Quiz 12 of 50 -- Shakespeare

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 To note 1 Hurtling
2 Drabbing
3 Sumpter
4 Sprag
5 Quote
2 Lips 1 Labras
2 Doff
3 Jess
4 Dispark
5 Cockle
3 Festive 1 Blent
2 Let
3 Gaudy
4 Decline
5 Apprehension
4 The crucifix 1 Invention
2 Gourd
3 Pauca verba
4 Fond
5 Rood
5 To throw off the hounds 1 Sort
2 Temper
3 Uncape
4 Coystril
5 Tercel
6 Course, order, grain 1 Uncape
2 Inkhorn-mate
3 Waftage
4 Hair
5 Soul-fearing
7 Seniority 1 Custalorum
2 Gorbellied
3 Seniory
4 Pin
5 Power
8 A slip or scion, a political party 1 Disappointed
2 Sect
3 Bona-roba
4 Jack
5 Impawn
9 To protect (a plant) from frost 1 Complexion
2 Winter-ground
3 Bodge
4 Scotch
5 Fee-grief
10 Undressed 1 Unready
2 Firk
3 Quiver
4 Hest
5 Journal
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 Encounter, experience 1 Entertain
2 Rapt
3 Gilt
4 Feature
5 Mess
12 Critical 1 Legerity
2 Judicious
3 Commodity
4 Sprag
5 Gaberdine
13 Pure, assayed 1 Pretence
2 Tested
3 Exigent
4 Well said
5 Gentry
14 Satire, sarcasm 1 Guinea-hen
2 Taxation
3 Gain-giving
4 Inherit
5 Counterpoint
15 Quidebet, a subtle case in law 1 Whiting-time
2 Bucking
3 Lief
4 Neb
5 Quillet
16 Meat scotched for broiling 1 Hurly
2 Tang
3 Carbonado
4 Conceit
5 Stale
17 One who lends money at interest 1 Incensed
2 Putter-out
3 Wesand
4 Lewd
5 Bourn
18 A disease incident to horses 1 Rapt
2 Writhled
3 Sooth
4 Fives
5 Basilisk
19 Twisted about 1 Knap
2 Night-rule
3 Fardel
4 Wound
5 Tickle
20 Go hang! 1 Taking up
2 Nobility
3 Sneck-up
4 Drollery
5 Provision
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 The buffoon in the old morality plays 1 Relative
2 Provand
3 Softly
4 Vice
5 Bavin
22 Enough 1 Basta
2 Colt
3 Securely
4 Wreak
5 Three-man beetle
23 A coronet 1 Bold
2 Crownet
3 Charactery
4 Liking
5 Operant
24 A letter, handwriting 1 Disposition
2 Fear
3 Whoo-bub
4 Hint
5 Character
25 Cowardly 1 Full
2 Winter-ground
3 Cowish
4 Vie
5 Sullen
26 Foolish 1 Proof
2 Nice
3 Forced
4 Complexion
5 Day-woman
27 An exclamation of impatience 1 Address
2 Chewit
3 Stoup
4 Woodcock
5 When
28 Used ridiculously for 'vehemently.' 1 Convey
2 Pelting
3 A-good
4 Ancient
5 Fehemently
29 The twilight, when cocks and hens go to roost 1 Veney
2 Countervail
3 Cock-shut-time
4 Rash
5 Esperance
30 Closing, blinding 1 Seeling
2 Cozener
3 Scull
4 Wild
5 Card
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 Attendance 1 Sleided
2 Untrue
3 Equipage
4 Sprag
5 Swathling
32 To injure 1 Scathe
2 Coranto
3 Corinthian
4 Bots
5 Unmanned
33 An old-clothes shop 1 Trade
2 Vail
3 Foil
4 Passing
5 Frippery
34 A name adopted by bedlam-beggars 1 Turlygood
2 Hull
3 Woodcock
4 Greek
5 Greet
35 Tricks such as are played by a rope-dancer 1 Roynish
2 Include
3 Childing
4 Convive
5 Rope-tricks
36 An alembick, a still 1 Conduct
2 Lob
3 Limbeck
4 Counterfeit
5 Flaw
37 A sea-term 1 Main-course
2 Putter-on
3 Sped
4 I'fecks
5 Guardage
38 A beast of prey of the tiger kind 1 Counterfeit
2 Trenched
3 Excrement
4 Ounce
5 Crowner
39 Impaired 1 Palled
2 Uncharged
3 Jaunce
4 Affect
5 Prig
40 Blended 1 Quip
2 Dowle
3 Blent
4 Sad
5 Vinewed
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 By hercules 1 Pilcher
2 Flatness
3 Tricking
4 Argosy
5 Mehercle
42 Seemly, becomingly 1 Seeming
2 Currents
3 Quip
4 Periapts
5 Dare
43 Noise, report, rumour 1 Enmew
2 Shouldered
3 Abuse
4 Bruit
5 Stranger
44 A parrot 1 Popinjay
2 Hoodman-blind
3 Bat-fowling
4 Thewes
5 Parlous
45 A bailiff 1 Tilth
2 Foil
3 Paritor
4 Serjeant
5 Abroad
46 A needle 1 Canakin
2 Seeming
3 Rebeck
4 Mercatante
5 Neeld
47 To please 1 Immediacy
2 Like
3 Nobility
4 Stone-bow
5 Ostentation
48 Beyond 1 Plight
2 Bay
3 Scurvy
4 Nether-stocks
5 Without
49 Measures 1 Siege
2 Feodary
3 Order
4 Wannion
5 Combinate
50 A bragging cheater 1 Prime
2 Potch
3 Plain song
4 Marchpane
5 Bully-rook
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 Vanity 1 Vainness
2 Fleet
3 Reguerdon
