Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | belief that matter is the only extant substance |
1 pancosmism 2 academicism 3 transcendentalism 4 materialism 5 thanatism | |
2 | belief in the wrongness of infant baptism |
1 monotheletism 2 adamitism 3 catabaptism 4 privatism 5 fallibilism | |
3 | doctrine that life originates from a single vital principle |
1 henotheism 2 malism 3 panegoism 4 zoism 5 hylozoism | |
4 | attitude of avoiding involvement in outside interests |
1 fallibilism 2 self-determinism 3 determinism 4 privatism 5 emotivism | |
5 | doctrine that Christ had two wills |
1 gnosticism 2 ditheletism 3 bitheism 4 monadism 5 zoomorphism | |
6 | doctrine of use of precise images with unrestricted subject |
1 nomism 2 imagism 3 illusionism 4 pansexualism 5 necessarianism | |
7 | theory that moral statements are inherently biased |
1 humanism 2 undulationism 3 epiphenomenalism 4 emotivism 5 egoism | |
8 | doctrine that true knowledge is always uncertain |
1 diphysitism 2 skepticism 3 laicism 4 paedobaptism 5 psilanthropism | |
9 | theory that there exist ultimate units of being |
1 hylicism 2 psychopannychism 3 syndicalism 4 scientism 5 monadism | |
10 | doctrine of the rejection of moral law |
1 libertarianism 2 sensationalism 3 antinomianism 4 immanentism 5 pyrrhonism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | belief that the perception of truth is by intuition |
1 hylomorphism 2 holobaptism 3 legalism 4 bitheism 5 intuitionism | |
12 | doctrine that God is a purely spiritual entity |
1 illuminism 2 quietism 3 henotheism 4 egoism 5 psychotheism | |
13 | the doctrine that the world is good but not perfect |
1 libertarianism 2 emotivism 3 bonism 4 hedonism 5 sensationalism | |
14 | doctrine that moral perfection constitutes the highest value |
1 determinism 2 nominalism 3 ditheism 4 perfectionism 5 monotheletism | |
15 | doctrine that objects of cognition are real |
1 realism 2 subjectivism 3 nomism 4 nihilism 5 hylotheism | |
16 | belief that the cosmos is a self-existing whole |
1 cosmism 2 laicism 3 panpsychism 4 aestheticism 5 theism | |
17 | theory that all thought derived from sexual instinct |
1 universalism 2 racism 3 pansexualism 4 illuminism 5 physitheism | |
18 | belief that ideas originate solely in sensation |
1 libertarianism 2 psychotheism 3 siderism 4 autosoterism 5 sensationalism | |
19 | belief that things proceed by degrees |
1 immoralism 2 solarism 3 theism 4 gradualism 5 intellectualism | |
20 | denial of gods of mythology and legend |
1 adevism 2 bullionism 3 vitalism 4 mentalism 5 totemism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | attribution of physical form and attributes to deities |
1 legalism 2 physitheism 3 aspheterism 4 monergism 5 perfectionism | |
22 | belief in the importance of metallic currency in economics |
1 adoptionism 2 catastrophism 3 reductionism 4 tutiorism 5 bullionism | |
23 | belief that all phenomena reduceable to verifiable assertions |
1 bullionism 2 physicalism 3 theocentrism 4 illuminism 5 hylotheism | |
24 | theory that individuals have a second or other self |
1 egotheism 2 deism 3 intellectualism 4 tuism 5 panegoism | |
25 | belief that the mind possesses inborn thoughts |
1 millenarianism 2 prescriptivism 3 nativism 4 egalitarianism 5 triumphalism | |
26 | belief that all knowledge is derived from reason |
1 illuminism 2 intellectualism 3 catastrophism 4 antipedobaptism 5 fortuitism | |
27 | belief in an inward spiritual light |
1 libertarianism 2 syndicalism 3 hedonism 4 illuminism 5 apocalypticism | |
28 | the belief that the world is evil |
1 hedonism 2 ditheletism 3 neonomianism 4 malism 5 functionalism | |
29 | belief that the will dominates the intellect |
1 ditheism 2 sacerdotalism 3 antilapsarianism 4 millenarianism 5 voluntarism | |
30 | doctrine of enlightenment through mental tranquility |
1 experientialism 2 quietism 3 historicism 4 antipedobaptism 5 atomism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | theory that the gospel abrogates earlier moral codes |
1 eudaemonism 2 necessarianism 3 monergism 4 naturalism 5 neonomianism | |
32 | belief that an ideal society will be produced in the near future |
1 physicalism 2 zoomorphism 3 pantheism 4 millenarianism 5 atomism | |
