Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | theory that accepts role of pure chance |
1 pancosmism 2 privatism 3 scientism 4 tychism 5 experientialism | |
2 | belief that humans ought to be equal in rights and privileges |
1 egalitarianism 2 monotheism 3 agathism 4 pansexualism 5 holism | |
3 | the belief that chance governs all things |
1 laicism 2 tritheism 3 functionalism 4 academicism 5 casualism | |
4 | belief in local deities or spirits |
1 modalism 2 panspermatism 3 functionalism 4 sacramentarianism 5 numenism | |
5 | the belief that matter has existed eternally |
1 pyrrhonism 2 solifidianism 3 determinism 4 eternalism 5 holism | |
6 | belief in universal salvation |
1 physicalism 2 collegialism 3 privatism 4 universalism 5 numenism | |
7 | belief that matter and mind don't interact but relate |
1 determinism 2 undulationism 3 phenomenalism 4 parallelism 5 libertarianism | |
8 | doctrine that a simple and natural life is morally best |
1 materialism 2 primitivism 3 conceptualism 4 solifidianism 5 fallibilism | |
9 | doctrine of the imminent end of the world |
1 regalism 2 skepticism 3 physicalism 4 apocalypticism 5 pansexualism | |
10 | belief that priests are necessary mediators between God and mankind |
1 pragmatism 2 intellectualism 3 sacerdotalism 4 agathism 5 indifferentism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | doctrine that inanimate objects have human mentality |
1 fallibilism 2 pessimism 3 subjectivism 4 psychomorphism 5 realism | |
12 | belief that what ever is to happen is already fixed |
1 pyrrhonism 2 predestinarianism 3 totemism 4 academicism 5 ubiquitarianism | |
13 | belief that freedom derives solely from knowledge |
1 acosmism 2 animism 3 egalitarianism 4 messianism 5 gnosticism | |
14 | denial that the soul exists in space |
1 geocentrism 2 nullibilism 3 pluralism 4 antilapsarianism 5 zoomorphism | |
15 | belief in two gods |
1 atomism 2 quietism 3 bitheism 4 historicism 5 laicism | |
16 | belief in ghosts |
1 privatism 2 triumphalism 3 eidolism 4 necessarianism 5 racism | |
17 | belief in indifference to pleasure or pain |
1 neovitalism 2 personalism 3 stoicism 4 parallelism 5 transcendentalism | |
18 | theory that the material universe is all that exists |
1 imagism 2 solipsism 3 modalism 4 sacerdotalism 5 pancosmism | |
19 | belief that all phenomena are historically determined |
1 historicism 2 totemism 3 introspectionism 4 pansexualism 5 omnism | |
20 | belief in multiple deities |
1 polytheism 2 omnism 3 fideism 4 pejorism 5 acosmism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | belief that the members of the Trinity are separate gods |
1 psychopannychism 2 introspectionism 3 anthropotheism 4 tritheism 5 thanatism | |
22 | doctrine that knowledge of mind must derive from introspection |
1 introspectionism 2 immanentism 3 nominalism 4 polytheism 5 quietism | |
23 | belief in universal soul |
1 psychism 2 mutualism 3 holism 4 voluntarism 5 mechanism | |
24 | belief that sacraments have unusual properties |
1 theocentrism 2 sacramentarianism 3 autotheism 4 solipsism 5 monism | |
25 | theory that self-existence is the only certainty |
1 fatalism 2 holobaptism 3 solipsism 4 synergism 5 kenotism | |
26 | doctrine that knowledge comes from experience |
1 experientialism 2 interactionism 3 monism 4 optimism 5 euhemerism | |
27 | belief in evolution by chance variation |
1 personalism 2 panpsychism 3 stoicism 4 fortuitism 5 monopsychism | |
28 | theory that actions are determined by prior history; fatalism |
1 necessarianism 2 dualism 3 experientialism 4 bullionism 5 psychism | |
29 | doctrine of the monarch's supremacy in church affairs |
1 perfectibilism 2 regalism 3 immanentism 4 holobaptism 5 tychism | |
30 | belief that the stars influence human affairs |
1 panspermatism 2 transcendentalism 3 siderism 4 syndicalism 5 necessarianism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | belief that individuals have a single eternal soul |
1 bitheism 2 monopsychism 3 fideism 4 siderism 5 scientism | |
32 | belief that race is the primary determinant of human capacities |
1 racism 2 hylozoism 3 scientism 4 fideism 5 polytheism | |
33 | belief that Christ is everywhere |
1 cosmotheism 2 ubiquitarianism 3 transcendentalism 4 entryism 5 gnosticism | |
34 | doctrine that beauty is central to other moral principles |
