Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | diminished susceptibility to pain |
1 ostler 2 semelincident 3 subnubilar 4 hypalgesia 5 pyretology | |
2 | term which is a member of a larger class |
1 platypodia 2 hyponym 3 plagiary 4 antemundane 5 nomancy | |
3 | to breed individuals of different strains of a species |
1 tormentum 2 pheretrer 3 outcross 4 aliped 5 videtur | |
4 | lack of similarity or affinity |
1 diffinity 2 zoopathology 3 gig 4 timbromania 5 tactual | |
5 | root-eating |
1 bogan 2 adytum 3 rhizophagous 4 vervelle 5 planchet | |
6 | of unknown origin |
1 sottisier 2 hygroscope 3 drap-de-Berry 4 cryptogenic 5 ruridecanal | |
7 | the melting of one thing into another |
1 coprophemia 2 doramania 3 trachyphonia 4 illiquation 5 tog | |
8 | medieval troubadour or poet |
1 cucumiform 2 minnesinger 3 ophidiophobia 4 lintel 5 crotaline | |
9 | coarsely hilarious |
1 Rabelaisian 2 apostasy 3 paramatta 4 minauderie 5 claver | |
10 | relating to cobbling or sewing |
1 trichosis 2 cervine 3 parastatic 4 psammite 5 sutorian | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | of a sulcus; grooved; furrowed |
1 audile 2 sulcal 3 admeasurement 4 institorial 5 adamitism | |
12 | instrument to measure strength of wine |
1 kakistocracy 2 coronoid 3 alcovinometer 4 crateriform 5 misopaedia | |
13 | a firm grip; a contract |
1 handfast 2 limaciform 3 recrement 4 nematology 5 stigmatic | |
14 | turned outward |
1 matachin 2 thanatoid 3 extrorse 4 ramage 5 dicaeology | |
15 | sinfulness; transgression |
1 marocain 2 subjacent 3 syrinx 4 peccancy 5 mechanism | |
16 | habitual grinding of the teeth |
1 romal 2 deiform 3 bavian 4 bruxism 5 gyromancy | |
17 | the whole number of one's clients |
1 antibasilican 2 monture 3 theologoumenon 4 marc 5 clientage | |
18 | science of breeding domestic animals and plants |
1 hierurgy 2 electuary 3 metabasis 4 thremmatology 5 thearchy | |
19 | dramatic work in which one actor plays many roles |
1 essive 2 acaulescent 3 monopolylogue 4 cancrizans 5 subinfeudate | |
20 | a sheep in its second year; the fleece of such a sheep |
1 parthophobia 2 simity 3 saltationism 4 teg 5 pervious | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | perpetual but conditional lease of property |
1 premove 2 emphyteusis 3 interjacent 4 jennet 5 dynamometer | |
22 | thousandth; consisting of thousandth parts |
1 avaunt 2 muslin 3 pathognomic 4 polymath 5 millesimal | |
23 | doubling of ordinarily single organ or part |
1 pregustation 2 lachrymose 3 maidan 4 prosodemic 5 diplogenesis | |
24 | shaped like a horn |
1 occipital 2 gyve 3 nomic 4 vettura 5 corniform | |
25 | study of proper names |
1 onomastics 2 needlecord 3 shuftiscope 4 somatognosis 5 demogenic | |
26 | caused by the breaking down of cells |
1 postil 2 lysigenic 3 biddery 4 caret 5 pergola | |
27 | running down; decurrent |
1 defluent 2 paradromic 3 lepidopterous 4 hydrodynamics 5 iconography | |
28 | having a circumflex accent on the final syllable |
1 discigerous 2 redact 3 supersolid 4 perispomenon 5 gasiform | |
29 | ship's sail above the lowermost sail |
1 fairlead 2 pluviometer 3 topsail 4 fluviology 5 lunation | |
30 | promoting growth of the milk glands |
1 lucriferous 2 lacuna 3 mammogenic 4 surcingle 5 catastrophism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | group of hired applauders or sycophants |
1 vagile 2 claque 3 outjet 4 helminthiasis 5 decastich | |
32 | large rope for mooring or towing a ship |
1 monarchy 2 paracentral 3 munificence 4 hawser 5 isocephaly | |
33 | crest of helmet; removable heraldic device or favour of courtly love |
