Quiz 50 of 50 -- Obscure and Unusual Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 stony heap or mass of feces 1 fecalith
2 costive
3 havelock
4 r‚clame
5 decrepitate
2 plough used to scratch top surface of soil 1 ard
2 graphospasm
3 algophobia
4 crystallogenesis
5 supernal
3 overlapping; twisted 1 obvolute
2 ichthyomancy
3 bodewash
4 abyssopelagic
5 plumigerous
4 instrument for measuring deformation in object due to forces applied 1 widdershins
2 sequacious
3 gyromancy
4 extensometer
5 karyotype
5 traditional 1 discigerous
2 traditive
3 accubitum
4 knag
5 prestigiator
6 capable of being moulded; of or relating to pottery 1 needlecord
2 earwig
3 zooid
4 fictile
5 abecedism
7 of, like or overlapping like tiles or slates 1 ebullioscope
2 tegular
3 immanent
4 solfatara
5 mammiferous
8 gentleness or sweetness; a subtly offered bribe 1 kinderspiel
2 douceur
3 frazil
4 triquetra
5 neophobe
9 study of minerals 1 eyeservice
2 cataphysical
3 westing
4 mineralogy
5 sumpsimus
10 without feathers 1 vastidity
2 kyphorrhinos
3 implumous
4 tup
5 chambray
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 eater of children 1 jejune
2 paedophage
3 oriflamme
4 euhemerism
5 bibliopoesy
12 mentally or emotionally distant; absent-minded 1 anagnorisis
2 yonderly
3 demegoric
4 saltationism
5 feckless
13 of or pertaining to pigs; swinish 1 acetimeter
2 porcine
3 denier
4 hyetal
5 mittimus
14 having tendrils 1 fumage
2 cirrate
3 patriolatry
4 bream
5 heterodyne
15 toward what or which place 1 portiŠre
2 risus
3 falciform
4 peradventure
5 whitherward
16 fear of shadows 1 sciaphobia
2 chthonophagia
3 hoplomachy
4 puckery
5 sough
17 doctrine of government by a single absolute ruler; autocracy 1 absolutism
2 superannuate
3 fougade
4 r‚clame
5 whitecoat
18 a gypsy man 1 requiescat
2 genetrix
3 rom
4 prerupt
5 temporise
19 distracted; inattentive 1 distrait
2 sociogenesis
3 spagyrist
4 vigesimal
5 affranchise
20 concerning a person's bodily self-image 1 somatopsychic
2 sext
3 spicigerous
4 choller
5 unicity
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 noun taking two grammatical cases only 1 diptote
2 macrophobia
3 arcuate
4 argillaceous
5 decoct
22 soapy; soaplike 1 saponaceous
2 anagogy
3 foliaceous
4 sphacelate
5 sprauncy
23 haphazard meal 1 promachos
2 scambling
3 pointillism
4 subduple
5 partible
24 vessel for burning incense in religious rituals 1 diptych
2 cephalopod
3 urolith
4 teratogenic
5 censer
25 given by vow; consisting of a vow or wish 1 vagile
2 votive
3 astrogeology
4 longeron
5 chromophilous
26 instrument for measuring intensity of radiant heat 1 philopornist
2 blattnerphone
3 slumberous
4 pyroscope
5 ebullition
27 worsted and cotton blend 1 paramatta
2 corban
3 cevesaile
4 splenium
5 pyroclastics
28 indicate faintly; foreshadow 1 adumbrate
2 laveer
3 monophagous
4 assot
5 trigraph
29 one who naps cloth after it is fulled 1 silicicolous
2 homeomerous
3 napper
4 macon
5 judogi
30 petulance; insolence 1 versicle
2 galactoid
3 procacity
4 nickeliferous
5 floriferous
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 instrument for obtaining curves for gear-teeth 1 couchant
2 odontograph
3 xenomania
4 machicolation
5 cognomen
32 the act of guaranteeing or warranting; an assurance 1 warrantise
2 alk
3 ret
4 rubiginous
5 jessant
33 exact copy; facsimile 1 apograph
