Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
1 | shaped like a bell |
1 scyphiform 2 cymbiform 3 campanulate 4 arboriform 5 urceolate | |
2 | shaped like a partition |
1 septiform 2 buccinal 3 falciform 4 sagittiform 5 belemnoid | |
3 | shaped like a tongue |
1 scutiform 2 setiform 3 capriform 4 linguiform 5 mammose | |
4 | branching; shaped like branches |
1 aquiform 2 pinnate 3 stelliform 4 ramiform 5 cordate | |
5 | shield-shaped |
1 peltastiform 2 olivary 3 amygdaloid 4 arborescent 5 sagittiform | |
6 | shaped like a ladder |
1 scalariform 2 scalpeliform 3 cubiform 4 mandibuliform 5 amygdaloid | |
7 | frog-like |
1 pileated 2 gasiform 3 ypsiliform 4 ligulate 5 raniform | |
8 | resembling or shaped like a strap |
1 serriform 2 cariniform 3 molariform 4 medusiform 5 ligulate | |
9 | shaped like a lens |
1 fabiform 2 lentiform 3 ichthyomorphic 4 bursiform 5 stalactiform | |
10 | shaped like a fan |
1 flabelliform 2 arciform 3 pomiform 4 falciform 5 selliform | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
11 | hook-shaped |
1 echinuliform 2 dendritiform 3 ramiform 4 fabiform 5 ankyroid | |
12 | fan-shaped |
1 raduliform 2 tympaniform 3 rhipidate 4 branchiform 5 cordiform | |
13 | shaped like a duct or vase |
1 cordiform 2 lachrymiform 3 vasiform 4 strigiform 5 vulviform | |
14 | shaped like a crow's beak |
1 phylliform 2 lupiform 3 subulate 4 ancistroid 5 coracoid | |
15 | cow-shaped |
1 napiform 2 cruciform 3 natiform 4 semilunate 5 boviform | |
16 | shaped like a worm |
1 selliform 2 vermiform 3 riziform 4 aliform 5 lobular | |
17 | shaped like a fig |
1 ichthyomorphic 2 ficiform 3 foliform 4 tauriform 5 faviform | |
18 | shaped like a pine-cone |
1 tympaniform 2 serriform 3 buccinal 4 pineal 5 cymbiform | |
19 | having a "U" shape |
1 infundibuliform 2 hyoid 3 circinate 4 pinnate 5 calciform | |
20 | having the form of a bull |
1 versiform 2 bacciform 3 tauriform 4 omegoid 5 fucoid | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
21 | shaped like the letter lambda (^) or ¿LÀ |
1 moriform 2 raduliform 3 colliform 4 lambdoid 5 cariniform | |
22 | wing-shaped |
1 aeriform 2 infundibuliform 3 spiniform 4 aliform 5 bulliform | |
23 | shaped like a crab |
1 cancriform 2 cteniform 3 ophiomorphic 4 drepaniform 5 nummiform | |
24 | resembling or shaped like a reptile |
1 aveniform 2 clithridiate 3 hippocrepiform 4 herpetiform 5 ligulate | |
25 | sword-shaped |
1 lambdoid 2 harengiform 3 coliform 4 phylliform 5 xiphoid | |
26 | hand-shaped |
1 foliform 2 maniform 3 lumbriciform 4 palmate 5 cordiform | |
27 | slug-like |
1 ichthyomorphic 2 stellate 3 ramiform 4 mandibuliform 5 limaciform | |
28 | shaped like a girdle |
1 cruciform 2 zosteriform 3 sagittiform 4 hypsiloid 5 balanoid | |
29 | feather-shaped |
1 vasculiform 2 olivary 3 vergiform 4 baculiform 5 penniform | |
30 | shaped like a lizard |
1 falciform 2 nubiform 3 ficiform 4 serriform 5 lacertiform | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
31 | gland-shaped; acorn-shaped |
1 glandiform 2 cingular 3 clithridiate 4 carinated 5 lanceolate | |
32 | shaped like a lobe |
1 bursiform 2 ooidal 3 palaceous 4 lobular 5 glenoid | |
33 | shaped like a saucer or kneecap |
1 patelliform 2 setiform 3 vitriform 4 sagittal 5 spatulate | |
34 | helmet-shaped |
