Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | study of the origin and distribution of metal deposits |
1 entozoology 2 metallogeny 3 hypsography 4 biology 5 cambistry | |
2 | study of mind |
1 arctophily 2 psychology 3 edaphology 4 manŠge 5 tectonics | |
3 | science of nutrition |
1 agrology 2 threpsology 3 syphilology 4 cryptology 5 aristology | |
4 | study of snakes |
1 etiology 2 ophiology 3 victimology 4 geogony 5 oology | |
5 | study of microscopic fossils |
1 aretaics 2 mathematics 3 micropalaeontology 4 myrmecology 5 syphilology | |
6 | dietetics |
1 neuropsychology 2 diagraphics 3 mastology 4 semasiology 5 sitology | |
7 | study of gem engravings |
1 linguistics 2 glyptology 3 ideogeny 4 cryobiology 5 neurypnology | |
8 | the science of the therapeutic use of baths |
1 nephology 2 entomology 3 zoonomy 4 hydrography 5 balneology | |
9 | study of genetic characteristics of immunity |
1 immunogenetics 2 hymnography 3 nosology 4 stylometry 5 koniology | |
10 | study of relation of heat to motion |
1 eschatology 2 genealogy 3 endocrinology 4 trophology 5 thermodynamics | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | the study of fingerprints |
1 pterylology 2 dactylography 3 caliology 4 nomology 5 sociology | |
12 | study of eye diseases |
1 ophthalmology 2 bacteriology 3 dermatoglyphics 4 protistology 5 urbanology | |
13 | study of poisons |
1 toxicology 2 phytology 3 malariology 4 ichnography 5 etymology | |
14 | study of algae and seaweeds |
1 psalligraphy 2 ontology 3 phycology 4 Sinology 5 geoponics | |
15 | study of electricity |
1 chemistry 2 ecology 3 zoophytology 4 electrology 5 etymology | |
16 | study of friction and wear between surfaces |
1 proxemics 2 hypsography 3 tribology 4 metallography 5 gyrostatics | |
17 | study of smells and olfactory processes |
1 serology 2 histology 3 osmology 4 tonetics 5 nephology | |
18 | study of sponges |
1 gerocomy 2 thaumatology 3 spongology 4 kinematics 5 sociology | |
19 | study of trees |
1 mathematics 2 hydrokinetics 3 dendrology 4 somatology 5 iamatology | |
20 | study of action of force on bodies |
1 synecology 2 mechanics 3 parapsychology 4 agrostology 5 oology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | the study of first principles |
1 archelogy 2 chalcography 3 gerocomy 4 nostology 5 caricology | |
22 | study of documents to determine authenticity |
1 bibliotics 2 gerocomy 3 rheology 4 ethonomics 5 lichenology | |
23 | study of tree's life |
1 thermodynamics 2 campanology 3 oenology 4 silvics 5 spongology | |
24 | study of early soils |
1 chrematistics 2 nasology 3 palaeopedology 4 genealogy 5 micrology | |
25 | study of nests |
1 significs 2 hydrodynamics 3 limnology 4 nidology 5 pisteology | |
26 | science of fermentation |
1 topology 2 etiology 3 zymurgy 4 zymology 5 theriatrics | |
27 | study of religious feasts |
1 heortology 2 meconology 3 cosmetology 4 sphagnology 5 parapsychology | |
28 | the art of chasing metal |
1 seismology 2 chemistry 3 museology 4 ciselure 5 cacogenics | |
29 | study of ecological communities |
1 nautics 2 cacogenics 3 optology 4 optics 5 synecology | |
30 | study of freshwater ecosystems |
1 neossology 2 limnobiology 3 archaeology 4 nomology 5 catacoustics | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | study of atmospheric pollutants and dust |
1 heliology 2 cytology 3 garbology 4 mineralogy 5 koniology | |
32 | study of venereal disease |
1 immunology 2 kinematics 3 venereology 4 climatology 5 angiology | |
33 | study of algae |
1 hydrobiology 2 algology 3 bioecology 4 telmatology 5 pseudoptics | |
