Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | a pronghorn |
1 buccal 2 cabrie 3 pelmatogram 4 jibboom 5 pennaceous | |
2 | instrument for measuring proportion of alcohol in solutions |
1 hieromancy 2 pessimal 3 cesious 4 alcoholometer 5 malloseismic | |
3 | of or pertaining to mortgages |
1 hypothecary 2 roup 3 exoculate 4 opinicus 5 ontogenesis | |
4 | act of giving, conferring or donating |
1 misogallic 2 furibund 3 sonification 4 ombr‚ 5 dation | |
5 | setting at little or no value |
1 hawsehole 2 floccinaucinihilipilification 3 paraphasia 4 oncology 5 seriatim | |
6 | shaped like a thorn |
1 hieroscopy 2 ecydisis 3 tachometer 4 aculeiform 5 myomancy | |
7 | fear of the number thirteen |
1 tombac 2 desiderium 3 nosism 4 triskaidekaphobia 5 synoecize | |
8 | living with another; dwelling in another creature's lair |
1 kep 2 inquiline 3 farouche 4 zootoxin 5 caruncle | |
9 | four-wheeled springless wagon |
1 younker 2 telega 3 rhinogenous 4 bouillotte 5 almuce | |
10 | the gullet or windpipe |
1 redhibition 2 kumiss 3 weasand 4 complot 5 astrogony | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | doctrine that ideas rather than external objects are basis of knowledge |
1 helictite 2 representationalism 3 excresence 4 ogee 5 interlunation | |
12 | prodigy; miracle; thaumaturgy |
1 triskaidekaphobia 2 jibboom 3 terry 4 wonderwork 5 xyster | |
13 | ram; pile-driver; striking face of steam hammer or jackhammer |
1 memoriter 2 tensimeter 3 tantivy 4 tup 5 hobnail | |
14 | punning |
1 adnomination 2 maskirovka 3 assuefaction 4 flacon 5 disquisition | |
15 | solid figure with each face a parallelogram |
1 propitiate 2 caryatid 3 anta 4 pelology 5 parallelepiped | |
16 | delay |
1 scaphoid 2 wive 3 struthious 4 mora 5 larithmics | |
17 | yellowish white |
1 cabotage 2 bandolier 3 ochroleucous 4 discept 5 bordereau | |
18 | lasting for an immeasurably long period of time |
1 graupel 2 dialectology 3 bausond 4 gnomon 5 aeonian | |
19 | inducing sweat |
1 swarf 2 hodiernal 3 hypostrophe 4 dalton 5 sudatory | |
20 | mortuary |
1 deadhouse 2 coffle 3 parvis 4 loxodromy 5 greige | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | partition between chimney flues |
1 schesis 2 withe 3 styliferous 4 antistrophe 5 acarology | |
22 | lame; broken down; decrepit |
1 psychagogue 2 spavined 3 phenogenesis 4 philotechnical 5 dendrophilous | |
23 | a small pocket violin |
1 pomaceous 2 kit 3 retiary 4 abba 5 jaggery | |
24 | shortness of breath |
1 anhelation 2 curmurring 3 anaudia 4 responsory 5 tophaceous | |
25 | rapacious; of or pertaining to a vulture |
1 r‚seau 2 vulturine 3 spectrograph 4 verticil 5 madefy | |
26 | above; earlier in a text |
1 sounder 2 supra 3 lawn 4 adjudge 5 tachyscope | |
27 | symptoms of pregnancy suffered by the father |
1 pellucid 2 carucate 3 pyrogenous 4 couvade 5 cladistics | |
28 | bass soloist in a choir |
1 weftage 2 diverticulum 3 pole 4 anbury 5 succentor | |
29 | osprey |
1 commorant 2 ossifrage 3 technography 4 morgue 5 flapdoodle | |
30 | completely roofed over |
1 villatic 2 quasquicentennial 3 fructivorous 4 cleithral 5 zymology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | tuft of hair immediately above horse's hoof |
1 fetlock 2 exarate 3 rictal 4 fleuret 5 stepney | |
32 | of or pertaining to butchers or executioners |
1 carnificial 2 ekka 3 percipient 4 sexton 5 stomacher | |
33 | divination using wax |
1 ablative 2 decalescence 3 ceroscopy 4 lavatory 5 waqf | |
