Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | covering or canopy over a throne or altar |
1 latitudinous 2 claustrophobia 3 baldaquin 4 disbosom 5 esbat | |
2 | instrumental work that is melodious or song-like |
1 canzone 2 workerist 3 thalassian 4 metage 5 japanophilia | |
3 | a leather thong; a thick slice |
1 subaltern 2 whang 3 syncategorematic 4 vociferate 5 coram | |
4 | compound eye |
1 ommateum 2 nemoricolous 3 reeve 4 jeton 5 tussock | |
5 | instrument used to calculate time of photographic exposure |
1 actinograph 2 spectroscope 3 kex 4 chad 5 heliology | |
6 | the loss of civil rights for high treason |
1 retrocede 2 somnolence 3 negrophobia 4 attainder 5 prore | |
7 | corruption in office; corrupt administration; misconduct |
1 diastomatic 2 orotund 3 muslin 4 malversation 5 cameriere | |
8 | distinction; definition |
1 diorism 2 deglutition 3 lunulate 4 iridize 5 textuary | |
9 | single word expressing sentence or phrase |
1 catadioptric 2 holophrase 3 watchglass 4 factitive 5 elenchus | |
10 | farm equipment |
1 deadstock 2 hetaerocracy 3 haruspication 4 priapism 5 catarolysis | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | first menstruation |
1 naricorn 2 axiology 3 ailette 4 vaticinate 5 menarche | |
12 | growth of organism influenced by heat |
1 thermotropism 2 redound 3 renverse 4 ziggurat 5 anlace | |
13 | board over a shop-front |
1 fascia 2 ergo 3 stodge 4 kent-bugle 5 lucubration | |
14 | correct or moral living |
1 catenate 2 chasseur 3 upcast 4 seta 5 orthobiosis | |
15 | having only one form |
1 cromlech 2 laparoscope 3 lighterage 4 stythe 5 monomorphic | |
16 | gilded; golden |
1 siderose 2 spiraliform 3 revehent 4 microbiology 5 inaurate | |
17 | curl or flourish in writing; summary of speeches |
1 roseate 2 two-step 3 mittimus 4 dirigible 5 purlicue | |
18 | ringing sound in the head |
1 xyloglyphy 2 shallop 3 tinnitus 4 conchiform 5 catenarian | |
19 | overcoming; overturning |
1 wether 2 noxal 3 adenoid 4 tyrannicide 5 anatreptic | |
20 | singly |
1 singillatim 2 kobold 3 trouvaille 4 protolithic 5 stomatology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | belief in universal salvation |
1 herpetology 2 panduriform 3 universalism 4 leptochrous 5 dactyliomancy | |
22 | to sing; to set to musical notation |
1 floatant 2 solmisate 3 flƒnerie 4 whicker 5 raduliform | |
23 | able to be cut; readily splitting |
1 scissile 2 hagioscope 3 alveolate 4 saurophagous 5 diamantiferous | |
24 | male homosexuality |
1 voiturier 2 peristeronic 3 uranism 4 autocoprophagy 5 tautomerism | |
25 | ill-tempered woman |
1 xanthippe 2 chymiferous 3 hinnable 4 poophyte 5 polygoneutic | |
26 | fluctuate in opinion or resolution |
1 forsooth 2 simillimum 3 helminthology 4 vacillate 5 potager | |
27 | vessel for holding holy water |
1 fortalice 2 suctorial 3 stoup 4 steatopygous 5 misosophy | |
28 | instrument for measuring electrical potential |
1 trochal 2 technography 3 voltmeter 4 pannikin 5 trebuchet | |
29 | shamefaced; prudish |
1 ictus 2 pudibund 3 hawse 4 thanatoid 5 purfle | |
30 | threefold rule |
1 hackle 2 tridominium 3 lazaret 4 cryobiology 5 binate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | instrument for measuring temperature variations due to sky conditions |
1 aphnology 2 lardaceous 3 viatical 4 aethrioscope 5 intersidereal | |
32 | expelling, causing or relieving flatulence |
1 dilatory 2 albificative 3 supercrescent 4 epicedial 5 carminative | |
33 | musical instrument with strings laid over horizontal board |
