Quiz 10 of 50 -- Barron word in sentences

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 ____s of some ancient religion 1 tenor
2 bulge
3 vestige
4 niggle
5 slat
2 a dog on a ____ 1 indecisive
2 tune
3 bait
4 smart
5 leash
3 ____id curiosity 1 labile
2 trajectory
3 morbid
4 groove
5 forge
4 ____d to the second division 1 instigate
2 relegate
3 figment
4 flick
5 succumb
5 ____ing computer industry 1 burgeon
2 inroad
3 filial
4 outgrow
5 frigid
6 a ____ of ice 1 sidereal
2 scruple
3 moratorium
4 stultify
5 block
7 ____ out the secret 1 vapid
2 roll
3 grudge
4 ferret
5 humor
8 ____ life of the Romans 1 disarray
2 erode
3 aspire
4 voluptuous
5 biting
9 ____ed for life in the gory accident 1 flaunt
2 slipshod
3 refractory
4 evoke
5 maim
10 I have no ____ fit to wear. 1 stock
2 sallow
3 squabble
4 scad
5 raiment
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 A blush ____d her cheeks. 1 suffuse
2 sardonic
3 propagate
4 ambush
5 spurious
12 ____ the song beautifully 1 sanctuary
2 wanton
3 scintillate
4 bevy
5 render
13 ____ an old theater 1 refurbish
2 totem
3 bound
4 rebus
5 grate
14 The sail ____ped under the force of the wind 1 virtue
2 rip
3 bevy
4 victor
5 reverberate
15 This book has ____d ideas from my article 1 amorous
2 forage
3 percussion
4 plagiarize
5 wreak
16 ____ the flesh, he was ____ by his sisters clothes 1 pace
2 render
3 ramification
4 realm
5 mortify
17 ____ honesty/ruler 1 rash
2 penance
3 lank
4 absolute
5 remission
18 ____ city/outlook on life/animal 1 casual
2 distant
3 vent
4 illuminate
5 cosmopolitan
19 ____ course of the river 1 grade
2 ken
3 ostensible
4 serpentine
5 summary
20 ____ encounter 1 pointed
2 premeditate
3 untoward
4 raze
5 intoxicate
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 His incredible story ____ers the imagination 1 withhold
2 ineffable
3 trim
4 court
5 stagger
22 without ____, he spoke freely and openly 1 discernible
2 reserve
3 yore
4 canon
5 nonchalance
23 ____ the violence of modern films 1 stock
2 ransack
3 transparent
4 forensic
5 decry
24 ____ of virtue 1 slice
2 paragon
3 manifestation
4 wag
5 overwhelm
25 She is in a ____ about whether to go. 1 quandary
2 unearth
3 hunk
4 outlook
5 giddy
26 ____ a dictionary 1 pitch
2 redeem
3 stint
4 compile
5 benefit
27 ____ reasoning/passport 1 daub
2 ensation
3 mannered
4 hallowed
5 valid
28 ____ decree/knock 1 entail
2 shore
3 peremptory
4 vernacular
5 idiom
29 a ____ 1 impale
2 perverse
3 trifle
4 remission
5 lap
30 ____ the election 1 abide
2 stellar
3 salient
4 dependable
5 rig
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 ____ to water/criticism 1 furtive
2 concoct
3 mill
4 impervious
5 ostensible
32 take ____ at his rudeness 1 tablet
2 umbrage
3 pathos
4 idyllic
5 bate
33 ____ pattern 1 salacious
2 tessellated
3 phenomena
4 lull
5 lumber
34 piano ____ 1 woeful
2 flout
3 virtuoso
4 wheedle
5 molten
35 ____ search/study 1 countenance
2 staccato
3 parallel
4 vindicate
5 exhaustive
36 the ____ sufferings of Christ 1 makeshift
2 authoritative
3 enamored
4 gratuitous
5 vicarious
37 The shadow of the gallows ____ed, while Gandhi weaved on the ____. 1 ingrained
2 loom
3 equine
4 clap
5 civil
38 leave with ____ haste 1 torrid
2 unseemly
3 vent
4 impervious
5 saucer
39 ____ mountain road 1 gloat
2 tortuous
3 parlance
4 extradition
5 indoctrinate
40 not a ____ of 1 resuscitate
2 whit
3 poignancy
4 reservation
5 mandate
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 Be ____ for your job interview 1 generality
2 woeful
3 itinerant
4 spruce
5 rip
42 ____ strife/disorder/law 1 conveyance
2 propound
3 inviolable
4 civil
5 spurious
43 ____d eggs 1 pretentious
2 patent
3 saturnine
4 plod
5 coddle
44 ____ reply 1 embitter
2 guarded
3 withhold
4 irreproachable
5 enrich
45 ____ owner 1 enamored
2 duress
3 ignoble
4 rightful
5 relegate
46 ____ piece of work 1 mill
2 gird
3 sloppy
4 obstinate
5 troth
47 ____ the paper to make it easy to fold 1 score
2 exemplify
3 resuscitate
4 natty
5 plethora
48 The teacher lacked ____ from of his class to not cheat 1 surrogate
2 repercussion
3 assurance
4 tenor
5 troth
49 ____ sense of loss 1 queasy
2 vindicate
3 palpable
4 prohibitive
5 provenance
50 ____ of safety 1 iridescent
2 sentient
3 margin
4 rig
5 shimmer
