Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | pertaining to copper-rust or verdigris |
1 hyaloid 2 aeruginous 3 somnial 4 emporeutic 5 carceral | |
2 | pertaining to or like frogs |
1 pelargic 2 ranine 3 ilicic 4 medianic 5 aval | |
3 | of or pertaining to whetstones |
1 nidatory 2 coticular 3 magistral 4 laic 5 diacoustic | |
4 | of or relating to feces |
1 myelic 2 sutorian 3 malar 4 stercoraceous 5 vindemial | |
5 | relating to instinctive love for offspring |
1 presidial 2 reginal 3 philoprogenitive 4 forcipate 5 horal | |
6 | of the organs of the body |
1 riparian 2 lacertilian 3 empaestic 4 visceral 5 myoxine | |
7 | pertaining to a vicar or delegate |
1 avicular 2 morphean 3 vicarial 4 nephric 5 venous | |
8 | relating to or suffering from jaundice |
1 tegular 2 dolabrate 3 hesternal 4 patibulary 5 icterical | |
9 | of or pertaining to excrement |
1 excrementitial 2 pascual 3 sanguineous 4 linaceous 5 lardaceous | |
10 | conveying waste; pertaining to nose-blowing |
1 entomical 2 sylvestral 3 lamiaceous 4 bolar 5 emunctory | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | of or pertaining to blood |
1 littoral 2 splenic 3 haemal 4 scioptic 5 clysmian | |
12 | of or relating to lamps |
1 gnomic 2 calycine 3 lucernal 4 mystagogical 5 sinal | |
13 | made of or pertaining to nickel |
1 zoic 2 vocicultural 3 phemic 4 niccolic 5 edacious | |
14 | of or relating to branches |
1 blepharal 2 telodynamyc 3 fictile 4 rameal 5 lacustrine | |
15 | pertaining to the rotation and revolution of the Earth |
1 geocyclic 2 nymphean 3 mellaginous 4 geal 5 schoenabatic | |
16 | pertaining to or comprised of mud |
1 ornithic 2 hodiernal 3 lutaceous 4 palmar 5 retiary | |
17 | of or relating to dirges or elegies |
1 nepotal 2 seral 3 laic 4 venatic 5 epicedial | |
18 | of or relating to torrid regions |
1 manal 2 geoselenic 3 dinic 4 suburbicarian 5 amphiscian | |
19 | sleep-inducing; pertaining to drowsiness or sleep |
1 reginal 2 picine 3 gemmeous 4 hypnagogic 5 centrobaric | |
20 | of or relating to dancing |
1 rictal 2 frumentarious 3 ornithic 4 crepuscular 5 terpsichorean | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | of or pertaining to obituaries |
1 sartorial 2 goetic 3 sarcous 4 obitual 5 palmar | |
22 | pertaining to period between sleep and wakefulness |
1 pteric 2 gramineous 3 sphingal 4 zibeline 5 hypnopompic | |
23 | pertaining to a dean or deacon |
1 furuncular 2 scincoid 3 decanal 4 pectineal 5 gestic | |
24 | pertaining to walking or feet |
1 archididascalian 2 funicular 3 otic 4 pedary 5 chrestomathic | |
25 | of or near the midriff |
1 caricous 2 duodenary 3 scriptory 4 sebaceous 5 phrenic | |
26 | relating to the power of mothers |
1 matripotestal 2 nephric 3 viverrine 4 crenitic 5 vulpecular | |
27 | pertaining to the stick or cane; pertaining to flogging |
1 baculine 2 hypnoetic 3 ontal 4 vitular 5 lingual | |
28 | of or relating to veins |
1 oneiric 2 septimal 3 myoxine 4 venous 5 limacine | |
29 | relating to or connected with the land or farming |
1 sybotic 2 octonary 3 parine 4 praedial 5 cryptous | |
30 | pertaining to the back |
1 galactic 2 tergal 3 textorial 4 rabic 5 loimic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | relating to the space between things |
1 interstitial 2 fictile 3 sinal 4 nobiliary 5 pedary | |
32 | pertaining to carving or gem-engraving |
1 scioptic 2 plenilunar 3 gestatorial 4 glyptic 5 sebaceous | |
33 | almond-shaped; of or relating to tonsils |
1 lupanarian 2 uranic 3 vestiary 4 amygdaloid 5 plaustral | |