34 | shaped like a boat |
1 succorrhoea 2 topsail 3 cismarine 4 obtruncate 5 cymbiform | |
35 | doctrine that Christ secretly exercised divine powers |
1 spiritualism 2 endlong 3 krypsis 4 epanalepsis 5 simnel | |
36 | of or relating to soils |
1 pabouche 2 eternalism 3 pedological 4 zoograft 5 acerate | |
37 | description of natural wonders |
1 adenotomy 2 protoplast 3 veduta 4 phyllomancy 5 thaumatography | |
38 | pertaining to the sinuses |
1 derrick 2 quorate 3 conciliabule 4 periscian 5 sinal | |
39 | divination by stones or meteorites |
1 guidon 2 acropodium 3 wanchancy 4 pauciloquent 5 lithomancy | |
40 | nonexistent principle of flammability inherent in matter |
1 decalescence 2 ombrology 3 passible 4 phlogiston 5 futurology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | bearing a placenta |
1 placentigerous 2 phylliform 3 abdominous 4 doloriferous 5 balefire | |
42 | spindle in a watch on which the chain is wound |
1 chelonian 2 undight 3 otalgia 4 calciferous 5 fusee | |
43 | putting one's foot in one's mouth |
1 coryphaeus 2 superscribe 3 glebe 4 uranomancy 5 dontopedalogy | |
44 | slow-paced |
1 ophidiomancy 2 jesuitical 3 sesquiplicate 4 curiosa 5 tardigrade | |
45 | conical wooden pin used to splice strands of rope |
1 fid 2 procidence 3 torvous 4 cameralism 5 pav‚ | |
46 | mistaken or false hearing |
1 ametropia 2 ait 3 limicoline 4 pseudacusis 5 diamant‚ | |
47 | a sob |
1 vocabularian 2 culmen 3 impest 4 anaclastic 5 singult | |
48 | scuffle or brawl |
1 bagarre 2 taurine 3 ulotrichous 4 flummery 5 radiciform | |
49 | government by paramours |
1 tempera 2 contriturate 3 trierarchy 4 hetaerocracy 5 ostiary | |
50 | refractive; of or pertaining to refraction |
1 anaclastic 2 epitimesis 3 synoecy 4 cosmolatry 5 monanthous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | line connecting points of equal variations of pressure |
1 brehon 2 rhombos 3 adoptionism 4 isometric 5 glycogenesis | |
52 | light beige |
1 helicon 2 suede 3 syneidesis 4 oneiromancy 5 drepanoid | |
53 | a small hook or hook-like process |
1 jansky 2 lacuna 3 hebamic 4 cecity 5 hamulus | |
54 | expelling worms |
1 discountenance 2 cathedra 3 aggiornamento 4 vermifugal 5 vineatic | |
55 | government by children |
1 mouldwarp 2 procinct 3 paedarchy 4 creatic 5 radular | |
56 | pushing backwards |
1 nacelle 2 clochard 3 retropulsion 4 limicoline 5 jolley | |
57 | of or pertaining to urine |
1 pregustation 2 porraceous 3 uretic 4 gradgrind 5 murrhine | |
58 | brush made from hair of polecat |
1 cardophagus 2 fitch 3 cordage 4 mycophagous 5 subindicate | |
59 | to free from illusion |
1 disillude 2 woold 3 engouement 4 puce 5 osmesis | |
60 | instrument for measuring velocity |
1 sudarium 2 cuspidor 3 kef 4 velocimeter 5 vaccimulgence | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | sacred word or acronym of four letters |
1 tetragrammaton 2 invaginate 3 cypress 4 yelm 5 dactylogram | |
62 | reclining as on a couch |
1 accubation 2 orology 3 antilogarithm 4 geognosy 5 sundog | |
63 | heavy lustrous silk or rayon with waxy feel |
1 extravasate 2 toroid 3 synteresis 4 polymicrian 5 panne | |
64 | going down; military retreat |
1 katabasis 2 multure 3 versute 4 geotaxis 5 maxwell | |
65 | series, chain or sequence |
1 catena 2 pantograph 3 divaricate 4 jejunator 5 mutic | |
66 | adhesive; sticky |
1 collectic 2 diabrotic 3 serment 4 zoochorous 5 rotograph | |
67 | every one that |
1 rebarbative 2 cyclophoria 3 vicereine 4 whichsoever 5 patroclinous | |