1 ventifact 2 krypsis 3 paidonosology 4 zither 5 kore | |
34 | dense fog of suspended ice particles |
1 yowie 2 pogonip 3 prenarial 4 dammar 5 syncope | |
35 | of or relating to branches |
1 turophile 2 regulus 3 cremnophobia 4 rameal 5 cockloft | |
36 | of, relating to or derived from amber |
1 cosmism 2 succinic 3 victimology 4 isoclinal 5 vernal | |
37 | obsession with tattooing or branding |
1 stigmatophilia 2 apposite 3 colure 4 clepsydra 5 flammule | |
38 | art of navigation |
1 nautics 2 mariculture 3 theomancy 4 levigate 5 fluviology | |
39 | loud ringing noise or clang |
1 hetairism 2 calefactory 3 fain‚ant 4 clangor 5 dermatoglyphics | |
40 | to confine or mew up |
1 emmew 2 hesternopothia 3 chronopher 4 ductia 5 stupefacient | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | runner or shoot from base of a plant |
1 mullet 2 parget 3 cercus 4 stolon 5 morbilliform | |
42 | science concerned with improving living conditions |
1 pseudolatry 2 vraisemblance 3 minacious 4 euthenics 5 poophyte | |
43 | archaic sub-division of certain counties |
1 punctate 2 malism 3 preceptive 4 schiller 5 wapentake | |
44 | false vision; oversight |
1 supercilious 2 blauwbok 3 malapert 4 parablepsis 5 flagelliferous | |
45 | dairy farm or milking operation |
1 victoria 2 lactarium 3 ovuliferous 4 acropodium 5 vis-a-vis | |
46 | sore on a horse's hind ankle-joint |
1 crepance 2 eyot 3 wurley 4 thermoscope 5 superannuate | |
47 | half-eaten |
1 ell 2 berceau 3 afterdeck 4 semese 5 thrum | |
48 | fluctuation or nodding in movement of earth's pole |
1 cachalot 2 thanatosis 3 nutation 4 nostopathy 5 riparian | |
49 | spade with bent handle for tilling soil |
1 jumart 2 caschrom 3 usucaption 4 chrysocracy 5 wheaten | |
50 | government by eight people |
1 ramentum 2 platiniferous 3 rivulose 4 octarchy 5 arete | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | external female reproductive organs |
1 kitthoge 2 pudendum 3 functionalism 4 entropion 5 tremallose | |
52 | reliance of an organism on another for environment |
1 galeated 2 horary 3 arrect 4 metabiosis 5 cacoethes | |
53 | not having given birth |
1 telegony 2 bluepeter 3 nonparous 4 brachiotomy 5 telary | |
54 | desk or stand from which church lessons are read |
1 lectern 2 saltant 3 handsel 4 hyponychial 5 aught | |
55 | officer in charge of royal forests |
1 epizoic 2 lutescent 3 maltha 4 verderer 5 literose | |
56 | stately carriage used on ceremonial occasions |
1 caroche 2 retropulsion 3 theody 4 glossographer 5 nosocomial | |
57 | of or pertaining to a chapter of an organization |
1 raticide 2 capitulary 3 melismatic 4 septate 5 unwithdrawing | |
58 | pun; play on words |
1 androcracy 2 bandolier 3 annomination 4 shimmy 5 purlieu | |
59 | nonsensical question given to Buddhist students for contemplation |
1 flavescent 2 quena 3 crural 4 lam‚ 5 koan | |
60 | silky; covered with soft silky hairs |
1 wurst 2 entoptic 3 sericieous 4 thermonous 5 hydropathy | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | small anchor to keep a ship steady |
1 sedigitated 2 lionism 3 trema 4 balistraria 5 kedge | |
62 | colourful wall painting |
1 polydipsia 2 storge 3 prepotent 4 stereochromy 5 geoscopy | |
63 | refreshment or relief; a meal |
1 refection 2 urinator 3 coquillage 4 imbroglio 5 noometry | |
64 | fear of going to the doctor |
1 iatrophobia 2 somedeal 3 pretermit 4 viduous 5 statuary | |
65 | sameness or similarity of origin |
1 toxophilite 2 ectobatic 3 isogeny 4 jurisconsult 5 abampere | |