2 didymous
3 strappado
4 parodinia
5 geminiform
34 instrument for measuring pressure or compressibility 1 piezometer
2 pascual
3 placitum
4 epuration
5 parthenian
35 of the goose or the goose family 1 pensum
2 anserine
3 monocerous
4 sural
5 conciliabule
36 study of principles of nature and thought 1 bilge
2 empanoply
3 metaphysics
4 catholicon
5 mansionary
37 storage of green fodder in silos 1 ensilage
2 nothous
3 orthobiosis
4 aftershaft
5 gabble
38 wreath, fillet or band 1 requital
2 sateen
3 nectareal
4 anadem
5 organistrum
39 measles 1 carbuncle
2 fingent
3 moineau
4 morbilli
5 silva
40 toy; trifling object; bauble 1 personalia
2 xenophilia
3 gewgaw
4 claver
5 wame
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 act of singing psalms in church services 1 watchglass
2 zwitterion
3 psalmody
4 vervel
5 quiddany
42 impregnation by contact alone or by wind 1 iatrology
2 adosculation
3 sheading
4 wisent
5 quillet
43 deacon's stole in Orthodox church 1 baisemain
2 monotheletism
3 piscifauna
4 orarion
5 outrigger
44 ribbed silk used in making neckties 1 acronical
2 mogadore
3 wagonette
4 tropometer
5 paideutic
45 wool-bearing 1 kuru
2 stillicide
3 hypobulic
4 capreolate
5 laniferous
46 unit for measuring amount of electrical current 1 skeletogenous
2 euchology
3 alar
4 stellular
5 ampere
47 inability to understand data presented to the senses 1 acatamathesia
2 pnematomachy
3 nubigenous
4 passim
5 chaetophorous
48 to restore after marking for deletion 1 hydropathy
2 stet
3 pone
4 cariniform
5 maffick
49 the art of engraving on copper or brass 1 podex
2 cardioid
3 prolate
4 chalcography
5 sideration
50 instrument for measuring short vertical distances 1 suable
2 blain
3 nullibilism
4 intempestive
5 cathetometer
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 shaped like a hook or crook 1 aduncate
2 absinthism
3 titrimetry
4 ted
5 bigential
52 before Adam 1 spirate
2 hornpipe
3 legalism
4 gaucherie
5 preadamic
53 bits of paper punched out of paper tape or cards 1 serotinous
2 pronograde
3 monoecious
4 mazzard
5 chad
54 relating to purposeful action or desire 1 conative
2 earing
3 kriegspiel
4 tufthunter
5 stichology
55 to treat ores to remove impurities 1 fatalism
2 staddle
3 beneficiate
4 hippocras
5 catenular
56 assemblage of swimming organisms in a body of water 1 nekton
2 polychotomy
3 odalisque
4 mazurka
5 gullery
57 the development of papillae or pimples 1 reflation
2 papulation
3 alkalimeter
4 oligodynamic
5 pantoglot
58 belief that one's thoughts are being stolen 1 nostomania
2 frumentaceous
3 unguentary
4 peribolos
5 castophrenia
59 of or giving a synopsis or summary 1 synoptic
2 gridelin
3 verger
4 thereinto
5 swansdown
60 person who utters encomiums; praiser 1 dermatology
2 scrow
3 liquifacient
4 encomiast
5 scutch
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 divided into small compartments 1 locellate
2 metallurgy
3 psilanthropism
4 acicular
5 photopolarimeter
62 divide or be divided into a network 1 drail
2 eidetic
3 protreptic
4 micrurgy
5 reticulate
63 bath 1 xylomancy
2 machairodont
3 wadmal
4 balneary
5 escritoire
64 right to be heard before another 1 counterphobic
2 scud
3 skive
4 lipomatosis
5 preaudience
65 prancing stage dance with backward tilt 1 ophidiarium
2 laryngoscope
3 caulotaxy
4 borborology
5 cakewalk
66 light shallow boat; barge 1 eagre
