Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | study of phenomena |
1 phenomenology 2 pyrgology 3 immunogenetics 4 teleology 5 prosody | |
2 | study of suicide |
1 vexillology 2 suicidology 3 psychology 4 angiology 5 cartophily | |
3 | study of investigating bodies of water |
1 barology 2 hydrography 3 palaeolimnology 4 floristry 5 atmology | |
4 | study of winds |
1 demonology 2 thremmatology 3 naology 4 anemology 5 oology | |
5 | study of atmospheric moisture |
1 helminthology 2 museology 3 histology 4 hydrometeorology 5 anemology | |
6 | study of planets |
1 xylography 2 planetology 3 euthenics 4 characterology 5 lexicology | |
7 | study of malaria |
1 chirography 2 psalligraphy 3 microphytology 4 malariology 5 thanatology | |
8 | study of embryos |
1 morphology 2 embryology 3 dioptrics 4 gigantology 5 osmics | |
9 | the study of rotating bodies |
1 stylometry 2 accidence 3 oceanology 4 demology 5 gyrostatics | |
10 | the study of menstruation |
1 avionics 2 emmenology 3 agrostology 4 philately 5 olfactology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | study of diseases |
1 gnomonics 2 neossology 3 nosology 4 cryptology 5 dactyliology | |
12 | study of interaction of life in the environment |
1 stoichiology 2 conchology 3 bioecology 4 diagraphics 5 kinematics | |
13 | study of reptiles and amphibians |
1 avionics 2 herpetology 3 astacology 4 ciselure 5 neuropsychology | |
14 | study of ear, nose and throat |
1 emetology 2 otorhinolaryngology 3 anagraphy 4 chrematistics 5 ophthalmology | |
15 | science of the geographic description of anything |
1 chorology 2 synectics 3 psychogenetics 4 rheumatology 5 desmology | |
16 | study of wood |
1 xylology 2 kinetics 3 catacoustics 4 prosody 5 nidology | |
17 | study of orchids |
1 numerology 2 nematology 3 uranology 4 orchidology 5 genealogy | |
18 | art of printing or using type |
1 metrology 2 oikology 3 ichnography 4 typography 5 geogony | |
19 | study of food |
1 genealogy 2 bromatology 3 astrometeorology 4 ideogeny 5 oceanology | |
20 | science of international exchange |
1 aceology 2 acarology 3 alethiology 4 astheniology 5 cambistry | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | science of structure of objects, buildings and landforms |
1 tectonics 2 pteridology 3 bioecology 4 lichenology 5 iconography | |
22 | study of muscles |
1 ornithology 2 agrology 3 hepatology 4 orthopterology 5 myology | |
23 | study of coats of arms |
1 genesiology 2 iconology 3 thermodynamics 4 immunology 5 heraldry | |
24 | study of giants |
1 lexigraphy 2 dactylography 3 agronomics 4 selenology 5 gigantology | |
25 | study of seals |
1 photobiology 2 melittology 3 ethnogeny 4 sigillography 5 osmics | |
26 | study of human behaviour |
1 coleopterology 2 demology 3 sedimentology 4 catechectics 5 cryptology | |
27 | study of medical remedies |
1 acology 2 chorology 3 scripophily 4 bioecology 5 phenology | |
28 | the study of chaos or chaos theory |
1 deltiology 2 algology 3 chaology 4 paedotrophy 5 glossology | |
29 | study of nature of the mind |
1 metapsychology 2 notaphily 3 magnetics 4 geochemistry 5 pelology | |
30 | art of leading an army |
1 pyrgology 2 micropalaeontology 3 stratography 4 spermology 5 dendrochronology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | the hobby of collecting cigarette cards |
1 fluviology 2 cartophily 3 physics 4 ekistics 5 kinesics | |
32 | study of rectum |
1 historiology 2 xylography 3 orology 4 ktenology 5 proctology | |
33 | collecting of bank-notes and cheques |
1 suicidology 2 autology 3 notaphily 4 geogeny 5 pataphysics | |
34 | study of people at work |
1 gerontology 2 museology 3 hypnology 4 ergonomics 5 significs | |