1 suberous 2 paroemiology 3 limicolous 4 storiology 5 cimier | |
34 | attested copy; inspection of accounts |
1 maliferous 2 kantar 3 vidimus 4 reginal 5 phenogenesis | |
35 | small dish used for holding small amounts of a solution |
1 fulgurate 2 typhlology 3 kinetoscope 4 watchglass 5 typtology | |
36 | living together for mutual benefit |
1 afforce 2 sufflate 3 symphily 4 mensuration 5 pneumatolith | |
37 | the back of the hand |
1 sic 2 interrex 3 opisthenar 4 photometer 5 gradgrind | |
38 | study of place-names |
1 laniferous 2 enation 3 remonstrate 4 lithodomous 5 toponymics | |
39 | to place around |
1 prolix 2 colluvies 3 centrobaric 4 lido 5 circumpose | |
40 | curling of one's hair with curling iron |
1 cachexic 2 spiralism 3 burke 4 croquinole 5 existentialism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | something which reduces fever |
1 erotomania 2 lingual 3 febrifuge 4 aphotic 5 maritage | |
42 | perforated plate through which wire drawn to make thinner |
1 regreet 2 remigate 3 kedge 4 wortle 5 stethometer | |
43 | study of mites |
1 grabble 2 defilade 3 gemmation 4 acarology 5 gulosity | |
44 | instrument for measuring power of magnification |
1 cratometer 2 nutrice 3 tendentious 4 cremnophobia 5 muniment | |
45 | unconscious; abstracted |
1 flagelliform 2 inconscient 3 allotropy 4 ped 5 apanage | |
46 | use of deception or camouflage as military stratagem |
1 inexpugnable 2 sarcotic 3 maskirovka 4 trabecula 5 cacolet | |
47 | of or relating to garlic; garlicky |
1 rhizoid 2 eructate 3 alliaceous 4 christophany 5 quipu | |
48 | having a level or mutual relationship |
1 equiparent 2 gib 3 accubitum 4 fermi 5 barology | |
49 | abbreviations, symbols and signs |
1 whipcat 2 zootheism 3 acultomancy 4 diluent 5 sigla | |
50 | guiding |
1 troilism 2 cosmoplastic 3 dirigent 4 fusiform 5 polynesic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | growing red; blushing |
1 hipped 2 drumlin 3 astrut 4 sigmate 5 rubescent | |
52 | away; hence |
1 psychogony 2 chronosynchronicity 3 schottische 4 fortalice 5 avaunt | |
53 | of abnormal or monstrous form |
1 telegony 2 klendusic 3 teramorphous 4 enow 5 glossology | |
54 | tip of the chin |
1 rhomboid 2 cortinate 3 gnathion 4 periegesis 5 thiasus | |
55 | gift or cake made on New Year's Eve |
1 decrassify 2 hogmanay 3 metropolitan 4 eriometer 5 coralliferous | |
56 | of or relating to heaven; sublime; skyward |
1 empyreal 2 captation 3 transcendentalism 4 sphygmophone 5 jejune | |
57 | inhabiting a tube |
1 substantialism 2 vitriolic 3 monergism 4 cathisophobia 5 tubicolous | |
58 | instrument for measuring tiny quantities of heat |
1 pseudacusis 2 coulombmeter 3 denary 4 microcalorimeter 5 cockloft | |
59 | reversing or inverting word order as rhetorical device |
1 cheliferous 2 anastrophe 3 hawkshaw 4 xerasia 5 limnology | |
60 | side by side; in pairs; overlapping |
1 emiction 2 jugate 3 caryatid 4 cacotopia 5 attrite | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | to laugh loudly and inappropriately |
1 epistoler 2 cachinnate 3 seismometer 4 podagra 5 odontomancy | |
62 | milky iridescence |
1 opalescence 2 chorisis 3 bradawl 4 novity 5 jubate | |
63 | dash of water |
1 oniscoid 2 spile 3 pseudologia 4 plash 5 proctor | |
64 | the unifying power of imagination |
1 lamina 2 dendrochronology 3 gamin 4 parallelism 5 esemplasy | |
65 | lawyer specializing in medical cases |
1 confirmand 2 bonzery 3 nomiatrist 4 reel 5 prelate | |
66 | study of viruses |
1 pulicide 2 formant 3 synoeciosis 4 virology 5 dendrophilous | |