34 | study of treating diseases with water |
1 pseudology 2 otorhinolaryngology 3 docimology 4 conchology 5 hydropathy | |
35 | study of origins of ideas |
1 karyology 2 limnology 3 ideogeny 4 oenology 5 palaeobiology | |
36 | hygienics; study of cleanliness |
1 numerology 2 orchidology 3 barology 4 ecclesiology 5 hygiology | |
37 | science of commercial exchange |
1 nematology 2 heortology 3 catalactics 4 hematology 5 dysgenics | |
38 | study of celestial bodies |
1 anaglyptics 2 halieutics 3 astronomy 4 angiology 5 linguistics | |
39 | study of remedies |
1 statics 2 bionomics 3 physiology 4 iamatology 5 ethnomusicology | |
40 | study of origins of races or ethnic groups |
1 polemology 2 demology 3 demonology 4 ethnogeny 5 phycology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | study of seeds |
1 photobiology 2 homiletics 3 petrology 4 spermology 5 mineralogy | |
42 | study of knowledge |
1 numismatics 2 manŠge 3 gnosiology 4 selenology 5 gastroenterology | |
43 | art of using gesture to express tones |
1 cryptology 2 barology 3 schematonics 4 kinematics 5 catacoustics | |
44 | study of ice ages and glaciation |
1 deltiology 2 pestology 3 mammalogy 4 acarology 5 glaciology | |
45 | science of breeding animals |
1 therology 2 kinesiology 3 agriology 4 phraseology 5 zootechnics | |
46 | study of systems of representing speech in writing |
1 seismology 2 ufology 3 graphemics 4 odontology 5 geochronology | |
47 | study of shells |
1 palaeoclimatology 2 mesology 3 archaeology 4 conchology 5 idiomology | |
48 | the study of museums |
1 coprology 2 symptomatology 3 osmics 4 teratology 5 museology | |
49 | study of tumours |
1 oncology 2 theriatrics 3 astrology 4 polemology 5 palaeopedology | |
50 | study of tree rings |
1 zoology 2 metallurgy 3 rheology 4 dendrochronology 5 chrysology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | study of microscopic tissues |
1 somatology 2 bacteriology 3 microanatomy 4 euthenics 5 diabology | |
52 | study of church or temple architecture |
1 vermeology 2 naology 3 cometology 4 pyretology 5 clinology | |
53 | study of rivers |
1 potamology 2 paidonosology 3 caricology 4 nasology 5 seismology | |
54 | study of joints |
1 astrophysics 2 arthrology 3 avionics 4 serology 5 pterylology | |
55 | study of idiom, jargon or dialect |
1 mastology 2 otology 3 tribology 4 paidonosology 5 idiomology | |
56 | study of the heart |
1 kinematics 2 paedotrophy 3 chirography 4 cardiology 5 aerodonetics | |
57 | study of magnetism |
1 cambistry 2 magnetics 3 palaeobiology 4 spermology 5 taxidermy | |
58 | study of rheumatism |
1 hydrokinetics 2 aerodonetics 3 toxophily 4 rheumatology 5 immunopathology | |
59 | collecting of matchbox labels |
1 genealogy 2 ophthalmology 3 gerocomy 4 astronomy 5 phillumeny | |
60 | science of meanings of words |
1 semantology 2 dysgenics 3 pataphysics 4 peristerophily 5 tonetics | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | science of sacred matters |
1 petrology 2 therology 3 coleopterology 4 siderography 5 hierology | |
62 | study of numbers |
1 philology 2 momilogy 3 sophiology 4 trichology 5 numerology | |
63 | study of increasing habitability of the earth |
1 phenomenology 2 geotechnics 3 heresiology 4 bioecology 5 paidonosology | |
64 | study of ecology of one species |
1 homiletics 2 pharyngology 3 autecology 4 synecology 5 exobiology | |
65 | art of engraving on wood |
1 historiology 2 proxemics 3 xylography 4 gastronomy 5 tribology | |
66 | study of bacteria |
1 agronomics 2 bacteriology 3 astrophysics 4 metaphysics 5 sociobiology | |
67 | study of diseases; epidemics |