1 aestheticism 2 atomism 3 adevism 4 vitalism 5 agathism | |
35 | belief in only one God |
1 monotheism 2 sacramentarianism 3 siderism 4 organicism 5 bitheism | |
36 | belief that individual interests and rights are paramount |
1 individualism 2 reductionism 3 tritheism 4 tuism 5 interactionism | |
37 | doctrine that nothing can be known |
1 academicism 2 cosmotheism 3 representationalism 4 probabiliorism 5 hylomorphism | |
38 | doctrine that the universe is essentially evil |
1 pessimism 2 panpsychism 3 naturalism 4 tritheism 5 apocalypticism | |
39 | belief that knowledge is always probable but never absolute |
1 egalitarianism 2 probabilism 3 quietism 4 instrumentalism 5 organicism | |
40 | doctrine of individual human responsibility in an unfathomable universe |
1 historicism 2 henotheism 3 fatalism 4 existentialism 5 atheism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | doctrine that mental processes are epiphenomena of brain activity |
1 realism 2 epiphenomenalism 3 universalism 4 mutualism 5 positivism | |
42 | doctrine that events are predetermined by preceding events or laws |
1 determinism 2 representationalism 3 apocalypticism 4 positivism 5 terminism | |
43 | attribution of soul to inanimate objects |
1 transmigrationism 2 sacramentarianism 3 hylomorphism 4 primitivism 5 animism | |
44 | belief that life is explainable by mechanical forces |
1 undulationism 2 mechanism 3 naturalism 4 syndicalism 5 triumphalism | |
45 | belief that human interests and mind are paramount |
1 parallelism 2 solipsism 3 finalism 4 humanism 5 historicism | |
46 | total or radical skepticism |
1 panegoism 2 pyrrhonism 3 interactionism 4 paedobaptism 5 pluralism | |
47 | belief that phenomena are the only realities |
1 emotivism 2 phenomenalism 3 aestheticism 4 triumphalism 5 eternalism | |
48 | doctrine that the pursuit of self-interest is the highest good |
1 sacerdotalism 2 egoism 3 racism 4 numenism 5 henotheism | |
49 | belief that reality consists of several kinds or entities |
1 hylicism 2 bonism 3 conceptualism 4 pluralism 5 phenomenalism | |
50 | belief that the universe consists of small indivisible particles |
1 atomism 2 autosoterism 3 undulationism 4 kenotism 5 henism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | belief in the dual nature of Christ |
1 racism 2 entryism 3 solifidianism 4 psychopannychism 5 diphysitism | |
52 | doctrine emphasising utility and function |
1 substantialism 2 prescriptivism 3 polytheism 4 autotheism 5 functionalism | |
53 | doctrine that the universe is controlled by one good and one evil force |
1 catastrophism 2 dualism 3 eternalism 4 adoptionism 5 fatalism | |
54 | identification of oneself with God |
1 predestinarianism 2 tuism 3 collectivism 4 pancosmism 5 egotheism | |
55 | disbelief in existence of eternal universe distinct from God |
1 individualism 2 acosmism 3 antilapsarianism 4 omnism 5 subjectivism | |
56 | solipsism |
1 libertarianism 2 historicism 3 tuism 4 panegoism 5 psychomorphism | |
57 | view that moral conduct consists in observance of laws |
1 monopsychism 2 intuitionism 3 nomism 4 individualism 5 henism | |
58 | doctrine that naming of things defines reality |
1 psychism 2 nominalism 3 dualism 4 probabilism 5 diphysitism | |
59 | belief in ultimate triumph of good despite evil means |
1 meliorism 2 introspectionism 3 experientialism 4 agathism 5 humanism | |
60 | the belief the world tends to become better |
1 animism 2 psilanthropism 3 panspermatism 4 regalism 5 meliorism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | explanation of mythology as growing out of history |
1 bitheism 2 existentialism 3 representationalism 4 perfectibilism 5 euhemerism | |
62 | theory that total material explanation is impossible |
1 illusionism 2 zoomorphism 3 eidolism 4 neovitalism 5 fideism | |
63 | belief that nothing is real except the soul or spirit |
1 skepticism 2 spiritualism 3 euhemerism 4 ditheletism 5 subjectivism | |
64 | doctrine of broad liberality in religious belief and conduct |
1 latitudinarianism 2 pyrrhonism 3 gnosticism 4 zoomorphism 5 pansexualism | |
65 | doctrine that all knowledge is subjective |
1 apocalypticism 2 optimism 3 autotheism 4 eidolism 5 subjectivism | |
66 | belief that there is a real existence underlying phenomena |
1 panegoism 2 substantialism 3 egalitarianism 4 triumphalism 5 eternalism | |