1 spiraliform 2 neuralgiform 3 cassideous 4 sciuroid 5 cuneiform | |
35 | shaped like an axe |
1 morbilliform 2 ancoral 3 mammiliform 4 pileiform 5 securiform | |
36 | shaped like an umbrella |
1 umbraculiform 2 scalpriform 3 pinnate 4 cuneiform 5 sphenoid | |
37 | shaped like a barrel |
1 scalpriform 2 ancoral 3 sigmoid 4 buccinal 5 salpiform | |
38 | shaped like a net |
1 unciform 2 lunate 3 scutellate 4 laciniform 5 retiform | |
39 | boat-shaped |
1 scaphoid 2 morbilliform 3 hamiform 4 arboriform 5 floriform | |
40 | shaped like a turnip |
1 bulliform 2 ensiform 3 scrotiform 4 lanceolate 5 napiform | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
41 | shaped like a stirrup |
1 cordiform 2 verruciform 3 nuciform 4 salpiform 5 stapediform | |
42 | shaped like a helmet |
1 subulate 2 foliform 3 galeiform 4 hordeiform 5 carinated | |
43 | shaped like a scalpel |
1 urceolate 2 scyphiform 3 scalpeliform 4 oriform 5 tuberiform | |
44 | egg-shaped |
1 cubiform 2 ooidal 3 aciniform 4 cucumiform 5 embryoniform | |
45 | hooked beak shaped |
1 rhamphoid 2 baculiform 3 echinuliform 4 arietinous 5 capriform | |
46 | shaped like a sac |
1 scalariform 2 fibriform 3 cruciform 4 cuneiform 5 sacciform | |
47 | shaped like a palm branch |
1 spadiceous 2 lageniform 3 fundiform 4 mammiform 5 paliform | |
48 | shaped like a hammer |
1 digitiform 2 utriform 3 medusiform 4 sciuroid 5 malleiform | |
49 | tower-shaped |
1 lupiform 2 piliform 3 pyrgoidal 4 manubrial 5 glandiform | |
50 | shaped like a horn |
1 stratiform 2 stelliform 3 corniform 4 xiphoid 5 pisciform | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
51 | shaped like an eel |
1 hominiform 2 cuneiform 3 anguilliform 4 sagittal 5 carinated | |
52 | shaped like a small ball or globe |
1 palmate 2 conglobate 3 aquiform 4 furcular 5 bursiform | |
53 | shaped like a tube |
1 tubiform 2 retiform 3 spiraliform 4 scutellate 5 cannular | |
54 | resembling a mouse or rat |
1 cochlear 2 stipiform 3 muriform 4 pelviform 5 squamiform | |
55 | like a thorn or spine |
1 spiniform 2 helicoid 3 nephroid 4 ligulate 5 mammiform | |
56 | shaped like a feather |
1 nummiform 2 pinnate 3 oviform 4 laciniform 5 lanciform | |
57 | shaped like a thread |
1 filiform 2 sphenoid 3 flagelliform 4 muscariform 5 strombuliform | |
58 | shaped like a pear |
1 pyriform 2 colubriform 3 cannular 4 cubiform 5 deiform | |
59 | basin-shaped |
1 acinaciform 2 pelviform 3 soleiform 4 cricoid 5 arcate | |
60 | ring-shaped; rolled inwards; spiralling |
1 cannular 2 circinate 3 ichthyomorphic 4 palaceous 5 stirious | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
61 | shaped like the letter S |
1 probosciform 2 sigmoid 3 fucoid 4 annodated 5 lobular | |
62 | shaped like a leaf |
1 raniform 2 pinnate 3 fungiform 4 vasculiform 5 phylliform | |
63 | shaped like a small crescent |
1 lunulate 2 ancistroid 3 spiraliform 4 cucullate 5 pomiform | |
64 | shaped like an apple |
1 semilunate 2 pomiform 3 aciniform 4 fistuliform 5 hominiform | |
65 | crescent-shaped |
1 ankyroid 2 calceiform 3 lunate 4 gladiate 5 mucroniform | |
66 | shaped like a leather bottle or flask |
1 utriform 2 buccinal 3 adeniform 4 annodated 5 herpetiform | |
67 | shaped like a mitre or bonnet |
1 ypsiliform 2 mitrate 3 cardioid 4 culiciform 5 lentiform | |
68 | shaped like a ram's head |
