Quiz 4 of 50 -- Definitions of Sciences and Studies

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 study of heat 1 ophthalmology
2 thermology
3 barodynamics
4 dactyliology
5 mesology
2 study of ancient climates 1 graphemics
2 runology
3 endocrinology
4 acology
5 palaeoclimatology
3 study of iris 1 metapsychology
2 ophiology
3 iridology
4 graminology
5 codicology
4 study of processes of life 1 speleology
2 herpetology
3 myrmecology
4 pedology
5 physiology
5 science or study of gliding 1 nomology
2 geogeny
3 halieutics
4 aerodonetics
5 ombrology
6 the art of bell ringing 1 toxicology
2 oryctology
3 campanology
4 rheumatology
5 aerolithology
7 study of larynx 1 metallurgy
2 geratology
3 obstetrics
4 laryngology
5 biometrics
8 study of human settlement 1 gyrostatics
2 hippology
3 ekistics
4 chrysology
5 venereology
9 study of X-rays and their medical applications 1 radiology
2 urbanology
3 soteriology
4 lucubration
5 teleology
10 study of worms 1 cetology
2 phoniatrics
3 vermeology
4 gastronomy
5 trophology
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 study of speech sounds 1 sophiology
2 thermodynamics
3 mineralogy
4 parthenology
5 phonology
12 study of population statistics 1 larithmics
2 protistology
3 zymurgy
4 pseudology
5 algedonics
13 the science of crayfish 1 carpology
2 thanatology
3 psalligraphy
4 astacology
5 ophthalmology
14 the study of horses 1 heraldry
2 primatology
3 metallurgy
4 sociology
5 hippology
15 study of woodburning 1 dactylography
2 iconography
3 philology
4 pyrography
5 deontology
16 the science of imaginary solutions 1 paedotrophy
2 dysgenics
3 melittology
4 pataphysics
5 eremology
17 study of earth's crust 1 ideogeny
2 nostology
3 geology
4 immunogenetics
5 dactylography
18 study of fish 1 gastronomy
2 campanology
3 posology
4 phonology
5 ichthyology
19 the theory or study of moral obligation 1 vulcanology
2 anagraphy
3 batology
4 deontology
5 micropalaeontology
20 study of aging or individual decline after maturity 1 metrology
2 typhlology
3 clinology
4 otorhinolaryngology
5 caricology
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 the study of mosses and liverworts 1 cambistry
2 diabology
3 lithology
4 bryology
5 brontology
22 study of rain 1 aristology
2 suicidology
3 palaeopedology
4 psychopathology
5 ombrology
23 study of the pulse 1 posology
2 sphygmology
3 epistemology
4 ethonomics
5 taxidermy
24 study of mummies 1 gynaecology
2 momilogy
3 obstetrics
4 stratography
5 ichnography
25 art of producing and staging dramatic works 1 psychobiology
2 halieutics
3 dramaturgy
4 pharyngology
5 notaphily
26 study of demons 1 phenology
2 seismology
3 demonology
4 typology
5 philately
27 study of leprosy 1 zoology
2 eremology
3 leprology
4 zymology
5 microphytology
28 study of living cells 1 cytology
2 geotechnics
3 traumatology
4 orology
5 satanology
29 study of minerals 1 chronobiology
2 martyrology
3 reflexology
4 mineralogy
5 metrics
30 study protracted late into the night 1 pathology
2 mineralogy
3 microbiology
4 lucubration
5 piscatology
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 study of lichens 1 lichenology
2 phillumeny
3 iconology
4 gnomonics
5 immunopathology
32 study of virgins 1 synectics
2 metallurgy
3 storiology
4 parthenology
5 hippology
33 study of mountains 1 areology
2 hoplology
3 timbrology
4 physiology
5 orology
34 study of dialects 1 dialectology
2 uranography
3 dactylology
4 lichenology
5 catalactics
35 study of spiders 1 arachnology
2 clinology
3 eschatology
4 kidology
5 catechectics
36 study of books 1 bibliology
2 nematology
3 ontology
4 hematology
5 biometrics
37 study of unexplained mental phenomena 1 pomology
2 parapsychology
3 harmonics
4 docimology
5 sigillography
38 study of musical acoustics 1 phrenology
2 harmonics
3 oenology
4 cosmetology
5 dendrology
39 study of music 1 hydrography
2 selenology
3 proctology
4 musicology
5 geogony
40 study of development of character 1 characterology
2 agrobiology
3 stomatology
4 nidology
5 pathology
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 study of bumps on the head 1 thermodynamics
2 aerodonetics
3 phrenology
4 carpology
5 cryobiology
42 study of the nose 1 herpetology
2 autecology
3 speleology
4 metrology
5 rhinology
43 study of primates 1 karyology
2 primatology
3 ophthalmology
4 fluviology
5 micrology
44 science of pleasure and pain 1 algedonics
2 biology
3 dramaturgy
4 phycology
5 etymology
45 study of manuscripts 1 thermokinematics
2 floristry
3 phraseology
4 codicology
5 thaumatology
46 study of bones 1 planetology
2 osteology
3 kymatology
4 posology
5 chrysology
47 study of light 1 lichenology
2 cosmology
3 primatology
4 turnery
5 optics
48 study of oceans 1 ethnology
2 limnology
3 oceanology
4 petrology
5 satanology
49 study of economic and ethical principles of a society 1 turnery
2 neurology
3 papyrology
4 semantology
5 ethonomics
50 study of folk tales 1 metallurgy
2 nostology
3 storiology
4 kinesics
5 pomology
Number Question Answer Your answer
