Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | of or relating to fruit bats |
1 megachiropteran 2 cynegetic 3 hibernal 4 laniary 5 nepotal | |
2 | of or relating to the mistletoe |
1 myelic 2 loranthaceous 3 hebetic 4 meleagrine 5 rachidian | |
3 | of or relating to initials |
1 lapidarian 2 acrologic 3 shrieval 4 nobiliary 5 visive | |
4 | of; like or relating to the elbow |
1 sylvestral 2 sartorial 3 anconoid 4 nacreous 5 caprifoliaceous | |
5 | of or pertaining to stringed musical instruments |
1 crepuscular 2 molendinar 3 venatic 4 cretaceous 5 fidicinal | |
6 | of or relating to black magic |
1 nephric 2 goetic 3 catoptric 4 pyrrhic 5 syringadenous | |
7 | living on a shore; of or pertaining to wading birds |
1 ovine 2 interstitial 3 ophic 4 parthenian 5 limicoline | |
8 | fleshy; flesh-coloured; like or relating to flesh |
1 vernal 2 ventral 3 pedary 4 papuliferous 5 carneous | |
9 | of or relating to preaching the Gospel |
1 hypothecary 2 vespine 3 kerygmatic 4 leonine 5 galactic | |
10 | of or pertaining to ashes |
1 ampelidious 2 architectonics 3 cinerary 4 limacine 5 podalic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | of or relating to birds |
1 ornithic 2 hypnagogic 3 carnificial 4 pedary 5 hyaloid | |
12 | relating to serial division or segmentation of body |
1 metameric 2 volucrine 3 cutaneous 4 herpetoid 5 surnominal | |
13 | pertaining to the skeleton |
1 pridian 2 skelic 3 apatetic 4 alopecoid 5 palpebral | |
14 | pertaining to yew trees |
1 neoblastic 2 taxaceous 3 vascular 4 octonary 5 hippic | |
15 | relating to vertigo or dizziness |
1 dinic 2 eristic 3 carceral 4 vesical 5 eleemosynary | |
16 | pertaining to doves or pigeons |
1 renal 2 testudinal 3 thionic 4 hydric 5 columbaceous | |
17 | of or pertaining to gulls |
1 hypothecary 2 sialic 3 obitual 4 anconoid 5 laroid | |
18 | pertaining to the palm or the sole; pertaining to flight |
1 volar 2 piscatorial 3 fodient 4 prosopic 5 gremial | |
19 | of or pertaining to rushes |
1 juncaceous 2 gallinaceous 3 oscheal 4 clysmian 5 sciatheric | |
20 | pertaining to a grandparent |
1 geal 2 aval 3 matinal 4 hiemal 5 selachian | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | pertaining to periods of above-average temperatures |
1 lumbricine 2 jecoral 3 tinctorial 4 pliothermic 5 drupaceous | |
22 | relating to wading birds |
1 grallatory 2 sidereal 3 potamic 4 empaestic 5 oligodynamic | |
23 | of or pertaining to desire |
1 gruine 2 varietal 3 epithymetic 4 sartorial 5 parine | |
24 | pertaining to an hour; continuing for an hour; hourly |
1 taurean 2 funicular 3 baculine 4 horary 5 halibiotic | |
25 | pertaining or relating to the earth |
1 limnetic 2 genesic 3 geal 4 amygdaloid 5 musal | |
26 | matter relating to printing or printers |
1 gerontogenous 2 nucal 3 nuchal 4 typographia 5 alar | |
27 | of or relating to gestures |
1 piscatorial 2 hyetal 3 truttaceous 4 limacine 5 gestic | |
28 | of or relating to winter |
1 hyaloid 2 vortical 3 sylvestral 4 hiemal 5 lapidarian | |
29 | of or relating to marriage |
1 otic 2 stochastic 3 domal 4 hymeneal 5 tringoid | |
30 | pertaining to iron-working and blacksmiths |
1 occipital 2 agonistic 3 sialic 4 hephaestic 5 funicular | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | of or like elms |
1 geocyclic 2 riparian 3 ulmaceous 4 parthenian 5 velamentous | |
32 | pertaining to fishing |
1 vortical 2 picine 3 halieutic 4 sororal 5 apian | |
33 | of or pertaining to a womb or a matrix |
1 matrical 2 alopecoid 3 binaural 4 dinic 5 oenopoetic | |
