Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | pertaining to the earliest or first developmental stage |
1 primogenous 2 myoxine 3 hippiatric 4 valetudinarian 5 lobar | |
2 | relating to hours; hourly |
1 horal 2 scioptic 3 jecoral 4 trochiline 5 blepharal | |
3 | of or relating to heaven; sublime; skyward |
1 hephaestic 2 stercoraceous 3 vitular 4 empyreal 5 hebetic | |
4 | of or pertaining to mineral springs |
1 crenitic 2 hirudinean 3 plenilunar 4 castral 5 panary | |
5 | of or pertaining to chess |
1 butyric 2 synodical 3 myelic 4 castellar 5 scacchic | |
6 | relating to neologisms |
1 neophrastic 2 hebamic 3 gestic 4 kerygmatic 5 decennoval | |
7 | pertaining to sharks or rays |
1 caprifoliaceous 2 selachian 3 poliorcectic 4 alar 5 novenary | |
8 | relating to wisdom or learning |
1 palladian 2 ontal 3 alveolate 4 epistolary 5 rhonchial | |
9 | relating to unconscious logical thought |
1 rhematic 2 cypseline 3 lucernal 4 hypnoetic 5 carneous | |
10 | relating to eyelids |
1 blepharal 2 thermonous 3 schiztic 4 hypnagogic 5 geal | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | pertaining to posteriors |
1 opisthosomal 2 reticular 3 apian 4 cynegetic 5 catalactic | |
12 | of seeds or spores spread by animals |
1 bucolic 2 pyretic 3 marmoreal 4 hippic 5 zoochorous | |
13 | relating to the centre of gravity |
1 epulary 2 centrobaric 3 agrestic 4 oligodynamic 5 primitial | |
14 | pertaining to or reaching the ankles |
1 varietal 2 dinic 3 laic 4 rachidian 5 talaric | |
15 | of or like a zone; arranged in zones |
1 testaceous 2 semic 3 glyptic 4 scutal 5 zonary | |
16 | relating to or derived from the sense of touch |
1 laniary 2 hederaceous 3 nepionic 4 cancellarial 5 tactual | |
17 | pertaining to an abundance of moisture |
1 leonine 2 terrene 3 hydric 4 ontal 5 choreutic | |
18 | of or relating to a wagon |
1 plaustral 2 ordalian 3 distaff 4 sacerdotal 5 primogenous | |
19 | pertaining to the wing or the shoulder |
1 lingual 2 pteric 3 vibronic 4 meleagrine 5 diaconal | |
20 | pertaining to tribunals or courts |
1 spermatic 2 pardine 3 catalactic 4 areopagitic 5 malar | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | of or pertaining to voice training |
1 stercoraceous 2 formic 3 vocicultural 4 calycine 5 aliphatic | |
22 | of or relating to a vortex; whirling |
1 vortical 2 crotaline 3 psephitic 4 distaff 5 littoral | |
23 | of or pertaining to gardens |
1 crotaline 2 hortulan 3 venatic 4 toxophilite 5 campestral | |
24 | of or relating to the adolescent period; young |
1 chthonian 2 muscid 3 neanic 4 connubial 5 alopecoid | |
25 | of or relating to dinner |
1 hebetic 2 terpsichorean 3 prandial 4 phrenic 5 hymeneal | |
26 | of or relating to the depths of the ocean |
1 versicular 2 poaceous 3 benthic 4 areopagitic 5 bucolic | |
27 | of a comb; comb-like |
1 epistolary 2 anserine 3 pectinal 4 ichthyic 5 gallinaceous | |
28 | pertaining to a cuckoo |
1 steric 2 demogenic 3 viverrine 4 sciuroid 5 cuculine | |
29 | of or relating to building; structural |
1 uletic 2 laic 3 vicarial 4 crenitic 5 tectonic | |
30 | pertaining to the arrangement of knowledge |
1 caballine 2 chorepiscopal 3 doxastic 4 palpebral 5 architectonics | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | pertaining to thunder and lightning |
1 vexillary 2 fulmineous 3 spatiotemporal 4 brumal 5 sphingal | |
32 | of or relating to a nychthemeron or 24-hour period |
1 crepuscular 2 pelargic 3 loimic 4 nychthemeral 5 sphragistic | |
33 | of or relating to the chin |
1 raptorial 2 architectonics 3 hyetal 4 mental 5 chrestomathic | |
