagruelian
5 pastern
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 feeding directly on uncombined elements 1 suffisance
2 ferulaceous
3 owlery
4 forel
5 prototrophic
62 narrow wooden spire on church roof 1 anthropophagous
2 siderognost
3 parablepsis
4 cohibit
5 flŠche
63 need 1 titubate
2 gamidolatry
3 glyptology
4 egency
5 entasis
64 three times per day 1 byssaceous
2 remanet
3 aioli
4 lithology
5 terdiurnal
65 study of religious feasts 1 disimmure
2 stellate
3 ecclesiastry
4 geogenous
5 heortology
66 agreement between the pope and a secular government 1 orthography
2 knubble
3 tinction
4 paidonosology
5 concordat
67 collection of sayings 1 beatster
2 edaphic
3 nomothetical
4 lyrate
5 logia
68 study of giants 1 egestion
2 gigantology
3 rubricate
4 mackintosh
5 pulvilli
69 rope used to haul a sail taut along a spar 1 outhaul
2 apophasis
3 rhamphoid
4 trilemma
5 ventripotent
70 unit of weight equal to 1/7000 of a pound 1 quintroon
2 quaestionary
3 grain
4 bullary
5 nidicolous
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 rough twilled wool 1 tontine
2 phyllomancy
3 quirister
4 tweed
5 lugsail
72 fear of thunder 1 bolus
2 graphology
3 tonitrophobia
4 fumage
5 batrachophobia
73 protrusion of an organ from the abdomen 1 mentum
2 pediform
3 scripturient
4 eventration
5 quaternity
74 great landed estates 1 filiferous
2 peculation
3 spirulate
4 gemmiferous
5 latifundia
75 swoon 1 sacristy
2 isopsephic
3 postscenium
4 tachyscope
5 lipothymy
76 science of rainfall 1 dissentient
2 hyetology
3 superficies
4 ustulation
5 phrenology
77 the act of binding; the state of being bound 1 libertinage
2 skelic
3 densitometer
4 speleology
5 ligation
78 branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling 1 cordovan
2 pertuse
3 lachrymiform
4 zymurgy
5 monachism
79 loose sleeveless robes worn by Anglican bishops 1 geniculate
2 chimere
3 clavigerous
4 formivorous
5 fatuous
80 poor wretch; self-pitying person 1 brachycerous
2 cassimere
3 silvicolous
4 pilgarlick
5 psammous
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 divination using blood 1 helicon
2 tegmental
3 prosyllogism
4 magirics
5 hematomancy
82 visible; obvious 1 phanic
2 braxy
3 naricorn
4 parabasis
5 indicia
83 iron framework around hatchway opening 1 trebuchet
2 aspergilliform
3 barmkin
4 cassock
5 fiddley
84 study of whales and dolphins 1 cetology
2 timbrology
3 resipiscence
4 chorographer
5 deodate
85 ill-tempered; very unpleasant 1 macrocosm
2 bilious
3 chaomandy
4 macrophobia
5 scelerat
86 like a scale 1 aspheterism
2 expostulate
3 squamoid
4 canard
5 bolus
87 study of ancient fish 1 klangfarbe
2 bottony
3 aiguille
4 palaeolimnology
5 archology
88 divination by opening a book at random 1 hastate
2 stereopsis
3 watchet
4 bibliomancy
5 cervelat
89 to incorporate 1 peroration
2 physiologus
3 incorpse
4 zanjero
5 tup
90 turning an organ inside out 1 paragnosis
2 gluconeogenesis
3 exstrophy
4 vermiform
5 taw
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 busybody; one keenly interested in gossip 1 muliebrity
2 isopleth
3 zootheism
4 montane
5 quidnunc
92 bearing sugar 1 subfusc
2 hyphaeresis
3 bletherskate
4 microseismometer
5 sacchariferous
93 sabre-toothed 1 adoptionism
2 exanimate
3 machairodont
4 stipiform
5 tritical
94 execution by deserting honey-covered person in the sun 1 hymnal
2 scaphism
3 agnomen
4 shrive
5 eikonology
95 worship of or belief in angels 1 genesic
2 alar
3 upas
4 tresayle
5 angelolatry
96 eulogistic 1 epaenetic
2 anaclitic
3 anachoric
4 kinesics
5 catabasis
97 the loser who wrote this damn list 1 tocology
2 claver
3 chrisomalis
4 fluminous
5 mirador
98 having one form or characteristics of either sex 1 morsure
2 lucriferous
3 epicene
4 marasmus
5 whilom
99 stupid; witless; vacant 1 papilionaceous
2 ideogeny
3 gaumless
4 tarantism
5 mulligrubs
100 professional whistler 1 pygia
2 ligation
3 jersey
4 headstock
5 siffleur
  by Mosh   Suggestions?