35 | science concerned with improving living conditions |
1 fluviology 2 catacoustics 3 euthenics 4 mesology 5 anagraphy | |
36 | study of human biology |
1 arctophily 2 immunology 3 anthropobiology 4 metallogeny 5 kinesiology | |
37 | study of fossil plants and animals |
1 aerophilately 2 microbiology 3 ethnomusicology 4 palaeobiology 5 limnology | |
38 | the science or art of dining |
1 dioptrics 2 palaeoclimatology 3 graphology 4 aristology 5 sedimentology | |
39 | study of anatomy of the nervous system |
1 phycology 2 metallogeny 3 toponymics 4 neurobiology 5 geogeny | |
40 | study of immunity to disease |
1 phillumeny 2 immunopathology 3 urbanology 4 atmology 5 nostology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | study of swamps |
1 telmatology 2 numismatics 3 oryctology 4 entozoology 5 zoonomy | |
42 | study of sexual behaviour |
1 sexology 2 hydrography 3 hamartiology 4 vexillology 5 zenography | |
43 | study or discussion of trivialities |
1 cosmology 2 micrology 3 hydrobiology 4 museology 5 aerodonetics | |
44 | science of rainfall |
1 arachnology 2 palaeobiology 3 hyetology 4 palaeolimnology 5 kinematics | |
45 | study of forces producing or changing motion |
1 thermology 2 geology 3 kinetics 4 anthropobiology 5 nephrology | |
46 | science of fossilized footprints |
1 endocrinology 2 agrobiology 3 optics 4 chrysology 5 ichnology | |
47 | glassy materials; glassware; study of glassware |
1 angiology 2 phenology 3 hyetology 4 vitrics 5 ethnogeny | |
48 | study of animals |
1 arthrology 2 planetology 3 anaglyptics 4 zoology 5 manŠge | |
49 | study of reflexes |
1 reflexology 2 palynology 3 eccrinology 4 pharology 5 aerophilately | |
50 | study of children's diseases; pediatrics |
1 martyrology 2 mechanics 3 heraldry 4 paidonosology 5 immunogenetics | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | study of plant nutrition; soil yields |
1 fluviology 2 vitrics 3 mycology 4 arachnology 5 agrobiology | |
52 | study of meaning; semantics |
1 museology 2 gnotobiology 3 cardiology 4 semasiology 5 anthropobiology | |
53 | therapeutics |
1 ekistics 2 aceology 3 iamatology 4 mastology 5 gigantology | |
54 | study of towers |
1 pyrgology 2 rheology 3 pyrography 4 ornithology 5 chirography | |
55 | study of crabs and other crustaceans |
1 metrology 2 rheology 3 syphilology 4 carcinology 5 museology | |
56 | study of insects |
1 nosology 2 agriology 3 insectology 4 thremmatology 5 rhinology | |
57 | political economy; study of wealth |
1 phenomenology 2 oenology 3 plutology 4 cambistry 5 dactyliology | |
58 | study of effects of light on organisms |
1 limacology 2 stratography 3 archology 4 odontology 5 photobiology | |
59 | study of myths; fables; tales |
1 malacology 2 iamatology 3 aerodonetics 4 mythology 5 electrology | |
60 | study of parasites that live inside larger organisms |
1 agrology 2 aerobiology 3 entozoology 4 immunopathology 5 bromatology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | science of echoes or reflected sounds |
1 catacoustics 2 glaciology 3 patrology 4 pharmacognosy 5 pestology | |
62 | art of taking rubbings from ornamental brasses |
1 palaeoanthropology 2 edaphology 3 chalcotriptics 4 prosody 5 ethnomusicology | |
63 | study of rust molds |
1 aerolithology 2 zoonomy 3 urenology 4 helcology 5 castramentation | |
64 | study of comets |
1 horography 2 kidology 3 genethlialogy 4 parasitology 5 cometology | |
65 | the study of doses |
1 chirography 2 meconology 3 sindonology 4 dosiology 5 otorhinolaryngology | |
66 | study of mud |
1 linguistics 2 ichnology 3 bioecology 4 palaeolimnology 5 pelology | |
67 | study of words and their meanings |