34 | of or relating to a legate |
1 araneidan 2 legatine 3 aeropleustic 4 mulciberian 5 buccal | |
35 | of or pertaining to rattlesnakes |
1 bibitory 2 gerontogenous 3 molinary 4 crotaline 5 halolimnic | |
36 | of or pertaining to vines |
1 meretricious 2 vineatic 3 carnificial 4 decanal 5 cervine | |
37 | of or pertaining to a stepmother |
1 cyprinoid 2 splenic 3 scutal 4 novercal 5 uxorial | |
38 | of or relating to carp |
1 aeropleustic 2 rameal 3 sybotic 4 cyprinoid 5 duodenary | |
39 | of or like a lion; rhyming last two or three syllables in a line |
1 zygal 2 geostrophic 3 urticacous 4 leonine 5 hederaceous | |
40 | relating to measuring by weight |
1 binaural 2 vortical 3 gravimetrical 4 pridian 5 retiary | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | of or pertaining to birds; bird-like |
1 epichoric 2 proethnic 3 limacine 4 sural 5 volucrine | |
42 | of or related to leopards |
1 pardine 2 apical 3 papilionaceous 4 sigillary 5 oscinine | |
43 | pertaining to virgins |
1 puerperal 2 parthenian 3 tringoid 4 oneiric 5 institorial | |
44 | of flesh or muscle |
1 erotetic 2 sarcous 3 valetudinarian 4 septimal 5 fictile | |
45 | of or pertaining to seals and signets |
1 oscheal 2 sphragistic 3 bdelloid 4 chthonian 5 riparian | |
46 | pertaining to the nape of the neck |
1 araneidan 2 nuchal 3 metopic 4 limacine 5 lupanarian | |
47 | pertaining to the Old World |
1 fimetic 2 legatine 3 sumptuary 4 gerontogenous 5 catalactic | |
48 | of or relating to bison |
1 preputial 2 limacine 3 bisontine 4 morsal 5 decretal | |
49 | of or pertaining to leeches |
1 bdelloid 2 sciuroid 3 volitive 4 vinal 5 talaric | |
50 | pertaining to asteroids or similar tiny celestial bodies |
1 planetesimal 2 nimonic 3 crepuscular 4 hypnoetic 5 lutaceous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | containing or relating to starch; starchy |
1 leporine 2 apian 3 oligodynamic 4 amyloid 5 orectic | |
52 | pertaining to rabies |
1 alveolate 2 rabic 3 hyaloid 4 velamentous 5 crepuscular | |
53 | relating to vertigo; dizzy; giddy |
1 hiemal 2 vertiginous 3 histrionic 4 brumal 5 linaceous | |
54 | pertaining to an agent or factor |
1 hepatic 2 ilicic 3 phocine 4 institorial 5 pulmonic | |
55 | like wine; pertaining to wine; wine-coloured |
1 binaural 2 erotetic 3 ancoral 4 chthonian 5 vinous | |
56 | rapacious; of or pertaining to a vulture |
1 gramineous 2 bisontine 3 fictile 4 neoblastic 5 vulturine | |
57 | pertaining to calves or to veal |
1 mucopurulent 2 schoenabatic 3 hesternal 4 tegular 5 vituline | |
58 | of or relating to soils |
1 nychthemeral 2 narial 3 pedological 4 cypseline 5 lucernal | |
59 | pertaining to spiritualists, mediums or prophets |
1 medianic 2 nucal 3 marmoreal 4 bathyorographical 5 testudinal | |
60 | pertaining to language, speech or the tongue |
1 vulpecular 2 bisontine 3 lingual 4 enteral 5 scytodepsic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | of or relating to prostitution; gaudy; flashy |
1 horal 2 sumptuary 3 distaff 4 cryptous 5 meretricious | |
62 | of or relating to the hip |
1 suidian 2 toxophilite 3 sciatic 4 technolithic 5 oneiric | |
63 | pertaining to sphinxes |
1 hordeaceous 2 hodiernal 3 carious 4 sphingal 5 thionic | |
64 | relating to, of or comprised of bone |
1 osteal 2 uxorial 3 matinal 4 gestic 5 prandial | |
65 | of or pertaining to barley |
1 gnomic 2 orectic 3 laniary 4 littoral 5 hordeaceous | |
66 | of or relating to pebbles |
1 psephitic 2 agonistic 3 podalic 4 nepotal 5 hirundine | |
67 | of or relating to dyeing; giving colour |