34 | of or relating to dormice |
1 myoxine 2 stadial 3 hortulan 4 crural 5 pedological | |
35 | of or relating to the moon |
1 acrologic 2 vascular 3 empaestic 4 funebral 5 selenic | |
36 | pertaining or relating to oranges or orange trees |
1 cervine 2 aurantiaceous 3 selachian 4 gnathal 5 enteral | |
37 | of or relating to the abdomen |
1 coeliac 2 vascular 3 iridic 4 hymeneal 5 stratonic | |
38 | of or pertaining to letters |
1 parietal 2 ulmaceous 3 epistolary 4 tectonic 5 costal | |
39 | relating to the mysteries |
1 zoonic 2 scacchic 3 telestic 4 elenctic 5 coeliac | |
40 | pertaining to animals; containing evidence of life |
1 varietal 2 zoic 3 oscinine 4 auricular 5 megachiropteran | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | of or like fungus; soft; spongy |
1 galactic 2 sutorian 3 empaestic 4 oleraceous 5 fungous | |
42 | pertaining to the joint effect of the sun and earth |
1 neurergic 2 suburbicarian 3 cuculine 4 soliterraneous 5 renal | |
43 | northern; of or pertaining to the north |
1 prosopic 2 edaphic 3 septentrional 4 anserine 5 halieutic | |
44 | pertaining to one's native land |
1 superciliary 2 stochastic 3 mellaginous 4 patrial 5 goetic | |
45 | of or pertaining to butchers or executioners |
1 carnificial 2 porcine 3 doxastic 4 chthonian 5 acrologic | |
46 | pertaining to formation of images in darkrooms |
1 riparian 2 scioptic 3 patibulary 4 neanic 5 institorial | |
47 | of or pertaining to alpine regions |
1 aval 2 alpestrine 3 tactual 4 sciatheric 5 interstitial | |
48 | of or relating to the ear |
1 hebamic 2 geal 3 limnetic 4 neophrastic 5 otic | |
49 | of the gape; of the corner of the mouth |
1 cantative 2 juratory 3 tergal 4 rictal 5 apatetic | |
50 | of or relating to snoring |
1 mimetic 2 decretal 3 ovine 4 rhizic 5 rhonchial | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | imitative; of or relating to mimicry |
1 taurean 2 nummary 3 miothermic 4 mimetic 5 sphragistic | |
52 | of or pertaining to one's nephew |
1 palmar 2 malar 3 amphiscian 4 coticular 5 nepotal | |
53 | of words or verbs; forming a word or words |
1 rhematic 2 palmar 3 lingual 4 riparian 5 butyric | |
54 | pertaining to new growth |
1 baculine 2 neoblastic 3 risible 4 elenctic 5 matrical | |
55 | pertaining to the entirety of life under the sea |
1 halibiotic 2 denary 3 pulmonic 4 mystagogical 5 stratonic | |
56 | pertaining to tanning leather |
1 meretricious 2 sphingal 3 hephaestic 4 molinary 5 scytodepsic | |
57 | of or pertaining to banquets |
1 presidial 2 palmar 3 raptorial 4 epulary 5 lapidarian | |
58 | pertaining to the art of embossing |
1 sacerdotal 2 leporine 3 sulphorous 4 halolimnic 5 empaestic | |
59 | of or relating to spring |
1 uncial 2 caballine 3 vernal 4 mystagogical 5 venatic | |
60 | of or relating to a siege |
1 dianoetic 2 obsidional 3 nundinal 4 pardine 5 binaural | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | pertaining to the ear; spoken secretly |
1 batrachian 2 auricular 3 anguine 4 eleemosynary 5 musal | |
62 | bloody; of or relating to blood; blood-red |
1 hymeneal 2 sanguineous 3 crotaline 4 avicular 5 pavonian | |
63 | of or pertaining to bread; bread store |
1 phocine 2 intercrural 3 pardine 4 tectonic 5 panary | |
64 | of or pertaining to a seal |
1 novenary 2 sigillary 3 iliac 4 spatiotemporal 5 zymic | |
65 | of or relating to the sable |
1 thermonous 2 lucernal 3 crepuscular 4 hermeneutic 5 zibeline | |
66 | of or pertaining to the scrotum |
1 fringillaceous 2 oscheal 3 canicular 4 podalic 5 selachian | |