2 cendal
3 zygon
4 thermantidote
5 wherry
67 plant-eating 1 plantivorous
2 clyster
3 precissive
4 mentalism
5 intellectualism
68 reared in a nest; sharing a nest 1 nidicolous
2 afterings
3 numismatics
4 catenarian
5 consentient
69 one who takes the lead; indicator of trends 1 parvenu
2 hypertrichologist
3 pornotopia
4 bellwether
5 organon
70 humble; miserable; craven 1 vitrifaction
2 escheatment
3 abject
4 tribble
5 punctilious
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 obtaining sexual pleasure from seeing things 1 stenopaeic
2 autolatry
3 scopophilia
4 skiamachy
5 suffrutescent
72 silver poisoning 1 miniaceous
2 ana
3 porrect
4 arguria
5 inoperculate
73 trinity; three in one 1 resofincular
2 pedetentous
3 triune
4 triduan
5 retrograde
74 traitor 1 splenic
2 flabelliform
3 brio
4 proditor
5 chrematistics
75 instrument for measuring amount of chlorine in a solution 1 chlorometer
2 urbanist
3 physicalism
4 apodal
5 philonoist
76 individual inhabited by an evil spirit 1 energumen
2 acetimeter
3 inquorate
4 azuline
5 onychoophagist
77 instrument for recording and analysing sound 1 liquate
2 attollent
3 kop
4 sonograph
5 punctilio
78 growing in rocks 1 motatory
2 ingurgitate
3 rillmark
4 saxigenous
5 erythrophobia
79 bringing plague or pestilence 1 pileus
2 limnology
3 trimacular
4 malvaceous
5 pestiferous
80 fear of crowds 1 cofferdam
2 jocose
3 melalgia
4 tophaceous
5 ochlophobia
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 a tossing, twitching or jerking of the body; a false claim 1 dexiotropic
2 jactitation
3 accolent
4 aborning
5 rachidian
82 instrument measuring curvature 1 spherometer
2 ley
3 broadcloth
4 clevis
5 foetiferous
83 anticipation; device where objections are anticipated 1 fenestral
2 bibliolatry
3 niaiserie
4 macrocosm
5 prolepsis
84 puberty 1 lectual
2 cog
3 micrander
4 impleach
5 neolagnium
85 state of being tepid or lukewarm 1 subsecive
2 tepor
3 adnoun
4 perfectionism
5 centuple
86 blind; eyeless 1 druxy
2 stirk
3 exoculate
4 jambiya
5 frap
87 glossy black varnish or lacquer 1 owling
2 droguet
3 japan
4 quant
5 ramage
88 broad sheet of muscle in the neck 1 idolum
2 platysma
3 acyanopsia
4 galvanoscope
5 truncheon
89 masonry on a wall that supports an arch 1 ferruginous
2 allodic
3 abutment
4 isoclinal
5 variform
90 differences due to different origin 1 ontography
2 branchial
3 cacolet
4 atavism
5 heterology
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 to comb 1 treillage
2 irrefrangible
3 kemb
4 oligodynamic
5 styptic
92 officer in a household in charge of bread 1 pantler
2 aseity
3 rampick
4 defiliation
5 nyctophobia
93 slow and stately Baroque dance in 3/4 time 1 minuet
2 risus
3 typography
4 prerupt
5 labtebricole
94 on this or the near side of the mountains 1 lurdan
2 superhumeral
3 funambulism
4 duende
5 cismontane
95 immense 1 temerarious
2 febricant
3 lectrice
4 brobdingnagian
5 gal
96 before 1 dichroscope
2 uneath
3 ere
4 taws
5 triatic
97 happy; inclined; pleased 1 decanal
2 nappe
3 fain
4 voltigeur
5 prelapsarian
98 hot; close; smoky state of atmosphere 1 hierography
2 incipient
3 tympany
4 paramnesia
5 fug
99 a supernatural man-like being 1 tesseratomy
2 wight
3 quilling
4 feticide
5 myophobia
100 one who never laughs 1 oenology
2 agelast
3 platysma
4 usucaption
5 encomic
  by Mosh   Suggestions?