34 | of, pertaining to or resulting from addition |
1 sutorian 2 butyric 3 addititious 4 catalactic 5 plenilunar | |
35 | of or pertaining to conjunction |
1 apian 2 visceral 3 iliac 4 synodical 5 deric | |
36 | of or belonging to the leg |
1 crural 2 phacochoerine 3 edaphic 4 phocine 5 hirundine | |
37 | of or relating to a queen |
1 anguine 2 hirundine 3 reginal 4 eoan 5 vexillary | |
38 | of or pertaining to turkeys |
1 cutaneous 2 creatic 3 meleagrine 4 amphiscian 5 skelic | |
39 | relating jointly to the moon and sun |
1 cervisial 2 cupulate 3 denary 4 anguine 5 lunisolar | |
40 | relating to or consisting of apples |
1 olitory 2 pomaceous 3 sybotic 4 sciatic 5 geostrophic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | pertaining to shields |
1 juncaceous 2 presidial 3 cothurnal 4 paginal 5 scutal | |
42 | of or like a sieve |
1 catenarian 2 nummary 3 regnal 4 ethmoid 5 ovine | |
43 | pertaining to or consisting of eight things; grouped in eights |
1 lupanarian 2 puerperal 3 octonary 4 gremial 5 sarcous | |
44 | refractive; of or pertaining to refraction |
1 araneidan 2 figuline 3 piscatorial 4 anaclastic 5 terrene | |
45 | pertaining to a swineherd |
1 scacchic 2 ilicic 3 goetic 4 sanguineous 5 sybotic | |
46 | of or pertaining to glass |
1 meleagrine 2 mandative 3 sarcous 4 narial 5 hyaloid | |
47 | of or resembling a fox |
1 vespine 2 philoprogenitive 3 ancoral 4 alopecoid 5 selachian | |
48 | pertaining to sisters |
1 sororal 2 ungual 3 plenilunar 4 hypnopompic 5 pulicine | |
49 | pertaining to the face |
1 littoral 2 poliorcectic 3 prosopic 4 petrean 5 lutaceous | |
50 | capable of being moulded; of or relating to pottery |
1 fictile 2 zonary 3 cryptaesthetic 4 bathysmal 5 epichoric | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | of or relating to appetite or desires |
1 carneous 2 numinous 3 thermonous 4 orectic 5 eristic | |
52 | pertaining to a manor or village |
1 stibial 2 sebaceous 3 frumentarious 4 villar 5 hortensial | |
53 | pertaining to architecture |
1 oecodomic 2 horal 3 septimal 4 gelastic 5 furuncular | |
54 | predacious; of or relating to a bird of prey |
1 pelargic 2 raptorial 3 occipital 4 somnial 5 capitulary | |
55 | growing on land used for grazing; of or pertaining to pastures |
1 pascual 2 serous 3 semic 4 Priapean 5 nepotal | |
56 | priestly; relating to priestly interests |
1 sacerdotal 2 piscine 3 geal 4 abiectic 5 columbine | |
57 | pertaining to the earth or the underworld |
1 pygal 2 chelonian 3 chthonian 4 sigillary 5 nucal | |
58 | of or pertaining to dawn |
1 superciliary 2 edaphic 3 eburnean 4 rangiferine 5 eoan | |
59 | relating to or being aggressive or argumentative |
1 scytodepsic 2 mycteric 3 agonistic 4 inescatory 5 psephitic | |
60 | of or relating to the embryonic period of development |
1 musal 2 nepionic 3 hordeaceous 4 anaclastic 5 goetic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | pertaining to or in front of the nostrils |
1 cyprinoid 2 nundinal 3 inguinal 4 prenarial 5 emunctory | |
62 | of or relating to warthogs |
1 poral 2 ungual 3 diaconal 4 phacochoerine 5 epichoric | |
63 | of or pertaining to dung |
1 vicarial 2 vadose 3 funicular 4 fimetic 5 telestic | |
64 | of or pertaining to singing |
1 tinctorial 2 cantative 3 neoblastic 4 geostrophic 5 centrobaric | |
65 | pertaining to the dance or to the foot |
1 erotetic 2 gremial 3 pyrrhic 4 crotaline 5 anconoid | |
66 | of or like nectar |
1 varietal 2 lienal 3 oscular 4 limnetic 5 nectareal | |
67 | of or pertaining to the skin |
