Quiz 3 of 50 -- SAT Words

Number Question Answer Your answer
1 combative; belligerent 1 pugnacious
2 stoic
3 pragmatic
4 incorrigible
5 vilify
2 warm and sincere; friendly 1 cordial
2 temperate
3 cantankerous
4 permeated
5 embellish
3 having or producing sound 1 benevolent
2 medley
3 thwart
4 sonorous
5 obscure (adj or v)
4 characterized by a strait-laced sense of propriety; serious 1 innate
2 staid
3 punctilious
4 paramount
5 amenable
5 of chief concern or importance 1 impenetrable
2 paramount
3 urbane
4 unpalatable
5 embellish
6 open to more than one interpretation 1 ambiguous
2 soporific
3 insightful
4 purist
5 surreptitious
7 false charges and malicious oral statements or reports about someone 1 slander
2 emphatic
3 patronizing
4 coup
5 novel
8 a judge who decides a disputed issue 1 soporific
2 conflagration
3 substantiated
4 arbiter
5 gregarious
9 stubbornly adhering to an opinion or a course of action 1 frenetic
2 obstinate
3 trenchant
4 impinge
5 heresy
10 easily broken when subjected to pressure 1 brittle
2 ample
3 furtive
4 epiphany
5 dogged
Number Question Answer Your answer
11 describing a large amount of something 1 ample
2 superfluous
3 pander
4 tacit
5 obstinate
12 somber, stern 1 implacable
2 austere
3 feral
4 poignant
5 remote
13 playfully humorous 1 obstinate
2 facetious
3 specious
4 curtailed
5 cordial
14 relatively unknown; or to conceal or make indistinct 1 obscure (adj or v)
2 intuitive
3 opulent
4 fractious
5 zealous
15 not spoiled; pure 1 prudent
2 fabricated
3 ponderous
4 pristine
5 impinge
16 possessing careful attention to detail 1 sedentary
2 adage
3 mundane
4 fastidious
5 disingenuous
17 able to pay one's debts 1 salutary
2 quandary
3 solvent
4 impede
5 feral
18 commendable 1 fabricated
2 exemplary
3 vacuous
4 affable
5 immutable
19 describing a dry, rainless climate 1 insightful
2 arid
3 milk
4 laudatory
5 haughty
20 extra; unnecessary 1 superfluous
2 nascent
3 stupor
4 stratagem
5 nocturnal
Number Question Answer Your answer
21 expressed with emphasis 1 ostentatious
2 emphatic
3 poignant
4 pander
5 feasible
22 to cater to the lower tastes and desires of others or exploit their weaknesses 1 vacuous
2 pander
3 obdurate
4 paramount
5 facile
23 an assortment or a mixture, especially of musical pieces 1 adage
2 salutary
3 aberration
4 catalog (v)
5 medley
24 to take power by force 1 aesthetic
2 frank
3 thwart
4 usurp
5 ebullience
25 savage, fierce, or untamed 1 squalor
2 indolent
3 fastidious
4 plagiarism
5 feral
26 the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure 1 mural
2 equanimity
3 effusive
4 decorous
5 zealous
27 insulting in manner or speech 1 pugnacious
2 disingenuous
3 vilify
4 solvent
5 insolent
28 made; concocted in order to deceive 1 fabricated
2 wary
3 brittle
4 serene
5 conflagration
29 capable of being accomplished; possible 1 feasible
2 facetious
3 unfettered
4 mollify
5 abstruse
30 having no useful purpose 1 futile
2 insolent
3 epiphany
4 dictatorial
5 arid
Number Question Answer Your answer
31 supported with proof or evidence; verified 1 mollify
2 garrulous
3 solvent
4 convoluted
5 substantiated
32 calm 1 tenuous
2 capacious
3 serene
4 timorous
5 clandestine
33 describing words or phrases that belittle or speak negatively of someone 1 emphatic
2 pejorative
3 wane
4 opulent
5 enervate
34 the philosophy or science of law 1 suppressed
2 impetuous
3 lament
4 adamant
5 jurisprudence
35 strictly attentive to minute details; picky 1 enmity
2 dilatory
3 punctilious
4 fabricated
5 laconic
36 subject to erratic behavior; unpredictable 1 brittle
2 maverick
3 insipid
4 whimsical
5 fractious
37 good will between friends 1 nocturnal
2 camaraderie
3 furtive
4 penitent
5 trite
38 condescendingly proud 1 parody
2 effusive
3 haughty
4 heresy
5 contemptuous
39 one who is independent and resists adherence to a group 1 facetious
2 maverick
3 curtailed
4 superfluous
5 annihilate
40 a clever trick used to deceive or outwit 1 torpor
2 stratagem
3 plagiarism
4 portend
5 sedentary
Number Question Answer Your answer
41 describing a showy or pretentious display 1 ostentatious
2 candor
3 thwart
4 patronizing
5 laudatory
42 clearness in thought or expression 1 clarity
2 punctilious
3 disingenuous
4 stoic
5 naïve
43 extremely careful and precise 1 staid
2 reclamation
3 impromptu
4 prophetic
5 meticulous
44 treating in a condescending manner 1 cogent
2 emulate
3 ephemeral
4 deleterious
5 patronizing
45 short-lived or temporary 1 facetious
2 transitory
3 fastidious
4 stoic
5 indigenous
46 proper; marked by good taste 1 whimsical
2 pristine
3 frank
4 garrulous
5 decorous
47 brief and to the point; concise 1 disdain
2 parody
3 incumbent (adj)
4 terse
5 inconsequential
48 a big painting applied directly to a wall 1 prodigious
2 parochial
3 conscientious
4 adamant
5 mural
49 notably polite and elegant in manner; suave 1 rancorous
2 urbane
3 ruse
4 debunk
5 dictatorial
50 describing unrestrained emotional expression; gushy 1 tenet
2 milk
3 mercurial
4 effusive
5 slander
  by Mosh   Suggestions?