Quiz 2 of 50 -- Causation and Formation

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 producing or bearing fruit 1 carpogenous
2 oogenesis
3 organogenesis
4 merogenesis
5 cyanogenesis
2 study of the origin and distribution of metal deposits 1 merogenesis
2 blastogenesis
3 metallogeny
4 erotogenic
5 ontogenesis
3 due to emotion 1 rhinogenous
2 bibliogenesis
3 nomogeny
4 spermiogenesis
5 thymogenic
4 production of cyanide 1 radiogenic
2 metallogeny
3 cyanogenesis
4 schizogenesis
5 phytogenic
5 rock-building 1 geogenous
2 osteogenesis
3 spermatogenesis
4 erogenesis
5 lithogenous
6 causing tears or weeping 1 vitelligenous
2 polygenesis
3 lachrymogenic
4 mammogenic
5 precipitinogenic
7 production of glucose from non-carbohydrates 1 gluconeogenesis
2 organogenesis
3 urogenous
4 ethnogeny
5 cladogenesis
8 reproduction by budding 1 spermiogenesis
2 phytogenic
3 blastogenesis
4 hallucinogenic
5 lactogenic
9 the formation or differentiation of tissues 1 necrogenic
2 terrigenous
3 histogenesis
4 phytogenesis
5 caenogenesis
10 causing crime 1 spermatogenesis
2 gelogenic
3 carcinogenesis
4 histogenesis
5 criminogenic
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 process of growth in individual not common in its species 1 schizogenesis
2 glycogenesis
3 hypnogeny
4 pathogenesis
5 caenogenesis
12 origin and development of teeth 1 unigenous
2 taphrogenesis
3 carcinogenesis
4 mitogenic
5 odontogeny
13 producing yolk 1 vitelligenous
2 phenogenesis
3 rhinogenous
4 abiogenesis
5 myogenic
14 forming or generating gas or air 1 skeletogenous
2 merogenesis
3 aerogenesis
4 trichogenous
5 paragenesis
15 variation in response to outside conditions 1 carpogenous
2 protogenic
3 ectogenesis
4 angiogenesis
5 phytogenesis
16 produced on land; produced by the land 1 terrigenous
2 morphogenesis
3 vitelligenous
4 planetogeny
5 sporogenesis
17 producing or produced in urine 1 nubigenous
2 urogenous
3 gluconeogenesis
4 angiogenesis
5 trichogenous
18 formation or development of rocks 1 petrogenesis
2 hydrogenic
3 planetogeny
4 hallucinogenic
5 steatogenous
19 origin and development of the mind 1 agamogenesis
2 caenogenesis
3 cladogenesis
4 glycogenesis
5 psychogenesis
20 growing on decaying material; causing putrefaction 1 saprogenous
2 thymogenic
3 spermiogenesis
4 heterogenesis
5 histogenesis
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 origin of life according to natural law 1 thaumatogeny
2 nomogeny
3 lactogenic
4 bibliogenesis
5 agamogenesis
22 production of cartilage 1 allergenic
2 chondrogenesis
3 criminogenic
4 ideogeny
5 phylogenesis
23 producing regeneration of tissue 1 neogenesis
2 taphrogenesis
3 geomorphogeny
4 cosmogenic
5 oncogenesis
24 origin or development of living organs 1 trichogenous
2 epeirogenesis
3 glycogenesis
4 organogenesis
5 gelogenic
25 of unknown origin 1 kinetogenic
2 embryogenesis
3 oestrogenic
4 cryptogenic
5 necrogenic
26 derived from plants 1 ethnogeny
2 aerogenesis
3 viridigenous
4 petrogenesis
5 phytogenic
27 creation of a weather front by meeting of air currents 1 necrogenic
2 zoogenic
3 somatogenic
4 frontogenesis
5 pythogenic
28 doubling of ordinarily single organ or part 1 oncogenesis
2 geogeny
3 keratogenic
4 diplogenesis
5 phytogenesis
29 producing hair 1 trichogenous
2 cyanogenesis
3 chondrogenesis
4 sociogenesis
5 isogeny
30 producing greenness 1 diplogenesis
2 geogeny
3 zymogenic
4 taphrogenesis
5 viridigenous
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 production and formation of organs 1 pyogenic
2 typhogenic
3 organogenesis
4 mammogenic
5 pathogenesis
32 producing or produced by poisons 1 toxicogenic
2 spermiogenesis
3 erogenesis
4 typhogenic
5 criminogenic
33 produced by radioactive disintegration 1 radiogenic
2 mythogenesis
3 urogenous
4 heterogenesis
5 epeirogenesis
34 origin of offspring from identical parent 1 neurogenesis
2 criminogenic
3 orthogenesis
4 monogenesis
5 protogenic
35 origin or induction of mutation 1 heterogenesis
2 metallogeny
3 taphrogenesis
4 kinetogenic
5 mutagenesis
36 formation of minerals as a joined mass 1 trichogenous
2 metallogeny
3 rhinogenous
4 paragenesis
5 mythogenesis
37 origin of myths 1 lactogenic
2 gamogenesis
3 polygenesis
4 cariogenic
5 mythogenesis
38 of multiple origin or composition 1 nubigenous
2 catogenic
3 polygenous
4 spermatogenesis
5 exogenous
39 production of eggs or ova 1 dysgenesis
2 metallogenic
3 vitelligenous
4 agamogenesis
5 oogenesis
40 producing coral 1 zoogenic
2 lactogenic
3 nomogeny
4 coralligenous
5 heterogenesis
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 directional evolution of organisms 1 lithogenous
2 cosmogenic
3 orthogenesis
4 epeirogenesis
5 cryptogenic
42 not causing disease 1 caenogenesis
2 catogenic
3 gamogenesis
4 steatogenous
5 nonpathogenic
43 production of blood vessels 1 immunogenic
2 angiogenesis
3 epeirogenesis
4 orogenesis
5 ideogeny
44 origin and evolution as if branching from common ancestor 1 epeirogenesis
2 orogenesis
3 cladogenesis
4 mammogenic
5 biogenesis
45 causing movement 1 kinetogenic
2 nomogeny
3 dysgenesis
4 oestrogenic
5 diplogenesis
46 spontaneous or alternate generation 1 psychogenesis
2 neurogenesis
3 xenogenous
4 heterogenesis
5 lachrymogenic
47 spontaneous generation 1 blastogenesis
2 angiogenesis
3 autogenesis
4 cyanogenesis
5 nonpathogenic
48 induction of sexual desire; production of arousal 1 lachrymogenic
2 erogenesis
3 taphrogenesis
4 lithogenous
5 geogeny
49 theory that all life is derived from living matter alone 1 frontogenesis
2 terrigenous
3 biogenesis
4 hydrogenic
5 cladogenesis
50 origin or development of a body part or organ 1 odontogeny
2 urogenous
3 myogenic
4 organogenesis
5 morphogenesis
  by Mosh   Suggestions?