67 | giving birth to larvae |
1 kincob 2 one-step 3 larviparous 4 hypotaxis 5 wisent | |
68 | use of degrading diction regarding a topic |
1 taperer 2 astragalomancy 3 pentalogy 4 tapinosis 5 scopic | |
69 | authority to inquire into something |
1 lenity 2 steganograph 3 platiniferous 4 inquirendo 5 ooidal | |
70 | repentance; fundamental change in character |
1 metanoia 2 falciform 3 psychobiology 4 spissated 5 thesmothete | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | unnecessary word used to extend line of verse |
1 cheville 2 unipotent 3 erotomania 4 parviscient 5 flabelliform | |
72 | drawing together; astringent |
1 imprimatur 2 adeniform 3 percheron 4 styptic 5 nates | |
73 | a person who fasts and becomes emaciated |
1 tetragrammaton 2 delignate 3 anaudia 4 rubiginous 5 macerator | |
74 | adaptable; unstable |
1 paedobaptism 2 coalize 3 olivetta 4 labile 5 setose | |
75 | shaped like an ear |
1 adytum 2 auriform 3 whitecoat 4 crosstrees 5 quackle | |
76 | showy or worthless article |
1 vitrics 2 pilcrow 3 trangam 4 quipu 5 balatron | |
77 | instrument for measuring small thicknesses |
1 declinometer 2 securiform 3 pachymeter 4 opalescence 5 hemiolic | |
78 | extinct giant deer |
1 pharos 2 megacerine 3 pediculous 4 abele 5 nephoscope | |
79 | of or relating to butterflies |
1 quadroon 2 kurtosis 3 schottische 4 papilionaceous 5 agma | |
80 | unhealthy; unwelcome |
1 mixotrophic 2 epinosic 3 fretum 4 dowlas 5 ibidem | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | structural modification by arrested development |
1 pointel 2 bolar 3 tabouret 4 ladronism 5 stasimorphy | |
82 | producing cancerous tumours |
1 epanodos 2 dation 3 mandarism 4 alcoholometer 5 oncogenesis | |
83 | instrument for measuring distance travelled |
1 waywiser 2 heliotaxis 3 barmkin 4 exsiccate 5 judder | |
84 | balloon using fire for propulsion |
1 montgolfier 2 hippology 3 swag 4 attaint 5 hidrotic | |
85 | to awaken or rouse |
1 abraid 2 marrano 3 deobstruent 4 villatic 5 scullion | |
86 | twice; in two places |
1 poculiform 2 antithesis 3 zoetrope 4 stirps 5 bis | |
87 | journey leading upwards; first phase of an illness |
1 peracute 2 anabasis 3 abluent 4 seton 5 troglodytic | |
88 | having a honey-like colour |
1 simillimum 2 multifid 3 evanish 4 melichrous 5 exode | |
89 | soft-voiced |
1 prolegomenon 2 epinician 3 lecanoscopy 4 furfuraceous 5 malacophonous | |
90 | experiment by trial and error |
1 bimetallism 2 tentation 3 wrackful 4 tenue 5 dromestoners | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | shaped like an eye |
1 threpsology 2 oculiform 3 parabiosis 4 ornithon 5 sepulchre | |
92 | of or concerning hospitality towards guests |
1 delenda 2 hypnagogic 3 puniceous 4 xenial 5 pyretic | |
93 | having the shape of a hand |
1 ley 2 maniform 3 palpebral 4 staphyline 5 supernal | |
94 | unit for expressing ratio of two currents or voltages |
1 boutade 2 dation 3 trumeau 4 ebeneous 5 neper | |
95 | volatile; fluctuating |
1 lorgnon 2 dormition 3 serific 4 rubescent 5 mercurial | |
96 | belief that moral edicts are merely orders with no truth value |
1 prescriptivism 2 hercogamy 3 assurgent 4 hesychastic 5 pavage | |
97 | riches; the wealthy; the upper classes |
1 neophobe 2 dysphoria 3 dolioform 4 rhytidectomy 5 mammon | |
98 | exclamation |
1 variform 2 infandous 3 entomophagous 4 malfeasance 5 ecphonensis | |
99 | ringed strap tied to leg of falcon or hawk |
1 champaign 2 ciborium 3 jess 4 bosselated 5 gymnophobia | |
100 | linen helmet-cover for armour |
1 lunette 2 valence 3 terriginous 4 septenary 5 wondermonger |