51 study of teaching 1 otorhinolaryngology
2 pedagogics
3 palaeopedology
4 microclimatology
5 theology
52 study of rings 1 carpology
2 microclimatology
3 paedology
4 metallurgy
5 dactyliology
53 the study of racial degeneration 1 zenography
2 nautics
3 avionics
4 dysgenics
5 hippology
54 study of flags 1 metallography
2 immunopathology
3 ergology
4 vexillology
5 syphilology
55 study of cell nuclei 1 lithology
2 karyology
3 primatology
4 chirology
5 harmonics
56 study of diseases of horses 1 phenology
2 hippiatrics
3 oology
4 linguistics
5 ciselure
57 study of mammals 1 paedology
2 herpetology
3 mastology
4 hippiatrics
5 noology
58 study of gems and jewels 1 neurology
2 thermology
3 gemmology
4 sociology
5 cometology
59 study of the kidneys 1 nephrology
2 calorifics
3 malacology
4 geogeny
5 entozoology
60 study of the moon 1 meteoritics
2 topology
3 biometrics
4 selenology
5 bryology
Number Question Answer Your answer
61 science of surveying 1 gromatics
2 palaeoanthropology
3 pseudoptics
4 labeorphily
5 geotechnics
62 study of plant-like animals 1 caliology
2 kinesiology
3 Sinology
4 zoophytology
5 statics
63 study of language 1 osmology
2 ktenology
3 tonetics
4 linguistics
5 siderography
64 study of theological salvation 1 eschatology
2 soteriology
3 polemology
4 ichthyology
5 hyetology
65 study of ligaments 1 desmology
2 stratigraphy
3 pharology
4 algedonics
5 dendrology
66 study of biological measurement 1 hydrology
2 ufology
3 biometrics
4 docimology
5 physiology
67 science of pure being; the nature of things 1 epistemology
2 ontology
3 genesiology
4 eremology
5 arthrology
68 study of glands 1 endocrinology
2 muscology
3 taxidermy
4 lepidopterology
5 proctology
69 study of drugs of animal and plant origin 1 scatology
2 hydrography
3 pharmacognosy
4 pedagogics
5 histology
70 study of bodies of fresh water 1 cryobiology
2 cometology
3 docimology
4 myrmecology
5 limnology
Number Question Answer Your answer
71 study of human cultures 1 thanatology
2 anthropology
3 metaphysics
4 mycology
5 etymology
72 the art of paper-cutting to make pictures 1 gnomonics
2 xylography
3 dermatoglyphics
4 coprology
5 psalligraphy
73 art of navigation 1 astronomy
2 ktenology
3 gromatics
4 alethiology
5 nautics
74 study of microscopic organisms 1 hoplology
2 microbiology
3 pataphysics
4 thaumatology
5 gastroenterology
75 study of society 1 palaeobiology
2 thaumatology
3 parasitology
4 satanology
5 sociology
76 grammar book; science of inflections in grammar 1 palynology
2 accidence
3 lucubration
4 ciselure
5 optology
77 study of climate 1 graminology
2 planetology
3 heliology
4 pathology
5 climatology
78 study of the entrails or viscera 1 splanchnology
2 palaeolimnology
3 diplomatology
4 pteridology
5 phonology
79 study of whales and dolphins 1 gromatics
2 dermatology
3 cetology
4 geoponics
5 sphragistics
80 science of growth 1 rheumatology
2 aedoeology
3 hedonics
4 lithology
5 auxology
Number Question Answer Your answer
81 study of icons; symbols 1 liturgiology
2 paidonosology
3 psychology
4 orchidology
5 iconology
82 study of church affairs 1 ethnomusicology
2 ecclesiology
3 lucubration
4 geotechnics
5 chalcography
83 study of nervous system 1 semasiology
2 genealogy
3 oncology
4 neurology
5 bioecology
84 study of measuring geological time 1 anemology
2 geochronology
3 symptomatology
4 dialectology
5 virology
85 study of types of things 1 catalactics
2 nostology
3 mammalogy
4 phrenology
5 typology
86 study of fleshy parts of the body 1 edaphology
2 astrometeorology
3 xylography
4 sarcology
5 hyetology
87 study of the origins of land forms 1 arctophily
2 diplomatology
3 geomorphogeny
4 chrematistics
5 euthenics
88 study of politics in theory or abstract 1 oikology
2 nidology
3 speleology
4 metapolitics
5 coleopterology
89 study of dreams 1 sophiology
2 metallogeny
3 homiletics
4 phraseology
5 oneirology
90 study of writing hymns 1 hymnography
2 ergonomics
3 traumatology
4 metapsychology
5 barodynamics
Number Question Answer Your answer
91 science of measuring heights 1 sphygmology
2 hypsography
3 proxemics
4 dendrology
5 bibliology
92 study of formation of the earth 1 glyptology
2 hoplology
3 urenology
4 microbiology
5 geogony
93 study of aquatic organisms 1 geochemistry
2 metaphysics
3 arthrology
4 hydrobiology
5 palaeopedology
94 study of comparative musical systems 1 biometrics
2 ethnomusicology
3 osmology
4 graphology
5 hymnology
95 study of gestural communication 1 statics
2 gigantology
3 kinesics
4 sociology
5 pterylology
96 study of victims 1 coleopterology
2 malariology
3 victimology
4 graminology
5 limnology
97 study of slugs 1 threpsology
2 somatology
3 limacology
4 primatology
5 dramaturgy
98 study of freeing oneself from constraints 1 coprology
2 palaeolimnology
3 escapology
4 obstetrics
5 agrobiology
99 study of wave motion 1 phenomenology
2 traumatology
3 kymatology
4 thanatology
5 stratigraphy
100 scientific study of thunder 1 teratology
2 soteriology
3 uranography
4 eccrinology
5 brontology
  by Mosh   Suggestions?