68 | any group of nine objects |
1 scopophobia 2 exergue 3 ennead 4 mactation 5 teratoid | |
69 | bearing a bristle |
1 guipure 2 unleal 3 hodometry 4 calicular 5 styliferous | |
70 | swallowing |
1 innominate 2 glutition 3 clinquant 4 hamular 5 exodromy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | excessive desire for food or eating |
1 mentatiferous 2 mizzle 3 synoecize 4 phagomania 5 accubitum | |
72 | eating many types of food |
1 julep 2 latticinio 3 polyphagous 4 nullifidian 5 pachyglossal | |
73 | to renounce or repudiate |
1 porringer 2 abnegate 3 trophotropism 4 eyas 5 rummer | |
74 | hedge; fence; barrier |
1 farctate 2 superinduce 3 sepiment 4 proemptosis 5 thanatopsis | |
75 | having long feet |
1 lorgnon 2 solipsism 3 advowson 4 dolichopodous 5 coniferous | |
76 | bemused; bewildered; intoxicated |
1 gleed 2 pizzle 3 pixilated 4 woodreeve 5 katabasis | |
77 | premature graying of the hair |
1 synergism 2 dipnoous 3 poliosis 4 hyperemesis 5 pectiniform | |
78 | producing milk |
1 transmigrationism 2 lactogenic 3 stercomancy 4 fascicle 5 mucilage | |
79 | something appropriate or proper |
1 sphygmomanometer 2 scutigerous 3 biens‚ance 4 catenate 5 numen | |
80 | a view of different parts of the world |
1 orthodromics 2 rhexis 3 cosmorama 4 suppedaneum 5 lientery | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | celestial circle that intersects another at the poles |
1 subnascent 2 wormcast 3 wainscot 4 zoomorphism 5 colure | |
82 | yellow or black sackcloth garment worn by heretics prior to execution |
1 chartaceous 2 zarzuela 3 terrier 4 apophasis 5 sanbenito | |
83 | one-man show; play having only one actor |
1 monodrama 2 lodesman 3 neorama 4 seahog 5 ferrule | |
84 | metaphor |
1 tralatition 2 polemology 3 otic 4 coacervate 5 subjoin | |
85 | change for the worse |
1 retromorphosis 2 flumen 3 soup‡on 4 relict 5 recrudescence | |
86 | relating to wrongful injury by object or animal of another |
1 catoptromancy 2 munting 3 noxal 4 staddle 5 pulverulent | |
87 | interference due to different wave frequencies |
1 antevenient 2 spinnaker 3 dentiform 4 heterodyne 5 equipoise | |
88 | decayed with loss of branches |
1 neomorphic 2 triptote 3 pogonology 4 doddered 5 parasigmatism | |
89 | looseness in the teeth |
1 cernuous 2 kinetics 3 landocracy 4 abterminal 5 agomphosis | |
90 | plant-like animal such as coral |
1 plantar 2 ivresse 3 zoophyte 4 jesuitical 5 reduit | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | flowing in |
1 immanation 2 xenomancy 3 ginnery 4 clem 5 vitalism | |
92 | inept; trivial |
1 condign 2 stomatolalia 3 planish 4 footling 5 throstle | |
93 | star-shaped; starry |
1 revie 2 oleic 3 cibophobia 4 stellate 5 synergism | |
94 | the decline of a disease in a population |
1 alexia 2 catabasis 3 vermiculous 4 timbromania 5 appurtenance | |
95 | compiler of opinions of philosophers |
1 liber 2 bulimy 3 cantative 4 ideopraxist 5 doxographer | |
96 | unit of force to accelerate 1 gram to 1 cm per second per second |
1 dyne 2 provine 3 toponym 4 lutulent 5 hospitium | |
97 | old man; churl; goblin or spectre |
1 disomus 2 kilobase 3 adjutage 4 faience 5 bodach | |
98 | one who believes in nervous origin of most diseases |
1 cachinnate 2 pyrography 3 ferula 4 pugil 5 neuropath | |
99 | high musical tone |
1 mandriarch 2 ostrichism 3 noctidiurnal 4 alt 5 hydrotimeter | |
100 | one who brings meat to the table |
1 chyle 2 hemialgia 3 colporteur 4 euonymous 5 dapifer |