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 throw the country into ____ 1 turmoil
2 resort
3 bulk
4 distant
5 stagnant
52 make ____ for the damage 1 mandate
2 sham
3 reparation
4 forgive
5 doldrums
53 ____ under the weight of a burden 1 devout
2 glacial
3 mangle
4 plod
5 rig
54 a ____ed of cloth 1 rote
2 degenerate
3 shred
4 snub
5 confidential
55 French ____ is tasty. 1 probe
2 pace
3 cuisine
4 renounce
5 warrant
56 ____ opposites 1 indoctrinate
2 soot
3 troth
4 polar
5 militate
57 ____ difficulties 1 ambush
2 insipid
3 parlance
4 insuperable
5 badger
58 ____ purpose of the expedition was to save the natives 1 panache
2 luxuriant
3 ostensible
4 squirt
5 pinnacle
59 ____ features 1 comity
2 marshal
3 salient
4 touchy
5 studied
60 The country is ____cing itself for cold winter. 1 brace
2 decrepit
3 tortuous
4 microcosm
5 mulct
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 Football crowds went on the ____ through the town 1 rampage
2 plait
3 grapple
4 formality
5 flake
62 a ____ of glass from the broken window 1 iridescent
2 sliver
3 bare
4 arbitrary
5 pragmatic
63 ____ one's clothes/childish habits 1 outgrow
2 idyllic
3 statutory
4 elated
5 wheedle
64 ____ against the chances of promotion 1 subjective
2 milieu
3 ineffable
4 militate
5 impassive
65 ____s of her painting is blue skies 1 hallmark
2 punctuate
3 magisterial
4 kindred
5 ingratiate
66 The element kryptonite ____ped Superman's strength. 1 pedigree
2 forage
3 sap
4 precipice
5 impervious
67 news to ____ 1 unassuming
2 reduce
3 impart
4 formidable
5 bate
68 parliament in ____ 1 glimmer
2 recess
3 pretension
4 propagate
5 maritime
69 speech ____ 1 brittle
2 impediment
3 rail
4 foul
5 ultimate
70 ____ the music 1 nostalgia
2 skulk
3 mercurial
4 muted
5 promiscuous
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 a lovers' ____ 1 flake
2 tiff
3 lavish
4 swerve
5 lag
72 ____ poverty 1 circumstantial
2 metamorphosis
3 crawl
4 genteel
5 implicit
73 ____ housing conditions 1 ambush
2 woeful
3 concede
4 brittle
5 slew
74 Chancellor of the ____ 1 rhapsodize
2 endear
3 exchequer
4 legitimate
5 fruition
75 In the days of ____ 1 rapt
2 redeem
3 perverse
4 tenor
5 yore
76 ____ from the scenes of violence 1 revulsion
2 pristine
3 ponderous
4 dilute
5 puzzle
77 There is some ____ between two descriptions 1 mordant
2 attrition
3 discrepancy
4 piecemeal
5 wean
78 ____ name/joy 1 ineffable
2 concoct
3 bargain
4 aspersion
5 brittle
79 ____ parents adopted him 1 pallet
2 foster
3 pitch
4 equine
5 raffle
80 ____ papers from one pile to another 1 skulduggery
2 haunt
3 shuffle
4 narrow
5 brook
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 ____ research in a new field 1 recourse
2 seminal
3 healthful
4 retract
5 unwitting
82 ____ decision by the supreme court 1 definitive
2 sallow
3 reduce
4 formality
5 brook
83 ____ body/style of writing 1 unseemly
2 illuminate
3 ponderous
4 twinge
5 catholic
84 ____ of nations 1 plenary
2 repercussion
3 comity
4 asperity
5 polar
85 oil ____ons in the North sea 1 concession
2 stoop
3 illuminate
4 scrap
5 wrench
86 She ____ed her eyes from the terrible sight. 1 insalubrious
2 indigenous
3 avert
4 husbandry
5 enormity
87 ____ comments 1 wrest
2 ambience
3 reprise
4 perspicuous
5 bulk
88 steep ____ is hard for old trucks 1 arduous
2 punitive
3 incline
4 reduce
5 mill
89 ____ oath/rights 1 inviolable
2 vernacular
3 dilapidated
4 restive
5 arbitrary
90 ____ shelter will do for the night 1 lumber
2 vicarious
3 makeshift
4 rasher
5 macerate
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 ____ one's faith/a statement 1 recant
2 halting
3 cuisine
4 stringent
5 anthem
92 ____ piece of jewelry 1 unconscionable
2 slipshod
3 prey
4 exquisite
5 wag
93 ____ of wit 1 quintessence
2 husband
3 umbrage
4 mottled
5 milieu
94 ____d by the crowds 1 flaunt
2 unscathed
3 jostle
4 propagate
5 ungainly
95 ugly ____ tower 1 squat
2 austere
3 replete
4 pretend
5 snub
96 ____ school of philosophy 1 deciduous
2 fraught
3 infatuate
4 prey
5 peripatetic
97 ____al actress 1 ethos
2 spurious
3 prone
4 effective
5 temperament
98 ____ to the estate 1 title
2 comport
3 preen
4 elated
5 instigate
99 ____ side of city life 1 seamy
2 memento
3 perfunctory
4 verity
5 pervert
100 a ____ of paper/hay/cotton 1 bale
2 inane
3 seasonal
4 dorsal
5 macerate
  by Mosh   Suggestions?