33 | doctrine that there is a time limit for repentance |
1 terminism 2 transmigrationism 3 neonomianism 4 epiphenomenalism 5 zoomorphism | |
34 | belief in unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit |
1 monism 2 acosmism 3 solarism 4 modalism 5 psychism | |
35 | belief in all religions |
1 transcendentalism 2 undulationism 3 euhemerism 4 tychism 5 omnism | |
36 | belief that fundamental universal principle is creation of wholes |
1 intellectualism 2 holism 3 adoptionism 4 pantheism 5 prescriptivism | |
37 | conception of life or society as an organism |
1 intuitionism 2 organicism 3 egoism 4 apocalypticism 5 omnism | |
38 | doctrine that humans possess spiritual freedom |
1 henism 2 personalism 3 cosmotheism 4 dualism 5 atheism | |
39 | denial of validity of infant baptism |
1 antipedobaptism 2 reductionism 3 libertarianism 4 tutiorism 5 functionalism | |
40 | excessive use of solar myths in explaining mythology |
1 pantheism 2 tutiorism 3 casualism 4 prescriptivism 5 solarism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | doctrine that ideas are instruments of action |
1 illusionism 2 optimism 3 kenotism 4 historicism 5 instrumentalism | |
42 | belief that an unlikely opinion may be safely followed |
1 laxism 2 stoicism 3 monotheism 4 fallibilism 5 bitheism | |
43 | doctrine that knowledge depends on faith over reason |
1 fideism 2 utilitarianism 3 determinism 4 privatism 5 ubiquitarianism | |
44 | belief souls sleep from death to resurrection |
1 adamitism 2 monism 3 psychopannychism 4 spiritualism 5 immaterialism | |
45 | belief that matter is cause of the universe |
1 hylopathism 2 dualism 3 hylomorphism 4 collectivism 5 panegoism | |
46 | belief that mind and body act on each other |
1 reductionism 2 solarism 3 geocentrism 4 interactionism 5 entryism | |
47 | the belief that identifies God with the cosmos |
1 absurdism 2 antilapsarianism 3 egoism 4 egalitarianism 5 cosmotheism | |
48 | doctrine that faith alone will ensure salvation |
1 noumenalism 2 solifidianism 3 materialism 4 ubiquitarianism 5 sacramentarianism | |
49 | theory that emphasizes that which transcends perception |
1 transcendentalism 2 sensationalism 3 illuminism 4 conceptualism 5 eternalism | |
50 | belief that complex phenomena are reducible to simple ones |
1 noumenalism 2 adevism 3 reductionism 4 holobaptism 5 utilitarianism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | belief that the universe is God; belief in many gods |
1 pantheism 2 eternalism 3 monophysitism 4 determinism 5 messianism | |
52 | belief in baptism with total immersion in water |
1 tychism 2 universalism 3 undulationism 4 mechanism 5 holobaptism | |
53 | severe pessimism |
1 pejorism 2 organicism 3 hylicism 4 aestheticism 5 naturalism | |
54 | belief that the external world is philosophy |
1 illusionism 2 necessarianism 3 pantheism 4 panegoism 5 spiritualism | |
55 | denial of the right to private property |
1 aspheterism 2 skepticism 3 adamitism 4 fallibilism 5 psychotheism | |
56 | belief in mutual dependence of society and the individual |
1 physitheism 2 illusionism 3 messianism 4 polytheism 5 mutualism | |
57 | belief that Christ was the adopted and not natural son of God |
1 bitheism 2 historicism 3 illusionism 4 adoptionism 5 instrumentalism | |
58 | doctrine of joining a group to change its policies |
1 perfectibilism 2 materialism 3 regalism 4 entryism 5 fatalism | |
59 | rejection of morality |
1 terminism 2 fortuitism 3 immoralism 4 indifferentism 5 syndicalism | |
60 | belief that pleasure is the highest good |
1 adevism 2 solifidianism 3 monergism 4 hedonism 5 triumphalism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | conception of a god or man in animal form |
1 zoomorphism 2 autotheism 3 adevism 4 titanism 5 monotheism | |
62 | theory that church is independent from the state |
1 psilanthropism 2 mutualism 3 collegialism 4 autotheism 5 entryism | |
63 | belief that moral edicts are merely orders with no truth value |
1 gradualism 2 prescriptivism 3 nihilism 4 animism 5 agathism | |
64 | belief that utility of actions determines moral value |
1 tuism 2 utilitarianism 3 organicism 4 humanism 5 hylicism | |
65 | theory that universal truths exist as mental concepts |