1 optics 2 lexicology 3 penology 4 labeorphily 5 bibliotics | |
68 | study of diplomats |
1 soteriology 2 cosmetology 3 geology 4 emmenology 5 diplomatology | |
69 | study of properties of matter and energy |
1 graphology 2 lexigraphy 3 pneumatics 4 physics 5 meconology | |
70 | study of environment |
1 statics 2 psychophysics 3 ecology 4 avionics 5 embryology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | the act or study of kissing |
1 philematology 2 gemmology 3 metrics 4 astrophysics 5 ctetology | |
72 | study of life in germ-free conditions |
1 entozoology 2 gnotobiology 3 oenology 4 clinology 5 idiomology | |
73 | the study of brambles |
1 ciselure 2 synecology 3 batology 4 herpetology 5 pharyngology | |
74 | study of postage stamps |
1 toxicology 2 kymatology 3 photobiology 4 timbrology 5 hematology | |
75 | study of lighthouses |
1 telmatology 2 pharology 3 trichology 4 atmology 5 agrobiology | |
76 | study of internal or mental states |
1 stoichiology 2 geomorphogeny 3 zymurgy 4 larithmics 5 psychogenetics | |
77 | study of chemistry of the earth's crust |
1 geochemistry 2 embryology 3 bacteriology 4 manŠge 5 victimology | |
78 | the art of teaching by question and answer |
1 parapsychology 2 oceanology 3 catechectics 4 podology 5 nematology | |
79 | study of butterflies and moths |
1 meteorology 2 lepidopterology 3 posology 4 avionics 5 ergology | |
80 | study of soils |
1 martyrology 2 pedology 3 zoology 4 epidemiology 5 mathematics | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | study of eggs |
1 oology 2 plutology 3 nasology 4 petrology 5 cetology | |
82 | study of organisms as affected by climate |
1 phenology 2 cacogenics 3 phycology 4 siderography 5 palynology | |
83 | study of humidity |
1 urbanology 2 archology 3 hygrology 4 mycology 5 nautics | |
84 | study of systems of writing |
1 paedotrophy 2 endemiology 3 gynaecology 4 grammatology 5 thremmatology | |
85 | study of life |
1 dactylology 2 hydrobiology 3 biology 4 idiomology 5 stoichiology | |
86 | study of final causes; analysis in terms of purpose |
1 statics 2 teleology 3 algedonics 4 rheumatology 5 dialectology | |
87 | study of codes |
1 timbrology 2 somatology 3 cryptology 4 typography 5 leprology | |
88 | study of stomach; intestines |
1 ethonomics 2 heliology 3 metallurgy 4 neurobiology 5 gastroenterology | |
89 | study of the structure and constitution of metals |
1 satanology 2 cacogenics 3 numerology 4 metallography 5 storiology | |
90 | science of deciphering ancient writings and texts |
1 edaphology 2 naology 3 diplomatics 4 myrmecology 5 labeorphily | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | study of fishing |
1 hamartiology 2 halieutics 3 ornithology 4 cryptology 5 angelology | |
92 | study of ancient fish |
1 hydrodynamics 2 meteoritics 3 chrematistics 4 palaeolimnology 5 angiology | |
93 | science of the deformation or flow of matter |
1 rheology 2 sedimentology 3 manŠge 4 karyology 5 theriatrics | |
94 | the art of engraving on gems |
1 horography 2 glyptography 3 palaeontology 4 tocology 5 polemology | |
95 | study of the feet |
1 podology 2 suicidology 3 thermology 4 gnomonics 5 cryptology | |
96 | study of vomiting |
1 mammalogy 2 bacteriology 3 emetology 4 cosmology 5 statics | |
97 | study of liturgical forms and church rituals |
1 nomology 2 electrostatics 3 zymology 4 liturgiology 5 brontology | |
98 | study of election results and voting trends |
1 genesiology 2 dysteleology 3 seismology 4 exobiology 5 psephology | |
99 | science or study of faith |
1 pelology 2 geochemistry 3 nephology 4 brontology 5 pisteology | |
100 | the science of virtue |
1 proxemics 2 entomology 3 aretaics 4 ethology 5 typhlology |