1 pavonian 2 plaustral 3 brumal 4 loranthaceous 5 deric | |
68 | of or pertaining to the earth |
1 matriherital 2 poliorcectic 3 tellural 4 hodiernal 5 soricine | |
69 | of a reign |
1 regnal 2 arval 3 bibitory 4 fidicinal 5 auricular | |
70 | relating to the limbs rather than the trunk |
1 nobiliary 2 funicular 3 membral 4 mucopurulent 5 sciatic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | pertaining to inheritance along the female line |
1 tergal 2 hortulan 3 matriherital 4 laroid 5 interstitial | |
72 | of, on or near the eyebrow |
1 superciliary 2 costal 3 acrologic 4 lunisolar 5 bathyorographical | |
73 | of or relating to sorcery or alchemy |
1 mental 2 kerygmatic 3 hyaloid 4 hermetic 5 funicular | |
74 | of or pertaining to the soil |
1 mnesic 2 steric 3 voluminal 4 edaphic 5 cryptous | |
75 | of or pertaining to urine |
1 matutinal 2 georgic 3 inguinal 4 bathysmal 5 uretic | |
76 | of or relating to a fair or market |
1 didascalic 2 praedial 3 nundinal 4 musal 5 skelic | |
77 | one of ten; tenfold; of or relating to group of ten |
1 riparian 2 pliothermic 3 ostraceous 4 carious 5 denary | |
78 | materialistic; merely mechanical; relating to workshops |
1 geal 2 opisthosomal 3 fodient 4 pyrrhic 5 banausic | |
79 | of or relating to a jaw |
1 chiral 2 maxillary 3 oscheal 4 proctal 5 villatic | |
80 | pertaining to lightning |
1 taxaceous 2 vulpecular 3 hesternal 4 fulgural 5 juncaceous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | of or pertaining to the hand |
1 metopic 2 icterical 3 manal 4 hippoid 5 vulturine | |
82 | of or relating to expense or extravagance |
1 myoxine 2 sumptuary 3 petrean 4 hyaloid 5 galactic | |
83 | of or pertaining to winter |
1 brumal 2 tringoid 3 lutaceous 4 capitulary 5 columbine | |
84 | engaging in or pertaining to rhetorical questioning |
1 penial 2 sinal 3 columbine 4 erotetic 5 hypnopompic | |
85 | of or relating to axes or hatchets |
1 anserine 2 praedial 3 olitory 4 dolabrate 5 rachidian | |
86 | relating to divination; prophetic; divinely inspired |
1 proctal 2 mantic 3 ungual 4 zoonic 5 serous | |
87 | of tar and feathers |
1 vinal 2 plumeopicean 3 figuline 4 conative 5 lutaceous | |
88 | of or relating to pigeons |
1 pectineal 2 pedary 3 nychthemeral 4 peristeronic 5 coeliac | |
89 | of or relating to lard |
1 lardaceous 2 mimetic 3 gerontogenous 4 nymphean 5 leporine | |
90 | relating to reflection or reflected light |
1 sarcous 2 bolar 3 membral 4 catoptric 5 trochilic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | pertaining to the nostrils |
1 piscatorial 2 mycteric 3 hymeneal 4 picaresque 5 bibitory | |
92 | voracious; gluttonous; pertaining to eating |
1 valetudinarian 2 sciuroid 3 geocyclic 4 metopic 5 edacious | |
93 | of or related to hunting |
1 avicular 2 molendinar 3 edaphic 4 ventral 5 cynegetic | |
94 | of the root of an equation |
1 rhizic 2 ovine 3 pectineal 4 linaceous 5 georgic | |
95 | of or relating to the swift |
1 costal 2 columbine 3 cypseline 4 scutal 5 auricular | |
96 | of, resembling or relating to fish |
1 kerygmatic 2 ichthyic 3 urticacous 4 nymphean 5 nutricial | |
97 | of or pertaining to a chapter of an organization |
1 theroid 2 capitulary 3 iridic 4 vertiginous 5 oecodomic | |
98 | pertaining to protective mimicry of animals |
1 penial 2 epedaphic 3 parastatic 4 nemaline 5 crinal | |
99 | of or relating to holly |
1 ovibovine 2 oleraceous 3 ilicic 4 piscatorial 5 hyaloid | |
100 | of or pertaining to bile |
1 oscheal 2 loranthaceous 3 cholic 4 bisontine 5 toxophilite |