4 Fox
5 Buck-basket
52 To draw 1 Rebate
2 Neif
3 Water-gall
4 Limn
5 Sag
53 Retained by woven branches 1 Fox-ship
2 Twilled
3 Tempered
4 Derived
5 Ch'ill
54 Worshipful 1 Swathling
2 Awful
3 Utis
4 Appointment
5 Addressed
55 Optative mood, perhaps contracted for 'do it.' 1 Argosy
2 Dich
3 Pale
4 Imbare
5 Tell
56 Complete 1 Priser
2 Dowle
3 Diet
4 Horologe
5 Full
57 Wealth, fortune 1 Articulate
2 Worth
3 Green
4 Neif
5 Greenly
58 Hubbub 1 Aierie
2 Whoo-bub
3 Hay
4 Charneco
5 Weigh out
59 Marked with whelks or protuberances 1 Tender
2 Fleet
3 Sort
4 Whelked
5 Exigent
60 Destruction 1 Carbonado
2 Defeat
3 Carkanet
4 Claw
5 Livelihood
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 Engrained 1 Grained
2 Rook
3 Nourish
4 Daff
5 Sort
62 Expedition, undertaking, haste 1 Cunning
2 Spial
3 Expedience
4 Jaunce
5 Expedient
63 A comrade 1 Turlygood
2 Dout
3 Pew-fellow
4 Gimmor
5 Of the field
64 To strike, metaph. to ridicule, or to obtain by raillery 1 Trick
2 Defeat
3 Stover
4 Bob
5 Weigh out
65 A kind of helmet 1 Impositions
2 Burgonet
3 Balked
4 Sped
5 Lightly
66 Trading company 1 Preface
2 Slops
3 Buxom
4 Unbated
5 Brotherhood
67 Plunged 1 Whiles
2 Shouldered
3 Breathe
4 Aierie
5 Fraughting
68 To annoy, harass 1 Harry
2 Treachers
3 Deem
4 Rawness
5 Defeat
69 Glad 1 Scurvy
2 Fain
3 Unbolt
4 Front
5 Cunning
70 Strength of manhood 1 Hoodman-blind
2 Ave
3 Misdoubt
4 Proof
5 Breast
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 Suggestion 1 Dry
2 Loof
3 Prompture
4 Urchin
5 Loggats
72 To give tongue as a hound 1 Open
2 Velvet-guards
3 Reduce
4 Broker
5 Writhled
73 A kind of ordnance 1 Invention
2 Hull
3 Basilisk
4 Od's pittikins
5 Formal
74 To shorten, to cast down, to blunt 1 Customer
2 Atomy
3 Abate
4 Betid
5 Expulse
75 Blackened. othello; 1 Absolute
2 Compostion
3 Excrement
4 Collied
5 Bestraught
76 Drawing a conclusion 1 Metaphysical
2 Collection
3 Distraught
4 Fleet
5 Impeticos
77 Agent, servant 1 Rapt
2 Mistress
3 Approver
4 Frippery
5 Feeder
78 Inconsiderate 1 Unrespective
2 Uncharged
3 Wistly
4 Stilly
5 Eche
79 Violent, headlong 1 Heady
2 Roundure
3 Vail
4 Corinth
5 Too too
80 Tame, cowardly 1 Of the field
2 Pass
3 Meacock
4 Pomander
5 Disme
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 Algiers 1 Match
2 Entertain
3 Argier
4 Renege
5 Tang
82 Shaft-horse 1 Absolute
2 Fill-horse
3 Resolve
4 Usance
5 Gear
83 The blackbird 1 Ousel-cock
2 Moe
3 Lay
4 Trade
5 Coster-monger
84 To stop to stop 1 Gilt
2 Stint
3 Winter-ground
4 Pick
5 Crack-hemp
85 A loud noise, clap, a forward boy 1 Jut
2 Red-plague
3 Vainness
4 Broken
5 Crack
86 Painting in distemper 1 Breese
2 Water-work
3 Custard-coffin
4 Round
5 Attorney
87 A contented cuckold 1 Wittol
2 Inclip
3 Careire
4 Able
5 Mercatante
88 A strap of leather attached to the talons of a hawk, by which it is held on the fist 1 Pack
2 Cranking
3 Ave-mary
4 Jess
5 Moiety
89 Wildness 1 Trundle-tail
2 Man
3 Countenance
4 Luce
5 Wilderness
90 The farmstead attached to a monastery, a solitary farm-house 1 Rack
2 Patched
3 Portable
4 Grange
5 Receipt
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 Matter of business of any kind 1 Gear
2 Impeach
3 Shroud
4 Facinorous
5 Bavin
92 To kill, destroy, to weary 1 Fordo
2 Trenched
3 Baccare
4 Duc-dame
5 Intrinsicate
93 Command 1 Impositions
2 Station
3 Prompture
4 O'er-raught
5 Mobled
94 A burden 1 Scathe
2 Certes
3 Pickers
4 Venew
5 Fardel
95 Dressed 1 Avoid
2 Colour
3 Marry trap
4 Suited
5 Cypress
96 The van, vanguard, advanced guard of an army, hence, metaphorically, the first of anything 1 Broken
2 Vaward
3 Natural
4 Sliver
5 Seamy
97 To dye red 1 Verbal
2 Bolting-hutch
3 Incarnardine
4 Capricio
5 Crow-keeper
98 Beauty 1 Confound
2 Ensconce
3 Toward
4 Paucas
5 Feature
99 A slice 1 Martlemas
2 Sliver
3 Fast
4 Charles' wain
5 Termagant
100 A kind of ending to a song 1 Incarnardine
2 Magot-pie
3 Wild
4 Fading
5 Abridgement
  by Mosh   Suggestions?