66 | directional evolution of organisms |
1 chirognomy 2 kalology 3 orthogenesis 4 nomogeny 5 kalyptra | |
67 | curved architectural moulding like a brace |
1 accolade 2 stithy 3 stauroscope 4 suffrutescent 5 hortatory | |
68 | unquestioning or dogmatic religious devotion |
1 incoronate 2 pietism 3 kerygma 4 cartophily 5 gambado | |
69 | growing old |
1 algolagnia 2 vesicant 3 senescent 4 connubial 5 ginglymus | |
70 | pen or sty for animals |
1 cruive 2 ptochocracy 3 hyetograph 4 accite 5 velate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | loud; insistent; urgent |
1 clamant 2 papillose 3 dolichocephalic 4 nunnation 5 masseter | |
72 | badge or characteristic device; one of three extra Greek numeral-letters |
1 episemon 2 lenify 3 loimic 4 ophic 5 webwheel | |
73 | nodding; drooping |
1 pandation 2 nutant 3 threnody 4 papule 5 paraclete | |
74 | proper coordination of figures in a picture |
1 dimity 2 ordonnance 3 vaccary 4 leprology 5 ere | |
75 | indicating relation or a prepositional object |
1 patagium 2 relative 3 r‚cit 4 mnemon 5 chthonian | |
76 | sparkling |
1 cwm 2 intellectualism 3 variform 4 dontopedalogy 5 scintillant | |
77 | genre of writing poor mystery novels |
1 volage 2 scazon 3 oenopoetic 4 wallflower 5 whodunitry | |
78 | wide dominion; empire |
1 agma 2 empery 3 vavasour 4 enzone 5 zonary | |
79 | sweet flaky bread made with fine flour and butter |
1 assoil 2 pernor 3 metallography 4 theorbo 5 wastel | |
80 | unfaithful spouse |
1 sesquipedalian 2 bedswerver 3 boyg 4 transvolation 5 ablegate | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | study of folk tales |
1 storiology 2 defalcate 3 clysmian 4 sepia 5 kentledge | |
82 | feeding of animals |
1 thrombus 2 suable 3 terramara 4 gegenschein 5 zootrophy | |
83 | having a musky odour |
1 moschate 2 wharfinger 3 pica 4 nullibicity 5 eutrapely | |
84 | to digress; wander about |
1 cosmogenic 2 divagate 3 unifarious 4 pelology 5 decollate | |
85 | having closely curled hair |
1 inly 2 encomic 3 stridulous 4 kep 5 spiracle | |
86 | fear of blacks |
1 xenomancy 2 voiturier 3 negrophobia 4 skald 5 somnolescent | |
87 | growing of trees |
1 puce 2 ampliative 3 silviculture 4 chaetophorous 5 panegyric | |
88 | solvent used in the preparation of drugs |
1 olivaceous 2 puccoon 3 menstruum 4 poodle 5 bouillotte | |
89 | a woollen shawl or blanket |
1 phonophorous 2 vitrail 3 whittle 4 probang 5 virilescence | |
90 | panacea |
1 reviviscent 2 sward 3 diacatholicon 4 auceps 5 solenoid | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | one who divines sources of fresh water |
1 hydroscopist 2 humect 3 amoret 4 semantology 5 quaestionary | |
92 | to withdraw a rope from an opening |
1 vocabularian 2 nocent 3 moresco 4 unreeve 5 electrology | |
93 | oral; designative |
1 commorant 2 papaverous 3 impostume 4 echoism 5 nuncupative | |
94 | loss of eyelashes or eyebrows |
1 oligochrome 2 madarosis 3 flagellantism 4 philogyny 5 roundel | |
95 | living in marshes or moors |
1 lar 2 scepsis 3 helobious 4 quadrivoltine 5 mull | |
96 | composed of twigs |
1 virgal 2 holland 3 euhemerism 4 angary 5 plimsoll | |
97 | government by the aged |
1 avolitional 2 scobiform 3 gerontocracy 4 multure 5 knarred | |
98 | cucumber-shaped |
1 cucumiform 2 soldatesque 3 karyokinesis 4 limnobiology 5 ouranomancy | |
99 | four-wheeled two-horse carriage |
1 pectize 2 hackney 3 cariogenic 4 sanative 5 caesious | |
100 | study of newborn babies |
1 idolothyte 2 neonatology 3 unigenous 4 solmisate 5 voluted |