67 | relating to procreation or the genitals |
1 genesic 2 apatetic 3 stadial 4 epedaphic 5 velamentous | |
68 | of or relating to vines |
1 onomastic 2 ampelidious 3 hordeaceous 4 talaric 5 ixiodic | |
69 | of or relating to slugs |
1 limacine 2 forcipate 3 poral 4 phacochoerine 5 matricular | |
70 | of or pertaining to rope walking |
1 schoenabatic 2 diacoustic 3 habilatory 4 visceral 5 sacerdotal | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | of or caused by electronic vibration |
1 vibronic 2 selenic 3 plenilunar 4 tegular 5 empyreal | |
72 | of or pertaining to the tail |
1 caudal 2 musal 3 denary 4 haemal 5 lunisolar | |
73 | of or pertaining to headmasters |
1 archididascalian 2 mimetic 3 humoral 4 fodient 5 ranunculaceous | |
74 | pertaining to the calf of the leg |
1 loranthaceous 2 philoprogenitive 3 eupeptic 4 miothermic 5 sural | |
75 | of an animal's coloration or markings |
1 praedial 2 apatetic 3 plenilunar 4 palpebral 5 fulmineous | |
76 | of or pertaining to plagues |
1 crepuscular 2 hypothecary 3 visceral 4 crinal 5 loimic | |
77 | of or relating to peacocks |
1 bursal 2 penial 3 burgensic 4 pavonian 5 steric | |
78 | of or relating to the stars |
1 soliterraneous 2 aeropleustic 3 ferial 4 cutaneous 5 sidereal | |
79 | pertaining to a deity; suffused with religious awe |
1 caballine 2 rhonchial 3 suberous 4 numinous 5 carneous | |
80 | relating to the stage or actors |
1 metameric 2 empaestic 3 fidicinal 4 histrionic 5 hypnopompic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | of or relating to the cheek |
1 theroid 2 malar 3 lobar 4 olitory 5 compital | |
82 | of or pertaining to windows |
1 gestatorial 2 venous 3 pedicular 4 alvine 5 fenestral | |
83 | of or resembling chalk |
1 cretaceous 2 eleemosynary 3 suburbicarian 4 natricine 5 scutal | |
84 | of or relating to the full moon |
1 plenilunar 2 loimic 3 halieutic 4 vespal 5 nepotal | |
85 | of or pertaining to vocabulary |
1 puerperal 2 cantative 3 vocabularian 4 georgic 5 rhizic | |
86 | of or pertaining to a stage |
1 stratonic 2 puerperal 3 villar 4 viatical 5 stadial | |
87 | pertaining to atmospheric conditions |
1 viverrine 2 palladian 3 epedaphic 4 stercoraceous 5 cuculine | |
88 | minty; of or pertaining to the mint plant |
1 lamiaceous 2 morphean 3 manal 4 mystagogical 5 scutal | |
89 | pertaining to the tending of cattle; rustic; rural |
1 stochastic 2 didascalic 3 parthenian 4 bucolic 5 vinal | |
90 | belonging to the rump end; pertaining to the rump |
1 pygal 2 eupeptic 3 vespertinal 4 manal 5 anconoid | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | of or relating to stones; inscribed on stones |
1 clysmian 2 crenitic 3 epichoric 4 lapidarian 5 vermicular | |
92 | pertaining to the pulse or heartbeat |
1 pardine 2 ancoral 3 gnomic 4 sphygmic 5 matrical | |
93 | of or resembling a skink |
1 scincoid 2 myelic 3 nicotian 4 vestiary 5 jentacular | |
94 | of or relating to seals |
1 pyretic 2 ophic 3 sanguineous 4 morphean 5 phocine | |
95 | of nets; using nets as a weapon; catching insects in webs |
1 primitial 2 vulpecular 3 retiary 4 villar 5 ontal | |
96 | pertaining to the dog star |
1 canicular 2 rachidian 3 funicular 4 volitive 5 somnial | |
97 | pertaining to stone tools |
1 phreatic 2 technolithic 3 telestic 4 vibronic 5 mnesic | |
98 | relating to or provoking laughter |
1 demegoric 2 gelastic 3 duodenary 4 adipic 5 gremial | |
99 | pertaining to the depths of the ocean |
1 inguinal 2 eoan 3 visile 4 eleemosynary 5 bathysmal | |
100 | of or pertaining to hops |
1 stercoraceous 2 lupulic 3 noxal 4 ixiodic 5 zonary |