1 mutualism 2 conceptualism 3 perfectionism 4 bullionism 5 triumphalism | |
66 | belief that all things can be placed in one category |
1 eternalism 2 egalitarianism 3 monism 4 mutualism 5 skepticism | |
67 | doctrine that ideas rather than external objects are basis of knowledge |
1 antinomianism 2 monophysitism 3 instrumentalism 4 representationalism 5 catabaptism | |
68 | belief in existence of noumena |
1 individualism 2 noumenalism 3 psilanthropism 4 gradualism 5 intellectualism | |
69 | belief that human will and divine spirit cooperate in salvation |
1 synergism 2 transmigrationism 3 neonomianism 4 parallelism 5 hedonism | |
70 | doctrine emphasizing practical value of philosophy |
1 holobaptism 2 immoralism 3 adoptionism 4 pragmatism 5 eidolism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | spirit of revolt or defiance against social conventions |
1 intuitionism 2 bitheism 3 physicalism 4 titanism 5 determinism | |
72 | doctrine that personal liberty is the highest value |
1 eudaemonism 2 panzoism 3 emotivism 4 libertarianism 5 historicism | |
73 | doctrine that we live in the best of all possible worlds |
1 realism 2 interactionism 3 optimism 4 collegialism 5 geocentrism | |
74 | belief that Christ had only one will |
1 representationalism 2 laicism 3 gradualism 4 instrumentalism 5 monotheletism | |
75 | belief that world is part but not all of God's being |
1 hedonism 2 siderism 3 panentheism 4 nominalism 5 imagism | |
76 | belief that one can obtain salvation through oneself |
1 egalitarianism 2 immaterialism 3 neonomianism 4 autosoterism 5 privatism | |
77 | theory that all nature has a psychic side |
1 bonism 2 prescriptivism 3 nativism 4 optimism 5 panpsychism | |
78 | belief that Christ was primarily divine but in human form |
1 eidolism 2 nominalism 3 nomism 4 numenism 5 monophysitism | |
79 | theory that the Holy Spirit alone can act |
1 monergism 2 cosmotheism 3 kenotism 4 bitheism 5 egoism | |
80 | belief in ability of matter to affect the spiritual world |
1 legalism 2 pluralism 3 somatism 4 hylopathism 5 reductionism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | denial of Christ's divinity |
1 cosmism 2 stoicism 3 psilanthropism 4 collectivism 5 experientialism | |
82 | belief that gods are only deified men |
1 subjectivism 2 anthropotheism 3 psychism 4 holobaptism 5 acosmism | |
83 | belief that the soul dies with the body |
1 undulationism 2 entryism 3 monotheism 4 thanatism 5 kenotism | |
84 | ethical belief that happiness equals morality |
1 pejorism 2 anthropotheism 3 mechanism 4 bonism 5 eudaemonism | |
85 | doctrine of direct worker control of capital |
1 academicism 2 stoicism 3 syndicalism 4 solifidianism 5 legalism | |
86 | belief in the superiority of one particular religious creed |
1 eudaemonism 2 monotheletism 3 intuitionism 4 triumphalism 5 privatism | |
87 | belief that the methods of science are universally applicable |
1 substantialism 2 scientism 3 theocentrism 4 illusionism 5 sacramentarianism | |
88 | belief that salvation depends on strict adherence to the law |
1 pyrrhonism 2 mentalism 3 theopantism 4 ditheism 5 legalism | |
89 | doctrine that events are fixed and humans are powerless |
1 realism 2 fatalism 3 privatism 4 introspectionism 5 autosoterism | |
90 | doctrine of opposition to clergy and priests |
1 polytheism 2 psilanthropism 3 pansexualism 4 laicism 5 eidolism | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | doctrine that Christ rid himself of divinity in becoming human |
1 kenotism 2 physitheism 3 malism 4 geocentrism 5 ubiquitarianism | |
92 | the doctrine that there is a vital force behind life |
1 eudaemonism 2 illusionism 3 vitalism 4 pansexualism 5 monotheism | |
93 | belief that God is the only reality |
1 intuitionism 2 fatalism 3 theopantism 4 egotheism 5 synergism | |
94 | belief in an immanent or permanent god |
1 totemism 2 pyrrhonism 3 immanentism 4 materialism 5 interactionism | |
95 | doctrine that that which is not observable is not knowable |
1 neovitalism 2 substantialism 3 entryism 4 panegoism 5 positivism | |
96 | belief that the world can be explained in terms of natural forces |
1 naturalism 2 panzoism 3 perfectibilism 4 deism 5 illusionism |