1 kinesics 2 cryptology 3 epidemiology 4 pedology 5 chirocosmetics | |
68 | study of pronunciation |
1 gromatics 2 tonetics 3 neurypnology 4 graphemics 5 geography | |
69 | study of purposeless organs |
1 pyretology 2 cambistry 3 mycology 4 dysteleology 5 diabology | |
70 | study of sign language |
1 bryology 2 dactylology 3 toreutics 4 immunology 5 graminology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | study of religion; religious doctrine |
1 scripophily 2 calorifics 3 ontology 4 theology 5 sociology | |
72 | study of funguses |
1 sphagnology 2 pharmacology 3 trichology 4 hamartiology 5 mycology | |
73 | study of devils |
1 muscology 2 mammalogy 3 geomorphogeny 4 diabology 5 neurobiology | |
74 | study of human material remains |
1 archaeology 2 tectonics 3 hippiatrics 4 deltiology 5 pyroballogy | |
75 | study of senility |
1 pteridology 2 thaumatology 3 proxemics 4 palaeoanthropology 5 nostology | |
76 | study of language; study of the tongue |
1 glossology 2 heortology 3 aerolithology 4 gigantology 5 irenology | |
77 | study of fine dining |
1 gastronomy 2 hygienics 3 exobiology 4 diplomatics 5 campanology | |
78 | study of children |
1 phytology 2 syphilology 3 thalassography 4 chorology 5 paedology | |
79 | study of beetles and weevils |
1 coleopterology 2 suicidology 3 orology 4 typography 5 toxicology | |
80 | science of weights and measures |
1 graminology 2 nasology 3 mammalogy 4 pelology 5 metrology | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | study of link between mental and physical processes |
1 arthrology 2 neurypnology 3 psychophysics 4 theriatrics 5 deontology | |
82 | study of versification |
1 idiomology 2 silvics 3 mesology 4 serology 5 prosody | |
83 | study of proverbs |
1 petrology 2 pelology 3 dactylography 4 paroemiology 5 hymnography | |
84 | study of optical illusions |
1 psychogenetics 2 magirics 3 pseudoptics 4 idiomology 5 pneumatics | |
85 | study of deserts |
1 eremology 2 astacology 3 immunology 4 oikology 5 laryngology | |
86 | study of coins |
1 metallogeny 2 numismatics 3 hygrology 4 idiomology 5 edaphology | |
87 | study of blindness and the blind |
1 enzymology 2 geogony 3 bryology 4 typhlology 5 proctology | |
88 | study of cultures |
1 glyptography 2 osmics 3 barology 4 ethnology 5 epidemiology | |
89 | study of biological rhythms |
1 myrmecology 2 parthenology 3 chronobiology 4 genealogy 5 chalcotriptics | |
90 | study of effect of stars on climate |
1 astrometeorology 2 biometrics 3 campanology 4 batology 5 tectonics | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | veterinary medicine |
1 theriatrics 2 cryptology 3 palaeopedology 4 gastronomy 5 vexillology | |
92 | study of viruses |
1 suicidology 2 Sinology 3 catalactics 4 agrobiology 5 virology | |
93 | study of bodies and forces in equilibrium |
1 catacoustics 2 pisteology 3 geotechnics 4 statics 5 urology | |
94 | study of heresies |
1 dactyliology 2 dermatology 3 bioecology 4 heresiology 5 gromatics | |
95 | study of sin |
1 geratology 2 microclimatology 3 hydrometeorology 4 hamartiology 5 kalology | |
96 | study of descent of families |
1 electrology 2 pestology 3 hyetology 4 speleology 5 genealogy | |
97 | obstetrics; midwifery |
1 phenomenology 2 tocology 3 orthography 4 palaeontology 5 bioecology | |
98 | study of truth |
1 diplomatology 2 vermeology 3 hydrometeorology 4 thermology 5 alethiology | |
99 | beautifying the hands; art of manicure |
1 paedology 2 palaeoanthropology 3 chirocosmetics 4 noology 5 metrology | |
100 | the comparative study of primitive peoples |
1 ecology 2 microbiology 3 stratography 4 genesiology 5 agriology |