1 phemic 2 hippiatric 3 deric 4 cacuminal 5 tinctorial | |
68 | signifying general truth; relating to aphorisms or proverbs |
1 institorial 2 distaff 3 geostrophic 4 baculine 5 gnomic | |
69 | of the palate |
1 raptorial 2 dromic 3 narial 4 uranic 5 castral | |
70 | rainy; of or pertaining to rainfall |
1 lumbricine 2 cretaceous 3 sororal 4 hyetal 5 mental | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | pertaining to poetry or the Muses |
1 sciuroid 2 amyloid 3 parietal 4 musal 5 loranthaceous | |
72 | pertaining to male reproductive power; phallic |
1 molinary 2 renal 3 Priapean 4 skelic 5 palpebral | |
73 | pertaining to suburbs |
1 arval 2 nundinal 3 anguine 4 suburbicarian 5 ilicic | |
74 | of or pertaining to insects |
1 nymphean 2 entomical 3 venous 4 schoenabatic 5 compital | |
75 | of or pertaining to a cup; cup-shaped |
1 cupulate 2 duodenary 3 lapidarian 4 figuline 5 icterical | |
76 | of or relating to the sole of the foot |
1 sciuroid 2 burgensic 3 pliothermic 4 plantar 5 psittacine | |
77 | of or relating to classification by phenotype |
1 empyreal 2 venous 3 sphygmic 4 phenetic 5 mandative | |
78 | pertaining to sandpipers |
1 tringoid 2 scorbutic 3 juratory 4 pygal 5 theroid | |
79 | pertaining to the effect of small quantities |
1 porcine 2 oligodynamic 3 stadial 4 malar 5 picine | |
80 | pertaining to the mallow family of plants |
1 primitial 2 nundinal 3 magistral 4 hederaceous 5 malvaceous | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | relating to cobbling or sewing |
1 pulicine 2 costal 3 sutorian 4 hypnagogic 5 planetesimal | |
82 | of or relating to a chancellor |
1 haemal 2 vinous 3 cancellarial 4 venatic 5 murine | |
83 | pertaining to the underside or the belly |
1 pabulous 2 sartorial 3 ventral 4 oscular 5 shrieval | |
84 | pertaining to fat or fats in general |
1 vestiary 2 aliphatic 3 gremial 4 obitual 5 magistral | |
85 | pertaining to transmission of power to a distance |
1 biverbal 2 hydric 3 ichthyic 4 telodynamyc 5 ciconene | |
86 | of the rose family; roselike |
1 gemmeous 2 roseaceous 3 gerontogenous 4 myelic 5 pulmonic | |
87 | of or relating to rotatory motion |
1 syringadenous 2 baculine 3 mental 4 trochilic 5 terraneous | |
88 | pimply; bearing or relating to pimples |
1 carpal 2 bdelloid 3 papuliferous 4 columbine 5 nephric | |
89 | of or relating to the liver |
1 conative 2 planetesimal 3 cutaneous 4 jecoral 5 aval | |
90 | of or pertaining to a funeral |
1 nemaline 2 castral 3 funebral 4 areopagitic 5 banausic | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | of or pertaining to nurses |
1 crotaline 2 nutricial 3 taurean 4 uxorial 5 patrial | |
92 | of or pertaining to the titmouse |
1 parine 2 thermonous 3 sororal 4 matutinal 5 matricular | |
93 | of or pertaining to crossroads |
1 compital 2 hordeaceous 3 doxastic 4 carious 5 arval | |
94 | of or relating to dreams |
1 gerontogenous 2 hypnoetic 3 steric 4 oneiric 5 blennoid | |
95 | of or pertaining to sight; learning easily by sight |
1 mensal 2 oligodynamic 3 uxorial 4 ovibovine 5 visile | |
96 | of or resembling pheasants and other domestic birds |
1 deric 2 loranthaceous 3 succinic 4 buccal 5 gallinaceous | |
97 | of or pertaining to chains |
1 lacertilian 2 haemal 3 decretal 4 catenarian 5 catalactic | |
98 | pertaining to the earth |
1 muscid 2 interstitial 3 apian 4 acerate 5 terraneous | |
99 | of or relating to the loins |
1 phacochoerine 2 creatic 3 iliac 4 rhonchial 5 phreatic | |
100 | of or pertaining to pigs; swinish |
1 venatic 2 porcine 3 nucal 4 mystagogical 5 zoic |