1 cheliform 2 digitiform 3 pileiform 4 arietinous 5 vermiform | |
69 | shaped like a top or inverted cone |
1 turbinate 2 septiform 3 lupiform 4 calcariform 5 acinaciform | |
70 | comb-shaped |
1 araneiform 2 lunate 3 lupiform 4 moniliform 5 cteniform | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
71 | resembling or possessing characteristics of a sword |
1 ensiform 2 securiform 3 fabiform 4 punctiform 5 ichthyomorphic | |
72 | shaped like a heap |
1 cucumiform 2 leporiform 3 sigmate 4 cariniform 5 cumuliform | |
73 | anything spiral-shaped; twisted spirally |
1 cochlear 2 salpiform 3 squaliform 4 deltoid 5 aduncate | |
74 | shaped like a nipple |
1 nummiform 2 gladiate 3 mammiliform 4 dentiform 5 variform | |
75 | shaped like an oval or a vulva |
1 cheliform 2 limaciform 3 pileiform 4 filiciform 5 vulviform | |
76 | shaped like a fish |
1 raniform 2 lamelliform 3 pisciform 4 corviform 5 ceratoid | |
77 | shaped like a girdle or ring |
1 pisiform 2 cannular 3 vermiform 4 cingular 5 squaliform | |
78 | resembling a hatchet or cleaver |
1 allantoid 2 calceiform 3 pulvilliform 4 sigmoid 5 dolabriform | |
79 | shaped like a bristle |
1 corviform 2 strigiform 3 styliform 4 stipiform 5 floriform | |
80 | shaped like a shield |
1 serriform 2 phacoid 3 scutiform 4 selliform 5 stirious | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
81 | shaped like a fern or frond |
1 ansate 2 cuneate 3 cumuliform 4 peltastiform 5 filiciform | |
82 | resembling or shaped like a sieve |
1 coliform 2 boviform 3 aliform 4 lunate 5 dolioform | |
83 | shaped like a bean |
1 fabiform 2 panduriform 3 unciform 4 beloid 5 cyathiform | |
84 | paintbrush-shaped |
1 cariniform 2 natiform 3 pencilliform 4 falciform 5 umbraculiform | |
85 | of or pertaining to a cup; cup-shaped |
1 viperiform 2 cribriform 3 cupulate 4 scalpeliform 5 cochlear | |
86 | shaped like an oyster |
1 ostreiform 2 ancoral 3 cyathiform 4 clithridiate 5 vitriform | |
87 | shaped like an upsilon |
1 ypsiliform 2 cteniform 3 luciform 4 corniform 5 utriculiform | |
88 | shaped like oats |
1 rostelliform 2 aduncate 3 sagittal 4 aveniform 5 echinuliform | |
89 | pebble-shaped |
1 calciform 2 tubiform 3 zosteriform 4 phylliform 5 sciuroid | |
90 | shaped like a sickle |
1 clypeate 2 dolabriform 3 falciform 4 galeated 5 coronoid | |
Number | Question | Answer | Your answer |
91 | shaped like buttocks |
1 natiform 2 filiciform 3 versiform 4 oviform 5 vitriform | |
92 | horseshoe-shaped |
1 calciform 2 hippocrepian 3 leporiform 4 echinuliform 5 dendritiform | |
93 | worm-shaped |
1 raniform 2 anguilliform 3 pisciform 4 strombuliform 5 helminthoid | |
94 | shaped like a small stone |
1 lapilliform 2 moniliform 3 laciniform 4 echinuliform 5 cotyliform | |
95 | shaped like a horn; horny |
1 nasutiform 2 neuralgiform 3 mitrate 4 stalactiform 5 ceratoid | |
96 | lens-shaped |
1 hippocrepiform 2 libriform 3 penniform 4 aeriform 5 phacoid | |
97 | shaped like a squirrel's tail |
1 verruciform 2 sciuroid 3 fibriform 4 cuneate 5 vulviform | |
98 | shaped like a kidney |
1 flagelliform 2 pyrgoidal 3 reniform 4 calcariform 5 sciuroid | |
99 | star-shaped; starry |
1 bursiform 2 corviform 3 stellate 4 pyrgoidal 5 hastate | |
100 | awl-shaped |
1 subulate 2 pulvilliform 3 natiform 4 caudiform 5 riziform |