67 | doctrine of communal control of means of production |
1 apocalypticism 2 collectivism 3 physicalism 4 eidolism 5 reductionism | |
68 | belief that the universe is purely material |
1 omnism 2 predestinarianism 3 hylotheism 4 malism 5 siderism | |
69 | theory that light consists of waves |
1 geocentrism 2 meliorism 3 perfectionism 4 undulationism 5 panentheism | |
70 | doctrine that the actions of a self are determined by itself |
1 millenarianism 2 monophysitism 3 eternalism 4 psychopannychism 5 self-determinism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | the belief that all religions are equally valid |
1 indifferentism 2 privatism 3 interactionism 4 fatalism 5 subjectivism | |
72 | belief that when in doubt one must choose most likely answer |
1 geocentrism 2 psychomorphism 3 totemism 4 probabiliorism 5 substantialism | |
73 | belief that a group has a special kinship with an object or animal |
1 totemism 2 tritheism 3 phenomenalism 4 egoism 5 pejorism | |
74 | belief that the world can be explained as aspect of the mind |
1 totemism 2 animism 3 egoism 4 optimism 5 mentalism | |
75 | doctrine that humans capable of becoming perfect |
1 experientialism 2 theism 3 monism 4 existentialism 5 perfectibilism | |
76 | belief in the existence of God without special revelation |
1 laicism 2 theism 3 egoism 4 meliorism 5 pragmatism | |
77 | denial of doctrine of the fall of humanity |
1 naturalism 2 physitheism 3 theocentrism 4 antilapsarianism 5 catabaptism | |
78 | belief that an end has or can be reached |
1 finalism 2 immanentism 3 pessimism 4 tychism 5 adamitism | |
79 | belief that humans and animals share vital life energy |
1 panzoism 2 terminism 3 emotivism 4 materialism 5 tutiorism | |
80 | doctrine that all matter is endowed with life |
1 modalism 2 parallelism 3 acosmism 4 hylozoism 5 monophysitism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | belief that soul passes into other body at death |
1 racism 2 transmigrationism 3 panzoism 4 fideism 5 quietism | |
82 | belief in God but rejection of religion |
1 monadism 2 deism 3 atheism 4 nomism 5 tritheism | |
83 | the doctrine that empirical knowledge is uncertain |
1 fallibilism 2 illusionism 3 fatalism 4 skepticism 5 regalism | |
84 | belief in one tribal god, but not as the only god |
1 psychotheism 2 representationalism 3 henotheism 4 naturalism 5 bitheism | |
85 | belief in origin of life from extraterrestrial germs |
1 panspermatism 2 primitivism 3 antinomianism 4 diphysitism 5 pansexualism | |
86 | belief in a single messiah or saviour |
1 messianism 2 collegialism 3 quietism 4 hylicism 5 immoralism | |
87 | doctrine that we live in an irrational universe |
1 absurdism 2 monergism 3 legalism 4 skepticism 5 fortuitism | |
88 | belief that one is God incarnate or that one is Christ |
1 monism 2 autotheism 3 psychomorphism 4 bonism 5 adoptionism | |
89 | doctrine that one should take the safer moral course |
1 adamitism 2 noumenalism 3 sacramentarianism 4 atomism 5 tutiorism | |
90 | belief in rapid geological and biological change |
1 gradualism 2 conceptualism 3 catastrophism 4 stoicism 5 pessimism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | belief that God is central fact of existence |
1 sacramentarianism 2 monadism 3 theocentrism 4 historicism 5 ditheletism | |
92 | belief in two equal gods, one good and one evil |
1 ditheism 2 adamitism 3 solipsism 4 naturalism 5 tutiorism | |
93 | doctrine that there is only one kind of existence |
1 probabilism 2 solipsism 3 psychotheism 4 optimism 5 henism | |
94 | denial of all reality; extreme scepticism |
1 nihilism 2 utilitarianism 3 autotheism 4 latitudinarianism 5 siderism | |
95 | materialism |
1 interactionism 2 immanentism 3 somatism 4 theopantism 5 nihilism | |
96 | doctrine of infant baptism |
1 paedobaptism 2 neonomianism 3 theopantism 4 thanatism 5 syndicalism | |
97 | belief that Earth is the centre of the universe |
1 geocentrism 2 nominalism 3 solipsism 4 sensationalism 5 quietism | |
98 | the doctrine that there is no material substance |
1 monopsychism 2 psychism 3 racism 4 latitudinarianism 5 immaterialism | |
99 | belief that there is no God |
1 pancosmism 2 pragmatism 3 neovitalism 4 atheism 5 solarism | |
100 | nakedness for religious reasons |
1 messianism 2 primitivism 3 egotheism 4 adamitism 5 diphysitism |